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Doom 3 - Definitely Worth The Wait? 68

Thanks to 1UP for their borderline-gonzo article discussing how the extended wait for Doom 3 is affecting opinions of it. The naysaying author of the piece argues that id's FPS sequel "...possesses many appreciable graphical highlights, [but] much of its beauty comes from techniques that are rapidly becoming standards. Normal mapping and dynamic lighting are nothing new, and companies like Ion Storm Austin and Crytek are proving that anyone can do it." He goes on to stake out his position clearly: "I am certain Doom will be great fun for what it is, but I just don't know if fans of the original and its Serious [Sam] inspiring style will dig something paced so radically different. I am also unsure of whether or not action gamers... will buy into a title that seems to lack the excessive fiction, approachability and interactivity that drive practically all of today's modern games." Update: 11/27 17:18 GMT by S : There's also a new mini-interview with John Carmack regarding Doom 3 over at CGW.
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Doom 3 - Definitely Worth The Wait?

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  • I'm all for it!
    I'm fed up with games that 'feature' horrible acting, crappy FMV and hackneyed, generic stories.
    Bring on the frag-fest!

  • At this ppint, I could care less about Doom3. KOTOR and Deus Ex 2 (demo) is occupying my time.

    In 2012, when the game actually comes out, ask me again.

  • Well, I personally am looking forward to DOOM3, simply because its so pretty, but then again so is HL2. The market is being flooded with "Great" FPS. I personally play FPS on consoles, because I'm really bad with keyboard and mouse, however, both of there are supposed to come out for the xbox. Things that will make or break doom3 include how fast people catch on. On XBL, initially, I wasn't planning to buy Rainbow Six, but then all of a sudden all my GR and GRIT friends were playing it, so I naturally had t
  • by hookedup ( 630460 ) on Thursday November 27, 2003 @09:40AM (#7576969)
    I am also unsure of whether or not action gamers... will buy into a title that seems to lack the excessive fiction, approachability and interactivity that drive practically all of today's modern games.

    While these 'fictional' shooters are indeed fun, I've found myself quite taken with games like Call of Duty [], and Battlefield 1942 [] whereas i used to be into Half Life, Gore, Doom, etc.. I seem play these types of games to put myself in the shoes (boots) of those that actually went to war, and less and less about just killing things.

    Maybe it's just me getting a little older...who knows..
    • No, it's just that there are more of these realistic "war" games now then ever. I personally still enjoy shooting aliens with laser guns more than being in a war, and I consider myself more mature than my roommate who plays Call of Duty and listens to Linkin Park all day.

      Maybe it's just my hatred of war in general...
  • by Shiifty ( 704247 ) on Thursday November 27, 2003 @09:40AM (#7576971) Homepage
    To the front page? Its just two punks bickering back and forth about how good/bad Doom3 will be compared to other games, and doesn't give any insight into the game.

    I was a fan of the original Doom series, but hadn't played many FPS games since then (except a bit of Quake). I'm eagerly awaiting Doom3, which will finally force me into upgrading my 1999 Rage Pro video card!

    • by simoniker ( 40 ) * <simoniker&slashdot,org> on Thursday November 27, 2003 @11:29AM (#7577435) Homepage Journal
      FWIW, this wasn't posted on the front page - you must have sections collapsed. It's a Games-specific post.

      I'm excited about Doom, but I am a little worried about how the story will get integrated in there - previous id games aren't generally very story-rich. Maybe it doesn't matter, as long as the gameplay's all there, though.
      • From what I understand, and that could indeed be very limited, it's not so much story-rich as trying to create a really creepy experience.

        After playing that beta that got released a while back...I can say that it's probably going to be really good at that.

        *thinks about a bathroom mirror*
  • by Liquidrage ( 640463 ) on Thursday November 27, 2003 @09:43AM (#7576979)
    that the the retail version of Doom 3 will include a playable mini-game version of Daikatana?

    All kidding aside, the games been in development for too long. It will allmost be impossible to live up to the expectations that only grow as the game sits in development for what seem like forever.
  • by August_zero ( 654282 ) on Thursday November 27, 2003 @09:45AM (#7576998)
    When people tell me doom3 is going to suck, or rock I tell them the same thing I tell them when they try and convince me that Halo2 is the best game ever made: Wait until you play it. If I went by only the opinions of people who are rating games and movies on their hype alone I would be convinced that the last two StarWars films were the best in the series.

    I am thinking that at this point, writing a negative opinion of doom3 is just a quick cheap way of getting your article read and talked about, rather than a thoughtful well written article if I talk smack people will swarm; the cynic in me continues to get a thorough workout daily.
    • Comment removed (Score:4, Insightful)

      by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Thursday November 27, 2003 @11:45AM (#7577500)
      Comment removed based on user account deletion
      • I agree 100% with you but there is one area where technology matters, it's when it mixes with gameplay.
        Add 3D to graphics or tcp/ip to personal computers and you get new types of gameplay. Now, the nice 3d of quake3 doesnt give much new to the genre. But, this new shadow engine could give one interresting gameplay: to play in almost dark places. Think multiplayer "Thief".
        I'd like to try that.
        On the other hand, it will be a new nice way to get blind too.
      • We were excited about game graphics for a long time now. Even Quake 2 was visually great with coloured lightning and stuff. Unreal was visually stunning, with large open spaces, cool level design, great-looking lakes and waterfalls, and stuff. Max Payne was amazing with photorealistic textures, models, etc. Basically every major game was visually stunning in some way. The level of hype about Half-Life 2 and Doom 3 is only moderately higher than usually and can be explained by both games being announced and
  • Um.. (Score:5, Informative)

    by Naikrovek ( 667 ) <jjohnson@p[ ]com ['sg.' in gap]> on Thursday November 27, 2003 @10:23AM (#7577158)
    I played the leaked alpha, and I loved it. It scared the crap out of me, and half the monsters weren't even 'activated', and didn't attack.

    no one who has played the alpha would bicker about it. those of us who have, know how good it can potentially be.
    • Seeing my framerate made me realize I was going to have to get a new pc... ;)
      • I know you're probably joking, but if you're upgrading (since I'm not sure what you have now) at the very least make sure you get a mobo with AGP 8X and a video card that makes use of it.

        I went from an i845D board(AGP 4X) and Radeon 9500Pro to a i865PE (AGP 8X), everything else the same, and I was pleasantly surprised at the difference. Current games 8X vs 4X makes no difference, but it seems the next generation will make use of that bandwidth just fine.
  • by thirty2bit ( 685528 ) on Thursday November 27, 2003 @10:33AM (#7577184)
    I'm waiting for the game, not for the lastest post-pixel shader rendered, anisoaliased particulate-scatter, a-b-c-x-y-z buffered with quantum-fog-table correlated, hyperradiused bump-mapped picocanvased effects.

    All of the latest greatest effects don't mean diddly if you don't have a game and a story behind it.

    Otherwise all you have is lipstick and makeup on a pig. Usually, with bad voice-acting to boot.

    I would much rather see Doom 3 and Half Life 2 be released as polished accomplishments, not as graphic effect demos.
  • I do wait for doom3 (Score:4, Interesting)

    by imr ( 106517 ) on Thursday November 27, 2003 @11:16AM (#7577382)
    Because the pleasure i discovered with doom was not it's frantic action. This existed already with many old arcade games. I don't expect frantic multiplayer action either, because i have plenty of that available already.
    What really differenciated doom was the intense fear i felt when I had to turn a corner and was hearing those breathing sounds.
    Then multiplayer was brought to the games. Now, i expect doom3 to bring that creepy feeling into multiplayer games and i believe "no splash damage" are the right guys to do it. Gimme multiplayer in the dark baby!
    • Take my advice, try Aliens Vs. Predator 1/2. Brown trouser time, my friend. You are really missing out if you think Doom is the only FPS that can provide scares.
      • indeed. I havent tried the second one yet (doesnt work under linux), but the first one was really great. At least the first missions as marine were terribly scarry. Then it gets more on the "regular" fps side.
        Brown trouser time you bet! I played the first mission with the fingers clutched on fire and screaming everytime anything was popping out. Then I left the game for the rest of the day. Some friend made fun of me and I made him tried the game. It was a delight to watch him scream and add some insightful
  • engine (Score:5, Insightful)

    by SophtwareSlump ( 595371 ) <> on Thursday November 27, 2003 @11:27AM (#7577423)
    I'm waiting for it to be released so the engine can be licensed. Not a knock on Doom or Quake, but it usually turns out a licensee makes a better 'game' than the original game.
  • by Anonymous Coward on Thursday November 27, 2003 @11:28AM (#7577427)
    The article is right most of the features that made Doom 3 look "unique" will be almost standard by the time it comes out (pixel lighting) , deus ex 2, halo 2 use visual effects that make doom look a bit.. not so impressive anymore.

    However if you had the chance to play and/or see the demos at the quakecon (or the E3 if you were so lucky) I have to tell you this: DOOM 3 still stands from the competition as one of the best Horror games ever seen. The ambience of dread can only be matched by games like "silent hill" and still is not close to the fps experience.

    Doom 3 is not about shooting wave after wave of enemies though, is more like being scared to death of demons that pop out of the dark to (literally) rip your insides out! and no, non believers this is not RE, RE looks like "Mario Sunnyland" compared to this. We are talking demons that each other entrails as you watch, satanic posesions that make peoples eyes explode in their sockets, giant invisible ghosts capable of tearing you limb by limb, guns that leave bullet holes the size of an orange , shotguns that spray walls and ceilings in red with photorealistic quality, we are talking psych trauma material here! if there has ever been truly deserving the AO rating is probably this one. (parents keep you kids as FAR as possible!

    Like in all cases I recommend you wait for the actual game before drawing conclussions imo you wont be dissapointed, you will be scared (and probably regreetful) but you wont be dissapointed.

    btw. You probably didnt knew but doom 3 features an incredible physics engine (which includes fluids for the gruel animations and doors that can be broken by demons among other things), rumor is after seing the half life 2 "demo" the guys at ID went and added more interactions with it so it could be at pair with their competition. Expect doom3 to be amazing in this department (and it already was)

    • doors that can be broken by demons among other things
      I doubt it. If you refer to the moment in the trailer where two monsters break through the door, then most likely it was yet another scripted scene. Sorry to say it, but you sound like a Doom fanboy and not very objective. I am sure Doom 3 will be a quality game, but I am not sure if it will be able to surpass (or even met) our expectations.
  • by Momomoto ( 118483 ) on Thursday November 27, 2003 @12:12PM (#7577641) Homepage
    The important part is that it will still be out before Duke Nukem: Forever.

  • Not just a game (Score:3, Interesting)

    by malverian ( 563649 ) on Thursday November 27, 2003 @12:16PM (#7577663) Homepage
    I really like to think of most Id games as something that really attracts a large cult following. If you think about nearly every game they have released, you will see that all of them have had very major staying power. People still play Quake3, people still play RTCW.. do you really think this time will be any different?

    Another point I feel is relatively important is that these games are not just games. They are built of beautifully and portably crafted game engines that put a lot of power into the hands of modders and other game developers which license it.

    One reason that I can say I will definitely buy this is that it will run on my system. Unlike some, I don't have that second hard drive with WinXP on it to pop in and use at will to play Deus Ex 2 and whatever other DirectX 9 game hits the market. I'm very intent on supporting people like John Carmack to decide to use published, open standards for their products and for thinking of the small guy (who else releases high quality completely free games like Enemy Territory?)
    • Do you realize what completly free means on /.?

      I would definatly call it cost free.
      because there is much more completeness to freedom then cost.
  • Comment removed (Score:3, Interesting)

    by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Thursday November 27, 2003 @01:20PM (#7577947)
    Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • by Anonymous Coward

    Cracker: We can start by agreeing that DOOM is the prettiest and most robust engine on the market. We'd be lucky if every game used it.

    Ivan: We can start by agreeing that you are an idiot.

    Cracker: Nice. Perhaps you'd care to elaborate on your jabbing witticism, you ass?

    Oh my god! thats quality journalism for you guys out there.

    Next on slashdot: two guys outside my apt discuss heavily about the GBA vs the PSP and weither they are "faggots" or not! exciting AND educational!
  • by DruggedBunny ( 703795 ) on Thursday November 27, 2003 @05:19PM (#7578888) Homepage
    Doom III style normal/bump mapping (simulating thousands of polygons on a low polygon model) has even been done in Basic:

    "Quick doom3 normal mapping demo in Blitz3d" []

    ... so the game itself better be good!

    • by Anonymous Coward
      Not really.. blitz basic 3D is a "basic style" script engine sitting on top of an optimized 3d engine (made in delphi or visual c I cant remember) the renderer you mentioned was made as a plugin dll in visual c.

      Your statement would be correct if someone could do this just using visual basic or gwbasic. (which probably wont have the same speed)

It's a naive, domestic operating system without any breeding, but I think you'll be amused by its presumption.
