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PlayStation (Games) Role Playing (Games) Entertainment Games

Jump Festa Shows Off Final Fantasy XII, Dragon Quest 28

Thanks to IGN PS2 for its information about the new Final Fantasy XII trailer debuting at Japan's recent Jump Festa exhibition The Magic Box has some still images from the "lengthy seven minute trailer" for the PS2 RPG sequel, which shows cinematic action and battle scenes, but unfortunately without "[revealing] much about the gameplay systems." There's also a hands-on look at the PS2 remake of Dragon Quest V, which apparently brings "a little bit of new flavor to a classic old-school game", originally released on the Super Nintendo back in 1992. Finally, 1UP has a brief overview of the festival, including pictures of a Slime-infested Christmas tree.
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Jump Festa Shows Off Final Fantasy XII, Dragon Quest

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  • Dragon Quest (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Joe Tie. ( 567096 ) on Wednesday December 24, 2003 @03:26PM (#7804240)
    I might be alone in this, but I'm far more excited about the Dragon Quest V remake. Final Fantasy has been moving more in the direction of the middle ground, but good old Dragon Quest should be a bundle of old school RPG charm combined with just the right amount of graphical upgrades. Final Fantasy might be good, but also might be bad - Dragon Quest V sounds like an already great game is getting just souped up enough to increase its already large appeal.
    • I'm even more excited about DQ8 (which looks like the RPG I've always dreamed of), but DQ5 definitely looks cool. Hopefully it will be on the order of DQ7 (which I loved... 3 hours of play before you even see your first battle ;-)).

      FF12... I'm not any more or less excited about than anything else, and pretty much for the reasons you said. I liked old school Final Fantasy (1-5, and I liked 6, but that really changed the direction of future games); I wish they'd make more like those. Enix got it right wi

    • For the last week I've been playing Dragon Quest V for the first time. Sure, it's illegal on an emulator, but I never had the opportunity to purchase it, being only released in Japan, and 3x speed is much more playable than the original. I recognized most of the graphics from the original Dragon Warrior, with very few visible changes at all to the engine. If not for everything else that would make it a very cheap game. But the storyline was better than most RPG's I've played. It goes through several generat
  • by suyashs ( 645036 ) on Wednesday December 24, 2003 @04:11PM (#7804529)
    Although they have been shot with a camera, its certainly better than some screenshots http://www2u.biglobe.ne.jp/~nanko/movies/ff12-jf.w mv Here's advent children http://www2u.biglobe.ne.jp/~nanko/movies/ff7ac-jf. wmv and finally, Dragon Quest V (PS2)... http://www2u.biglobe.ne.jp/~nanko/movies/dq5-jf.wm v
  • Isn't Dragon Quest called Dragon Warrior in the USA?
  • Where is my new fucking Chrono title? You trademarked the name when you trademarked that goddamn awful "Unlimited Saga"...don't you think it's time you start talking?

    - Me

This is now. Later is later.
