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Real Time Strategy (Games) Entertainment Games

Warcraft - From The Screen To The Board 38

Thanks to OgreCave for their article discussing the imminent arrival of the Warcraft-licensed board game, adapting Blizzard's classic RTS series for paper-gaming. They point to a new article on maker Fantasy Flight Games' site, where "...designer Kevin Wilson described his desire to have an endless variety of scenarios for the game, and how victory points and interchangable board pieces will make it possible." The game itself, shipping later this month, will have "13 board sections alone, helping bring the game's component count to over 400 pieces", but despite the large amount of units, an earlier article describes the design goal: " create a fun, relatively simple game that could be played in under 2 hours while still capturing enough of Warcraft's charm to have players yelling 'Zug zug!' and 'At your command, my Lord!'"
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Warcraft - From The Screen To The Board

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  • If anything, this will just get more people interested in Warhammer.
    • Not likely. That's the sole purpose of it taking under 2 hours. I used to play Warhammer and let me just say that those games could feel like epic games of Risk in the days of yore. I for one would be glad to try out a Warcraft board game played like Warhammer as I have a good feeling it would be more fast paced and strategies could involve hundreds of pieces rather easily. That is to say, damn Blizzard is gonna make some cash money on this. Of course, getting me back to a warhammer like board game would be
    • Re:Warhammer? (Score:3, Insightful)

      by hibiki_r ( 649814 )

      I really don't think so. This game seems to have nothing to do with a standard miniature game like warhammer. In fact, just the price difference makes the games completely different. A $30-$50 game is very different from spending a few hundred dollars per player, + the time investment of painting the miniatures, which appeals to some people, but is a no-no to many others.

      Warcraft does take a lot of artwork and race design from Warhammer, but the game mechanics have nothing to do with each other. Thus, a Wa

    • Two things (Score:3, Insightful)

      by misuba ( 139520 )
      1) To others in the thread that claim that Warcraft and Starcraft rip off Warhammer Fantasy and 40K, respectively: this rings about as hollow as White Wolf's recent suit against the producers of Underworld. Both are actually ripping off a common source - in this case, Tolkien - and unless you can make a case for more specific infringement, that's the rightful end of it.

      2) If a Warcraft board game will make Warcraft fans flock to Warhammer, why didn't Starcraft make Warcraft players pick up, say, Master of

  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • What kind of world do we live in where a Warcraft boardgame is going to see the light of day and Warcraft Adventures [] was canceled half-way through its production?
  • Diversification (Score:3, Insightful)

    by etherlad ( 410990 ) <> on Monday October 20, 2003 @07:51AM (#7259580) Homepage
    Wow, an MMORPG [] coming out, a pen-and-paper [] RPG from the good people at White Wolf, and now a board game. Blizzard's really putting their brand in as many pots as they can. Wonder if it'll pay off?
    • Oh, the computer side will probably pay off big. Blizzard always does well with it's games.
      Don't know about the RPG and board game. Doesn't matter, if it flops it doesn't hurt them anyways.
  • Alternatively, you could go get a boxed set of Warhammer and play the game that the entire Warcraft universe ripped off...
  • So instead of players shouting "LAG!" or "Disconnected?!?!" They're shouting misc stuff "Me so horned, he hurt you long time" I see this as just warhammer with different styles of units. For people wanting starcraft... Warhammer 40k.. A lot of dice, measurements, etc. It'd be fun though to see Huntress's just appear out of nowhere from my ancient of war. I'd buy it, if it came pre-painted.
    • No, I'd be shouting...

      "Join the army, they said."
      "See the world, they said."
      "I'd rather be sailing."

      "Who wants to sing?"

      Bonus points to the first person to tell me the source of those two sets of quotes...
    • RTFA. It's not a miniatures game, it's a board game with little wooden pieces.
  • Did anyone hear Victory Point, see the board, and immediately think of Settlers of Catan? A funny "coincidence"

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