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PC Games (Games) Real Time Strategy (Games) Entertainment Games

WarCraft Board Game Compared, Rated 20

Thanks to OgreCave for their review of Fantasy Flight's boardgame version of seminal PC RTS WarCraft. The review starts off: "Ladies and gentlemen, WarCraft has left the computer, and this time it's survived", and continues: "Where Eagle's Age of Mythology conversion focused on all the little complex details of resource building, putting the whole game there, FFG's WarCraft makes the crucial change of putting the board back in." He concludes: "Basically, if you're looking for [in-depth, detailed] stuff to chew on, it's unquestionably here, but the focus is on fun, and that's what gets delivered." Elsewhere, there are some additional scenarios for the game already available on the official site.
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WarCraft Board Game Compared, Rated

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