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Toys Entertainment Games

The Return Of Tamagotchi 50

rm007 writes "The BBC is reporting that Bandai is going to re-release its (in-)famous Tamagotchi toy next month. The new Tamagotchi's habits will be more grown up than the original version; it will be able to mingle, chat and date with other Tamagotchis using infrared portals, and even marry and have babies. The original Tamagotchi was first launched in 1996 and had sold 40 million units within a couple of years. The new version, called Tamagotchi Plus will go on sale on 2 March priced at 1,980 yen ($19)."
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The Return Of Tamagotchi

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  • Brilliant marketing! (Score:5, Interesting)

    by El ( 94934 ) on Thursday February 05, 2004 @04:09PM (#8194190)
    Won't the Tamagotchi having a baby force you to spend another $20 for another unit to house the baby? Or can one collect several generations of virtual creatures on a single device?
    • by Anonymous Coward
      i just want to hear it start beeping porno music while they are on "dates".
    • i can't wait to hear my tamagotchi talking about it's "baby's momma"
    • Serious answer...I'm 17 now, and I was still in elementary school when the original was released. I ended up getting a knockoff that featured Looney Tunes characters, and you could have up to four of them alive at a time. I'm assuming that the babies would live in the same unit as the parent.

      And yes, you're right. I DO have no life.

  • Dear $deity no!

    • I agree. The last thing I need is some moron who uses these things crashing their car into me. Story from the Darwin Awards:

      A 27-year-old French woman lost control of her car on a highway near Marseilles and crashed into a tree, seriously injuring her passenger and killing herself. As a commonplace road accident, this would not have qualified for a Darwin nomination were it not for the fact that the driver's attention had been distracted by her Tamagotchi key ring, which had started urgently beeping for fo

  • by Zork the Almighty ( 599344 ) on Thursday February 05, 2004 @04:23PM (#8194403) Journal
    I want evil Tamagotchis which breed. They could randomly take on behaviors which cause irritation and emotional distress to their owners, such as playing sick or crying a lot. They could measure their success by how many times the owner presses the off button, in a futile attempt to stop the harrassment. When two Tamagotchis are within radio frequency range, they could exchange data on the most successful techniques, and try to develop new techniques from random combinations of the old ones.
  • death by tamagotchi (Score:5, Informative)

    by keot ( 667523 ) <keotuk@gmail.com> on Thursday February 05, 2004 @04:25PM (#8194438) Homepage
    last time there was a tamagotchi craze, people actually died. there was this mum in europe driving along, looking after her sons tamogotchi. it beeped, distracted the mum from the road, and ended up with the car making ugly contact with a few cyclists.
    keep them away!
  • Ugh... (Score:5, Insightful)

    by ArmenTanzarian ( 210418 ) on Thursday February 05, 2004 @04:28PM (#8194480) Homepage Journal
    Fads never die, they just become unprofitable. Keep on dumping money down this product line, I'll go watch Power Rangers Super Crazy Ultra Monkey Donkey Clown Force Turbo.
    • "Fads never die, they just become unprofitable."

      What's the difference between dead and unprofitable?
    • ... if you wait long enough and they come back.

      When my brother and I were kids/teens, we bought Transformer, Macross, and general Japanese anime toys. We kept most in good condition including the boxes.

      Several years ago, I sold off most of them, including the ones that my brother didn't want, for a total of $2400 or so. Average per toy was about $150, and a couple went for $500 or so.

  • But can these Tamagotchi be able to interact with that virtual pikachu that came out a couple of years ago. Tamagotchi+Virtual Pikachu=Tamachhu, gazoontite.
  • by Asprin ( 545477 ) <gsarnoldNO@SPAMyahoo.com> on Thursday February 05, 2004 @04:38PM (#8194600) Homepage Journal

    it will be able to mingle, chat and date with other Tamagotchis using infrared portals, and even marry and have babies.

    Yep, I can't wait until I have to stay up until 4:00AM comforting mine with because it got the "can't we just be friends" speech. [*shudder*]
  • by MBCook ( 132727 ) <foobarsoft@foobarsoft.com> on Thursday February 05, 2004 @05:14PM (#8194969) Homepage
    When I was in middle school (or maybe it was freshman year of HS) Tamagotchis just game to the states. Everyone in school had one that they played with between classes. I remember one kid (can't remember his name though, Nevin?) who had like 12 of them because the previous Tamagotchis died. He kept them all on one keychain, even the dead ones. You should have seen his face and how mad he got when someone told him all you had to do was stick a paperclip in the back to reset one and you could play again. He didn't know this so every time one died he would just buy another.
  • Hell, why do they not spend money to do research on getting my Athlon to reproduce.
  • How long before somebody figures it out, and programs a "Furby to Tamagotchi" translation gateway on their IR-equipped laptop?

    At least, until the computer gets the tamagotchi pregnant while the owner is surfing porn...

  • The two big "monster" properties have had unique Tamagotchi versions for ages... one of the Digimon versions had a link function, so you could grow your monster and battle it against others. The Pokemon Pikachu doubled as a pedometer, where walking around would give you energy to feed and charge up your virtual Pikachu.

    I remember the first generation of Tamagotchi causing schoolwide bans and car accidents... hopefully that doesn't happen this time around. XD
  • Hmm. I would rather install Frodo on my Palm T and play one of the absolutely mind-boggling C64 games-of-life "Little Computer People" or "Alter Ego". Nothing beats a trusty old 8-bit classic. Now, back to my MAME session and 1942...
  • A bunch of us had tamagotchis, and they would always beep in class, which really annoyed my teacher. she would yell at us to put them away, or stop them beeping. A couple minutes after she said this, my friend's tamagotchi started beeping, and she took it off him and threw it out the window. Crrrazy!
  • umm... (Score:2, Funny)

    does your tamagotchi get an std for mating with random strangers?
  • Babies? (Score:1, Funny)

    They now can reproduce? Argh, not more of the pesky things! I suppose that in a few years they'll be ranking in numbers with tribbles.
  • I wonder if we can put Linux on this one? If so, can there be a Tux-dochi?
  • "It's a little pet you can raise and feed and train... And if you don't feed it, it DIES! Didja hear that? It DIES!!! Isn't that awesome?"
  • The closest I ever got to a tamagotchi was playing Sonic Adventure on a Dreamcast and letting one of those annoying Chao's live in my VMU for a week. Complete waste of time I tell you.

    Then again, it was kind of interesting to be playing a game on a device 1/8th the size of a Game Boy :-)

  • Well, actually not me. I do recall, however, my younger brother (Who was 9 at the time) playing with one of these things during a long drive, and subsequently getting carsick, wrecking his Tamagotchi in the process of throwing up on a stranger's lawn. Alternately, if Tamagotchi's can mate now, will they be introducing new "brother" tamagotchis, for those units bored with their... well... unit? They could be called "Tamacrotchies" or something...

Seen on a button at an SF Convention: Veteran of the Bermuda Triangle Expeditionary Force. 1990-1951.
