Nintendo Comment On Alleged Problems 111
Thanks to GMR Magazine for their feature interviewing Nintendo executives about alleged issues with their console strategy, as "a sentiment spreading throughout the industry holds that Nintendo is marching its own way right out of the home-console business." Perrin Kaplan of Nintendo suggests there are three ways to look at her company's position: "One would be how we are doing financially, and we're clearly No. 1. Second, where are we perceptionwise, and we suffer being third there. And then the third is the actual reality of the market share, and I'd say that we're No. 2 worldwide." She also takes Xbox to task, suggesting Microsoft's console may be too adult-oriented: "They chose to pick a certain segment of the demographic, and Microsoft is having a heck of a time expanding out of that. That's their niche, the older guy."
Re:XBOX adult oriented? (Score:1, Funny)
Are you from Soviet Russia?
Sounds right to me (Score:5, Insightful)
On the other hand, being percived as more mature can't hurt XBox sales in the long run as those kids get older.
Re:Sounds right to me (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Sounds right to me (Score:2)
That and a demo of Rebel Strike pretty much sealed the deal for him.
However, at home, my Xbox gets the most play of any of my consoles, because it has the games I enjoy most.
Re:Sounds right to me (Score:1)
Re:Sounds right to me (Score:3, Insightful)
"Louder of the Two" (Score:1)
Game consoles are simply entertainment. Entertainment needs to be marketed. When the louder party shouts, everyone listens. Hence Playstation 2's wild success--it doesn't have the best graphics or gameplay, but it is far, far overhyped.
Sooner or later the most-hyped non-specifically-kiddie console is going to win. This is very bad for Nintendo.
I am a Nintendo fanboy, and I am extremely ashamed to write this post.
Re:Sounds right to me (Score:1)
Re:Sounds right to me (Score:1)
On the other hand, being percived as more mature can't hurt XBox sales in the long run as those kids get older.
And then Sony takes your kids in a couple of years and holds onto them forever because they've chosen not to deal with this "brand identity" crap and allow games that kids (Jak & Daxter, Ratchet & Clank, Sly Cooper), adults (
Re:Sounds right to me (Score:2)
You've missed my point entirely, mostly because you're sticking to every one of Nintendo's talking points. Regardless of whether you want to call them "kiddie", "family friendly", or even "for gamers", there'
Re:Sounds right to me (Score:1)
Where's the new stuff? (Score:2, Interesting)
I think they need to create some sort of "adult" character. The game doesn't have to have tons of blood and carjackings and other GTA stuff, just a character that doesn't look like a cartoon. There is Samus, but yet again that character is about 15 years old at this point.
You would think N
Re:Where's the new stuff? (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:Where's the new stuff? (Score:1)
Re:Where's the new stuff? (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Where's the new stuff? (Score:3, Insightful)
The point I think the earlier poster was trying to make was that Nintendo has stopped making mascots/characters that could be marketable in the future. Resting on their laurels and all that... Even companies like Disney, who have a large stable of classic characters like Mickey and Donald under perpetual copyright protection, continue to churn out new characters like Ariel and
Re:Where's the new stuff? (Score:2, Funny)
Look at Disney's most recent attempts at new character creation: mulan, pocahontas, Hercules. Haven't seen many of those toys except at the release of the respective movies.
Disney's real profitability comes from buying senators to preserve Mickey and Donald, and lawsuits against milne's family. Oh, and outright theft in the case of Kimba...err...
Re:Where's the new stuff? (Score:2)
Yes, but Disney was still trying. (Though, I'll admit that they've been outsourcing to Pixar lately.) It can be argued that Nintendo isn't anymore.
Mickey and Donald don't bring in much money. .. Disney's real profitability comes from buying senators to preserve Mickey and Donald.
Why preserve Mickey & Co. if they still aren't
Re:Where's the new stuff? (Score:2)
Underestimate Animal Crossing at your peril.
Nintendo isn't clueless after all (Score:5, Insightful)
Microsoft has been and will always be losing money on Xbox. Sony is losing profit in hardware sales because their console sales have eroded. Nintendo's has increased.
MSFT's marketing machine in North America is much more refined then even Sony's is. However, they also spent millions more then anyone else has in marketing (just because Bill can). Considering that Nintendo spends a fraction of MSFT's marketing cost promoting the Xbox, Nintendo's market cost per console sales makes it easier to sell the Cube at $99.
Also, Nintendo is in a nice niche right now. It doesn't need to compete for the "older" gamers. Why spend the marketing money? Let MSFT and Sony spend millions in marketing to slug it out for what's left of a saturated "older" gamer market.
Re:Nintendo isn't clueless after all (Score:2, Insightful)
Well, maybe the largest number of games you are anticipating. People forget that this isn't an objective business when talking about game or console quality. Everyone's opinion varies. Personally, there's only one game that I see in the next year coming out for my GC that's worth buying, and that's the next Zelda. The only marquee title for GC exclusively this holiday that I know if is Mario Kart, and it's just not my speed. Ma
Re:Nintendo isn't clueless after all (Score:2, Funny)
1) Something with Mario and mushrooms and cars
2) Something with Mario and mushrooms and golf
3) Something with Pokemon
4) Something else with Pokemon, but this time with GameBoy connectivity!
5) Some pacman rehash
Re:Nintendo isn't clueless after all (Score:2, Interesting)
Personally, I see a lot more stuff coming out for xbox this season that appeals to me. Things like Rainbow 6, Counterstrike, Deus Ex 2 (which looks AMAZING), Crimson Skies, etc. The rest of the games I see coming out that interes
Re:Nintendo isn't clueless after all (Score:1)
Re:Nintendo isn't clueless after all (Score:1)
You see, I love Japanese RPGs, but since I rarely have large blocks of play time
Re:Nintendo isn't clueless after all (Score:2)
I think that is probably exactly what the difference is between 'you' and the 'average gamer'. I enjoyed my N64, but I got sick of not having enough game variety. Remakes of the games I already played don't sell me on a system, e
Re:Nintendo isn't clueless after all (Score:2)
Now, that expected $500 million profit for the year sounds dandy and all, but they didn't expect a loss for the first half, either. So basi
Re:Nintendo isn't clueless after all (Score:1, Flamebait)
Re:Nintendo isn't clueless after all (Score:1, Flamebait)
and the problem is? (Score:4, Interesting)
uhm, correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't "older" guys (and when I say older I'm talking twenties and thirties) the ones with the most disposable income and the time to actually play games? It seems to me that Microsoft is, or is trying to at least, steal away the "Nintendo" generation. The kids who grew up playing NES and SNES. Worked with me at least. It might be a niche, but it's a hell of a niche to have cornered.
Re: Yes and No (Score:2)
I've got a fairly large collection of Xbox games. They love me at EB Games, but they don't like my tastes. (Of course, I think they are all like the 'Comic Book Guy' from the Simpsons, talking about which RPG is the most realistic)
I buy a lot of games, but I never FINISH any of them. Simpsons Hit and Run is my latest. I bought it, I played it, I had fun, and now it is time to move on. I think that I actually completed something like 18% of the game. No, I am not going to 'explore' th
Re:and the problem is? (Score:4, Interesting)
but aren't "older" guys (and when I say older I'm talking twenties and thirties) the ones with the most disposable income and the time to actually play games?
I might have the money, but I have work and family commitments now - I'm lucky to get in a few hours of gaming (GameCube or PC) each week. And I did grow up playing a lot of NES and SNES, so I'm partail to the big N.
Right now with my limited spare time I prefer the ability to play a few extremenly high quality titles then a lot of mediocre ones - so I own a GameCube rather than an XBox.
Re:and the problem is? (Score:1)
I knew I should of added single. I come home from work and will quite happily drop down on the couch and play some Kotor, or Madden, or SSX Tricky, or what have you to unwind. Of course I haven't fired up the ole Xbox in a couple of weeks, but that's mostly because Kotor is a bit played out
Re:and the problem is? (Score:1)
I think I might still have more PS2 games than Cube games, but it's fairly close, and I've had the Cube significantly les
Re:and the problem is? (Score:2)
It comes down to the fact that Xbox has two good exclusive games: Halo and KOTOR, and now Halo will be outdone by its PC and Mac versions...so that leaves KOTOR. So, for someone like me (who has eight consoles and finds time to play every other day or so), a console that only has one good exclusive game is not going to find a space near my TV.
If Shenmue III i
Re:and the problem is? (Score:1)
Re:and the problem is? (Score:1)
Re:and the problem is? (Score:1)
Re:and the problem is? (Score:1)
First, there are more teen members than of the 20-30ish demographic. Second, their income is nearly 100% disposable. You can't count your rent, food, etc, as disposable income, as it isn't. The amount you spend on video games, big screen TV, etc. is disposable.
In your comment, you hi
Re:and the problem is? (Score:1)
You're right, I can't count those things, which is why I mentioned them. When it comes down to it, I have about $300-400/ pay check in disposable income, which I readily admit is probably significantly higher than average for my age, although a good
Re:and the problem is? (Score:1)
Sheesh, modern journalism sucks (Score:1, Interesting)
In reality, compared to Microsoft's perpetual financial hemorrhages in this market and lack of ability to turn their single major innovation (online gaming) into a PS2-beating advantage, and compared to Sony's stagnant sales, Nintendo is smelling like roses right now.
Re:Sheesh, modern journalism sucks (Score:2)
he speaks the truth
Family Friendly (Score:1)
A game like Mario Golf was a decent game, but I developed cavities from all the bouncy/cute/happy characters.
I don't think Nintendo has to start making "adult" games, but there has to be a middle ground between "It'sa me!" and "Die you bitch!" I think Viewtiful Joe is a good example of a game that looks good, is pretty cool, is fun to play, and doesn't have anyth
Re:Family Friendly (Score:1)
Nintendo sometimes seems to forget that there is a line between cute enough to be appealing to all ages but not embarrassing and cute enough that many adults will feel stupid playing the game. They sometimes cross this line.
Ask yourself this simple question... (Score:1, Troll)
Apple hasn't had to give a bunch of interviews about why iTunes and iTMS is being perceived as unsuccessful.
Sony doesn't have to give a bunch of interviews about the PS2's perceived failure.
EA isn't out talking to everyone about the perceived poor reception of Madden '04.
Of course they have had to explain themselves for EA.com plenty of times. Quite the parallel I'd say.
People and companies don't explain themselves unless they have explai
Re:Ask yourself this simple question... (Score:2, Insightful)
I don't agree - I think this latest wave of Nintendo-bashing is the very reason they're trying to get their side of the story out. Granted, they had a slow start and now with 3 successful consoles to develop games for that take upwards of 2 years to complete, some licensees are jumping off the big N's ship. But Nintendo is far from out of the game and is actually in a very strong position to come back IMO. As long as
Re:Ask yourself this simple question... (Score:1)
1) People keep asking the same questions, so they give them answers.
2) They have to put something out, or better developers will start to wonder if they have a plan to handle the perceived issues, and bail out as well.
Apple hasn't had to give a bunch of interviews about why iTunes and iTMS is being perceived as unsuccessful.
That's right, because they released iTunes as 'the best Windows application ever', and the press sucked their ass
That's a bit of circular logic (Score:4, Insightful)
Apple hasn't had to give a bunch of interviews about why iTunes and iTMS is being perceived as unsuccessful.
No, but Apple has had to give interviews constantly since 1995 to explain that they are doing fine financially and any system you purchase from them will be supported for years to come.
It's a matter of public perception. Why spend X many dollars on a system if it is going under? That makes it useless. But if Billy says that Nintendo is going under because they don't have GTA and Microsoft does, and Nintendo says nothing, it must be true. Of course, by your logic if Nintendo starts bringing out pieces of paper with lots of impressive numbers on it, they must be lying.
People and companies don't explain themselves unless they have explaining to do. I love how they always talk about worldwide terms on the Nintendo side. I don't live worldwide, I live in the US. EA, Activision, THQ, Take-Two, these are not worldwide companies and don't care about the Gamecube's success or failure in Japan. They want consoles in the houses in the US and Europe and Nintendo just isn't delivering.
I'd like to mention here that Activision was extatic about the sales reception our game recieved in Korea, and were looking to release in more territories there. Publishers care about selling games, not about whom they sell them to. Of course, publishers tend to specialize in their own region because that's where they're drawing their talent pool from. If what you want are FPS Computer Games, then westernized companies are the way to go. However, you're ignoring the more console-centric Japanese developers such as Konami, Treasure, Sega, Namco, Capcom, etc, whom any console company also needs to placate.
While you may not live worldwide, they do sell worldwide. And worldwide numbers should matter to gamers buying a system: Sega's systems have routinely tanked in the US, but thanks to sales in Japan US gamers were still treated to Shenmue, several legendary Treasure shooters, great incarnations of Street Fighter, and many others. Even the Sega CD got Lunar 1 and 2 as well as some of Core's finest work. The Jaguar tanked everywhere: and games were completely nonexistent.
If you want to be a small-town gamer and bury your head in the American Sand, that's fine. Eidos et. al has some Legacy of Kain love stored up for you. But you will be missing out on the industry's best fighters, RPG's, twitch arcade games, racers, and many other underrepresented genres.
Nintendo does these interviews to change public perception. Saying that attempting to change public perception automatically validates that perception is as convienient an oversimplification as saying that because you live in America you automatically don't have to care about what happens abroad. If you don't want to have to think about the world around you, that's your prerogative. But don't expect your perceptions to translate to that of EA, Activision, and the rest of the western producers.
Looks like a toy? (Score:1)
Big enough for the three of us (Score:2)
The competition has done wonders. Microsoft has really pushed Sony. The system price wars have been great. The Xbox brought the hard drive and realized the kind of online gaming that the Dreamcast dreamed of. Sony's kind of scrambled to keep up on both fronts, but you can be damn sure the PS3 (as will every console from now on) will both have a nice hard drive and a cohesive online gaming plan - no m
No Flagship Title - That's What Killed It (Score:1, Insightful)
Mario Sunshine and Zelda were just too little, to late. The PS2 may have been in the same boat, but they had the advantage of backwards-compatibility, so it wasn't crucial that a FF or Gran Turismo (I can't remember if that was launch or not) weren't available at launch. But what really gave them the edge was the success of GTA. Xbox did well with Halo, but it's been slow to build. But Xbo
I love nintendo because... (Score:1)
Number 1 financially? (Score:1)
Re:Why so kiddy (Score:1, Insightful)
Your last question: "Where is the company that I used to love?"
Think about it, genius.
Rated "E" mean "Everyone" (Score:5, Insightful)
Oh, puu-leeze. The only people concerned with "looking adult" are teens who are so worried about looking like a kid that they deny themselves fun things because a kid might enjoy them too. Real adults have stopped caring about whether or not we look like kids and will do fun things because they are fun. Nintendo's games are fun. And cheap!
Re:Rated "E" mean "Everyone" (Score:2)
Re:Rated "E" mean "Everyone" (Score:2)
Yup, I'm 26, and have no problem with my gamecube. But here's an even better example, I had a termite guy come out and give me an estimate, he was definately in his late 60s, and he saw me playing zelda and started going on and on about how much he loves that game.
His only complaint was that he didn't have a lot of time to play it since his grandkids wou
cheap? (Score:1)
For Love of a Game (Score:1)
Ironically, the problem you note in the second half of your point stems from the high quality of the games themselves. To anyone who has ever played Metroid Prime, Super Smash Bros. Melee, or The Legend of Zelda: The Windwaker (okay, fine, it wasn't the best of the series), you'll understand why it's so hard to give a GCN game up. FFX is fun, but you pick it up and place it down when you're done, and so it is with most PS2 and X-Box games.
The used games market for the Gamecube is horribly shallow to the
Re:Rated "E" mean "Everyone" (Score:1)
You may as well try and argue that most adults sit down and watch cartoons all the time.
Just the mature ones.
Re:Rated "E" mean "Everyone" (Score:1)
So your anecdotal evidence determines mythology? I can counter that with my own anecdotes. I'm 33, love my GameCube, and personally know far more people my age who prefer Nintendo's games over PS2 or XBox. And we do watch a lot of cartoons, too. I also really like to play with Legos
Re: (Score:1)
Re:Rated "E" mean "Everyone" (Score:1)
how many adults would class playing those dancing/rhythm arcade games as immature?
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology has a DDR club whose members are adult students. Granted, they're in their early 20s, but they're still 18 or older. Most older people to whom I've showed DDR don't want to play it because of knee or back problems or merely fear of *FAILED* due to lack of a sense of rhythm.
Anime? (Score:1)
You may as well try and argue that most adults sit down and watch cartoons all the time.
Not all cartoons are for kids. There exist Japanese animated films and series that if dubbed and released stateside would be related PG-13/TV-14 or R/TV-MA.
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