First Jedi Player Unlocked In Star Wars Galaxies 78
mr_don't writes "TheForce.net reported today that the first appearance of a Jedi Initiate has occured in the PC MMORPG Star Wars Galaxies. The allakhazam.com Star Wars Galaxies Community Pages state: 'Monika T'Sarn of the PA Combine on the Intrepid Server unlocked her force sensitive slot today. Akinom T'Sarn (her FS character) is the first player confirmed Jedi Initiate in all of Star Wars Galaxies.' Here is a pic of the new Jedi." We recently ran a story on lack of player Jedi in SWG.
Yup, it's made by Verant. (Score:5, Informative)
1) Make a character. Max it out.
2) Camp a rare drop item from a rare spawn that everyone else wants.
3) It tells you to delevel, and max out another character of class $random
4) Camp a rare drop item from a rare spawn that everyone else wants.
5) It tells you to delevel, and max out another character of class $random2
6) Camp a rare drop item from a rare spawn that everyone else wants.
7) It tells you to delevel, and max out another character of class $random3
8) Camp a rare drop item from a rare spawn that everyone else wants.
9) It doesn't tell you what to do. You just max out 2 other classes and hope that's them
10) (Possible) Visit every location.
11) Max out a serious number of tradeskills
12) Camp some rarespawn items for the lightsabre
13) Make the first step of the lightsabre to make the Training Sabre.
14) Camp some more items for the real lightsabre.
15) Do the final combine, and it's bugged, and doesn't work.
Meanwhile, over on Ebay, SWG Bria ~Force Sensitive Jedi Slot~ [ebay.com] Jedi characters are up for sale for $510.00
Damn I'm glad I never started that game. I wonder how Luke had time to do all that between making runs out to Toshi Station for power converters.
Re:Yup, it's made by Verant. (Score:4, Insightful)
THIS game on the other hand seems to want me to pay $50 + subscription fee specifically to be a supporting cast member. It wants me to be Stormtropper #3 or Rebel Infantry #9. It's 300,000 subscribers in, and now it has ONE "possible" Jedi, that now everyone in the game will be trying to kill. This just doesn't seem like my idea of a good time.
But maybe I'm missing the appeal. Can anyone clarify for me?
Re:Yup, it's made by Verant. (Score:4, Informative)
Re:Yup, it's made by Verant. (Score:2)
Well, that's not really accurate. The Defender of the Empire expansion for TIE Fighter allowed you to become part of a secret club, advancing along in the ranks until you became "The Emperor's Hand". The advancement featured a little cut scene were someone (presumably Palpatine) shot your arm with Force-lighting, giving you a purple tatoo indicating your rank within the club.
And, arguably, the only pilots to survive THAT many runs in a shieldless snu
Re:Yup, it's made by Verant. (Score:2)
I was wondering...is "snubfighter" a Star Wars term or is it drawn from earlier maybe real world material (same way the physics are drawn from WW2 fighter planes...)
Re:Yup, it's made by Verant. (Score:2)
I thought about that, but you're not using the force ... it's being used on you. And since it's an expansion, it's not really part of the original game anyways.
I guess in the Star Wars Universe, things like `luck' and `Reload last saved game/restart level' are always based on th
Re:Yup, it's made by Verant. (Score:1)
Re:Yup, it's made by Verant. (Score:2, Interesting)
Whoever has that much time to spend on the game has got to really step back and look at his/her life. It takes an enormous amount of time to do what this person accomplished. For what really? Nothing. A game shouldn't be an
How will this affect the game as a whole? (Score:5, Insightful)
The first posibility is that it attracts new users, and drives current users to play more. The idea of actually being a Jedi will once again be cool enough to increase the userbase and allow people to see past the problems in SW:G. (Note this is not a rant about SW:G. I haven't played the game. But, like ALL videogames, EVER, it does have some problems. I'm not judging or reviewing SW:G...)
The second posibility is that it will, in the long run, piss people off. How, you ask? Others have pointed out in the past that SW:G has something no other MMORPG has had before: A specific class that is "better" than all others. EverQuest, Dark Age of Camelot, the forthcoming WarCraft MMORPG, all classes and races will be 'equal' from the standpoint that, while some are better at magic, some at melee, some at crafting, there isn't one class that is undeniably "cooler" than the others and can kick their ass. SW:G has a built-in aristocracy.
All MMORPGs, even borderline ones like Diablo, have people who have been playing obsessivly since the game came out and, whether from cheating or simply playing the game a helluva lot, have a disgusting amount of hitpoints, armor that can survive anything, and a weapon that will defeat anything. But a force sensitive player who hasn't even gained a single level is going to be "cooler" than a master dancer. It's an interesting situation that Sony has gotten themselves into.
(The third possibility, which I'm ignoring, is that it won't change a damn thing...)
Personally, I think a little of both will happen. Just the posting made me look again at SW:G forums and reviews, and think that maybe I should finally take the MMORPG plunge and join up. On the other hand, I can see people getting bored with the game quicker if they've poured their time and energy into becoming a medic or dancer or whatnot, only to feel useless when a Jedi walks into the bar.
Regardless, I DO have to compliment Sony for not allowing everyone to become a Jedi right off the bad. Because, obviously, that's what everyone would do. But regardless of the 'math' you see sometimes concerning how many Jedis there 'should' be in SW:G, obviously not every single person should be a Jedi. That would just be silly. So if Sony can keep up a ballance, and keep the game enjoyable (or, if some of the games detractors are right, make the game finally be enjoyable after another patch or two), I'll be impressed.
Diablo? (Score:4, Interesting)
Not only that, but Diablo is only an RPG in a very loose and generous application of the genre label.
Diablo is "online click-click-click game with persistant characters." p.
Re:Diablo? (Score:1)
I believe the phrase you're grasping for is "online dungeon crawl" or "rogue clone"...
Re:Diablo? (Score:1)
Re:Diablo? (Score:1)
But the point I was making, about SW:G, is tha
Re:How will this affect the game as a whole? (Score:4, Interesting)
I couldn't think of a worse game structure for a casual player. I suppose it must be nice for them to reward the truly hardcore, but what about the 95% of players who don't play for 6 hours every day and don't have the time and effort to put into reaching insane levels?
If I was playing SWG, I'd try to organise some sort of resistance - get a group together using regular characters to gang up against any Jedi characters and set a precident where people don't *want* to be Jedi or nobody will help them and they'll get repeatedly mobbed in PvP combat.
If there are Jedi, where's the Empire?
Re:How will this affect the game as a whole? (Score:4, Interesting)
Unless I misread it, I believe characters created in the "force-sensitive slot" suffer from permanent death, though the slot itself is reusable. You might even be able to attack them if they flaunt their Jedi-ness.
That should help keep the numbers down :)
Re:How will this affect the game as a whole? (Score:4, Insightful)
I find it really interesting how MMORPGs reflect our basic human natures in so many ways.
Youve been reading to much Ayn Rand (Score:2)
Re:How will this affect the game as a whole? (Score:2)
Simple reasoning, they don't want newbies to eventually become stronger than them.
Re:How will this affect the game as a whole? (Score:1, Funny)
Re:How will this affect the game as a whole? (Score:2)
Re:How will this affect the game as a whole? (Score:2)
Re:How will this affect the game as a whole? (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:How will this affect the game as a whole? (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:How will this affect the game as a whole? (Score:5, Funny)
Actually, I'm surprised that in the Star Wars films that Jedi, in general, are not hated or at least disliked due to their elevated, god-like status. The Jedi in films one and two also display a certain amount of arrogance.
Maybe that has something to do with the fact that by episode IV, there are only three left. One is a vicious psychopath who maintains his existence by throttling anyone who bothers him, the other two are reclusive hermits.
Oops, forgot the Emperor. Four, then, two of them vicious psychopaths.
Nahh, that reasoning gives Lucas far too much credit.
Re:How will this affect the game as a whole? (Score:2)
2. The Jedi says: "You don't hate me. You love me. You want to have sex with me."
3. You no longer hate a Jedi.
Re:How will this affect the game as a whole? (Score:2)
Re:How will this affect the game as a whole? (Score:1)
Re:How will this affect the game as a whole? (Score:5, Interesting)
Keep in mind that apparently force sensitive characters can only learn Jedi skills (yes, I RTA). This means that they are fairly easy to identify (well, at least anytime they aren't hiding - but you won't see them changing people's hair), and this coupled with the bounties on them will make them hunted. Sure they're cool Jedi, but now them are characters who have groups out hunting them, and they suffer permanent death.
I don't think that the average gamer will feel too jaded when you start seeing Jedi being taken down all the time, while everyone wants their character to heal them, change their appearance etc. There is a place for everyone, and Jedi aren't going to be running all over the place. Besides, you can be sure that the Dark Jedi will also be thinning the numbers
What is more likely to change the balance in-game will be the refinement of the process of unlocking the force-sensitive slot. I'm fairly sure that this still won't be something that you can do in 2 days, but will still be doable in the long term even if you only play a few hours a week (keep in mind that you are paying a subscription fee here).
I guess what I'm trying to say is that yes the Jedi are cool, but they have their own problems, and a lot of people are happy to just stick to their dancing etc and not have all of these additional problems (a lot of people play games to relax, you know). Seeing as it has taken months for the first force-sensitive slot to be unlocked (and there are still no Jedi), I am fairly confident that there will not be hundreds of Jedi running around any time soon.
Re:How will this affect the game as a whole? (Score:1, Interesting)
especially on the chat boxes
"i've killed 2 han solo"
"i've killed 10 so far"
so, make your assumptions on how anything you do affects the world from that...
Re:How will this affect the game as a whole? (Score:4, Informative)
Re:How will this affect the game as a whole? (Score:2, Insightful)
There already is an element of unbalance in the game. Bounty Hunters get a vicious attack (eyeshot) that kills players dead in a hurry and there's no way to effectively heal during the fight. I've seen player imperials with two AT-STs, which have like 70% resistance to all attacks
Re:How will this affect the game as a whole? (Score:3, Insightful)
"Balanced characters" is a convention, not an unbreakable natural law. In paper roleplaying games some very well regarded RPGs, such as Ars Magica [atlas-games.com], consciously abandon the principle that all character classes should be equivalent in power. (In ArM, for instance, mages totally rule, and everyone else is basically support.)
And you know what? Players still have fun. Players still play the "inferior" character types. Because in these games it's not about maximum firepower, it's about roleplaying. You can have
Re:How will this affect the game as a whole? (Score:2)
The second part doesn't really apply. You get three deaths or so, and two more when you reach master. After the fifth, your character gets reset. This is a great equalizer.
Am I the only one who would have... (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Am I the only one who would have... (Score:2, Insightful)
I wonder if she actually knows how she unlocked the jedi? Like does it tell you what the successful steps were, or is it just "voila! you are now a jedi for completing an unknown series of steps"?
Re:Am I the only one who would have... (Score:1)
not to troll, but how is someone being a jedi in a game newsworthy? i thought the general consensus was that this game wasnt that great anyway.
I still want a XvsT remake...
Zzzzzz...SNKK! What? (Score:2)
Uh? Oh...never mind.
Don't forget: Lucas has final approval (Score:5, Interesting)
In the interview with one of the producers on IGN [ign.com], they stated that before making announcements, they had to get approval from Lucasarts.
Basically, SWG has to conform to Lucas's vision, and based on what we've seen in the movies, that means that the odds are more likely that once there are "enough" jedis, people will start unlocking Ewok slots instead of Force-sensitive slots.
And who's going to pay for an Ewok character auction on Ebay? ;)
Re:Don't forget: Lucas has final approval (Score:4, Funny)
Furries [fur.com]
Re:Don't forget: Lucas has final approval (Score:5, Funny)
Are you kidding? A single Ewok with a sling can take down legions of Stormtroopers: you'd be the most feared character in the Empire.
Nonsense! (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Nonsense! (Score:2)
Because of the lack of people repaying for the game and even less joining the game they needed to do something to try to keep people in. So they changed from the original "We will provide no clues, everyone has a chance." To a "Here is what you need to do, provided you want to camp."
That changed the predictions from next year to a few week from when they did it.
What's up with her waist? (Score:5, Funny)
SWG Jedi characters are here... (Score:2, Insightful)
<ominous voiceover>
You... like your Father... are now.... MINE!
</ominous voiceover>
Next story on this topic... (Score:5, Funny)
What an idiot.
Linux users... (Score:2)
The list of Star Wars games that do work (if you don't mind a little tweaking) or have a chance to work are;
Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy [transgaming.com]
Star Wars Insiders Guide [transgaming.com]
Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds: Clone Campaigns [transgaming.com]
The Phantom Menace [transgaming.com]
Jedi Knight: Mysteries of the Sith [transgaming.com]
Galactic Battlegrounds [transgaming.com]
Jedi Knight: Dark Forces 2 [frankscorner.org]
Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Outcast [frankscorner.org]
Rebellion [codeweavers.com]
The devil is in the details, so take a l
Hmmm (Score:3, Insightful)
First full jedi
First full Sith
First combat between a Jedi and Sith
sad (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:sad (Score:2)
People are leaving and have left the game so much that it some major cities are now ghost towns.
Freak Sucks to be a Jedi (Score:5, Funny)
Well now we have the first Jedi, in SWG, they are supposed to be UBER-character in the game right?
The first jedi has turned into a freak show, everyone wants watch and follow them around. Look at this! [swgalaxies.net] Would you want to be a Jedi with this mob around you? No wonder all the Jedi are hermits hiding in the farthest reaches from everyone. Or maybe she will go to the dark side and start killing everyone. At least we know why they become so EVIL!
So what next? (Score:1)
All that effort just to become a lab rat!
fake (Score:1, Troll)
1) dark jedi is not implemented in the game, so she should not have a red saber..
2) the text above her head is the same size as the people 10 meters behind her (probably couldnt find the font in photoshop)..
Re:Umm.. (Score:1)
Re:fake (Score:2)
It is possible to make a fake screenie by changing the textures of a sword to be a lightsaber (although only you will see the lightsaber). But that's not what was done.
Jedi in SWG (Score:1)
First I'd like to state that I have not played this game. However, in the Star Wars Extended Universe force sensitive people are rare and during the reign of the Empire they were hunted down either to be killed, like most of the Jedi during or after the Clone Wars, or have their loyalty linked to the Emperor, as with Mara Jade and the Emperor's Hands.
The appearance of any force sensitive would probably have the empire hunting for the for one reason or another, espeically if they make a name for themself