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Star Wars Battlefront Announced, Detailed 46

Tim Butler writes "Official Playstation Magazine has a few initial details regarding Star Wars Battlefront, a newly-announced online PS2 multiplayer game that borrows a lot from Battlefield 1942." The game, reminiscent of the previously covered Galactic Conquest mod for BF1942, has been confirmed for Xbox and PC as well, and is described as: "SOCOM's online-multiplayer experience, only with a wide variety of characters to choose from and a bunch of cool Star Wars vehicles to operate. You can play in the Galactic Civil War or the Clone Wars, meaning you can choose one of four armies to command (Rebels vs. Imperials or Republic vs. Separatists). [It] includes pretty much every major ride you've seen in a Star Wars flick." Update: 12/03 05:58 GMT by S : GameSpy adds that the developer is Pandemic Studios, creator of Star Wars:Clone Wars and the forthcoming Full Spectrum Warrior.
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Star Wars Battlefront Announced, Detailed

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  • So many "It's a trap"s ..
  • Mien Got I'm getting tired of these tactical FPS games coming out like there's no tomorrow. It seems that the XBox is supported exclusively by those and a few choice sports games. I can't wait for the next big thing to come down the pipe. Cooperative story driven RPG's anyone (and yes, I know that Baldurs Gate was one, but I'm thinking more along the lines of Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles.)

    • Something like a multi-player version of KotOR []? Bioware will come through for you, I'm sure. Have you tried NWN? HotU [] is in stores now.
      • Story driven games will never be as big or as popular as they have been on the PC. Consoles seem to be purely for "twitch" reflex games.

        Console gamers want a different experience. They want FPS run and gun, they want to do it with an auto-aim function (because they like to use those simple gamepads instead of the flexibility of the mouse/keyboard interface). Console gamers become upset when they don't have unlimited ammo.

        The perfect example of this is DX2. Universal ammo! The designers probably ass
        • Story driven games will never be as big or as popular as they have been on the PC. Consoles seem to be purely for "twitch" reflex games.

          Console gamers want a different experience. They want FPS run and gun, they want to do it with an auto-aim function (because they like to use those simple gamepads instead of the flexibility of the mouse/keyboard interface). Console gamers become upset when they don't have unlimited ammo.

          Riiight, which is why RPGs are so poorly represented on consoles. I mean shit, c

  • Another Canon Game (Score:5, Insightful)

    by seen2much ( 576446 ) on Tuesday December 02, 2003 @03:30PM (#7611605)
    It's really sad that with all the great expanded universe material out there, Lucasarts is sticking to making games based off the movies. I for one love Knights of the old republic. That is based 4000 years before the movies. And then the are the books. I would love to see a game based on the New Jedi Order books. But no let's play on Hoth and Tatooine again.
    • by Trillian_1138 ( 221423 ) <slashdot AT fridaythang DOT com> on Tuesday December 02, 2003 @04:09PM (#7612025)
      I wholeheartedly agree. At the same time, this is something that hasn't been done before (at least not in the Star Wars universe). I realize it will probably just be Battlefield 1942, but hell. Battlefield 1942 kicks ass, and I'm ready and willing to shell out some cash to play a well-done version of the same basic game, set in the origonal and new trilogies. I think for this type of game, where there can't really be a plot, setting it in the same time-line as the films makes it BETTER.

      Online FPS don't have the ability to truly tell a story, so I don't think it's unreasonable to use a story everyone already knows.

      I, for one, am eagerly looking forward to this game.


      I still agree that Lucasarts should expand outside the movies. Well I bought and enjoyed Rebel Strike, by the end it was pathetic. WE'VE DONE THIS ALREADY! DOZENS OF TIMES!
      • But I'm getting a bit sick of the "clone wars" happening in gaming. BF is outstanding. After a year I still play it far more than I should, but they are just taking it and reskinning it for Star Wars. I want to play KOTOR because it is different. It actually puts you in the universe. But on the other hand, we already have a BF mod with Wookie skins and AT-ATs. Why do we need to go out and buy a whole game? And how long until we see LucasArts filing suit against the Galactic Conquest team? http://www
      • I'm ready and willing to shell out some cash to play a well-done version of the same basic game, set in the origonal and new trilogies. I think for this type of game, where there can't really be a plot, setting it in the same time-line as the films makes it BETTER.

        Although I would tend to agree with that statement, it has been done before. [] Pretty much the exact same game as MS's Age of Empires, set in the SW universe, with Darth Vader and stuff. For some reason, I just didn't find it as fun as AoE, thou
        • Unfortunatly, Galactic Battlegrounds was a bad RTS game, Star Wars or not. By "same basic game" I meant as Battlefield 1942 (which this game is being compared to, and rightly so). And because it's difficult, if not impossible, to give an online FPS a good storyline, have a pre-established storyline can only help the game. By contrast, it IS possible (and needed) to have a good storyline for a RTS, but they got lazy and pumped out Galactic Battlegrounds.

    • by Gothic_Walrus ( 692125 ) on Tuesday December 02, 2003 @04:10PM (#7612028) Journal
      Just so you know, you're most definitely not the only one who feels this way.

      Gabe, of Penny Arcade, covered this about a week ago [] in their news section (fourth post down, second of Gabe's).

      Having new games in unestablished territory would be great. Come to think of it, any games set in timeframes not covered by the movies could be extremely cool. Look at KOTOR. The developers were bound by some basic Star Wars rules, but they didn't have to worry about fitting the storyline into a movie's plot. Not having story constraints almost definitely made the game a better one. It's not a very fair comparison, but...

      The Episode I Game = Crappy game

      KOTOR = Great game

      There's definitely support for games outside of the movie timeframe, but we'll have to wait. Look at how long it's taken to get the original trilogy on DVD.

      The way things look right now, it seems like we'll get some non-canon Star Wars 2008.

    • One stupid game where I do -not- have to rush the death star trench! ITS BEEN DONE TOO MANY TIMES!
    • Lucasarts' position is that the markets for both EU and gaming material are already relatively small, and mixing them together would result in an even smaller one.

      I tend to agree with them. I read four of the EU books years ago, and they were - IMO of course - terrible. It was like some sort of bad fanfiction Star Wars/generic sci-fi crossover story.

      KOTOR is the *only* thing I've seen outside the films that adds something cool to the mythology. Every other book and game I've seen either rehashes the origi
      • You must have read some of Kevin J Anderson's stuff. THat man just plain can't write, the Dune books were particularly painful - we'd have been better of with Melanie Freaking Rawn writing 'em. Try Zahn or Stackpole for decent EU stuff Especially Zahn.
  • by Flunitrazepam ( 664690 ) on Tuesday December 02, 2003 @03:32PM (#7611631) Journal
    I tried getting into SOCOM on the ps2 after years and years of quake on the computer. I just can't see how the console players are going to have a chance against the WASD computer players unless you can plug in a keyboard and mouse, or they come up with a radically new user input system.

    • Agreed. I cringe when I have to play an FPS on a console... it's nearly impossible to aim while you are moving. I don't think that a design for a controller would have to be "radically" different though. You just need a more ergonomic design that lets two or more fingers on the left hand hit keys, and then a tiny track ball for the right thumb, and a couple of buttons for fingers on the right hand to fire guns. It would be a pain in the ass to learn, but it would be a compact, console friendly answer to
      • could just use a mouse and keyboard - readily available for the PS2.
      • Usually with console FPS, all of the other players are going to be in the same boat control and interface wise, so once again it boils down to how well you can manipulate your given controller. (on x-box anyway, I don't have the PS2 BBA so i really can't say how many PS2 gamers are using mouse/keyboards)

        If I had to play against mixed company, I would definately go mouse, the thumb sticks can't even come close for accuracy, but for comfort, leaning back in an easy-chair with a console controller beats the
  • It's crazy to expect an online-only title for a console! Besides that bit of obviousness, one of the best things about bf1942 is the great mod scene. That can't happen on a PS2. Oh well...they'll still try. Hopefully it'll have the great single player game that bf1942 does not.
  • What?! (Score:4, Interesting)

    by hookedup ( 630460 ) on Tuesday December 02, 2003 @03:43PM (#7611740)

    No Trade Federation!? They've only got the meanest droid army around!

    I'd love to play as one of the droidekas []
  • by Kelz ( 611260 ) on Tuesday December 02, 2003 @04:16PM (#7612093)
    They took the Age of Empires engine, dropped in their art, and added new campaigns, and called it Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds.

    They are taking the Battlefield 1942 engine (or something that looks like it), dropping in their art, making their own maps, and calling it Star wars: Battlefront.

    Whoa there, deja vu. Musta been a glitch in the matrix.
  • Galactic Conquest [] is a Star Wars mod for Battlefield 1942.
  • I got a baaaaad feeling about this!
  •,4 371,a=113620,00.asp

  • Clone Wars, especially on Xbox Live. It was good for maybe a few hours at best, but I quickly lost interest.
  • I can't wait for this game i'm sure it's going to have heaps of fun stuff. Controlling ATATs is going to be a blast while {hopefully} running about on Taun Tauns should be fun. If they put speeder bikes and jetpacks in the game i'm am going to soil my pants!
  • Am I the only one who saw that headline and read: "Star wars game announced, delayed"?

"I shall expect a chemical cure for psychopathic behavior by 10 A.M. tomorrow, or I'll have your guts for spaghetti." -- a comic panel by Cotham
