Painkiller PC Demo Debuts 39
Thanks to Blue's News for their story noting a single-player PC demo of DreamCatcher's FPS Painkiller is now available, with the 228MB trial version BitTorrent-able via GameTab and at AixGaming. According to the publisher: "The demo contains 3 Single Player levels including the never-before-seen Oriental Castle, the medieval town level and the Thor level where players will get 'hammered' with one of the biggest, meanest and downright scariest bosses of all time, Saphathoraél." There's a recent hands-on look at the title at C+VG which explains its style, suggesting: "Painkiller is usually likened to Doom or Serious Sam, and that's more or less spot-on, although this is Doom and Serious Sam utilising next-generation technology."
Torrent FP (Score:5, Informative)
3DGamers (Score:3, Informative)
Re:3DGamers (Score:5, Informative)
(first FP ever! wow)
Re:3DGamers (Score:2, Informative)
use the anchor tag for links.
slashdot inserts spaces in long URLs (or any long lines) so that you cannot make ultra wide posts.
Re:3DGamers (Score:2, Informative)
Re:3DGamers (Score:2)
Re:3DGamers (Score:2)
Re:3DGamers (Score:2, Informative)
Does it have... (Score:2)
Old School, indeed. (Score:5, Informative)
Really is fun just trying to shoot the guys to watch them fly back with the impact of the weapons, havok really is impressive. After seeing and playing this demo, you can really see how havok is having an impact (pun) in games. HL2 is also using havok, very sweet.
Demo is really worth grabbing for the few hours of gameplay,
Re:Old School, indeed. (Score:5, Funny)
Max Payne 2 uses Havok as well (and the upcoming MOH Pacific Assault). In Max Payne 2 is a riot tossing grenades on dead bodies just to see them bounce around the room.
Best. FPS. This year. (Score:5, Informative)
-The main weapon, a wooden spear-gun, has a nice projectile arc to it. Haven't seen that in any FPS.
-As other posters have mentioned, it's just plain FUN. No objectives, no stealth, just take your time and nail some corpses to the ground.
-The system specs said that it required a 1.5 GHz machine, so I was a bit leery, but with my 2000+ Athlon, a GF 4200 128MB and 512MB DDR it ran perfectly smooth on 1024x768 maxxed. What a pleasant surprise!
Really, really fun gameplay. I'm definitely a SP gamer, so this is a nice change from the last few days -- Onslaught in UT2004 :)
Re:Best. FPS. This year. (Score:2)
*Opens case, finds MX label, scratches it out with a pin*
Hey, if stickers make it go faster, this should work too!
Re:Best. FPS. This year. (Score:2)
Re:Best. FPS. This year. (Score:1)
Painkiller: Realistic Zombie AI Simulator (Score:5, Funny)
What's even more impressive are the higher levels of AI, yes I said higher. The horny wizard dead fellows, for example, exhibit completely different AI patterns than our zombie friends. Instead of leaping at you, they'll actually walk slowly as if they're running but they're not, and if you approach they'll push you back! They know when you're close to them! Painkiller effectively integrates LBRS: Location Based Response Subroutines. Really, that's just fancy shmancy lingo for "realistic zombie shootin' fun"!
What will, unarguably, be posted in message boards across the internet in the coming weeks before the release of Painkiller are awestruck comments of its graphics, the use of the latest in crate movement technology (otherwise known as the havok physics engine), or in depth analytical discussions of its plot. However, one should not neglect the unseen "behind the zombie" technological developments exhibited in Painkiller. The AI is undoubtedly one of the most significant "zombie" leaps forward (no pun intended! or maybe it was!) in AI programming since, well, Black & White, if I may say so. And everyone remembers how much fun that game was! This is tenfold! Tenfold! Based on the demo, Painkiller is ramping up to be for zombie games what Full Spectrum Warrior is for the tactical U.S. Military command simulations, nothing short of zombie training. If anything, Painkiller might suffer from too much zombie realism. Hopefully, before the game comes out they can strike that sweet spot of balance between AI that is just too simulation-esque due to realism and AI that is still realistic and yet definitively playable. Here's hoping, zombiefied gamers!
i have to brag about this (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:i have to brag about this (Score:2, Funny)
Re:i have to brag about this (Score:1)
I don't think so. The $5 edition won't be boxed, it will be in a form of a newspaper with the game included. Pretty much the game starts of as a budget title here.
Also this version could be localised.
The best way to get a hold of this is find a friend or relative with family in Poland and ask them to get a hold of the game for you.
My two cents that I posted on Blue's News... (Score:5, Interesting)
This game is very cool. I wasn't expecting much, but wow. Did anyone figure out what the card thing do? I totally loved that Guardian level. I love how the whole map changes and being thrown in the air is fun! Weee!!! The demo is also long. I think I played it for two hours straight! Small demo size and a very long fun demo. Very impressive.
I don't think I will get the full version since it is a mindless shooting game and I have OTHER games to play, but it is fun like Serious Sam and DOOM games.
Will there be a multiplayer demo with co-op. soon?
Scared the !@#$* outta me... (Score:5, Interesting)
What in the world is WRONG with you people? (Score:5, Insightful)
Apparently Slashdotters will have to get the full version and play through a dozen levels of this tripe to figure that out.
Re:What in the world is WRONG with you people? (Score:2, Insightful)
This is rubbish, once again everyone goes gaga over some nice graphics and a physics gimmick.
Did Havok pay to get the game made, it feels like an OTT physics demo
1. The game runs incredibly slowly at times (if there are more than 5 monsters or you trigger any large scale physics shananigans).
2. Nothing moves much, all they do is lunge if you get close and throw things. Doom1 was more challenging and dynamic.
3. Levels are identical repetitive mazes.
4. Whole thing is totally linear i.
Re:What in the world is WRONG with you people? (Score:5, Insightful)
I had an awful lot of fun playing it. As someone who designs games professionally, I always have to remember that in reflex-based games, game-play has to be engaging at a visceral level first, and then at an intellectual level.
There are lots of tiny decisions in there that made the game work viscerally:
*The slow speed of enemy projectiles, enabling you to dodge a single one easily. However, you get 4 enemies throwing stuff at the same time, *and* you're trying to aim while dodging, it becomes a significant skill-based challenge.
*The "crippled" zombies later on move slowly most of the time, but have a "hop attack" in which they move short distances very quickly.
*The stake gun was just a joy to use, and finally makes rag-doll physics satisfying.
So... I guess what I'm saying is that yes, the game is lacking a high-quality high-level design (like, say, Half-Life); however, they're doing an awful lot of things right on a low-level that help make the experience fun nevertheless. That's often harder to do right than the high level, and I think the Painkiller team deserves credit for it.
My university... (Score:1, Offtopic)
Re:My university... (Score:1, Offtopic)
What did the NA tell me to do about it? "Get Comcast to wire up your dorm." Because i dont pay enough through my exorbitant housing "IT" fees to pay for my bandwidth. Bullshit.
I just hope.. (Score:1)
Retro look in PainKiller is refreshing (Score:1)