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PlayStation (Games) Games Entertainment

Hands-On With Sony's PSX Operating System 15

MMaestro writes "GameSpot has a hands-on report after using the OS for Sony's new PSX 'digital media hub'. They report that the OS is actually easy to use, although the real test will probably come when Joe Average tries one out himself. On a side note, for those who would like to use the built-in DVD-R drive, GameSpot reports: 'Not only does the console lack the ability to record MP3s, but it's not compatible with AVI or VCD formats either.' So for all you console hackers out there, here is one more thing to look forward to cracking." GameSpot has a screenshot of the new menu system, and Watch Impress' earlier pictures included two others, for the curious.
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Hands-On With Sony's PSX Operating System

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  • by pecosdave ( 536896 ) on Thursday October 09, 2003 @07:49AM (#7170937) Homepage Journal
    And will the Linux kit work? if that works it should play any format you want it to.
    • I strongly doubt that the linux kit will work. Besides, wasn't the jist of the linux kit the hard drive? The PSX already has one built it.

      I don't think this'll be modded nearly as much as the articles suggests.
      This isn't messing with a $199 PS2, We've got a $500+ piece of equipment here. I'd be awful nervous to go soldering away in there.
      • You might be, but look at some of the overclocking nuts, case-modders and so on - those loonies are playing with thousands of dollars worth of kit with a good risk of letting the magic smoke out if they make a tiny mistake. There's sure to be enough people out there who want to mod the PSX and have either a lot of guts or more money than sense ;)
    • Everyone else does.

  • Sony makes some of the hardest to use remotes. All of the buttons are (pretty much) the same size, and they are really slender, but friggin tall so my average-sized hands can't access all of the buttons without moving my hands and looking down.

    Sony makes OK hardware, but their remotes make me shy away from the system as a whole.

    Oddly enough, the (first) PS2 remote was one of their nicer remote controls.
  • although the real test will probably come when Joe Average tries one out himself.

    At $700+ I don't know how many Joe Average's are going to be getting these. This really seems more like a toy for geeks.

"Why should we subsidize intellectual curiosity?" -Ronald Reagan
