On Stemming Nintendo's Exclusive Game Drought 110
Thanks to Nintendojo for its editorial discussing ways to help Nintendo increase the amount of GameCube-only titles it releases. The writer notes that "...it is all too apparent that Nintendo's exclusive games lineup is very thin at the moment", and suggests one of many possible solutions: "Nintendo must figure out a way to increase the [development] capacity of Retro Studios and/or Silicon Knights. These companies must have as much depth [in amount of releases] as Rare had at the latter part of its life." How would you like to see Nintendo partnering to release more high-quality GameCube-only games?
Nintendo seems to be ok for this year (Score:5, Informative)
Now I'm going to go against my bettter judgement and link to an article [ign.com] on IGN titled "Most anticipated games of 2004." I don't care much for IGN, but the list does include some potentially good games.
It's sad because it's true. (Score:5, Interesting)
Now don't get me wrong, I've played other systems. I've finished FFVII and FFX on the PS and PS2, as well as playing a great deal of Tekken and the Gran Turismo series, but I could never justify buying a PS for just these games.
But now I realize, that I have done the same thing for a Gamecube. I have less than ten games (due partially to budget constraints), a GBA, and 1 GBA game (FF Tactics Advance). The problem I have is variety. It turns out, I have a game in almost every genre, and it's hard to play multiple games in a genre. If I want to fight, I have SCII, racing is Mario Kart:DD or F-Zero GX. Team sports is NHL 2004, while extreme sports is Tony Hawk 4. RPG is Zelda, etc. The problem is Nintendo fills a genre niche, and then moves on! Which means that if I want to play a different fighting game, well, I can't. So I get bored with the games, despite their excellent quality.
Nintendo needs to tighten their release dates, and find developers to compete against themselves. Who can make the best action/fighting/RPG game? Nintendo wins in the end because no matter which game of two or three wins the sales wars, it's still money into Nintendo's pockets.
I just don't want my favourite company to die.
Re:It's sad because it's true. (Score:3, Insightful)
While I get your point, I think that's a terrible example. The GameCube has Soul Calibur 2 and Super Smash Brothers Melee, probably the two most popular fighting games for any current console.
Re:It's sad because it's true. (Score:1)
Re:It's sad because it's true. (Score:2)
There's at least half a dozen for the GC as well: SSBM, Soul Calibur II, Bloody Roar: Primal Fury, Capcom vs. SNK 2: EO, Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance, and X-Men: Next Dimenision.
Re:It's sad because it's true. (Score:1, Interesting)
You pretty much hit it on the head right there. If they had a dozen or so developers releasing high-quality titles that gave nintendo a run for their money, on their own system, it would drastically increase the GC library and quality of the system overall.
Would be nice to see.
Re:It's sad because it's true. (Score:3, Insightful)
There's also Super Smash Bros Melee, Mortal Kombat Deadly Alliance, Capcom vs SNK, and a few other lesser known games.
racing is Mario Kart:DD or F-Zero GX.
There's also Wave Race Blue Storm, Need for Speed Underground, Burnout, and at least a few others.
Team sports is NHL 2004, while extreme sports is Tony Hawk 4.
Granted Sega dropped their sports line from GameCube after the first year, but EA releases all their sports titles for it. Acclaim releases All Star Basebal
Re:It's sad because it's true. (Score:1)
Re:It's sad because it's true. (Score:1)
Well, Zelda isn't an RPG. If you want RPGs, the Cube is a pretty bad choice as their are very few, although Namco has several coming out later this year.
If you are looking for a FinalFantasy-style RPG, try Skies Of Arcadia: Legends.
I dont believe in Exclusive Titles (Score:4, Insightful)
I would however appreciate limited exclusivity where the game would be ported after a fixed amount of time.
Possible Solution (Score:2, Insightful)
Gamecube: Link
XBOX: Spawn
PS2: Heihachi
That way, the game sells well in all three markets, and each console owner can brag to the other about the exclusive content that they got.
(btw Link is the best
Re:I dont believe in Exclusive Titles (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:I dont believe in Exclusive Titles (Score:1)
Re:I dont believe in Exclusive Titles (Score:2)
Ports cost money. Most of the time, they use completely different hardware archetectures, but then there's the X-box. Most of the games use the same API as a modern PC (DirectX), the console is a modern PC, and MS buys out companies and/or pays them to release exclusive games when a port would have been easy. If you were so concerned about exclusivity, you'd either own
Re:I dont believe in Exclusive Titles (Score:1)
Re:I dont believe in Exclusive Titles (Score:4, Insightful)
I take it from this comment that you somehow think that there are people do do buy games for systems the don't own? Of course you don't buy it if you can't play it.
The thing is that exclusives sell consoles. When I picked my console for this generation, I picked a Game Cube first because I wanted the exclusives on the Game Cube more than the exclusives on the other two systems. Every great exclusive that Nintendo puts out or that it gets company C to put out means Y more people buy a Game Cube. Then, once they have a Game Cube, they buy Z number of games, each of which gives Nintendo cash.
Re:I dont believe in Exclusive Titles (Score:2, Insightful)
Especially because Kirby is owned by Nintendo, the games are made by Nintendo, so every marketer would hope that someone wanting the game would know, because of their marketing efforts, that it's a Nintendo game. As a Nintendo game, like every other Nintendo game since the NES was released, it's on a Nintendo console.
XBox owners only have a reason to complain about exclusive titles because the
Do you remember Rare's output? (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Do you remember Rare's output? (Score:2)
Re:Do you remember Rare's output? (Score:2, Insightful)
And the point is that unless you severely inflate the size of the company and maintain seperate development studios within the company (ie like Nintendo's several development division
Re:Do you remember Rare's output? (Score:2)
Where does the "DS" fit in? (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:Where does the "DS" fit in? (Score:1)
Namco (Score:5, Insightful)
"Namco is also another third party that Nintendo should try working with more. If Nintendo springs the cash, Namco could possibly give the Cube an exclusive Soul Calibur."
Or maybe they should do what they did with Sega on F-Zero GX, and get Namco to develop a game for an already established Nintendo brand. Like, for example, Star Fox. And, while there at it, they should announce it at E3. But not this year's E3, because they'll be talking about the DS. Do it at last year's E3. That'll get the fanboys excited.
Unless they totally forget about it, of course.
Re:Namco (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Namco (Score:1)
Re:Namco (Score:2)
After seeing the trailer at E3, I think most of us decided forgetting about it is really the best option available.
Re:Namco (Score:1)
It took Namco 4 years to come out with the sequel to Soul Calibur (and if you ask me, it doesn't look like it gained a whole lot from those four years, but that's another story). At that rate, if they got Namco to make an exclusive Soul Calibur, we wouldn't see it until well into the next generation of consoles anyway, so it wouldn't do a whole lot of good for Nintendo anyway.
Re:Times have changed, games have changed (Score:1)
The problem is 3D (Score:1, Insightful)
Re:The problem is 3D (Score:2)
For the unfamiliar, it's a cel-shaded (but there's something wacky about the shading, like intentional depth problems, that make it look unique) side-scrolling beat-em-up platformer. You don't move along a flat 2D plane, the levels curve. And the gameplay is just amazing, really, and would never have worked in a fully 3D world. Note that it's even
Re:The problem is 3D (Score:1)
Open the platform (Score:2, Interesting)
It would have more potential then the Amiga
Re:Open the platform (Score:1, Funny)
No need - it's not the barrier (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:No need - it's not the barrier (Score:1)
I was thinking Nintendo would do well to embrace the homebrew scene (especially with the GBA), sharing official development kits, and cheap hardware available to all. i.e. a Nintendo brand flash-cart with some hardware restriction that only allows it to store/run games made using the homebrew kit.
If the flash-cart were reasonably cheap, ordinary people could download the little games from a Nintendo community site for a nominal fee ($1
Re:Open the platform (Score:1)
Re:Open the platform (Score:2, Insightful)
How very odd (Score:5, Informative)
They also mention how Squaresoft's exclusives are all on the PS2 now... which is odd, what with Crystal Chronicles out in only a few weeks.
I really wish commentators on Nintendo would bother to at least pretend to have done any research on their articles.
"DS": Nintendo to follow Sega? Trouble ahead! (Score:1, Troll)
When the Saturn - the real "next level" - arrived, people no longer trusted Sega. They were known for not supporting their systems properly. But the problem was...
Re:"DS": Nintendo to follow Sega? Trouble ahead! (Score:4, Interesting)
Given that the DS's specs *seem* (is there any official word on this?) to indicate that backwards compatibility should be possible, it looks like it will replace the GBA.
In terms of game support though, what if they arranged it so that people kept developing gba games, and some games could be made to work in a gba, but in a DS, it would use the second screen? Nintendo did this with some of the original gameboy games when the gbc came out. The GB games would still be for the GB, but they could also have a 4 color palette programmed in for the GBC to use. (granted, a second display would be somewhat more complex "optional addon" to code for, especially with mismatched processors, so this is quite unlikely to happen.)
Re:"DS": Nintendo to follow Sega? Trouble ahead! (Score:2)
Re:"DS": Nintendo to follow Sega? Trouble ahead! (Score:2)
1) Processor. The DS will have a dual-processor configuration, with an ARM 7 and ARM 9 processor. It seems strange that they would have two different processors for this machine. It may indicate that the more powerful ARM 9 will run the CPU, while the ARM 7 will run the graphics. However, why not use two ARM 9 processors in order to buy them in bulk? It's not like either is a custom 'graphics' or 'CPU' chip
Huh? (Score:2)
What? Sega was one of the top companies in terms of arcades at the time (still is big) and the fact that they were porting several games to the Saturn made it extremely popular. The problem with the Saturn was an extremely difficult development platform and the utter failure of some of those ports.
Re:"DS": Nintendo to follow Sega? Trouble ahead! (Score:1)
The Saturn did not succeed, because it lacked games- stemming from their choice of graphics hardware (based on PowerVR) that did not use traditional triangles as its primitive. This made things very annoying for developers.
Your point that people by this time no longer trusted Sega is simply misguided, as the Dreamcast easily outperformed the Saturn on all fronts.
The DS is also not an add on, so even bringing up the 32X and Sega CD is moot.
cube lineup (Score:1, Insightful)
Re:cube lineup (Score:5, Interesting)
I wouldn't be surprised it it turns out that the DS's release date is 1 week before the PSP. Maybe Nintendo is willing to cut a little of GBA's market in order to get into a LOT of PSP's market share. Consider this:
GBA = 95% of the portable market
Others (Swan, NGPC) = 5%
In a GBA vs. PSP war (after say one year):
GBA = 80%
PSP = 18%
Others = 2%
But with THREE systems (2 of which are nintendo) then with the $150 people have to spend on a new console, very few will buy both, and at least some will buy a DS over a PSP):
GBA = 80%
PSP = 11%
DS = 7%
Other = 2%
So is it possible that DS is perhaps sort of like a "kamakaze machine," in that maybe it isn't meant to do well itself (although that would be nice), but it's real goal is to hurt the PSP, even if it causes its own demise? Hell, if PSP only has 10% of the game market then that's NOTHING! I mean, the Turbo Grafx 16 and Saturn probably had that much at one point!
And let's not forget, if DS is a sucess, great. If it isn't and the PSP gets a foothold, then there's still the GBA2 coming out in a few years to hurt the PSP, since the DS has been said (over and over) to NOT be a sequel to the GBA.
Nintendo's Plan (Score:2, Informative)
Re:Nintendo's Plan (Score:1)
And for the record GC does have one other fantastic RPG, Eternal Darkness, which is one of the best games ive played in a long while. Theres also Zelda, which i never really liked on the snes, so havent playe
Re:Nintendo's Plan (Score:2, Interesting)
Seconded, same here. The Xbox is used strictly for emulation and movie-watching, and the PS2 was bought for one game only - Silent Hill 3
Wha...? (Score:4, Insightful)
Oh please... (Score:2)
Face it, Nintendo keeps making really bad decisions. Even hardcore fans should be able to see that (I have). Nintendo needs to stop with gimmicks, get serious with the fact th
parallel? (Score:1)
I vote for all the cross-platform goodness we can get.
Lack of exclusives? (Score:5, Informative)
Animal Crossing
Baten Kaitos
Beach Spikers
Billy Hatcher & The Giant Egg
Custom Robo
Donkey Konga
Doshin the Giant
Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem
F-Zero GX
Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles
Gotcha Force
Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life
Ikaruga (Not on the other two competing consoles)
Kaijuu no Shima: Amazing Island, a Sega Monster training game that is in the works, is a GC exclusive
Killer 7
Kirby Air Ride
The Legend of Zelda: Collector's Edition.
The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Plus
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time/Master Quest
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
Lost Kingdoms
Lost Kingdoms II
Luigi's Mansion
Mario Golf: Toadstool Tour
Mario Kart: Double Dash!!
Mario Party 4
Mario Party 5
Mario Tennis is coming up.
Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes
Metroid Prime
Nintendo Puzzle Collection
P.N. 03
Pac Man Vs.
PSO Episode III
Pikmin II
Pokemon Colosseum
Resident Evil
Resident Evil 0
Resident Evil 4
You can throw in RE 2, 3, and Code Veronica, if you want, too.
Skies of Arcadia Legends (not on Ps2 or X-box, the other two competing consoles)
Sonic Adventure 2: Battle (not on Ps2 or X-box)
Sonic Adventure DX Director's Cut (Again, not on Ps2 or X-box)
Sonic Mega Collection
Star Fox (from Namco)
Star Fox Adventures
Star Wars Rogue Leader: Rogue Squadron II.
Star Wars Rogue Squadron III: Rebel Strike.
Super Mario Sunshine
Super Monkey Ball
Super Monkey Ball 2
Super Smash Bros. Melee
Tales of Symphonia
Viewtiful Joe
Wario Ware for GC
Wario World
Wave Race: Blue Storm
These are just the more well-known exclusives. There's more than the ones I listed.
Yeah, I'd say that the GameCube has very few exclusive games. *rolls eyes*
Re:Lack of exclusives? (Score:1, Insightful)
Re:Lack of exclusives? (Score:3, Insightful)
And I am pretty sure the argument was for quality exclusives, too. (Your list has a lot of B-quality and niche titles.) And I can't believe you are counting games that were released on other domestic console systems not four years ago. I personally wouldn't count compilations of games I already have owned for 5+ years, either.
Re:Lack of exclusives? (Score:2)
No, it's not. It specifically mentions F-Zero GX from Sega and says they should try and get more exclusive games from them and Namco.
Re:Lack of exclusives? (Score:1)
Saying a game is exclusive FROM NINTENDO is kinda redundant. I mean, is Nintendo really going to make the next Kirby game multiplatform? Obviously, if it's from Nintendo, it's exclusive.
Second of all, I think first party games is the least of Nintendo's problems. Ask anyone who knows anything about games, and they could probaly list a half-dozen games first party Nintendo games. Now ask the same person about first-party Sony games. I know a bit abo
Re:Lack of exclusives? (Score:1)
Re:Lack of exclusives? (Score:2)
And? Viewtiful Joe nearly made me buy a GameCube. Furthermore, to complain that Pikmin 2 and Metroid Prime 2, say, aren't comming out within the next three months is kind of silly. I mean when's FFXII comming out on the PS2? Clearly Squaresoft isn't supporting them well-enough (to say nothing of Sony's internal development studios which are off the radar, and the fact that FFCC is coming o
Re:Lack of exclusives? (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Lack of exclusives? (Score:1)
Re:Lack of exclusives? (Score:1)
Re:Lack of exclusives? (Score:1)
Re:Lack of exclusives? (Score:1)
Let me think... (Score:4, Informative)
Mario Golf
P.N. 03 (better than people gave it credit for)
Viewtiful Joe
Rogue Squadron 3
Kirby's Air Ride
Mario Party 5
Mario Kart
And that's just off the top of my head. Every one of these games (except maybe PN03, depending on your taste) is worth owning. That's 8 exclusives, 5 of which I'd classify as AAA titles.
On top of those are all the multi-platform games (damn, Prince of Persia was good. So was Beyond Good & Evil).
Honestly, I haven't followed the release schedules of the PS2 or XBox very closely, since I have more than enough games to keep me very well occupied on my 'Cube and PC, so what am I supposedly missing? Grabbed by the Ghoulies? Final Fantasy: Teen-pop Edition?
Re:Let me think... (Score:1)
Also, if y
idiot (Score:1)
Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles [ign.com]
lack of exclusive title my ass. Not only that, but they'll sell a crapload of GBAs and link-cables for it too.
Thin? The moron who wrote the article is on drugs (Score:1)
Personally... (Score:2)
Nintendo needs to focus on RPG development. (Score:2)
The GameCube control is NOT meant for fighting games (at least not far advanced ones). I couldn't imagine playing a Street Fighter 2 port on a GameCube cont
Re:Nintendo needs to focus on RPG development. (Score:1)
Maybe it's just me, but I LOVE the GC controller, even for fighting games. Soul Caliber 2 plays like a dream with it (okay...maybe that's not what you meant by far advanced ones). I like how the GC controller is not horribly symmetric, if you know what I mean...not rows of buttons placed neatly one above the other. I always have had problem with consoles putting more than 2 buttons in a single row (my thumb just isn't
Re:Nintendo needs to focus on RPG development. (Score:1)
Nope, I'm still stuck on Capcam 2D fighters in my mind for the most part. I'
Re:Nintendo needs to focus on RPG development. (Score:1)
Re:Nintendo needs to focus on RPG development. (Score:1)
The typical 2-D fighter does not want big swing from left to right, it just slows down response time. And the control pad is too low to be comfortable.
Mortal combat wouldn't even support the control stick, so as soon as I got sore from the pad I was done. But that was just crappy on their part.
A move like towards, down, diagonal towards is a real bitch on a stick though.
Also, this is a game issue, but most gam
Re:Nintendo = perfect controller (Score:1)
Re:Nintendo needs to focus on RPG development. (Score:1)
I bought SC2 for the GC, and I thought it was ok. Then I played it on both the PS2 and the XBox and I couldn't go back to playing on the GC, the controller was just unusable.
From now on I'll only buy a Gamecube game if it's a GC exclusive, If it's availabl
exclusives (Score:1)
Do it Like Microsoft (Score:1)
Uh... isn't it a market share question? (Score:1)
Re:Hey Taco (Score:5, Insightful)
I haven't seen any reputable sources say this.. but what I have seen is reputable sources say Nintendo has over 6 billion dollars in the bank and they aren't going anywhere.
Re:Hey Taco (Score:1)
He still isnt convinced. Nor are a lot of other people, especially on the Internet.
Your statement is correct though, Nintendo isnt going anywhere--anywhere but up.
Re:Clock is Ticking (Score:5, Interesting)
It doesn't matter how good playstation 5 is, there will still be millions who will want to play Zelda 12. True, they may (or may not!) ever have another 50-million selling title like Super Mario Bros 3 (not sure of that exact number).
So they're not going anywhere (despite what slashdot says every other week)...
Re:Clock is Ticking (Score:1, Flamebait)
Re:Clock is Ticking (Score:2)
Re:Clock is Ticking (Score:2)
Financially, Nintendo does NOT have the advantage Apple does, which is the luxury of charging more than its competitors and still surviving nicely.
Re:Clock is Ticking (Score:2)
Re:Clock is Ticking (Score:2)
Fanboy? (Score:1)