Top-Selling Japanese Games In 2003 Reveal Trends 58
Thanks to The Magic Box for their chart showing the top-selling videogames in Japan during 2003. Square Enix's Final Fantasy X-2 for PS2 tops the chart, selling a little less than 2 million copies, despite Japanese consumer discontent with the title, and Nintendo's Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire for GBA places second, with almost 1.5 million copies sold in 2003, and nearly 5 million in total. A surprise hit in third place is the PlayStation 2 action title Dynasty Warriors 4 from Koei, and further down the chart, Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles for GameCube can only manage a disappointing 26th place, with 310,000 copies sold, and an Xbox title of any kind is, sadly, nowhere to be seen in the Top 30.
Golf at #5? Nifty (Score:1)
And speaking of the PS2, 18 games are PS2, 7 GBA and 5 GC.. wow.. that's some PS2 lovin'...
Re:Golf at #5? Nifty (Score:1)
Re:Golf at #5? Nifty (Score:1, Troll)
I'll ignore making the comparison to GTA sales and asking you whether all Americans love stealing cars and shooting people, although I could make that argument against your subtle racism, since many people play golf video games who do not enjoy playing real golf and vice versa.
Re:Golf at #5? Nifty (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:Golf at #5? Nifty (Score:1)
not every simple mis-speaking/mis-typing is racist, and I hate it when it is viewed as such.
Combined with the number of flamebaiters and trolls on here, the ability to quickly respond to things well before actually thinking through what someone wrote just promotes a lot of the bashing that goes on here nowadays, particularly with game articles.
I got slammed as a racist because I didn't like the aggressive music on the Madden 2004 soundtrack.
I would be interested in knowing why there is a large
Re:Golf at #5? Nifty (Score:2)
Re:Golf at #5? Nifty (Score:1)
And please tell me how using 'they' to describe the people of a country is 'subtle racism'.
No Grand Theft Auto? (Score:1)
but onto my point, I though grand theft auto sold over 230,000 copies in japan so how come it is'nt on the list?
Re:No Grand Theft Auto? (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:No Grand Theft Auto? (Score:1)
I guess I should'nt believe everything I read on slashdot
Re:No Grand Theft Auto? (Score:2)
One guess is that 300,000 copies have been sold to stores, and those stores have sold 230,000 copies to the general public. No evidence, of course, but I remember XBox and N-Gage sales being tallied this way to make the amount of sales seem higher.
Re:No Grand Theft Auto? (Score:2)
Maybe it is on there, but has a different name. If you scroll down the document a bit, you'll see Resident Evil 4 referenced, but apparently sold under the name "Biohazard 4" in Japan. I don't recognize some of the names on the list (not a heavy gamer though), could one of those be GTA? Anyone know what company distributes GTA in Japan (may give a clue)?
Who knows. Maybe the list only contains games made by Japanese companies.
Re:No Grand Theft Auto? (Score:1)
Re:No Grand Theft Auto? (Score:4, Informative)
Biohazard was sold as Resident Evil abroad because of (I believe) issues with the band Biohazard.
Re:No Grand Theft Auto? (Score:2)
Re:No Grand Theft Auto? (Score:2)
Unfortunately, since The Magic Box translates a lot of stuff from Japanese media, it's often the first source for quite a bit of news, but I just mailed the webmaster and asked if he could take off the super-obnoxious Gator-style installation attempts, at least.
Who cares? (Score:1, Insightful)
Who cares?
Re:Who cares? (Score:1)
Maybe Nintendo and Sony because it shows that they still have market domanance even if people say they are losing to Microsoft in the USA (and I do not belive they are)?
Maybe N-Gage because it gives insight to them if they want to launch it there?
Re:Who cares? (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Who cares? (Score:3, Interesting)
XBox, on the other hand, is a pretty high quality product (I own one and am very happy with it). The problem is that they have NO decent games on it in Japan! It's incredible! Pick your favorite 10 XBox games. 9 of them have probably not been released here.
Re:Who cares? (Score:1)
Re:Who cares? (Score:1)
Out of curiosity, what kind of marketing does Microsoft do in Japan? Do they advertise as much (or more) than Nintendo and Sony?
Re:Who cares? (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Japanese consumers care. (Score:2)
The Xbox is huge, and from my personal experience breaks down a lot. As far as mileage goes, my Gamecube travels with me to my casual gaming friends because it is smaller with a handle, and it has better [gamefaqs.com] multi [gamefaqs.com] player [gamefaqs.com] games [gamefaqs.com].
I checked on Gamefaqs [gamefaqs.com] for Japanese release dates and found nearly all of my favorite Xbox games have been released in Japan. Unfortunately, most of them didn't sell well in
Re:Japanese consumers care. (Score:2)
Re:Who cares? (Score:1)
On the contrary, lots of Xboxes have problems. "DDE" (dirty disc error) plagues the first versions, and extremely high fan noise plagues the latest versions (most of the ones sold now, but not all - it's a manufacturing problem with the fan).
I've always loved Koei (Score:1)
Re:I've always loved Koei (Score:2)
Koei, by the way, makes many games... and is fairly successful at it. It's just, it is a fairly small niche market over here, so not many get localized.
Re:I've always loved Koei (Score:1)
I have the first one. Not as good as Rot3K 8, but better than the Kessen series.
Lucky ducks! (Score:5, Interesting)
At any rate, it's a little OT, but, do any other single-player RPG fans out there besides me find the Dragon Warrior games to be a whole lot more satisfying than the Final Fantasy series? Sure, the graphics on DW7 are pretty subpar for the Playstation, but the games seem to be a whole lot more challenging, with less cheesy diolouge, cooler spells and attacks, dungeons with more than one direction to go in, and things like that.
They get plenty of respect in Japan, as Dragon Quest 7 was the greatest selling playstation game ever over there, or something like that. But they really don't get props over in the States. Nobody payed much attention to the GBC rereleases of of Dragon Warrior 1, 2, and 3, even though they were marvelous remakes, and it's been near impossible to find DW7 in a store for a long time now. [sigh]
Re:Lucky ducks! (Score:1)
Re:Lucky ducks! (Score:1)
Re:Lucky ducks! (Score:1)
It is easily the greatest of all Dragon Quest/Warrior games, with an inmense world to explore, which is designed in such a way, that every new transport medium you get, opens at least two new locations, with fun minigames or cool places to go, which are not obvious at first, so you expend some time exploring.
That game is the best of the series. I am wai
Re:Lucky ducks! (Score:2)
Perhaps the the reason why American's prefer FF can be traced to the beginning of the introduction of RPGs in consoles. The Dragon Warrior's UI was less refined than Final Fantasy's. Also FF's graphics where significantly better.
When FF2 was released on the SNES it showcased the power of the console (awesome graphics and music), also they refreshed the series with a new entry almost every year.
Even though the Scenarios of DW2 & 3 where much better tha
Content: Poor Xbox sales = Poor Xbox game sales (Score:5, Informative)
I'm not sure why this described as sad - I would characterize it as entirely predictable. We have all read about the many struggles that Microsoft has had in gaining acceptance in the Japanese market. Despite its best efforts, Microsoft's console has remained in last place, embarrassingly outsold even by the rebranded original PlayStation, the PSOne.
Part of the problem is the physically large design of the Xbox hardware itself, in a country where space in the typical home is at a premium and a small PS2 or GameCube is far preferable to the bulky Xbox.
Part of the problem is undoubtedly related to an allegiance to the domestic console manufacturers - Sony and Nintendo - over the foreign Microsoft.
But the biggest problem may be a cultural one. If the Xbox provided titles that appeal to the Japanese market, the Xbox would have better sales and better game sales. But it doesn't. Without the titles to back up the platform, there isn't - and the shouldn't be - any expectation of strong sales.
Splashy marketing and hype only buy you the attention of Japanese gamers (or any gamers for that matter). The question is: Can the Xbox deliver on the content?
So far - in Japan - the answer to that question is a resounding NO.
Re:Content: Poor Xbox sales = Poor Xbox game sales (Score:2)
It's actually embarrassing to be seen in that row, especially being a foreigner.
I am not an atomic playboy
Re:Content: Poor Xbox sales = Poor Xbox game sales (Score:2)
Note that this wasn't true when the xbox was first released in Japan -- in fact at that point, xbox games had a primo up-front location in many stores, and quite often a prominently situated demo unit. There was also a huge amount of advertising accompanying the release (e.g., it was almost impossible to escape xbox adverts in central shibuya, as even the street lamps were flying xbox banners).
Of course as the xbox has conti
Re:crystal chronicles (Score:5, Informative)
How did you think FF:CC sold 300,000 or more without having come out, anyhow?
Sad... (Score:1, Funny)
Yeah, it's pretty unfortunate that Microsoft is having a hard time making a profit in Japan, because you know... hey wait a minute, am I still on slashdot?
Doesn't anyone read Gaming Trade Papers any more? (Score:2, Insightful)
The trend noted is not wether or not the article is an anti-microsoft statement but it's a trend noting that game makers are making Games exclusively for specific platforms.
Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy (for the most part), Grand Turismo, and SOCOM have always been known for being Playstation 1 and/or 2 games.
Secondly, the next trend shoul
Re:Doesn't anyone read Gaming Trade Papers any mor (Score:2)
I guess my main point is that X-Box is too new of a Kid on the proverbial block to be included into 'the Cool Kids Club'.
It can't be that bad. (Score:1)
Another trend (Score:1)
This just in: Cube = Good, Xbox = Bad! (Score:1)