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Wrath Unleashed - Archon Reborn? 7

Thanks to GameSpy for their preview of Wrath Unleashed, LucasArts' hex-based action strategy videogame. This PS2/Xbox title, being developed by The Collective, has some similarities to a gaming classic, as the writer explains: "If you're like me and were born in the '70s, you may yet remember Archon... Wrath Unleashed revisits and updates the original. With a shorthand mythology regarding elementals, it offers a hexagonal board game with an RPG heart." The game, which is also reminiscent of Archon co-creator Paul Reiche's under-rated The Unholy War for PlayStation, is described as a "promising mix of elements", and Wrath Unleashed's preview concludes: "The balance between action and strategy is a tricky one in games such as this ... but it does offer a distinctly old-school feel and plenty of options for different gamers."
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Wrath Unleashed - Archon Reborn?

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  • This is great news!
    Archon is one of the few C64 games that I still play today...
    If only a Gamecube version would be released though... *Sigh*
  • Excellent Game (Score:3, Informative)

    by xneilj ( 15004 ) on Thursday November 06, 2003 @08:05AM (#7406012)
    Archon stands out for me as one of the most interesting games from the C=64 era.

    There's actually a promising looking remake of Archon being made for the PC - the authors have even obtained portions of the source from one of the original authors.

    Check it out here [archonevolution.com].
  • The best 'Archon-like' game that I have ever played was Dark Legions by Canadian developer Silicon Knights.

    A massive game board, characters who cast spells and could summon, armies purchased by a point-buy system, great replayability, not that the original Archon was bad, but Dark Legions just came off as a better game. Came with a set of trading cards of all the troop types in the box too!

    Check it out here: http://www.the-underdogs.org/game.php?id=275

    Please note, I am too dumb for the HTMLing. You

  • If you didn't practice battles all the time, it didn't matter how good your tactics were, you still got your "strong" peices' arses kicked by your opponents "weak" characters. It's like playing ro-sham-bo whenever a pawn takes a queen.

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