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Dance Dance Revolution World Endurance Record Broken 66

Thanks to GamesAreFun for the news that 17 year-old Drew Gamble has broken the Dance Dance Revolution world endurance record by continuously playing the rhythm-action arcade game for 37&#189 hours. According to the story: "Initially started as a joint effort with his 16 year-old friend Chris Machado at the Space Balls Arcade in the Bend River Mall [in Oregon], Gamble danced on a Dance Dance Revolution Extreme machine for twenty hours after Machado was disqualified." A report at the Bend Bugle gives more detail, as it appears that "...around 10:30 a.m. Tuesday, 17&#189 hours into the effort, Machado unfortunately was talked by some in the crowd to try a faster-tempo song, and couldn't keep his... feet hitting the right lit arrows in sequence." Fortunately, "Gamble soldiered on by himself, sticking to the slower-tempo songs, for the slow and steady win the race."
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Dance Dance Revolution World Endurance Record Broken

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  • Stomp to my insanity
  • Is tylenol and bengay allowed in marathon video gaming?
  • Thankfully... (Score:5, Informative)

    by TechnoPops ( 590791 ) on Tuesday December 02, 2003 @02:49AM (#7606972) Journal
    For those of you that will choose not to read the article, money was donated to this event for an outreach ministry that helps homeless or abused pregnant teens. So, at least the whole thing isn't THAT sad. :P
  • by the Man in Black ( 102634 ) <> on Tuesday December 02, 2003 @02:57AM (#7607002) Homepage
    17 year-old Drew Gamble has broken the world "I am possibly the most pathetic human in the world" endurance record by continuously playing the rhythm-action arcade game for 371/2 hours.

    Though maybe he's in training to do some weekend raving once he gets to college. Playing 37 hours of DDR while taking crystal meth and surrounded by strobe you're playing with power.
  • nice (Score:5, Interesting)

    by jtheory ( 626492 ) on Tuesday December 02, 2003 @03:01AM (#7607025) Homepage Journal
    Check out the picture [] -- he's just some regular kid. I was expecting a more... athletic type, I guess. You know, someone who has greate endurance from running cross-country all through high school, or something.

    Nope -- he looks like a regular video-gaming kid, but with superhuman determination.

    I hope those shoes were comfy. Probably not, though, after 37 hours.
    • Re:nice (Score:4, Interesting)

      by jtheory ( 626492 ) on Tuesday December 02, 2003 @03:05AM (#7607041) Homepage Journal
      Sorry to reply my own post... just read that the other kid lost 90 lbs. from regular use of the game.

      And the kid who broke the record has a heart rate of 51 beats/sec. A low heartrate doesn't correspond directly to fitness level, but it is related.
      • for every 90 they've lost, they still have 150 on their body. i love this game but i hate the people who play it. (i hate myself! angsty!)
      • Re:nice (Score:3, Funny)

        by pkaminsk ( 177973 )
        51 beats/sec is considered low these days? Wow, I really gotta get my heart looked at.
        • Re:nice (Score:2, Informative)

          by raygundan ( 16760 )
          All depends on where you started. Mine never gets much lower than the low 50s, even after a solid two-year buildup to a marathon, and more than a decade of running, biking, and swimming. Some people start that low when they're out of shape, and the truly genetically gifted get as low as the mid-30s with training. I think the all-time low is 28.

          Consider yourself lucky if you're that low without trying!!
        • Mine's lower than that, even!

          40 ... 30 ... 20 ... 10 ... 5 ... rrRrkrk!

        • yes, you should.
          51 beats a second sounds a little unhealthy.

          Anyway the normal heart rate is betweewn 70 and 80 beats per minute.
      • "Sorry to reply my own post... just read that the other kid lost 90 lbs. from regular use of the game."

        I need to get back in shape. I've seriously been considering frequenting an arcade that has that and a couple of other games that involve physical activity.
  • Endure? (Score:3, Funny)

    by Kethinov ( 636034 ) on Tuesday December 02, 2003 @03:47AM (#7607168) Homepage Journal
    Forget the accomplishment, it's amazing that he "endured" actually playing DDR that long!
  • Of course (Score:5, Funny)

    by flikx ( 191915 ) on Tuesday December 02, 2003 @03:49AM (#7607175) Homepage Journal

    What else is there to do in Bend, Oregon??

  • Now the kid who danced for so many hours can now rest his feet which are probably going to be sore for a week to say the least. :D
  • In other news...

    Well, wait, I guess there isn't any other news. No wonder we actually found the time to run this story.
  • Finally... (Score:4, Funny)

    by Seraphim_72 ( 622457 ) on Tuesday December 02, 2003 @05:47AM (#7607464)

    ...someone us geeks can look down on, I mean yeesh, here I thought some OS development was an utter waste of time...
  • Give me a G of meth and 100 hours, and Ill make this kid look like a sloth...

    ...he just couldnt afford enough drugs.
  • by drix ( 4602 )
    Good Lord! He's not even Asian. ::sips his boba::... it's a sad day for Orange County.
    • Don't be surprised if this kid gets a visit from the Korean Mafia (as detailed in Gamespy's Daily Victim a while ago).

      Honor must be satisfied!
  • by Anonymous Coward
    At their 9 a.m. break, the teens said they were pretty much numb from the waist down, she added.

  • 'at the Space Balls Arcade in the Bend River Mall [in Oregon], '

    Space Balls Arcade? Bend River Mall? What next? Planet-of-the-Apes Hollywood?

  • i find it funny (Score:5, Insightful)

    by IIRCAFAIKIANAL ( 572786 ) on Tuesday December 02, 2003 @11:35AM (#7608899) Journal
    ...that so many of you are sitting at your computers posting on slashdot about how pathetic this guy is because he played ddr for 37 hours for a good cause. What this kid did was awesome and worthy of praise, not scorn.

    Rock on DDR playin', money for charity raisin' kid!
  • okay... fuck. (Score:5, Interesting)

    by MarvinMouse ( 323641 ) * on Tuesday December 02, 2003 @12:08PM (#7609222) Homepage Journal
    I've played DDR for a long time, and from the sounds of things, the only thing this guy endured while playing DDR is boredom. He didn't play any especially fast or difficult songs, so basically all he did was move his feet every 3 or 4 beats to another pad. Which is incredibly boring yes, but not an endurance record by my standards.

    Now if he played Max 300 at 9 Feet for 37 1/2 hours without missing a step, then his feat would be worthy of a record. But all this shows me is he's some loser with too much time on his hands and a low enough mental capacity to withstand the utter boredom endured by playing the really slow songs on DDR.

    Hell, if I wanted to, I could play "Have you Ever been mellow", while programming on a computer, or reading slashdot. These songs are stupid easy for anyone who knows the least bit about music. (1...2...3...step...1...2...3...step)
    • Uh, MAX300 is a 10-footer. Not to mention that not many people would be able to do that, let alone the other 10-footers for 37.5 hours straight; not even JSB (who is the best player in the USA). Not to mention that if I remember the rules that I read for the record a while ago correctly, he had to play on Heavy mode, where there would be more 1/8th notes and none of that "1 2 3 Step" garbage that you speak of.
    • Now if he played Max 300 at 9 Feet for 37 1/2 hours without missing a step, then his feat would be worthy of a record.

      That's TEN feet :)

      And somehow I doubt you could find someone who could do Max 300 Heavy over and over for 37 1/2 MINUTES, let alone hours. I can't get past the freeze to even finish the song (legs give out every time). I am still in awe of Take's World Record [] - Paranoia KCET Heavy x 2, Max 300 heavy x 2, Maxx Unlimited Heavy x 2, Kakumei heavy. Even he skimped with less than 10 footers
      • Well, he couldn't really help not doing 10-footers for the first two rounds; he could only repeat a song twice, and there's only two 10-footers available in MAX2 (which is the machine he did it on): MAX300 and MaxX Unlimited. Also, what makes his feat more amazing is that the second MaxX Unlimited was done on Extra Stage, which means 1.5x, Reverse, Dark, and No Recover mods are applied. He AA'd that to reach the One More Extra Stage, which is Kakumei (a 9-footer on heavy, but the Challenge stepchart [whic
        • He did pick an easier 9-footer though. :) Even standards like Matsuri Japan is a bit more demanding than Paranoia KCET Clean Mix - or insane 9-footers like So Deep, Paranoia Dirty Mix, Exotic Ethnic, Healing Vision Angelic Mix. I guess he was trying to conserv a little more stamina for the tougher ones.

          I still think 37 1/2 hours of DDR, even on easier levels, is one hell of an accomplishment. Playing it that constantly, without breaks, is probably comparable to doing a slow jog for that long. Unless he
          • Like I said in the reply to the guy who started this thread, I believe the rules for the world record say that you must play on Heavy mode. I actually plan on trying to break the record myself, though I wonder if I have the sanity to do so. Numbness in the legs won't pose a problem, as long as they don't cramp up.

            I guess he was trying to conserv a little more stamina for the tougher ones.

            I don't think stamina is much of an issue for Take, considering a) he plays using the bar, which requires less energy

            • I can't even pass Legend Road using the keyboard! (Yay for Stepmania!) With exertion like that, though, I would suspect that stamina can still become an issue rather quickly, though obviously Take has built his up quite a bit.

              My only Oni pass so far as been Nearly=130 - and they replaced DDRMAX2 with Extreme right after I completed it the first time, so I never even got to try it again. Been working on Soul 6 on and off, since it seems to be the easiest one available.

              Now, if I only had a nice DDR platf
              • Personally, I don't play Oni mode myself, even though my Perfect Attacking abilities are good enough to net me at fifteen AAs on Heavy ( go me! =D [] [note: that was done on the home version of Extreme that I patched to have timing windows similar to that of the arcade, though I'll probably start taking more pictures at the arcade now that I have a digital camera]).

                If you're looking for a nice DDR platform and have a bit of money to kill, I wholeheartedly recommend the Cobalt Flux []. Expensive, yes, but it wil

            • I believe the rules for the world record say that you must play on Heavy mode.

              Whose rules? Supposedly the rules Guiness gave him were not really DDR-specific but were based on their standard endurance event rules. There were no rules regarding things like skill level or bar usage.

              I actually plan on trying to break the record myself, though I wonder if I have the sanity to do so.

              The player, or at least someone purporting to be him, has warned over on ddrfreak that by doing this he's found th

              • Yeah, sorry about making that claim. I read that over on DDRFreak myself and apologize for my hastiness. I was just going off of what someone else said who was trying to break the old record a while ago, my bad.
    • yes one hit every 3 or 4 beats is really boring. but if you were a musical you would know that it is harder to consistantly play whole notes at 70 bpm then then to consistanly hit 1/8 notes at 70 bpm.
      • "but if you were a musical..."

        Hmmmm...I'd say it depends on the musical. I mean, if I were say 'Cats' or 'Oklahoma', I'm not sure that would improve my knowledge of note-playing difficulty. Maybe if I were the 'Phantom of the Opera' or even 'The Music Man'. Then I'd probably get it, but not just any musical ... gotta be more specific!!!

        Personally I'd want to be 'The Wizard of Oz' or even 'Jesus Christ Superstar', except for that whole getting crucified thing or maybe...wait...did you mean somethi
        • lol. funny. i even previewed the page and re-read to make sure it made sense. it's supposed to say if you were a musician.

          i yield my tin foil hat in props to you friend of friends
    • well.. you do it then.

      heck, i consider standing(without drugs, volunteering) awake for that time to be a feat, let alone do _anything_ that needs you to follow something.

      boredom is shitty, bored and tired is even shittier. you know what it takes to run a marathon? all you have to do is run!

    • Actually I believe that Max300 IS a 9-footer, but only on its original machine - DDRMAX. DDRMAX2 and Extreme mark it as being a 10-footer, and rightly so. On the other hand, Sakura heavy is marked as a 10-footer, when it should really be an 8 or something like that, and IMO bag is only really worth 9-feet (even at 1x). Who cares if it's squished up - so's Orion 78, and that's not hard to full combo.

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