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Videogame Helps Flood Defense Planning 32

Thanks to BBC News for its article discussing a videogame called 'FloodRanger' helping UK authorities work out strategies to cope with real-life flooding. According to the piece: "As in other virtual world games, like SimCity, players have God-like control, so social, economic and environmental decisions have knock-on effects", but this sim "was developed as part of the [UK Department of Trade and Industry]'s Foresight flood defence project." The official 'FloodRanger' page has more information on this also commercially released title, in which it's "...up to the player to decide where best to build appropriate sea or river flood defences, like dams, reservoirs or groynes, whilst keeping their public generally happy."
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Videogame Helps Flood Defense Planning

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  • by Anonymous Coward
    I could design a better one, for local authorities. Cheaper, too. A windows pops up saying
    "You stupid twats, stop giving planning permission for flood plains"

    They click OK, problem solved
  • interesting.... (Score:3, Interesting)

    by Clockwurk ( 577966 ) on Thursday February 19, 2004 @11:00PM (#8336183) Homepage
    It would be nice (since it was a government developed sim), if they could release it as a free download like americas army. Granted, it wouldn't be the most thrilling game, but it would be interesting to mess around with.
  • hmm (Score:5, Funny)

    by Joe the Lesser ( 533425 ) on Thursday February 19, 2004 @11:01PM (#8336191) Homepage Journal
    Can't decide on FloodRanger or this game [] for my next purchase.
  • AFAIK, virtual world(as a genre) refers to MMORPGS, not city building/god games
  • Oooh Boy! (Score:3, Funny)

    by Cosmik ( 730707 ) on Thursday February 19, 2004 @11:06PM (#8336237) Homepage
    I can't wait for the expansion, "Holland Hijinks". I hear you get to use the new units such as "young child sticking finger in dyke hole" to stop floods.

    I love it because the name of that unit makes me giggle like a little schoolgirl.
    • by Anonymous Coward
      I love it because the name of that unit makes me giggle like a little schoolgirl.

      Correction: you are a schoolgirl
  • Right now theres Simcity, The Sims, train sims, capitalism sims (seriously, look it up), police riot sims, firefighting sims, military sims (America's Army), and zoo sims. Did I miss any?

    So whats next?

    • by Anonymous Coward
      Well, going by EA's fervent desire to milk every single possible dollar out of WWII, I'm guessing "The Sims:Final Solution".

      NEW showers and lampshade furniture
      NEW interaction options-Obey Orders and Deny Responsibility
      NEW careers-Camp Guard, Insane History Denier and Guilt Trip Lobbyist

      EA:If it's in the war, it's in the game
    • might as well (Score:4, Interesting)

      by cgenman ( 325138 ) on Friday February 20, 2004 @12:39AM (#8336850) Homepage
      What you missed...

      God sims, tower sims, restaurant sims, mob sims, sim coaster, sim copter, ant sims, sim life, airline sims, golf sims, ski resort sims, newspaper sims, snowboarding/skiing/driving/surfing/flying/skatebo arding/painting sims, trucking sims, empire sims, isle sims, sports sims, photography sims, horse sims, music sims, dance sims (well, not so much a sim), dating sims, pizza sims, casino sims, a moon sim, trailer park sim, sim farm, sim safari, sim hospital, sim fish, sim pets...

      There was also a sim sim sim game, "the best simulator simulator you have ever played... simulated!" But that was only available in Space Quest IV.

    • Manage the hordes of slashbots intent on posting the latest variation of the Soviet Russia joke, tweak the ratings system to effectively hide omg ror, and above all, prevent those that live under bridges from taking over.
  • by Umgawa71 ( 739459 ) on Thursday February 19, 2004 @11:43PM (#8336519) Homepage
    This game could be just the thing to sell to the SimCity crowd, because I'm quite certain that there are people like myself out there: We build utopian societies in which the people are friendly, the garbage is picked up regularly and the grass is green... and then comes THE FINGER OF GOD! Actually, that's how I refer to whatever disaster I'm using, but here's hoping that The Finger of God will actually be a usable disaster in the next revision of SimCity. Building the cities just isn't as much fun as destroying them.

    In any case, I've always found SimCity's disasters somewhat lacking, since there's fairly little control over them, and the cities just don't burn very well. With FloodRanger, I could do away with entire communities as I please just by routing drainage. Pity the game's not built with fun in mind, which leaves me waiting for SimCity 5 and the Finger of God disaster, as well as the Starbucks On Every Corner cataclysm.
  • Oh Oh (Score:2, Funny)

    by Anonymous Coward
    Next thing you know they will have Super Street Fighter II Alpha Police Edition where cops practice 5 hit baton combos.
  • About time (Score:4, Interesting)

    by Ymiris ( 733964 ) on Thursday February 19, 2004 @11:46PM (#8336535) Journal
    I have always wondered why people didn't use sims for real life issues. What they should do is allow people to upload their configs on the web and award the best and most efficient sim some sort of prize. This would give them access to a bigger idea base.
  • There is this game where you can simulate typing.

    Real teachers can use this typing game to teach real students how to really type.

    That's about how exciting this game sounds. Most people don't experience more than 1 flood disaster in their entire life time. Do we really need a game in the market to prepare us for this?
  • by ArmorFiend ( 151674 ) on Friday February 20, 2004 @12:25AM (#8336748) Homepage Journal
    I work for the McDonalds Corporation Advanced Modelling and Simulations Department, where we constantly plan and game against foodstuff revolt by playing BurgerTime []. It's been a great success, I'm proud to report we haven't lost a single team member to eggs or sausage in 2004.
    • Soylent McMuffin is Humans! Its Humans!!!
    • ... we haven't lost a single team member to eggs or sausage in 2004

      Its only Febuary, and you fail to mention the pickle incident...

      All I will say, is that it was a sad day... a very sad day...

      Your memory will live on, Peter!


      • Oh, sure, dredge that up. You realize it pales in comparison to the string of Bean and Cheese deaths at Taco Bell since January, right?

        One little pickle incident... yes, we will miss Peter, but McDonalds is no Taco Bell.

        In addition, lets not forget the KFC riot in Kansas that left numerous dead and injured.

        MacDonalds Franchisee #457, Boise, ID.

  • by alan_dershowitz ( 586542 ) on Friday February 20, 2004 @12:49AM (#8336922)
    Oh wait.
  • Yellow river kingdom.

    Now, who's *really* old school out there?

  • by wowbagger ( 69688 ) on Friday February 20, 2004 @07:47AM (#8338394) Homepage Journal
    Does this sim offer the choice of


    Too damn many times "flooding" happens because stupid people said "OOOH, predddy! I want to build my house here, by the river!" "OOOH, preddy! I want to build my house on the beach here!"

    How about telling these morons that they will NOT receive government money to rebuild their house, and that the insurance companies are NOT required to insure a new house built on the site?
  • ...up to the player to decide where best to build appropriate sea or river flood defences, like dams, reservoirs or groynes...

    It had better be up to me what I do with my groyne.

  • Great! Now Master Sergeant just needs one to help keep the Covenant at bay, and we'll all be sitting pretty!


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