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Savage Demo Lets You FPS/RTS On Linux & Windows 39

Ant writes "According to Blue's News, there's a playable demo for S2Games' FPS/RTS hybrid, Savage: The Battle for Newerth now available, providing the chance to sample multiplayer under either Windows (143 MB) or Linux (155 MB)." There are also BitTorrents of the Windows demo and the Linux demo, courtesy GameTab, for this welcome Linux-friendly title, recently cause for controversy when GameSpot pulled a review of it after "...allegations by the game's developers that the reviewer of the product did not play it for a sufficient length of time."
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Savage Demo Lets You FPS/RTS On Linux & Windows

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  • heh... (Score:3, Informative)

    by rwven ( 663186 ) on Tuesday October 07, 2003 @07:12PM (#7158509)
    this is NOT flamebait. i was a beta tester for this game and such and i can honestly say i am not impressed with the final product. it's just kinda uninspiring... but in any case, you're welcome to have your own opinion ;) cool in concept but bad in implementation IMHO
  • .. what does it take to install this game in Linux? Is it like RPM, or do you have to run a Make script or something? Just wondering if it's any different than running setup.exe and hitting OK a couple of times in Windows.
    • It's a self-extracting sh (shell) script. The data is included in the script to install the game.

    • It uses the Loki Installer, which is a nice GUI frontend that installs the files where they are needed (mostly /usr/local/games/ and a shell script to launch in /usr/bin) It looks like S2 made it default for a single user install see install here [mrfixitonline.com] but has a multiuser install option.
  • i was impressed (Score:3, Interesting)

    by Alcimedes ( 398213 ) on Tuesday October 07, 2003 @07:44PM (#7158733)
    to me it's been a lot of fun. a game where your strategist is a person, and the units you have to work with are people.

    all in all very nice. of course, a bad commander and you're hosed, so the key is to get folks who are good on both ends, the FPS and the RTS angles.

    it just stuck me as the perfect solution to really crappy AI problems that have plauged games since the beginning.

    • Re:i was impressed (Score:3, Interesting)

      by MMaestro ( 585010 )
      If you get a bad commander, thats when you start using the vote system. Course if you wait too long to use it, you'll find yourself facing enemies with level 3 equipment (3 is the highest) while you're still using the crossbow (the second ranged weapon you'll get). Naturally, I'm only saying this because I've had this happen to me.

      Surprisingly, players on the FPS side -actually- work well with their teams as a result of the game's balance. With the exception of a few complaints here and there (for example

  • by spineboy ( 22918 )
    Im DLing it at a measley 25 kb/sec.
    Bah should be called something more like
    • Some of us would give a lot to be able to hit 25KB/sec.
  • At http://linux.warcry.com
  • I got the linux demo from gamer's hell [gamershell.com] at like 150k/s. Its a pretty fun game, except that every time I get killed and respawn, the mouse is all screwed up so the screen spins like mad. Also when I try to quit the game just hangs there and I have to manually kill it. I'll try it again in a week or so, hopefully those issues will be sorted out quickly.
    • That's a known problem, and it is useually because of how X is configured on your machine. You probably have "omit dga" in your XF86conifg. That's not precisely the line, but it is close enough that you will be able to find it. If you remove the "omit" so that the DGA extension does get loaded, it will work fine. I would be willing to bet you are running Gentoo, aren't you? Apparently Gentoo is just about the only distribution that configures X this way out of the box... But in any case, making this change
  • Tried to get it to work on my Gentoo Linux install, using a Radeon 7200 with xfree drm... Ran it as root to make sure it wasn't a problem with anything in a normal user blocking it, and it rendered like complete crap. The mouse cursor was a block, none of the graphics had color or textures, and it was completely unplayable. Anyone able to make it work with an older Radeon?
    • Re:Renders like crap (Score:1, Interesting)

      by Anonymous Coward
      Hi, this is James from S2games. Before the very sexy Trev sent me hes graphics card I was running savage on a 1.7xp, 512 2100, 7200 64meg piece of baddly constructed excuse of a pc. It got about 15-20 fps without those problems you mentioned. Please refer to the 'important performance information' document within savage\docs. That may solve your troubles, if not drop by at support.s2games.com (the tech support forums).

      Cya on the flip side and hope you can get it working
      • I'm not too worried about the demo not working, I've got other pcs in the house that I'm currently switching my os on that I'll be trying it on. Going out to buy a copy of the game with a friend today, and will be worrying about setting it up then. Thanks for the help, I'm definitely excited to get the game working, just didn't have the time last night and didn't want to waste it if it wasn't going to work with the card. Thanks again.
  • by antdude ( 79039 ) on Wednesday October 08, 2003 @12:52AM (#7160620) Homepage Journal
    A very pretty game and it has nice music, but not really my type of game. It did remind of Natural Selection mod: http://www.natural-selection.org ... I like its aliens vs. humans with science fiction theme better. :)

    Good job, S2Games! Nice work especially with a small company and Linux support. I hope to see more games out of you, guys.
  • I got this game the other day on a whim and I am rather impressed. It has several features going for it that I rather like. The first feature has to do with obtaining the game. You can go to the store and buy it or you have the option of saving $10(US) and downloading it. The download is available as an installer or as an ISO.

    The second big feature that I really like is that since you have a commander the team oriented features work a lot smoother (with a good commander). There is nothing in life as
  • Good Game (Score:2, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward

    I've been playing off and on for the last 12 hrs (nice to be able to do that when you want). After an hour or so of playing it does really start to shine.


    graphics are superb

    gameplay is smooth

    netcode is a bit better then good

    Balance is well thought out

    get into some incredibly complex strategy when the team is communicating well


    not being able to go to the armory and change weapons on the fly.

    a building of healing, regeneration

    lack of bots when in command mode. Nice for single player or 1 on 1.

  • by inkless1 ( 1269 )

    Couldn't sleep last night, got started on the Savage demo. It annoyed me at first, it didn't like the screen resolution I had chosen and needed to be beaten to play at first. My first couple of games I was pretty horribly confused and mostly just seemed to be respawning. The game doesn't feel much like an FPS to be honest, it actually kinda feels like you are playing one of those animated figures from an RTS game. For people who are expecting Quake slammed into Warcraft, you'll be a bit disappointed,
  • Inside Mac Games [insidemacgames.com] has a small write up on Savage coming to Mac OS X.

    According to S2 Games' member Sam McGrath "Companies that say porting to Mac is hard don't know how to write good code."

    Pretty cool.
  • Can somebody please post up some screenshots, preferable from both Linux and Windows version. If you've got a GeForce card with NVidia's accelerated driver, it should run/look quite nice in 'nix

It is clear that the individual who persecutes a man, his brother, because he is not of the same opinion, is a monster. - Voltaire
