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Christmas Cheer Entertainment Games

Warshaw Awards Celebrate 2003's Gaming Missteps 44

Thanks to Shacknews for their feature revealing The Warshaw Awards for 2003, celebrating "some of the worst missteps of the year" in videogaming. The awards are named after Howard Scott Warshaw, creator of the famously poor E.T. for the Atari 2600, and victors include Namco for R: Racing Evolution, which "eschews virtually everything that Ridge Racer fans had come to expect", David Duchovny for "quite possibly the worst [voice acting] I've ever heard from a mainstream actor" in Ubisoft's XIII, and the IGN gaming website for their "obscene McDonald's advertising campaign."
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Warshaw Awards Celebrate 2003's Gaming Missteps

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  • Phantom Console? (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Alphanos ( 596595 ) on Friday December 19, 2003 @10:31PM (#7771327)
    I don't know whether enough people knew about if for it to get an award, but a company has been claiming to be producing a new console called the "Phantom". Apparently their production facilities were investigated and found to be a very large, empty office with a single desk in it. Let the vapourware jokes begin:).
  • by Anonymous Coward on Friday December 19, 2003 @10:54PM (#7771424)
    Penny Arcade comic here [].
  • I had that game and I thought it was dope. strange. I hated it sure, but I couldnt put it down.
    • I had that game and I thought it was dope. strange. I hated it sure, but I couldnt put it down.

      Ah yes, the "fall in a hole" game, where you get out of a spaceship, and fall in a hole.
      Try again, fall in another hole.
      Again, that first hole, damn, thought I was far enough away.
      Again, DAMN THAT HOLE!
      Again, WHY DO YOU MOCK ME! Stupid hole-filled game.
      Again, sanity fading away, holes making impression in psyche...

      And so on.

      • by cgenman ( 325138 ) on Saturday December 20, 2003 @12:34AM (#7771825) Homepage
        Honestly, that was better than "A Boy and His Blob." At least you could see the hole in E.T. "A Boy and His Blob" consisted of walking around, throwing unmarked colored jellybeans at your blob. Eventually you would map out what every one did. From then on, you had to walk up to every wall, floor, ceiling and other surface in the game, feed the blob the appropriate jellybean, walk through blindly, and see if you fell to your death. This task wasn't made any easier by the limited number of jellybeans... As if someone was going to cheat and use 3 ladders from "ketchup" instead of two.

        In this case, "fall in hole, die, reset" wasn't just a mistake, it was the gameplay. The only merciful thing about the game was that it was one level long, and the second half of that level was a series of copout, easy training screens that should have come first. Why Nintendo Power hailed it as the second coming of your deity of choice is anyone's guess, but I'm guessing money.

      • HUH? the game I remember had me running around trying to find pieces of a phone so that I could call the space ship and get picked up. While eating chocolate for energy.
        I don't remember much about holes.
  • by BTWR ( 540147 ) <americangibor3@yahoo . c om> on Friday December 19, 2003 @11:32PM (#7771573) Homepage Journal
    Seriously! Enough! It was a bad game. But was it the greatest pile of crap in history? No. I saw my friend beat it recently, and it actually wasn't that bad when I got to see someone play who knew what he was doing. Just my $0.02, it's just getting old is all...
  • The only thing obscene about it is the flavor of those McGriddles(tm). I tried one, and after a couple of bites lost my appetite. I'll stick with a nice bacon egg and cheese biscuit, thank you very much!
  • David Duchovny (Score:5, Insightful)

    by cgenman ( 325138 ) on Friday December 19, 2003 @11:45PM (#7771627) Homepage
    I think the author is being a little hard on Duchovny. When have we ever seen him as animated as Michael Ironside? Lacking the subtle clues of minute physical gesture, generated characters in videogames need to put a lot of variation in tone and pacing. Duchnovy traditionally relies upon eye and minor head movements. That's not to say he isn't a great actor, but he's far too subtle and visual to be a great voice actor. He has less intonation than Ben Stein. Thinking that would translate well to an audio-only role is Ubi Soft's fault.

    • by cgenman ( 325138 ) on Saturday December 20, 2003 @12:56AM (#7771911) Homepage
      He's also being too hard on Namco and Nintendo. Racing Evolution was no terrible game, it was just "different." In a series known for being identical to the way it flagshipped the PS1, it was time for a risk. They took the risk, they alienated some fans, and now they are in a much better position in the market. Would he have preferred another Ridge Racer 5? [] It was a failure, true, but a noble one.

      Likewise, saying Nintendo's head is buried in the sand ignores the fact that nintendo has testmarketed an online adapter, the Bulky Drive []. Japan doesn't have very high broadband penetration. If the decision were based on Japan alone, there just isn't enough households for all of the extra work required in porting games to online multiplayer. The X-Box online is a no-brainier, and the PS2 has to keep up, but the 'Cube? Would Mario Party be better if 10% of the 10% of households with broadband decided to play online? Except to the extremely hardcore, not releasing an online adapter shouldn't count as a blunder. The whole N64 cartridge thing... That was a blunder. No Mario Kart Online yet? Don't be foolish.

      • I have R: Racing Evolution and I think it's a very fine game. I think perhaps this award should have gone to Auto Modellista (Capcom) for having more fishtails than Finding Nemo. AM is an embarrassing mess for Capcom where everything is right except for the driving simulator.

        R:RE is clearly an offshoot of the Ridge Racer line, as they clearly avoided calling it Ridge Racer VI. Ridge Racers are arcade games, not driving sims. I did research awhile back and found previews of a Japenese RR6 which was supp
    • Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • OK, so Duchovny is not a bad actor. But his "performance" in XIII (which is actually what I've been playing this week) is undeniable sub-par even as video game "acting" goes.
  • Mario Party (Score:4, Insightful)

    by Apreche ( 239272 ) on Friday December 19, 2003 @11:46PM (#7771628) Homepage Journal
    A lot of what this guy says is just duh hay kind of stuff. And while I'll agree Nintendo's press releases were not as funny as intended. Mario Party still freakin' rules. If you don't like Mario Party its probably because you don't have 3 friends 3 controllers and a freakin' party.

    The rest of the article is like "The N-Gage sucks". Not even close to news.
    • by Anonymous Coward on Saturday December 20, 2003 @01:08AM (#7771952)
      If you don't like Mario Party its probably because you don't have 3 friends 3 controllers and a freakin' party.

      Maybe the problem is he has 3 friends and 3 controllers so he has to sit out all the time!
    • Rest of it is "N-Gage sucks?" I'm looking at it right now and I only see that in one paragraph...

      Good job of oversimplifying it...
  • Poor Warshaw (Score:5, Interesting)

    by thelenm ( 213782 ) <> on Saturday December 20, 2003 @12:14AM (#7771725) Homepage Journal
    I feel bad for Howard Scott Warshaw every time I hear his name mentioned in connection with the E.T. Atari game. It wasn't really his fault it was so terrible... they told him they had to have it on the shelves in time for the Christmas shopping season, and gave him about a month and a half to work on it. At least, that's what he said in this interview []. A way overhyped game for one of the most successful movies of all time, and they give one programmer six weeks to do it? Even in 1982 that was suicide, no matter how brilliant the one programmer might have been.
  • Obscene? (Score:2, Funny)

    by Anonymous Coward
    Wtf when I read "obscene McDonald ad" I expect to see Hamburglar raping Grimace or something, not tacky commercialism.

How much net work could a network work, if a network could net work?
