State Of PC Gaming In 2003 Probed 57
An anonymous reader writes "Netjak has just published an overview of the past year in PC gaming. Unlike all the doomsayers, it was very enthusiastic about the console ports that flooded the market, because, for the author, they indicated the beginning of a renaissance in PC gaming. However, there's also some perceived negative developments. They were surprised to see Electronic Arts lose its last spark of innovative spirit, and unhappy to see a growth in false advertising, especially the usage of established franchise names to support the sales of unrelated games." What were your PC highlights and lowlights for the year?
Lowlights (Score:5, Funny)
I'm on a Mac. Our gaming highlights and lowlights are the same thing.
Personal PC highlights and lowlights (Score:4, Interesting)
Max Payne 2
Final Fantasy XI
Warcraft III Frozen Throne
Knights of the Old Republic (yes it came out on Xbox first, but I don't mind the extra wait)
Lowlights :
A cheap attempt to save C&C:Generals from EA Games with an expansion of what it should've been. (Read up on the reports before the original came out))
MOO 3 sucked, went back to playing MOO 2.
Halo PC's multiplayer is insanely laggy even with all broadband players.
No news about future RTS games I should get excited about.
Half-Life 2 delay. End of list.
Re:Personal PC highlights and lowlights (Score:1, Informative)
Dawn of War [relic.com]
Eschaton [eschaton-online.com]
Re:Personal PC highlights and lowlights (Score:2)
Wasn't Starcraft based off the Warhammer 40,000 universe? Eschaton is basicly doing the same thing as Savage already did (and Natural Selection but I haven't played it so no comment). The game play information page even makes reference to those two games.
Eschaton: Chain of Command joins the growing number of multiplayer games such
Renaissance in PC gaming? (Score:5, Interesting)
I'm not sure if this is a good thing, and it's definitely not a renaissance in PC gaming. For a renaissance in PC gaming to occur, there would have to be a resurgence of PC games, not console ports. I always liked the fact that PC games were different from console games; I hope the fact that consoles are becoming more like PCs doesn't destroy the diversity that video games have thus far enjoyed. Unfortunately, with the "consolification" of various PC franchises, that may be wishful thinking.
BTW, to answer the question posed in the submission, the comment about "false advertising" dovetails nicely with my personal PC gaming lowlight of the year, Final Fantasy XI. As for my highlight, well, it's hard to say, since I've only recently upgraded my computer, and thus haven't played the big hits that came out over the holidays yet. I expect KOTOR will be my favorite out of them all, though.
Re:Renaissance in PC gaming? (Score:1)
As a MMORPG junkie, my 2003 highlight was FFXI. The lowlight was Star Wars Galaxies.
The non-Asian market saw the release of the polished and stable FFXI, bringing with it a dynamic player-run economy, an interesting and intruiging world, and a fun combat system with new twists.
Yes, the keyboard controls take some getting used to, and PvP isn't due until March (last projection - and the reason I've gone back to DAOC currently), but why was it the lowlight ou
Re:Renaissance in PC gaming? (Score:1)
Rob (I'll sign up for the World of Warcraft beta anyway, because, hey, it's
Re:Renaissance in PC gaming? (Score:3, Insightful)
It's not a case of one becoming another - it's a case of moving to common ground. Console games are not only becoming more PC-like in hardware, but also in games. Games like Gran Turismo are the kind of simulati
A Renaissance? (Score:4, Interesting)
A what? Console ports on the PC is as much of a renaissance as PS2 backports to the original Playstation (Tony Hawk Pro Skater 3 anyone?) represented a Playstation rennissance in some bizzaro world where the Playstation is more powerful than the PS2.
Remember 1994? Apogee, Id, Epic, 3dRealms, Sierra... That was a Renaissance. A year of console ports is more like a depression.
Re:A Renaissance? (Score:4, Insightful)
The prediction is that as the PC gaming market gets flooded with increasingly lousy console ports, that there will be a backlash against them, which will lead to a renaissance in PC gaming in a few years.
In other words--like everything else--console-port hell is cyclical.
highlights.. (Score:2)
unreal 2(really, short but it still was good, they could have added some repetition and more levels though). max payne 2 to the same category, good but short. actually add jedi knight: academy to this too.
vietcong(had the best multiplayer fun of the year with this, with the few coop multiplayer maps, are there any 3rd party maps with coop out there???).
I'm pretty sure I'm missing some game here though(call of duty was not that special imho)..
I'll not even bother with the low's
Re:highlights.. (Score:2)
Gaming Lowlights (Score:4, Funny)
(tap)...(tap)...(tap)...still waiting...
Re:Gaming Lowlights (Score:2)
The Good and the Bad (Score:5, Interesting)
Max Payne 2
Completely outdoes the original in every way, loads of fun and had amazing graphics, physics to die for and a campy, dark story.
Enemy Territory
I'm quite sure this was 2003, correct me if I'm wrong. Free? Fun? Free?? You bet.
Halo PC
Finally playing Halo without resorting to bad net-code and Xbconnect. I can actually join 16 player games in an instant. Hard to beat the keyb/mouse combo. People complaining about lag? Find a better server, I have no problems.
Call of Duty
Hooked me in an instant, yeah it's scripted like MOH, but it felt like the real thing!
The Bad:
Deus Ex
Spent $1000 upgrading last year to play Halo and the like, and yet I still went back to console gaming.
PC Gaming in General
I figured out with my gaming habits, the only real reason I hop on the PC for gaming is to play Online FPS. You will never beat the keyboard/mouse combo - period. Yes I play Socom II and you do get used to the PS2 controller, but sometimes you just want to curse non-stop at how innaccurate it is. Bottom line, gaming from my living room is more comfortable, enjoyable and more immersive on a whole - if console Online gaming really takes off and the next generation means every game is 1080i, I just might find myself spending less and less on the yearly PC upgrades.
Re:The Good and the Bad (Score:2)
Re:The Good and the Bad (Score:2)
Call of Duty: I'll take good scripted over mediocre AI any day. This is a good game (not done yet, the Russian levels might suck
IL-2: Forgotten Battles [il2sturmovik.com]: This is a solid sim covering East, North and Western fronts in WW2. Lots of aircraft to fly, plenty of campaign missions to tackle, good community a
After actually having read the article... (Score:4, Funny)
EA is only a shadow of its past self and unless it's willing to invest into new, innovative products, in a few years it may follow 3DO's footsteps.
Excuse me, waiter. Could I have some of what that guy's smoking? Thanks.
Re:After actually having read the article... (Score:3, Insightful)
Electronic Arts: When I purchased Might & Magic VI, Might and Magic VII, Heroes of Might and Magic III and the first Army Men, I thought 3DO would be here forever. That was 3-4 years ago...
Re:After actually having read the article... (Score:2)
Sure, they are rehashing old ideas, but to claim EA is going the way of 3DO is simply absurd.
Re:After actually having read the article... (Score:2)
EA rehash = success
There, my lad, is the difference.
Rob (Don't ask me why people like the same old Sims over and over again, they just do)
Re:After actually having read the article... (Score:2)
People are getting tired of a lot of the EA titles, but I think it's going to take a much longer time for EA to fall like 3DO. They still have time to right their ship...but I wasn't too impressed by this year.
DN!!! (Score:2, Funny)
Duke Nukem Forev...oh, wait.
Lowlights (Score:3, Funny)
The unlikelyhood of running HL2 under anything that isn't Windows.
The idea that games need to be "monetized" into a subscription mode - in other words, Steam.
Re:Lowlights (Score:1)
You can use steam with any retail valve product you bought, it's yours forever once you buy it. You can also purchase online and its yours for good. Now there IS a subscription OPTION, where you pay 10$ per month and you have access to all games valve has released. If they release more games you instantly get those too.
So say they started this right now, and then released HL2 and TF2, I ha
Re:Lowlights (Score:2)
The Good, the bad, the ugly (Score:1)
Halo For PC (at last!)
BF1942 and all the new DC (still going VERY strong)
Splinter Cell
GTA Vice City
Well, that's kinda sad. I can't think of much.
The Bad:
Command and Conquer Generals
-read anything about it. It's fun for about 3 hours, and then you realize the game sucks. Westwood should still be around.
Upgrades. I spent quite a bit of cash on a new system to play everything.
The Ugly:
Halo PC is ungodly slow, even on a new pc.
No future for RTS games.
No future for PSO.
Video Card Drivers (ATI and NVidi
Re:The Good, the bad, the ugly (Score:1)
we haven't been playing anything but Command and Conquer Generals for the past 2 or 3 months. And we haven't got the expansion pack yet. Its a hell of a lot of fun with 3-4 people on a LAN. (although the LAN lobby server code must have been written by a blind rabbit with its paws tied behind its back, its so flakey)
And before that it was BF1942, Road2Rome or DesertCombat or Eve of Destruction.
Re:The Good, the bad, the ugly (Score:1)
Get the expansion, seriously. Overall, C&C:Generals has the best skirmish mode (and probably multiplayer given the skirmish, but I haven't played it multiplayer) of any C&C game, and ea
High and low (Score:2)
Finding out Fallout 3 was in development
The lowlight:
Finding out Fallout 3 was cancelled
Another alternative (Score:5, Insightful)
PC gaming is being marginalised by the game production houses. There isn't really a huge growth in new PC game development by the big players. Independants are making a few small games, true, but the majority of the work is being done in the modding community. This will only last as long as new games are released for PC in a moddable format (which means the games are developed for PC, again a diminishing trend). It will also only last for as long as mods aren't available on consoles. The Xbox already has an internet connection and a hard drive. All that needs to happen is that Xbox games get downloadable mods and game fixing patches, just like PC's, and game houses will be able to code exclusively for consoles, seeing no advantage of releasing games for the "uncontrolled" DRM free PC.
Furthermore, as you can see, console ports are continually on the rise and they're continually failing on the PC. Yes, this is because PC gamers bathe, have haircuts, and are generally distinguishing. But the gaming industry will just interpret the low sales as a lack of demand rather than product inferiority, and further reduce efforts to develop for PC.
This is where the so-called rennaissance comes in. Independent houses don't have the resources to produce a game with the same content as the big houses. Games developed in the "first cycle" that the author mentioned could have been achieved (and often were) by a small handful of talented staff. I know iD wasn't huge when they made Wolfenstein! But Wolfenstein won't cut it anymore. An independent rennaissance cannot be.
One factor for contemplation, however, is the PC hardware industry. Despite the lack of growth in the PC gaming sector, the PC hardware sector is skyrocketing. AMD and Intel both need a stong gaming community to push product like the AthlonFX and the Xeon^H^H^H^HPentium EE. ATI doesn't need PC gaming anymore thanks to Xbox2, but nVidia doesn't have a console anymore (not that they made money on Xbox anyway). So nVidia needs PC gaming to stay alive (they also need a competitive graphics architecture, but that's another story). Will these companies have any influence over the console-pushers and big gaming houses? Will they be able to turn the tide away from consoles?
Console gaming killed the arcade machine, because the console game had better graphics, sound, and you could play it at home. But will the console kill the PC? The only advantages that the console has on PC is the low entry cost, and the vast industry backing. Arcades died because that was what customers wanted - but will the PC game die because Namco and Sony and Activision want it to?
Re:Another alternative (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Another alternative (Score:1)
... just cause everyone is posting their lists (Score:2, Interesting)
call of duty - predictable but fun
vice city - except i struggle with the heli controls on pc
rise of nations - finally, something new to RTS
need for speed underground - who said racing games have to be even remotely serious?
neverwinter nights - expansions just keep making this game better and better
jedi academy - i thought they were never going to get it right
vietcong - hey SOF2, this is how jungle fighting is done
people that seem to think that online gaming is all tha
Re:... just cause everyone is posting their lists (Score:2)
It's well w
Re:... just cause everyone is posting their lists (Score:1)
Disturbing trend in 2003 (Score:2, Insightful)
Call of Duty - amazing game, perfect control, secondary fire mode (barrel aiming) revolutionalizes FPS... but I finished it in 2 days and the levels are almost totally unrelated.
Max Payne 2 - excellent control, very nice sharp texturing, runs at a better frame rate than some 4 year old games... but I fini
Re:Disturbing trend in 2003 (Score:1)
Re:Disturbing trend in 2003 (Score:3, Interesting)
#1- I don't understand how people can finish games in a single day. I have never played the 3 you mention, but I have played plenty of games where people say 'I beat it in one day'. The same game will take me weeks. I guess I'm just not very good at them or something. But games can take me weeks, or months to beat. Metal Arms, which was considered a fairly long game, took me about 2 months. I'm still working on Deus Ex from Christmas- and people said
Re:Disturbing trend in 2003 (Score:2)
And a number of games these days are just short. Max Payne wasn't a long game. Ca
My list.. (Score:2)
Re:My list.. (Score:1)
Why not either go across the border to buy it, or if that's more than a half day trip, buy it online?
I live in Australia, and although FFXI will most likely not come out here (no idea why not), I've been playing it for a few months now.
Re:Consoles (Score:1)
I should add that
Knights of the Old Republic (Score:2, Interesting)
Fallout 3 cancellation
no more Black Isle
A so so year (Score:1)
My Higlights and Lowlights... (Score:1)
My 2003 list (Score:2)
1.) wolfenstein ET
2.) call of duty
My top console games
1.) WWE smackdown SYM and HCTP
2.) Sega ESPN basketball 2004
My biggest disappointment for 2003...
1.) Battlefield 1942
2.) Sims Online
3.) All-star Baseball 2004
Re:My 2003 list (Score:1)
1.) Battlefield 1942
Really? You must not like FPS in the war genre!
BF1942 is great, the DesertCombat mod makes it even better. BF1942 is the second most played online FPS, behind CS, and it's been that way for almost all of 2003.
BF1942 Rawks!
My fav for the year, ahead of -
3) AoM (Imma sucka for the series)
No dissapointments really, because I don't buy anything I haven't already played and like.
Re:My 2003 list (Score:1)
I disagree that Battlefield 1942 is a disappointment, unless you count the dismal AI, but of course your supposed to be fighting people! Not silly bots!
Also it came out in 2002 so it doesn't qualify for your list...
BTW my biggest highlight for 2003 is Desert Combat, a free BF1942 mod that is about the best mod since Counter Strike. Expect to see more BF1942-like games in the next year, including Star Wars Battlefront and UT2004. That, to me, qualifies '42 as at least a trend setter, if not a true innov
C&C Generals (Score:1)