What Guilty Gaming Pleasures Do You Enjoy? 175
Thanks to GamerDad for its editorial discussing some of the guilty pleasures involved in playing video games. The author, in trying to define why he enjoys games so much, rhapsodizes: "When 3D games run at a high framerate and wow me with effects, I'm drooling like any other graphics loving moron. I don't need them, but I do respect and admire them." He continues along this train of thought: "Another guilty pleasure is the need to blow things up. Why is it that's so damn liberating? I just love to see things go boom. Zombies, space ships, tanks, cars, buildings, robots, aliens, demons - but not often people, since I'm kinda squeamish with that." What's your guiltiest videogaming-related pleasure?
Framerate. (Score:2)
Re:Most guilty gaming pleasure? (Score:2)
Only time I've enjoyed TKing is when someone is doing it to me...I'll spend the rest of the game harassing that person.
easy: (Score:5, Interesting)
i haven't put a quarter (or 50 cents) into a videogame machine in years. MAME was like the 'nirvana'-point of arcade gaming for me
the new stuff doesn't interest me.
Re:easy: (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:easy: (Score:1)
Re:easy: (Score:3, Interesting)
I'm fully aware that roms are illegal, and tend to blast people who emulate newer games. I have no problems with MAME whatsoever, mainly because there are no arcades in my area. The best I can do is the occasional Ms. Pac Man machine in a restaurant.
If arcades were more readily available, I'd emulate less. Since I don't have the option, I just download. Works for me...
I'm Danie And I'm A GTA-holic (Score:5, Interesting)
He had a Playstation 2 set-up with Vice City which had just been released, now, being a complete beginner to the gaming world *OS X geek you see* I was pretty well drawn into the sheer brutality of pulling some young broad out a moving car, then proceeding to smash up line after line of innocent civilians
Months later, I still play just to get my police record "topped up", sod the missions!
And yes, I thought it was rather cruel to smack an old lady in the chops with a steel bar, but... but... oh nevermind
Re:I'm Danie And I'm A GTA-holic (Score:4, Interesting)
And doing things that might be illegal in your state (like going on a killing spree) just happens to be the best actions to get away with.
Re:I'm Danie And I'm A GTA-holic (Score:3, Funny)
I don't think I want to visit a state where it might not be illegal to go on a killing spree.
Re:I'm Danie And I'm A GTA-holic (Score:2)
1. Locate a state/country where killing sprees are legal
2. Schedule a meeting of all the people you hate there
3. Guess!
4. Ask for pay rise
Might even make meetings something to be enjoyed...
Okay, that's probably pushing the boundaries of probability.
Re:I'm Danie And I'm A GTA-holic (Score:2)
Prob is you could get outgunned even before you reached the entrance.
Animal Crossing. (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Animal Crossing. (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Animal Crossing. (Score:3, Interesting)
Also, Harvest Crack has been around far longer than Animal Crack... even the original SNES game is still addictive (as I discovered not too long ago).
Re:Animal Crossing. (Score:2)
Meeeh, big deal. Go buy one. You could probably go pick up a used in good condition or a refurb for $50, as much as a lot of GC/PS2/Xbox games. You know you want to!
Halo of destruction (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Halo of destruction (Score:2)
DoDonPachi(arcade, a.k.a. download MAME rom, also avaible for the saturn and ps) is my favorite
I also love the combo system used in DoDonPachi, especially on leve
Re:Halo of destruction (Score:2)
In the end I ended up calling it shooter Zen, simply because that's what it is-- a requirement you become one with the ship you're flying. If you can't fi
Re:Halo of destruction (Score:2)
All the small movements and the fast switches between laser and bullet spam modes.
Apart from that, I do now know that I am indeed using the best ship
Well. (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Well. (Score:5, Funny)
Pantylines (Score:5, Funny)
"What Guilty Gaming Pleasures Do You Enjoy?
Playing with the camera angles in Tomb Raider?
Re:Pantylines (Score:5, Funny)
if the cam angle is all you're playing with... where's your other hand?
Re:Pantylines (Score:5, Funny)
Hasn't happened yet- but no way in hell am I going to hit 'A' to cancel that scene.
Running people over (Score:3, Interesting)
Carmageddon was great for that. Didn't look very good, but was enormous evil fun.
Re:Running people over (Score:2, Interesting)
all those mods where the pedestrians were fat / huge / suicidal / extra bloody / extra chunky / bobble-head / whatever plus the powerup where the car had springs that sprung out and killed all the nearby pedestrians
It was a big step up that they were actually polygons and not sprites like Carma I, and they rendered awesome on my Voodoo Banshee! Anyone who comes out with a Carma II mod for GTA:VC feel free to ask me for donations...
Q*Bert (Score:2, Funny)
Re:Q*Bert (Score:5, Informative)
So in response, CU Amiga announced quite funnily, the Capcom Translation MIDI Kit, plug in to the serial port of any Amiga computer and hear Ryu in his new found English!
This was 1993 remember
So in their dozens, people then wrote in asking prices, availability, specifications etc... CU Amiga were nearly sued for false advertisement
The moral of the story kids?
One pixallated characters swear word is anothers sweet whisper
Q*Bert was fantastic for it's alien swearing though, I'm sure he said Fcuk, must sample and slow it
Re:Q*Bert (Score:2, Interesting)
So if he swore, it wasn't their fault.
Re:Q*Bert (Score:2)
Maybe whatever they originally sampled (or however it was accomplished) was random, though.
God (Score:5, Funny)
My shame (Score:2)
The sad thing... I tricked zdoom awhile back and remembered all those. Sad that I played doom/doom2 so much for them to become ingrained in my memory (or maybe it's more sad that I obviously was a frequent cheater).
wow... (Score:2)
Freedom Force (Score:3, Interesting)
Postal 2 (Score:1)
Head to parade practise.
Sow napalm and grenades all over the place.
Hentai games! (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Hentai games! (Score:5, Funny)
Seriously, once I realized that I essentially enjoying the male equivalent of Harlequin romance novels with Fabio on the cover, my true guilt became apparent. Oh the shame!
there' just too many (Score:3, Interesting)
A few guilty pleasures over the years include:
Chun Li from Street Fighter (hey, I was really young - no, I didn't play with one hand)
Narc - first game I ever played that was extremely violent and very graphic
Mortal Kombat [1 and 2] - I loved the first two MK games, the gameplay was great for the time, but the guilty pleasure was obviously the finish moves
King of Fighters - bounce bounce :) More hilarious than anything else
GTA - I never bothered with the missions until the third game, but running over people, running from the cops, etc., was friggin great. Once in GTA 1, I killed every single cop in the city(there were a limited number in the first game!). Then I blew up every single car except the Jeep Wrangler. The best fun, though, was setting up a huge ring of blown up vehicles surrounding my guy, and then proceeding to lob explosives into crowds of people and mowing down cops as they struggle to make their way through the wall of rubble.
Quake 1-3 - high-framerate gib flying fun!
Max Payne - silly story and game elements "ripped off" of the Matrix
And so much more...
Dead or Alive (Score:5, Interesting)
I first saw this game (DOA1) in an arcade in France and just coudn't take my eyes off it... well, I coudnt take my eyes off the bouncing.
Physics based videogames just became a reality to me.
In the same vein, the only reason to play the Jurassic Park based Trespasser game was to look down.
Got to love em'.
Re:Dead or Alive (Score:2)
Re:Dead or Alive (Score:1)
Truth. I was lent two games to tide me over when I bought a non-bundle Xbox. One was Spider-Man (neat game, but I'd already had it on PC for awhile) and the other was Dead or Alive 3. I'd always sneered when people mentioned the game, but it really is an impressive fighter. The variance of fighting styles and unique combat mechanics make it an engaging game quite apart from the eye-catching animations.
Bouncing boobs ON (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Dead or Alive (Score:1)
Guilty Pleasure: Miss Cloud... and Miss Sephiroth (Score:4, Funny)
Yep, there's no guiltier pleasure than seeing Sephiroth in a hot tub with the muscular Mukki, or asking the Honeybee Inn honeys to put some pretty makeup on his face ^_^
Obsessive levelling up (Score:1)
Final. Fantasy. Tactics. Advance. (Score:2)
Disgaea (Score:1)
I don't usually like leveling up that much, but I loved breeding strong monsters on Dragon Warrior Monsters, and would go to great leveling up lengths to breed a strong monster (the child's stats were roughly equal to the parents' sum divided by four, iirc). I broke the clock in that game (it stops recording time aft
Re:Disgaea (Score:2)
I broke 200 a while ago, Laharl is now powerful enough to take on anyone but Prinny-Baal by himself. level 100 ultimate equipment loaded with specialists. Around then the game got kinda boring though. I'll put it back in some day and try for more endings, but right now I've got a couple of months worth of games I haven't been playing...
boomsticks, etc (Score:2, Insightful)
#2: Boomsticks! Shotgun's seem to be my big weapon. Be it the one in Half-life, GTA3, DOOM, etc. Boomsticks are sweet.
#3: Summon spells in the Final Fantasy series (and maybe any other Squaresoft game)... Nothing more fun than calling out a nice spell that targets all enemies, and isn't affected by the Reflect/Wall spell. Best abuse ever: Final Fantasy VII - Grab Bahamut-Zero attatch a Magi
Pikmin (Score:2)
Re:Pikmin (Score:1)
Re:Pikmin (Score:2)
Has anyone ever made a list of all the different ways a Pikmin can die? I want to make sure I haven't missed one :)
Same thing I Enjoy in real life (Score:2, Funny)
DOA3 (Score:5, Funny)
I'm probably the only one... (Score:2)
Reading, when I know I should be playing a videogame?
-- MarkusQ
Level 30 of Doom II (Score:4, Interesting)
There was something oddly captivating about letting the room fill with monsters (they infinitely respawned untill you ended the level) and then just blasting away on fully automatic. It was also oddly enjoyable to run around shooting at them just enough to cause massive brawls. I kinda liked watching a flock of Demons systematically assert their authority through sheer numbers.
Depending on how much mayhem you could handle, you'd get completion rates in the thousands of percentages. Mmmm... dead pixilated monsters.
Re:Level 30 of Doom II (Score:3, Interesting)
Assuming you got to level 30 without the level skip cheat (if you did you'd arrive there with nothing but a pistol and 50 rounds), you could leave the free weapons and ammo (you were given every weapon in the game, including a backpack and nearly enough ammo to get through any one level in the game). Why would you do this? Simple. Leave the ammo and weapons for when you need to restock
Re:Level 30 of Doom II (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Level 30 of Doom II (Score:2)
If you changed the "aferaffect" to the full blast, they'd keep spawning little flashes until everything nearby was quite dead. Quite an amusing modification.
Burnout2 (Score:2)
I'd say Burnout2 is my guilty pleasure. This game has zero plot, almost no point to it. You drive a car a short distance, and try to cause an accident. Your "score" for each round is the $$ racked up in insurance settlements.
Something about that just kind of makes you feel .... good. I've played it all evening after a bad day, and it just makes me feel better. Nothing more satisfying than when you can roll a bus (huge $$ settlement.)
Re:Burnout2 (Score:2)
I have to agree with you.
Im not much of hardcore gamer, and dont paeticularly even like FPS games at all.
At my friends Burnout2 is one of two games I actually enjoy playing on xbox.
(Other being SoulCalaber2)
Good memorys of sitting around playing in 4 player mode for hours on end.
We found reching busses (or multple busses) racked up the most insurance money, so we spent tons of time figuring out the perfect way to cause multiple busses and trucks to flip and take out a few cars here and there.
Almost make
Original c&c sounds (Score:3, Insightful)
That's what I missed about Red Alert.. they toned down the sounds of the guys getting aced. I was talking to a friend about making a mod of RA with some of the original sounds, but he thought I was insane
Leveling, Money, and Mayhem (Score:2, Funny)
Huh? Guilt? (Score:2)
Why feel guilty over pleasurable activities? (Score:1, Insightful)
Hmmm... (Score:2, Insightful)
And I still play the original X-COM. Often.
But personally the biggest form of guilt pleasure I get is reading stuff online where people harp on FF7. Just because so many people started playing the Final Fantasy games at 7, they think it's the best. Silly fools.
Half Life (Score:3, Funny)
Sniping and Kids Games (Score:1)
I also really enjoy playing dumbed down kids games. Mario party is a perfect example but there are others as well. I've played just about all of the Putt Putt [amazon.com] and Pajama Sam games for no apparent reason.
In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But, in
I'm a sucker for (Score:1)
I'm not usually one to fall for consumer deathtraps but if they're trying something stupidly different, I'll go for it
Killing, Jumping, and a little bit of cheating (Score:2, Interesting)
In Enemy Territory, I'll forego helping out teammates or trying to win our te
There really are no guilty pleasures in games... (Score:4, Insightful)
The beauty is that there are many different kids of fun to be had -- visceral/reflexy fun; intellectual/puzzley fun; compulsive collection fun; competitive fun; violent ass-kicking fun... etc. Not one of these should inspire guilt. Fun is fun.
Come to think of it, the only true guilty pleasure would be playing a game not because it was fun, but because you were trying to prove a point to someone else.
Donkey Kong... (Score:1)
Some other favorites:
Star Trek: Strategic Command Simulator
Mr. Do
Super Pac-Man
Time Pilot
They'll never get old to me.
I'm surprised (Score:1)
Listen to the screams... (Score:2)
Re:Listen to the screams... (Score:2)
Puzzle Games (Score:2)
And then you realize y
I get my pleasure... (Score:3, Funny)
And yes, I do feel SOME guilt over it.
But then again, they are all *MINE [dabj.net]*
(Best part is that it's an old picture, I have more now, muahahaha)
Re:I get my pleasure... (Score:2)
Be more descriptive when linking to images.
Re:I get my pleasure... (Score:2)
I am offended Sir, that is my Nintendo Game & Watch collection, mostly boxed!
I had no idea what most of it was... sorry.
640x480 (Score:2, Interesting)
Team killing without penalty (Score:3, Interesting)
PSO (Score:2)
I now refuse to pull it off my shelf.
Its kind of nice that they're ruining the 3rd game, cause now i wont get addicted to it. I dont like card games. Let me hack and slash and
Just messing with the game world (Score:3, Funny)
For example, going through Deus Ex and stealing all the plants from all the offices in the Unatco building and putting them in my own office (looks like a greenhouse!). Or opening all the taps in the washing room. Or playing with the basket ball.
Or alternatively, playing with the Warthog in Halo. The idea being that you find an inaccessible spot and then try to get your Warthog into it. I swear, they could make an entire game out of that alone: just gives us difficult jumps, small ledges, narrow gaps, and obstacles, and let nature do the rest...
Games ARE a guilty pleasure (Score:2)
Re:Games ARE a guilty pleasure (Score:2)
It would make an interesting experiment...if I owned a PS2, which I don't...
Worms 2 and Worms: Armageddon (Score:2)
Oh, and being Donkey Kong in Super Smash Bros. and carrying everyone off the cliff.
My guilty pleasures... (Score:4, Funny)
(1) In Final Fantasy VIII when you use scan on Selphie (is that her name? All I really remember is that the game sucked) it won't allow you to rotate the camera to see up her dress. You can with every other character, just not her.
(2) However, you can see up Garnet's dress in the ending of Final Fantasy IX. Was looking for a desktop background when I found this, going through frame by frame for that perfect shot. When she runs down and jumps in Zidane's arms he swings her around and for one frame you can see up her dress. No underwear, lotsa bush. Almost made up for having to play through that slow assed game.
No, I don't have a girlfriend. How can you tell?
Re:My guilty pleasures... (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:My guilty pleasures... (Score:2)
Don't got it, that was back in the days of Win98 so I've been through quite a lot of crashes and OS upgrades since then. (Win98 > Win2K > GNU/Linux) Plus I don't even have any of my PS games anymore.
If anyone wants to grab a screenshot then head on over to zophar.net and grab a FF9 movie viewing utility that they had. Pop in the last FF9 disk and load the huge movie for the ending, when she runs into Zidane's arms start going through frame by frame. The picture itself is blu
WC3: Ancient Protectors (Score:2)
My guilty game pleasure..... (Score:2, Informative)
$60 a game? Whatever.
WAV to the nice people (Score:2, Funny)
One word (Score:2)
One Guilty Pleasure (Score:2, Interesting)
Grant Theft Auto - Xbox (Score:2)
I found that by lining up any number of cars right next to each other and using a shotgun to make the first one blow up, you can set off a REALLY cool chain reaction of cars blowing up (GTA VC). The strength of the blast of the first car is good enough to start the next car in sucession and so on. Now that the Game is on Xbox, the game has WAY more memory than the PS2 so you can go off and get mor
Daikatana (Score:3, Funny)
I'm just waiting for someone to come out of the closet and admitting to liking Daikatana...
Re:Daikatana (Score:2)
But I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you.
The people on the sidewalk. (Score:2)
I'm not a gameaholic (Score:2)
I've heard Charles Bukowski [amazon.com] say the same thing about vodka shots.
Personally, I like nading two or more guys in BHD, and have them get enraged and call me a NooB.
"That's GENERAL NooB to you, sir!"