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Urban Terror To Go Stand-Alone With Enemy Territory 46

RogeR writes "Silicon Ice Development, authors of the popular Urban Terror mod for Quake 3 Arena, will be porting their mod over to recently made modifiable PC title Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory. They have been discussing this for a while now with id Software and Splash Damage, and have decided to move forward with their plans. Basically, this means Urban Terror will, when conversion is finished, become a free stand-alone game, using Enemy Territory's beefed-up Quake 3 engine. Oswald, the project manager, said: 'Those people who complained of legit keys or not being able to find Quake 3 - rejoice, you will be able to play'."
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Urban Terror To Go Stand-Alone With Enemy Territory

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  • How many ways does this rock, let me count the ways...
  • by Hes Nikke ( 237581 ) on Friday January 30, 2004 @01:11AM (#8131923) Journal
    i just did some poking around, and didn't see anything about mac support in Wolf:ET...

    i liked playing UT on my old Rage128 mac :(
    • Maybe (hopefully) someone will port it now that is it free (speech and beer).

      If it is a modified Quake3 engine, how much work could it be?
      • Free speach does not have limitations against commercial circulation.

        And most of the game code is not even open as in, see it and get tainted.

        The code is not free as in beer either. The code for the actual game is really expensive.
    • I think you need to have a computer to play ET.
  • by errgh ( 744846 ) on Friday January 30, 2004 @01:21AM (#8131968) Homepage
    while somewhat similar I think that urban terror, with not much of a userbase now, will explode with this info. being free it should go crazy at Pc cafes' where they usually have illegal copies of halflife anyways, now they can support a free good game. dundundun
    • How many of those PC cafes did you see running Enemy Territory? There's no reason to believe that a free mod to an already free game will somehow start appearing in places that the free game didn't.
      • Mostly because they always Quake3/Half life machines running illegal cd keys. Plus with the HUGE boom of people playing free games at pc cafes like Gunbound [gunbound.net]and solitaire I bet theyll eat this up. Given the right advertising and support. This is exactly what people need too, a good free game with some good support ( silicon ice ) and a good base ( RTCW ). Games are getting to supscription based which is why a lot of PC cafes are closing down nowadays. They cant afford to buy licenses for every machine.
        • You missed the point....entirely.

          Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory != Return to Castle Wolfenstein.

          WtCW:ET was a free game from the get go. There are no illegal CD keys to worry about. There is no legality problem that this new mod is going to magically solve. If the game the free mod is being based on is already free and it isn't showing up in a lot of places then why would the poster to the parent of these comments think that the mod would somehow manage to show up in those same places?

          • If the game the free mod is being based on is already free and it isn't showing up in a lot of places then why would the poster to the parent of these comments think that the mod would somehow manage to show up in those same places?

            Because you do not need the original Quake3 game/CD key to play?

            Return to Castle Wolfenstein was nice, the multiplayer really made the game stand out. Enemy Territory took that multiplayer and made it better...and offered it for free, no need to purchase RtCW. There are lots

      • FWIW: I own a PC gaming cafe (dual-boot linux/winxp) - and I have ET. Great game (that runs just as well on wither OS) and it gets played almost every day (nothing like cs however). Looking forward to seeing Urban Terror on the newer engine.

        BTW - all my HL keys are legit - I can buy it for less than $15 american.

  • Port? (Score:1, Interesting)

    by evilmuffins ( 631482 )
    Will there be a linux port, since there is a linux port of ET?
    • Re:Port? (Score:2, Informative)

      by Anonymous Coward
      If you clicked the link above, you would have seen download links for Windows, Macintosh and Linux.
    • Who owns the ET engine? If I understand correctly, it's a modified version of the Quake III engine... but will the Urban Terror people get to decide which platforms it comes out for, or will the Wolfenstein or Quake III people be able to tell them what platforms they will release for?

      Will there be a Mac version, because there's a Mac version of Quake III? Will there be a Linux version, because there's a Linux version of ET? Who will decide this, in the end?

      IANAL, but it seems that it might help to be one,
    • Will there be a linux port, since there is a linux port of ET?

      I guess it's very likely, considering they're supporting Windows, Mac and Linux versions on the current Q3A versions.

      Well, I'm off to download RTCW:ET, finally =)

  • by Undefined Parameter ( 726857 ) <fuel4freedom@NOSpAm.yahoo.com> on Friday January 30, 2004 @01:45AM (#8132094)
    I roomed with a guy who had Quake III and played the Urban Terror mod for a while. It wasn't popular then (two years ago), and I'm wondering if it will be popular after the release of the port.

    Personally, I didn't think it was all that great then, when all I had was a Mac (which couldn't really run the mod) and hadn't seen CounterStrike. It was interesting, but it didn't reach out and grab me, even though I did (and still do) tend to prefer FPSs.

    Still, if there've been revisions since then (and there probably have been), and if the ET engine can provide them with better graphics (and it can, from what I've seen), I can see it becoming popular, which would be a good thing for me; I get another game (for free (as in beer)!), it takes some of the population pressure and some of the cheaters away from CounterStrike, and might add a good spark of competition, too.

    Right now, I'll just wait and see what happens. Hopefully I'll get to try it out when it's released. Hopefully, they'll have a Mac port, so that I won't need to rely on my currently-broken PC in order to play any of my favored games. (I admit it, I bought the PC for gaming purposes.)

  • Which castle wolfenstein has been open-sourced?

    The fantastically old Apple ][ game?
    The really old ID game that predated Quake 1?
    Some new version I've never heard of?
  • no mac support... (Score:2, Insightful)

    by koi88 ( 640490 )
    Quote from the announcement: "The Macintosh users are a bit uneasy, since there is no support for ET."
    So I guess we can stop speculating.
    I really liked playing Urban Terror on my Mac some time ago.
    Yes, it seems now impossible to purchease a copy of Quake III, so their move seems to be clever.
    Yet, maybe they don't know how many of the players are/were Macintosh (or Linux???) users... I got the impression, quite a lot.
    We just lost a great game.
    • It's impossible to purchase Quake III? Since when? Quake III is now one of those games you can get for roughly $10 or so almost anywhere that sells games. It's not in a big box anymore, but it's a cd and a cdkey, and that's all that matters. Just yesterday I was at Wal-mart (no, I don't usually shop for games there, but it was 3 in the morning, I was bored, and my roommate had money to burn), and saw a jewel case with Quake 3 in it for $10.

      If Quake III works on Macs, I assume this CD would work just fi
      • Oh, yes, I guess I should have gone to Wal-mart... I was looking in so many shops for a copy...
        O well, it's too late now, isn't it?
        Without hesitating I would pay 40-50$ for a game if i could play Urban Terror... but, as you said, a port seems very unlikely now...
      • Wla-mart?? at 3 in the morning? is there a 24/7 walmart in the states or what? i'm just curious, because here in Canada wal-marts everywhere are only open from 8am to 11pm
        • Wal-marts in Canada close?! Here where I live, we have two types of Wal-marts - the normal, grocery store type wal-marts, and the "Super" Wal-marts, that sell everything under the sun. I have yet to go to one of these super wal-marts that wasn't open 24/7.

          I'm in Dallas, TX, by the way. I haven't sampled the Wal-marts in other states or countries.
    • Buy two! [amazon.com] You don't even need to leave your house.
  • by cthulhubob ( 161144 ) on Friday January 30, 2004 @05:41PM (#8138945) Homepage
    I went to their website because it sounded cool, but the only info I could find is that it's a mod for Q3A...

    Well I already KNEW that. I want to know what the storyline is about! I read the FAQ and the "Background Information" portion of the manual. Apparently nothing on their website tells you anything at all about what the point of the game is.

    Is it just Q3A with different weapons (in other words, pointless)? What the hell is it?
  • Am I just an overzealous fan, or am I right to say that UT and ET being bundled together is just as exciting as DoD being officially endorsed by Valve (as an FPS fan, of course)? *Sweats in anticipation*
  • Urban Terror is my favorite FPS mod right now. I'm very happy to hear this news, the community, while appropriately sized, could use some more players. Also finding Q3A can be challenging, so it's hard for new people to get into the game. CS-like popularity would detract from the gameplay experience, I think. I try to convert CS-folk as often as possible, having developed a certain aversion to CS sometime around Beta 6 trailing long-standing discontent with the direction weapon balancing was going. It'
  • Try and Ban me now Bigpond. No more quake keys required ;)

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