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Fallout - BoS Welcomed By Some, Not Others 22

Thanks to GameSpot for their hands-on impressions of Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel, the PS2/Xbox action RPG that's set in the world of the seminal PC RPG series. The article comments: "Though we're still in mourning over the passing of Black Isle [and cancellation of Fallout 3 for PC], we're comforted by this new game that's playing as expected thus far." This more action-orientated console title "has the simple and basically entertaining mechanics of Baldurs Gate: Dark Alliance", since it "uses the same [game] engine", but Fallout fansite No Mutants Allowed are less forgiving about the cancellation of Fallout 3, ranting to GameSpot: "So you're comforted by the title that got a lot of good people sacked and a very promising title canned?", as they continue to present leaked pictures and team farewells from Fallout 3, as well at looks at obviously-influenced German PC RPG title The Fall: Last Days Of Gaia.
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Fallout - BoS Welcomed By Some, Not Others

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  • by understyled ( 714291 ) on Sunday December 14, 2003 @10:01AM (#7715717) Homepage Journal
    from the gamespot preview:

    At any rate, the combat is the main attraction. The game runs smoothly from an isometric perspective, and you can readily switch between several weapons in real time, such as between the pistol and the iron gloves you start out with. Ranged weapons obviously have an advantage in some respects, but have limited ammo. Random critical hits are possible, sending their victims flying backwards....

    quite honestly i think that first sentence sums it up for me: get rid of all the things that made the first 2 fallouts classics, throw in some twitching action and hope the fuckin thing sells.
  • by jermyjerm ( 705338 ) on Sunday December 14, 2003 @11:17AM (#7716396) Homepage
    don't welcome our new Brotherhood overlords.

    Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance was a decent game, but no replacement for any other BG series game, and I expect the same from this one. I'll probably wait until it drops to $20 and then convince a friend to buy it (hope it has multiplayer, like BGDA did).
  • but two that I've purchased, even after downloading them off the net, are Fallout and Fallout 2. I've even gladly purchased them two times: First under Windows, the second time under MacOS 9. I'll probably repurchase them under MacOS X as well. I purchased Fallout Tactics and frankly wish I would've pirated it. I played it for an hour or two and tossed it in my drawer never to be played again.

    Both of these games were dated concepts at their time of release. First person shooters were already out so to a lo
  • Fallout fansite No Mutants Allowed are less forgiving about the cancellation of Fallout 3, ranting to GameSpot: "So you're comforted by the title that got a lot of good people sacked and a very promising title canned?",

    Hence why developers tend to take anything fans says with a grain of salt. I just thought I'd like to point out that fact since fanboys of certain games/series/movies tend to be move vocal than they should be.

  • Everyone please take note of (and sign) the petition for Fallout 3 [].
  • by tprime ( 673835 ) on Sunday December 14, 2003 @02:28PM (#7718168)
    I have been following Interplay and BlackIsle for a long time.. They are not doing well financially right now, and haven't been doing well some time. This is illustrated by BlackIsle being cut back almost to the point of completely disbanding. The company is just trying to stay alive and current trends show that console games sell much better than PC games, like it or not it is the truth. With console games, they are guaranteed to sell thousands to Movie/Video Game rental comanies. This is not including anyone who buys it on their own. What it comes down to is, with times being tight they need to find the most profitable path. This might be it.

    I remember a game, similar to Fallout years ago that too had its sequal cancelled: Wasteland. It had the same kind of cult following (although the following was pre-Internet, so they were less organized and vocal). I really missed that game, but another game came out that made my heart skip, Fallout. Folks, another game will come out with the same Post-Apoc RPG Strategy theme and we will all be happy. Or, the sale of Fallout:Brotherhood of Steel will warrant the revival of "Van Buren" (Fallout3). I will miss it, but it is just a game.
    • I'm pretty sure it had a sequel, Fountain of Dreams []. It didn't really fly.
    • I remember a game, similar to Fallout years ago that too had its sequal cancelled: Wasteland

      Fallout was intentionally designed as a sequel to Wasteland, but I guess Interplay didn't have the rights to the name. If you look at the box for the first Fallout, one of the tag-lines is "Remember Wasteland?"

      I loved Wasteland, but I couldn't really get into Fallout. I didn't feel like there was enough direction in where I was supposed to go. I ended up getting captured by some mutants fairly early in the game, a
      • Fallout was intentionally designed as a sequel to Wasteland, but I guess Interplay didn't have the rights to the name
        Actually, Fallout was orginally going to be a GURPS-licensed game, but creative differences severed those ties. Probably one of the few cases where ditching the license helped things.

        Anyway, here's Wasteland []

  • Let's face it, with all the dumbing down of games, I don't think I could face a fallout 3. Let's not forget Lionheart..

    I'm afraid Interplay sunk their fangs to far into Black Isle and it's just unlikely that fallout 3 would be of the same caliber if it ever comes out. It'd be to painful to see the fallout line ruined.. (ya ya FO:Tactics sucked, but it wasn't meant to be a fallout game at first)

    At least UFO: Aftermath didn't have the X-Com name and Lionheart was it's own brand too... but they ruin my fai
  • Wasteland was one of the best games every made, I originally burned out my floppy driver for my Commodore64 with this game (ran off 4 5 1/4" floppy disks, lots of swapping) and played through it at least 5 separate times. I even got it in Interplays 10 year anniversary pack for the PC, and played it another 3 or 4 times through, still play it on occasion. Fountain of Dreams was never Wasteland 2...the only similarities was that it used the same game engine.
    Wasteland 2 was never made because of licensing is
  • I would really like to see another developer buy the rights to and finish Fallout 3, hopefully hiring the same developers.

    Any word from the devs or any other companies as to this possibility? If done in the same vein as the first 2 Fallout games it could be big enough to -make- a new company.

In every hierarchy the cream rises until it sours. -- Dr. Laurence J. Peter
