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Zelda GameCube Bundle Dated 65

Thanks to the Gaming-Age forum regulars for pointing out that the GameCube hardware bundle, including classic Zelda titles will have a November 18th retail release at a $99 price point, according to the EBGames site. This means the hardware bundle, including bonus disc "containing multiple classic Zelda titles" (specifically The Legend of Zelda, Zelda II: The Adventure of Link, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask, and a demo of The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker) will now arrive in stores on the same day as Mario Kart: Double Dash, another eagerly-awaited Nintendo title.
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Zelda GameCube Bundle Dated

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  • to know if they will provide early adopters a chance to actually get these instead of shelling out for the hardware again.
    • Re:I want (Score:3, Informative)

      by Guppy06 ( 410832 )
      Just wait unilt the release date. After Wind Waker was released and they started to pack the first bonus disk in with the consoles, they also bundled it with a Nintendo Power subscription at their online store []. So even if they don't make it a pre-order gimmick for Four Swords GCN, you'll still be able to get it.

      I'm currently putting off a few other orders from their store until this comes out (mmm... SNES s-video...).
      • by AvantLegion ( 595806 ) on Sunday October 19, 2003 @05:36PM (#7256393) Journal
        Nintendo is stubborn occasionally to the point of outright stupidity (read: N64 cartridge format, continued anti-online gaming nonsense), but this will be available to people one way or another.

        Not long after Wind Waker's release, tons of the preorder bonus disc were available "used" at game stores like EB (though most of the copies were untouched). I'm sure plenty of people just wanted Wind Waker, and saw selling the unwanted bonus disc back as collecting free money (or free store credit, more likely).

        Likewise, plenty of holiday GC purchases will be by people uninterested in "that crappy old games disc". If the used bins aren't polluted with a bunch of copies before Christmas, they certainly will be after.

        Still, hopefully there will be more direct ways of getting a copy, similar to the Wind Waker ones you cited.

        (BTW, Super NES through S-Video is awesome. Enjoy.)

  • Exactly where can I order this and be guaranteed to have this bundle?
    • Well, wait around for Nov 18, when it's released, and I'm sure you'll be able to order it at any number of sites, or as someone else mentioned actually go to a Store {target, kmart, walmart, EBGames, Babbages, whatever}.

      Being as how other such bundles have been very common, I think you can rest somewhat-assured that you can get it.

      Keep in mind the 2 N64 zelda's were bundled with Wind Waker, and back when GC's were $150 they usually were bundled with a game like Metroid or Mario. Bundles aren't some crazy
      • Keep in mind the 2 N64 zelda's were bundled with Wind Waker
        Actually the two games bundled with Wind Waker were Ocarina of Time and Ocarina of Time: Master Quest. This disc will have Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask, so Master Quest is still exclusive to the earlier disc.
  • Maybe I'm just out of it, but I am not seeing where on the ebgames site you are getting this November 18 date from.

    Could we have a direct link, please? Thanks.
  • Why was this great title for SNES left out?
  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • Looks like I'll be purchasing a Gamecube at walmart and be returning it sans-bonus disk. Walmart is the greatest rental store/free components store ever.
  • How is it that everyone believes that this bundle has been confirmed, when all stories simply point toIGN's report??? IGN is the only website that has "confirmed it", but the only proof they offer is an easily created image of the bonus disc packaging, and every other site on the Internet has been quoting them like it's gospel!

    Despite my cynicism, I sincerely hope the bonus disc exists. I've been a Zelda fan since the first game was released way back in the day, and I'd love to have it on a console again
    • by Anonymous Coward
      While you make an excellent point about the nature of rumor distribution on the internet, had you actually paid attention when reading this story and its comments, you would have realized that is accepting preorders for the $99-gamecube-plus-zelda-bonus-disc combo. And they state a release/shipping date of Nov. 18.

      The "confirmed" comes from the fact that if this is NOT for real, EBGames is technically committing an illegal action by offering it up for sale and accepting money for it.
      • You make a good point, but I did visit EB Games's website and...

        1) EB Games offers no details, other than a release date, and the fact that it is a Zelda related bonus disc released by Nintendo.

        2) Nintendo still hasn't confirmed it in any way, shape or form, so EB Games is likely breaching some confidentiality agreement by posting that little bit anyway.
    • seems to have removed the bundle from their website now. It was there before, without any information, and now it's totally gone.
  • perhaps a bit too long, but this is what will finally get me to shell out $100 bucks for a GameCube. Though personally, I do wish it came with A Link To The Past (rather than forcing me to get the GBA version)

    It's sad in a way that this will be my first Nintendo Console since the NES. With the exception of my Gameboy, while there have been enough titles available for the other consoles that I own, Nintendo has always been had issues. Even on the Gamecube, the only games I'm really after is are Pikmin, Zeld
  • Why don't you throw in Link's Adventure while you're at it?
  • Absolutely Perfect timing. I just bought a gamecube this weekend. Now what am I going to do?
  • by zapp ( 201236 ) on Monday October 20, 2003 @11:23AM (#7261104)
    from the IGN article:
    At Nintendo's request, we have removed the package art from our site. With no official Nintendo announcement, this is still to be treated as a rumor.

    Also, the link [] provided to EBGame's reference of this bundle has been taken down.

"It's what you learn after you know it all that counts." -- John Wooden
