Copyrights, Videogames, and LAN Parties? 84
mse61 writes "I'm currently the sole organizer for what will hopefully be a large gamer club/LAN party on the campus of Bowling Green State University in Ohio. While booking the room for our next event (March 4th 2004) I was casually informed that I had to secure permission from the copyright holders for the games we would be playing. I was quite confused as to why they needed this, and their only answer was that it would be considered a 'public showing of copyrighted work', and therefore I must secure permission. I asked a lawyer about the policy and his best advice was to get a hard copy of their policy and then comply to the bare minimum. The University was unable to provide much hardcopy, but largely referred me to the University rule that all State and Federal laws were in effect. Have any Slashdotters ever run into this problem, and would they have any advice for a gamer lost in the mire of copyright laws?"
i'll support you! (Score:2, Interesting)
Actually... (Score:5, Interesting)
Call the companies. If there are any public performance issues they're the best ones to tell you if you need clearance. I suspect you don't, but it's always possible that if there is a audience (let's say you have a large bracket tournament for the best Halo player at BG), that the company might want you to get clearance, dictate that no cameras be present, etc...
Re:Actually... (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Actually... (Score:1)
Copyrights (Score:5, Interesting)
We require everyone present to have a licensed copy to play. Most people bring in their own boxes, and each have their own copy.
I suppose it depends on whether the players are using College property or their own personal property to play the game. It is in no way infringing for a group of people to bring in their own personal computer along with their own licensed copy of the game to have a gathering.
Check the license agreement, for example you don't need a licensed "standalone" game server for Unreal Tournament. The standalone server is publicly licensed, because nobody is using it as a client.
Yes I have (Score:5, Informative)
1) Some games have implied licensing. For example, say a certain game allows you only one copy of a key per internet server, but 4 copies of a given license per LAN server. Since this was done deliberately, it can be seen as an implicit contract since surely this was no accident.
2) I did multiple LAN parties. One of the things I realized reading the EULAs was that it was for one copy of the game to be "installed and played on one system". I then thought of the word "and". What I ended up doing, is making a contract [ashdreams.net] (doc format sorry) through which people gave us permission to use a copy of their game for our events. Given the above "install and use" restriction, the person isn't required to attend the event, merely not be using their copy of the game at the same time. From there, I noticed I had large pools of licenses for two games and simply split each LAN party into two parts (one playing each game). I'm fairly certain the general idea is kosher. I talked to our University's computer ethics advisor and a professional IP lawyer and both thought it sounded great.
I had further ideas, but since I graduated, I never got a chance to implement them. One was to buy copies of a game that for extra licenses and then sell them (at no profit) to people who attended the parties who liked the games (I got a lot of approval for this, but no funding in time for me to implement it before graduation).
Re:Yes I have (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Yes I have (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:Yes I have (Score:1)
Re:Yes I have (Score:1)
Re:Yes I have (Score:4, Interesting)
Not that I really mind.
Re:Yes I have (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Yes I have (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Yes I have (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Yes I have (Score:2)
Re:Yes I have (Score:1)
Re:Yes I have (Score:2)
PS: By reading this comment you agree to paypal me $50. You cant decline, since you already read it.
Re:Yes I have (Score:1)
Re:Yes I have (Score:2)
Re:Yes I have (Score:1)
You are saying that you can continue to use that software without agreeing to its EULA, and that therefore you wouldn't be bound by its terms. You're 100% wrong. In the eyes of the law, the very use of the software implies agreement with the EULA
Re:Yes I have (Score:2)
Re:Yes I have (Score:1)
It's clear, plain, and simple. There IS a legal connection between installing the software and agreeing to the
Re:Yes I have (Score:2)
Re:Yes I have (Score:2)
Re:Yes I have (Score:2)
Of course, the more practical thing to do is to realize that you're too small to be on the radar, so even if you break the laws, the copyright holders would never notice/give a damn.
Also, they tend to encourage this sort of LAN party atmosphere. The way they see it, if you play the game at a party and have a lot of fun, you'll probably want to buy a copy for yourself.
I am a grad student in the Coll of Tech at BGSU (Score:5, Informative)
Also, why don't you post some details about the club online?
Re:I am a grad student in the Coll of Tech at BGSU (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:I am a grad student in the Coll of Tech at BGSU (Score:2)
Re:I am a grad student in the Coll of Tech at BGSU (Score:1)
Permissions (Score:5, Informative)
I've been running a LAN party [www.lotl.cc] with some friends for the last few years btw, so I'm not completely talking out of my ass.
Re:Permissions (Score:2)
Re:Permissions (Score:1)
Though most of the lan parties I've been
Depends on the crowd (Score:3)
It's when we turn the parties into a public display with an open invitation to anyone that it might become a legal matter. But still... there were no real paperwork needed. Just make sure all games were legit, non-copies etc etc.
Well (Score:3, Interesting)
Whoever told you that is an idiot (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Whoever told you that is an idiot (Score:5, Interesting)
Actually a LAN party could be viewed as a "public performance" because of the broad defination of a LAN party. Theres primarily two types. Theres the 'bring your own computer' system or the cybercafe style of 'walk in, pay and play' system. In a broad defination both are LAN parties, the thing is it only applies for the latter. For the former, yeah you'd need one license for each computer (to be on the safe side.)
It depends on how you view it. If you invited 20 friends over to your house to watch a DVD, yes that could be considered a "public showing". If you were some rich ass mofo and decided to buy 20 Alienware computer and run 20 copies of UT2k4, yes that could be considered to be a "public performance." (For both Alienware and Epic.)
As for running Windows on multiple computers at a place like a library or a school, thats not really a fair statement. Some schools and libraries recieve the equipment (and software) for free (at the very least, discounted) so I'm sure theres some kind of special license agreements for them.
Re:Whoever told you that is an idiot (Score:1)
It depends on whether or not you charge for it.
Re:Whoever told you that is an idiot (Score:4, Informative)
Even without the popcorn it's a violation. just read the FBI warning....
Re:Whoever told you that is an idiot (Score:2, Interesting)
Perloined public performance permission (Score:2)
Yes, but do not have any problems because permission for public performance was provided previously?
We could observe schools and amateur groups around the world put on public performances of copyrighted works all the time without issue, but in most instances performance rights have been obtained from the copyright owner.
Re:Whoever told you that is an idiot (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Whoever told you that is an idiot (Score:2)
Someone has put a little too much brainwashing into you son. You dont need a license to USE a work. The only time you need a license is if you want to do something on this list [cornell.edu]. If the License, in the form of the EULA most likely, doesnt grant you any rights you have been denied by law then why would you need, or want, to accept it?
Re:Whoever told you that is an idiot (Score:2)
But then what defines a private viewing? If I decide to show a DVD to a group of 10 friends (say I'm really social), is that a private viewing? Outside of family relationship, showing a movie is one big grey area due to lack of specific parameters.
If I buy a laptop and sit on a park bench, using it, that would be a "public performance," according to you. There's absolutely no connection between this not
Commercial use or not? (Score:5, Interesting)
For example, the product license agreement for my PS2 game Gun Grave reads:
You Shall Not:
Exploit this Program or its parts commercially, including, but not limited to use at a cybercafe, computer gaming centre or any other location-based site. Activision may offer a seperate Site License Agreement to permit you to make this Product available for commercial use
I'm sure PC games have similair terms in the license agreements. It seems that as long as you are not commercially exploiting the games you should be in the clear. But as usual, IANAL.
It's best to contact the copyright holders.... (Score:5, Informative)
They got fined for not obtaining public performance rights. article about fines [peak.sfu.ca]. It's best to be safe than sorry.
Along the same lines... (Score:4, Funny)
Re:Along the same lines... (Score:1, Informative)
No. That's a public performance.
What if I just move my lips?
No. Some people can lip-read.
And people still seem to think copyright law doesn't suck.
I've had to, but it's no big deal (Score:5, Informative)
We contacted a bunch of companies of games we figured people would bring (I know we didn't get half of the developers that were actually present, but we seemed to have satisfied the school), and none of them gave any trouble. Most of them responded quite graciously, in fact.
Several companies sent us promotional posters/flyers and such, and asked if we'd display it at the party. One sent a gift certificate for Poppa John's Pizza. The coolest thing is that probably half of them even sent us disks with game demos or the partial releases they package with some video cards to raffle off and such.
Technically, you can have the LAN party without permission (I think, anyway - IANAL), but if the university says they want you to get permission, don't worry about it, and just get permission. I'd be very suprised if any company said no (and frankly, if they do, I wouldn't buy their games anymore), and you'll probably score at least a couple freebies if you word your letters well.
Re:I've had to, but it's no big deal (Score:1)
Let's say you and a bunch of friends are all super busy on Super-Bowl Sunday and want to wait a few hours to watch the game later the next day (let's say you all have Mon. off). So you program your TIVO or VCR to record the game, and then invite your friends over to watch the game. Technically, you're breaking the law. But seriously, the NFL is NEVER going to try and s
Keep things simple (Score:3, Insightful)
Personally I don't think copyright law is such a great idea in the first place. And worse are _software_licenses_ (yes I am aware of the GPL).
Are there any limits on what you can put on a license? Or limits on the limits you can put on a customer/user so that s/he can _use_ the product s/he legally obtained/paid for (usage usually involves making copies of the software - coz it has to be copied somewhere - RAM etc)?
Maybe someone should come up with a software license that involves users being required to hop on one foot and while screaming "Foobarlicious".
Or a software license that involves users agreeing to ignore all (other?) software licenses in order to use the software legally.
Re:Keep things simple (Score:2)
In the USA, you don't need a license to make a copy required to use the work. Copying a program into core is explicitly stated as an example in the US code.
the law says . . . (Score:4, Informative)
As with most legal topics there is an endless continuum of possibilities.
[no violation --- probably not --- maybe a violation --- probably --- definitely a violation]
If you change one fact in your scenario, that can change where you may fall. Little by little the edges of the categories gets pushed. Usually, plaintiffs try and make it as broad a reading as possible, while defendants try to narrow the interpretation. The 1976 Copyright Act is the best place to start in determining the extent of the question at hand.
> Section 106 - Exclusive rights in copyrighted works: states generally that ". . . the owner of a copyright under this title has the exclusive rights to do and to authorize any of the following:"
> Section 106 (4) - in the case of literary, musical, dramatic, and choreographic works, pantomimes, and motion pictures and other audio visual works, to perform the copyrighted work publicly"
> Section 100 - Definitions
To perform or display a work "publicly" means -
University of Toledo (Score:1)
Statute (Score:1)
The question really is whether your LAN party constitutes a public performance. Is it open to the public, can be public freely enter the a
Re:Statute (Score:2)
I think there is also an open question of whether
Was this an educational experience? (Score:2)
Play the free UT 2004 Demo (Score:3, Insightful)
Last weekend I invited five friends to my home for a LAN party.
Though we had other games, we spent a large amount of time playing the UT 2004 demo.
IMHO, it is a very good game. it is also free, and does not have any annoying copy protection to worry about.
I think that everyone there decided it was a good game and worth buying. Likewise, if you host many games of UT 2004 at your LAN, then Epic will probably thank you for all the converts you will create.
As it is freely downloadable and redistributable, you can reasonably claim you have permission to use it.
Just do it (Score:1, Insightful)
two options (Score:4, Interesting)
One is to go and try to talk some sence into them tell them that this is not a public showing, everyone coming will have bought their own copies of the game, everyone has paid for the games, and that the games are designed for this exact purpose. Which office did you talk to? I have reserved rooms at BGSU for various reasons several times for some odd purposes and never had them question me. I would suggest trying to talk to someone else.
Secondly, baffle them with bullshit. I know that nothing is going to happen, You know that nothing is going to happen. Print out the user agreements to like 10-20 different games and I would imagine that they would just stick it in a file somewhere without even reading it. As long as they have some official sounding paperwork then in most cases they would be happy, unless you run into some power happy person -- again I think the best route is to try to talk to someone else. Don't say, "Can I talk to soemone else" just go over there at various times untill that person is gone and pretend this is the first time you've been there.
Lan Parties... (Score:1)
depends on definition and also locale (Score:1)
movies not games. (Score:2)
That applies to movies, not pc games. Assuming you have enough liceneses for everyone or you have everyone bring their own, it doesn't matter that it's in a public area.
Thank You. (Score:2, Insightful)
The 'Powers that be are wrong'. (Score:2)
The Copyright laws are aimed at anything BUT electronic games, skins, LAN parties and whatnot. This is one of these situations where LAN parties a
Public Display (Score:1)
Re: (Score:1)