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Unofficial Babylon 5 Freeware Space Sim Released 59

Pluvius writes "The Prequel Campaign to the unofficial freeware Babylon 5 space sim I've Found Her has been released. According to the development team behind the game: 'We've been trying to finish this piece of art for the last 2 years... it's time to play and find out if it was worth the waiting.' You can find a download link (220MB) and an overview FAQ on its site as well, as well as a screenshot or two." This is an interesting unofficial development, following an ill-fated official project along the same lines.
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Unofficial Babylon 5 Freeware Space Sim Released

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  • I decide to check out /. after finishing up a game of NCAA Football 2004, and this is the first thing I see, about two minutes after it's posted. Thanks, simoniker!

    Anyway, this sounds like it's a pretty fun game (I've always liked games in the style of Wing Commander and X-Wing). It has low enough system requirements for me to play, but I'd rather wait until I build my new computer in a week or so before I do it. Hopefully I won't forget about it by then.

    • The fact that this B5 game is unofficial is pretty important, considering the number of fans of the show here...

      Rob (/. does have a lot of B5 fans, doesn't it?)
  • That's what I always thought the ultimate Babylon 5 mod would be based off of. Source code got released a while back and Freespace 2 is bloody amazing. All its weapons seem like they fit B5 perfectly.
  • Wow (Score:3, Insightful)

    by Rethcir ( 680121 ) on Saturday December 27, 2003 @03:19AM (#7816441)
    Downloaded and ran this game... very impressive! Gameplay, graphics presentation and sound work are all proffesional quality and better than many of the computer games i've played lately. Also runs beautifully at 1024 on my geforce 2MX.. i bet that it would look like the show on something more modern. I am still working on the training mission, but if the campaign is long enough, i'd say this is a game i would have been more than willing to pay for! too bad it's too late for them to get the license now. but it is a good thing that JMS is aware of this project (according to the faq) and isn't foxing it. Makes me remember how much I liked B5 back when it was on TNT every day and spent a good summer or two watching the entire thing. Maybe I should go rent some of the DVDs?

    Now if someone would do something like this for DS9 to make up for that awful Dominion Wars game, I'd be in geek heaven!
    • Downloaded and ran this game... very impressive!

      Which begs the question: why do the big publishers always screw up? I hope - I really hope - that this game will be a kind of milestone in the creation of an independent games scene. Yes, I know, there already is one. The problem with the existing one, at least in terms of its relationship with the larger game industry, is that no one really makes puzzle games anymore. Games like this, however, may very well bring "modding" into the next level and crea
      • Re:Indie Gaming (Score:4, Insightful)

        by blincoln ( 592401 ) on Saturday December 27, 2003 @02:19PM (#7818085) Homepage Journal
        Which begs the question: why do the big publishers always screw up?

        It doesn't actually "beg the question," but I know what you are trying to say.

        Sierra does not seem to be a company that's interested in taking risks:

        - A friend of mine was working on a modern update of a classic Sierra game (I can't say which one), that got cancelled because Sierra got cold feet.

        - Homeworld2's first incarnation (about 2 years in development) was completely scrapped after the developer ran into some technical issues and Sierra decided to play it safe and had them make a new game that was much more like the original than the one they'd been working on.

        Into the Fire (the Babylon Five game) would have been completed after the original series finished airing. B5 was excellent, but it was never a huge commercial success. I imagine that Sierra was concerned that the percentage of PC gamers (already a small fraction of the market compared to console games, for example) who also liked a non-mainstream sci-fi series was too small to justify spending any more money.

        They could very well have been wrong. Maybe ItF would have sold millions of copies. I doubt it, though - the PC market is not as kind to unusual games as the console market is.

        Most people never saw Crimson Skies on the PC, but when a CS game was made for the Xbox, it sold like hotcakes. Maybe Sierra should have hung onto ItF for a year or two and released it for the Xbox instead.
    • I second that. I downloaded and installed IFH yesterday, and was very impressed. The graphics are good, and run bloody fast on my old, slow GF2 (damn, double-post alert). The sound is good, and at least some of the music is by Chris Franke (which is good too). Although I do not have a joystick, the game is well playable by mouse. It is waaaaay better than some games I actually paid for in recent years...

      der Joachim
  • My joystick's in another city, so I won't be playing this for a while, but I did take a look at the graphics, which are great. He even wrote in motion blur which makes things amazing, but unfortunately it takes my framerate to about 5.

  • Independence War, Elite, X-Wing/TIE Fighter, Wing Commander, Freespace...

    Great genre of games that hasn't done well these past several years. When I fired this B5 game up for a few minutes I could see the influences from Independence War (Newtonian motion!!!) and Freespace immediately.

  • Couldn't they have made the homepage alittle LESS readable ?
  • *plonk*
  • Near the end of the shooting training in the Cooke-system when requesting docking clearance the game exits with a 'Aaaaaaaaarrrgggh! Fatal exception in "CTarget::mfCheckTarget()"!' :( Though I must say that the rest of the game is top notch.
  • Wow. A free B5 game. Too bad it's only for windows.

    For B5 fans like me :-) Numerous Great Babylon 5 quotes right here [] in a pdf. I even published a book [], in french however, including these quotes and many more.

    "[...] and as a result, we spend too much time trying to be serious, as if that proves that we are more enlightened, better than everyone else. But we can't be free until we learn to laugh about ourselves, once we look in the mirror and see just how foolish we can be, laughter is inevitable and fr
    • Try vegastrike, I've just started playing the 0.4 vanilla version, and its pretty good (but not too much emphasis on the pretty, the HUD needs work, and one or two of the space backdrops are hard on the eyes).

      I think theres some B5 ship models available for it.

  • Boxleitner: What happen?
    Ivanova: Somebody set up us the Slashdot!
    RedShirtGuy: We get signal
    RedShirtGuy: Main Screen Turn On
    Boxleitner: It's You!
    CowboyNeal: How are you gentleman!
    CowboyNeal: All Your Base Are Belong To Us!
    ... and so it begins

How many NASA managers does it take to screw in a lightbulb? "That's a known problem... don't worry about it."
