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Metal Gear Solid - Behind The Scenes 39

Thanks to 1UP for their feature discussing visiting Konami's Japanese offices to check out Metal Gear Solid's newest incarnations. The writer shows some worthy skepticism: "It's a bit odd talking to [MGS creator Hideo] Kojima after playing Metal Gear Solid 2. The question 'What in the hell possessed you to write that script?' is always in the back of your mind", and discovers Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater for PS2 has a whole new plot angle, as Kojima explains: "By playing this game, you'll learn about what went on between the two superpowers - America and the Soviet Union." Elsewhere, Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes for GameCube, also shown despite its Canadian development base at Silicon Knights, lets "...cutscene director Ryuhei Kitamura... cut loose with some of the most inventive violence in videogame history."
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Metal Gear Solid - Behind The Scenes

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  • Tell me they removed the "Snake? Snake? Snaaaaaaaaaaake!" every friggin time you die.

    Any chance there will be a MGS on xbox?
    • Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance is currently available on Xbox. If you haven't played a MGS game before, I'd try to start with MGS1, but it's still fun to play even if the story doesn't make as much sense as it should.
  • I knew it!! The Segway is connected in someway. Snake has to find theorigin of the Mretal Gears. In actual fact, the first Metal Gears were Segways, designed to be used as tool around the office, much like the Labors in Patlabor. But then some fool had to play around with a staple gun while riding one.. Others prefered to joust. The military picked up on these antics and the rest is history...
  • Just to clarify, Silicon Knights is based in St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada. Read the "About S.K." here [].
  • Hmm... (Score:3, Insightful)

    by SuperMo0 ( 730560 ) <supermo0@gma[ ]com ['il.' in gap]> on Wednesday December 10, 2003 @09:54AM (#7679401)
    As long as MGS3 isn't an interactive MOVIE, I'll be interested in trying it.

    I'm much more interested in grabbing Twin Snakes, if only because I'd love to have the experience of beating a GCN game in a day. >_
    • If you don't want interactive movies, maybe you should stick to the R-Types and Soul Caliburs of the world. Kojima and tons of other designers want their games to tell stories as well as provide excellent gameplay.

      Whenever I see folks complain about the cutscene content, I wonder why they're playing games like MGS. I don't like football, so I don't play football games. If you don't like cutscenes, don't play games that you know are cutscene-heavy.

      • Re:Hmm... (Score:2, Insightful)

        It can be a question of degree...

        Just because one game spends too long in cutscenes for a particular person's tastes, doesn't necessarily mean they only want to play games with minimal/no plot. There are plot heavy games out there that go heavy handed with the application of cut scenes. Shoot, these days there a few games where it would be possible to play through a game to the end with more time spent in cutscene than in interactive gameplay. On the other hand, there are plot heavy games that make mi
      • Re:Hmm... (Score:2, Insightful)

        by lidocaineus ( 661282 )
        Unfortunately, the MGS2 story was terrible, which made the cutscenes that much more worse. Tell a story, fine, but a good editor is in order as well!

        On top of that, the gameplay was very subpar , mainly *because* of the cutscenes that kept interrupting it. I find it ironic that you mention Soul Calibur, as the character development and backstory throughtout the series has been staggering, yet it feels nothing like a movie.

        A well done story with plenty of depth doesn't need a crapload of cinemas (t
        • I thought MGS2's story was great. It is involved and multilayered and doesn't fall back to a simplistic linear narrative like most games. The difference between MGS2 and, say, Splinter Cell is the difference between Twin Peaks and JAG. The latter examples, while fine, are straight-forward and linear, while the formers are deep and mysterious and never lets the viewer in on everything. I happen to prefer a storyline that requires me to think about it and piece it together based on the clues provided.

          It's a

          • Re:Hmm... (Score:2, Insightful)

            by lidocaineus ( 661282 )
            Hahahaha! No offense, but if you think MGS2's story was deep, you haven't read very much literature.

            Let me explain. MGS2 attempted to take an almost nihilistic view and mix it with post-modernism (someone else mentioned that as well). For someone that doesn't know much about either, the story probably seems interesting... however anyone with a remote handling of the philosophical views Kojima was apparently trying to explore would laugh the game into oblivion (awful philosophic reference intended) at
            • Boo hoo, you hurt my feelings.

              Look Skippy, even if MSG2's storyline doesn't treat post-modernism and nihilism and everything else as perfectly as possible, wouldn't you say it at least deserves accolades for trying? For trying something different? For maybe even inspiring gamers to read those philosophical works of the men you mentioned?

              Christ, the best you can hope for Splinter Cell is that it will inspire gamers to go watch a Steven Seagal movie.

              I've heard of plenty of gamers being pissed at MGS2 ov

              • What a ludicrous comment. Was the effort a nice one? Sure, I guess you could say that.

                Does it mean it was good? Nope. Do you often go purchase dvd that you know have good intentions but come out terribly and say, "Oh well, the whole thing may have been stupid and contrived, but damn, they tried hard, so it was still worth it!"

                If you're going to try and make a game with philosophic ideals behind it, you better damn well make sure you know what the hell you're talking about. You want to know what MGS2
          • Were you on drugs when you played?
            Were they the same drugs Kojima was on when he wrote the script?

            Early on in the game I was willing to overlook some of the stupid bits like the girlfriend hassling you to remember some anniversary during a combat situation. However the further you got into the game the stupider it got.
            Even now over a year since I finished the game, it still pisses me off that a story could be so bad it ruined any of the fun in the gameplay.

            I'll no doubt be in a shitty mood for the rest of
        • Personally I thought the story was fantastic. Although I think that largely because I find it really cool that someone had the balls to tell a post-modern story in a video game that wasn't just a comedy.

          I can agree that if you don't dig post-modernism the story is probably pretty stupid.

          I think the game play was an evolution of that found in MGS1. If you didn't like the MGS1 gameplay I imagine it was subpar.
  • Playing? (Score:4, Funny)

    by warnerve ( 149076 ) on Wednesday December 10, 2003 @10:52AM (#7679808)
    "after playing Metal Gear Solid 2"

    There was gameplay? I must have picked up the wrong copy of the game. I thought the whole thing was a fairly confusing movie.
  • ... Snake Eater ?!?

    um yeah... so whose the marketing genius that came up with that one?
  • Our Location: Silicon Knights(R) is an established game development studio located in St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada. Near Toronto, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, and the wine country of the Niagara peninsula and upper New York State, we live with the best of both worlds - a small-town offering a calm and focused working environment, yet within short driving distance of major urban centers and airports. Just to clarify, you lot only own the area *south* of the falls/49th. St. Catharines is still ours.
  • Since I have a Cube, I'm really looking forward to The Twin Snakes since I played only a few hours worth of the original on the Playstation. The article is a good read if you are interested in the Twin Snakes or MGS 3.
  • "And the guy being thrown is the actor who we captured as Raiden in MGS3,"

    Umm... is this a typo a tremendous spoiler/disappointment?
  • History lesson (Score:3, Interesting)

    by MMaestro ( 585010 ) on Wednesday December 10, 2003 @12:38PM (#7680805)
    "By playing this game, you'll learn about what went on between the two superpowers - America and the Soviet Union."

    Wait, so we're getting a history lesson? Or will this be a revisionist history lesson?

    • No, I'm sure it'll be a completely accurate and correct depiction of what actually happened during the Cold War, in the proud tradition of Rush 'n Attack and Guerilla War.
    • by AvantLegion ( 595806 ) on Wednesday December 10, 2003 @04:04PM (#7682787) Journal
      >> Wait, so we're getting a history lesson? Or will this be a revisionist history lesson?

      How dare you suggest that. This is obviously going to be an accurate portrayal of Brezhnev's arsenal of Metal Gear Rexs, and one man's systematical disarmament of that entire regime's Metal Gears, leaving them only with 1,000 plain ol' ICBMs.

  • by BackwardEngineer ( 730035 ) on Wednesday December 10, 2003 @01:50PM (#7681519)
    So if the characters seem really jumpy, does that mean someone was jerking off while they were animating?
  • Twin Snakes "Versus" (Score:2, Informative)

    by ThePhin ( 525032 )
    I might just buy a Gamecube to play this, as I'd really love to see the cutscenes by Ryuhei Kitamura. In case you're not familiar with him, he is the director of Versus []. Not all my friends liked it, and it is an uneven movie, but I thought it was tons of fun.

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