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Perfecting Stand-Up Comedy Using Quake? 18

TheNomad writes "Many of you probably know about Machinima, most easily described as 'filmmaking within a real-time, 3D virtual environment', but did you realise that some people are taking it a stage further, and performing improvised Machinima comedy live, using Quake II? There's an interview with the ILL Clan on Machinima.com, talking about their live Machinima work, of which the latest part is called 'Larry & Lenny on the Campaign Trail'."
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Perfecting Stand-Up Comedy Using Quake?

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  • by sinergy ( 88242 ) on Wednesday January 21, 2004 @07:51PM (#8049869) Homepage
    The medium of comedy is of no matter. Comedy is comedy; be it written, performed, filmed, or digitized.
    • Very true. On the other hand the barrier to entry has been lowered considerably in the last couple of years. Whereas shitty stand-ups were confined to amateur nights in clubs and untalented writers had to photocopy their own drivel, nowadays everyone can just go on the internet.

      The editorial process has moved from a handful of people (a small audience at most) to a whole world full of them. Some might welcome this development, but think about how many collective hours man has wasted by forcing thousands to

      • It's quite possible that to some comedians, not being able to hear the reaction of their audience would be a distinct advantage. Just turn loop a laugh track mpeg while they're playing, pretend it's an audience, and they get an ego booster while their audience gets . . . never mind.
  • by Elivs ( 43960 ) on Wednesday January 21, 2004 @07:55PM (#8049910)
    When someone sucks does the audience get the option of shooting them with the nail gun, or preferably with double barrel shotgun at close range?

    Rotten fruid at live performaces allows instant feedback to performers. Instant (and graphic) feedback can really usefull in live comedy!!

    (Guess I'm likely right now that slashdot hasn't implemented such a feature for moderators)


  • by El ( 94934 )
    Does that mean that I can perfect my FPS gaming techniques by chasing stand-up comedians around with a shotgun?
  • by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday January 21, 2004 @08:38PM (#8050385)
    You'll know when your comedy routine is almost over when you hear... "three frags left"
  • The QdQ gags. Some of them were down right silly :-p So silly in fact that I can't remember a damn one of them... it doesn't help that it's been almost 7 years egad!
  • Why Quake? (Score:4, Interesting)

    by irc.goatse.cx troll ( 593289 ) on Thursday January 22, 2004 @03:32AM (#8052571) Journal
    I'm usually all for using Quake* over all other games, but wouldn't it be best to use something with a higher max player per server count and ingame voicecomm? You can always force all spectators into a Ventrilo/RogerWilco/etc server, but it would be much easier if done ingame.
    • Well, being that I'm one of the guys involved in this, I am uniquely qualified to answer your question.

      Perhaps you didn't have a chance to read the whole article, but the reference to live comedy doesn't involve audience members connected to the server. We actually do this in front of live audiences at film festivals and clubs in New York City.

      Only the performers are connected to the server. The "camera's" view is projected onto a large screen, comedy ensues. Everyone, including the performers are toget

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