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Thief 3 Website Goes Live 238

Sabathius writes "If you're a Thief super-freak like me, you've been looking at the 'Coming soon' message at thief3.com for years...hoping they would finally put something there. Well, our collective prayers have been answered! This spring Thief 3 (Thief: Deadly Shadows) is being released by the same guys who recently gave us Deus Ex: Invisible War." S!: We've also recently covered previews of this new Thief title at Slashdot Games.
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Thief 3 Website Goes Live

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  • by ThaenRT ( 542127 ) on Sunday February 29, 2004 @08:37PM (#8425729)
    if I steal the game, will they come after me?

    • by good(k)night ( 754537 ) on Sunday February 29, 2004 @08:50PM (#8425812) Homepage
      ..it depends.
      If you copy a CD the Pirates should come, not just Thiefs.
      • Sid Meier and Firaxis are re-working his old game, Pirates!

        I guess if you're going to copy a game, go for that one instead. :)

        Seriously, that was a great game on the Commodore 64... will be interesting to see what he does with it when he revisits the idea.
    • by Psychotext ( 262644 ) on Sunday February 29, 2004 @08:56PM (#8425841)
      That reminds me of the GTA advertising. They set up a huge billboard with cameras all around it and encouraged people to "Steal this game". I didn't ever see the footage being used, but it seemed like a pretty clever idea at the time.

    • by Anonymous Coward
      Only if you hid the shopkeepers' bodies where their friends could find them. You remembered to bring a lot of water arrows, didn't you?
    • by fafaforza ( 248976 ) on Sunday February 29, 2004 @09:02PM (#8425867)
      Not if they don't see or hear you stealing it.

      When you try to lift the loot, pick a softwre store that is very poorly lit and has soft, sound-absorbing floor covering. Somethig along the lines of carpeting or wood.

      If you cannot avoid walking on granite or other hard stone, take a moss arrow or two with you.

      Finally, the club might come in handy in case a kid, of which there are a plenty at any games shop, draws attention to you.

      Don't kill anyone.
    • by Anonymous Coward on Sunday February 29, 2004 @09:56PM (#8426053)
      if I steal the game, will they come after me?

      Well, ThaenRT, it all depends on how noticable you are.

      If you make a little noise or the guard catches a glimpse of you, then you can still avoid being chased if you are able to lie low for a while. I find that it usually goes something like this:

      Me: [scuffle]

      Guard: Hello? Is somebody there?

      Me: (Desperate silence)

      Guard: I thought I heard something move...

      Me: (Not even breathing)

      Guard: Oh well. It was probably just rats.

      Me: (Sighs with relief. Proceeds to sneak past the guard, and robs the place blind.)

      Of course, the problem with this is that CompUSA has even more tile floors than even the Bank level in Thief II, and it's simply loaded with the kind of lights that you can't shoot out with water arrows. Your best bet is to avoid the guards by shooting rope arrows into the ceiling, because the guards rarely notice anything above eye level.
  • by Anonymous Coward on Sunday February 29, 2004 @08:37PM (#8425731)
    I hope its not as bad as DX, "Invisible Features."
    • No kidding (Score:4, Insightful)

      by bonch ( 38532 ) on Sunday February 29, 2004 @11:05PM (#8426319)
      And recently, Warren Spector said Deus Ex 3 would be as different from Deus Ex 2, as 2 was from 1.

      What's going on over at Ion Storm? They keep defending their awful design decisions as their "vision" instead of just realizing that they don't make the game more fun, they make it less fun. Why are they trying to ruin what made Deus Ex great? It's like they don't even know why people liked the first one.

      Sadly, it reminds me of the Matrix sequels.
      • Re:No kidding (Score:5, Insightful)

        by dslbrian ( 318993 ) on Monday March 01, 2004 @12:30AM (#8426726)

        Why are they trying to ruin what made Deus Ex great? It's like they don't even know why people liked the first one.

        Apparently they don't. You know what one of the -best- features of Deus Ex was? It was a LONG game. The fact that it was long made it immersive, like reading a good novel. It worked really well with the conspiracy angles in the game. It also had RPG like qualities, with the skill system and all. By dumbing it down to play well on a console, and making the game pathetically short, they managed to extract all the unique and fun stuff out of it.

        So if they follow their current trend, Thief 3 will be a short-lived, dumbed down, insult to its predecessor that can be finished in 10 hours... (I have never understood why a game company will spend years writing an engine, and then skimp on the levels to the point it can be finished in a day or two)

  • Hmm.. (Score:5, Funny)

    by Anonymous Coward on Sunday February 29, 2004 @08:39PM (#8425739)

    is being released


    by the same guys who recently gave us Deus Ex: Invisible War.


    • Re:Hmm.. (Score:5, Interesting)

      by visgoth ( 613861 ) on Sunday February 29, 2004 @09:06PM (#8425879)
      Truely you have hit the nail on the head. I have no faith in them after the debacle that was DX2. The removal of the skill system, unified ammo, and other asinine design descisions has left a bad taste in my mouth.
      • Depends, did Microsoft give them a wad of cash to put this on the Xbox?

        If so, I'm avoiding it like the plague.
      • It's called console-ification. Just look at who the publisher was.

        Thank god for id, 3d Realms (even if DNF is taking...forever), and other PC-centric companies who aren't abandoning us for dumbed-down crap.
  • by ObviousGuy ( 578567 ) <ObviousGuy@hotmail.com> on Sunday February 29, 2004 @08:40PM (#8425744) Homepage Journal
    Makes it easier to forget to put in ALT tags for graphics and use tons of Flash animations.

    What's that third, unclickable flag for, btw?
  • Dumb Down (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward on Sunday February 29, 2004 @08:40PM (#8425745)
    I hope they don't dumb down this game like Deus Ex.

    Just so they can put it on the xbox.

    • Bioware did alright (Score:3, Interesting)

      by Liselle ( 684663 ) *
      Bioware did alright with the dual PC/XBOX release of KOTOR (Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic). Not only did it have the distinction of being one of the best Star Wars games around (not that they had a lot of competition), but they managed to strike a good balance. There was a push-button "do it for me" system with the console gamer in mind, and plenty of tweaking with the d20 system to satisfy to PC gamer.

      Cross your fingers? ;)
    • Re:Dumb Down (Score:3, Interesting)

      by bigman2003 ( 671309 )
      I don't know if 'Just so they can put in on Xbox' is the reason that Deus Ex was 'dumbed down'.

      First- I am a big Xbox fan, so don't get me wrong, I might be biased.

      Second, I was a HUGE fan of the first Deus Ex. That game was incredible.

      So, when I found out that Deus Ex: Invisible War was 'designed for the Xbox'. Wow- best of both worlds?

      Wrong...DX:IW was a piece of crap. I still haven't finished it, but I will eventually, just because I feel compelled. I also originally thought that it was just suff
  • by Anonymous Coward on Sunday February 29, 2004 @08:40PM (#8425747)
    I'm hoping Thief 3 will be more like Thief 1 than Thief 2. Thief 2's medieval-magical-industrial-robotic setting didn't really work, not to mention the fact that being able to throw your eye around corners is a bit ... odd.
    • by fafaforza ( 248976 ) on Sunday February 29, 2004 @08:52PM (#8425821)
      Then again, the first one also had the zombies which didn't really work for the game.

      I think that most Thief fans at this point are hoping the new game resembles either one of its predecessors.
      • by Anonymous Coward
        Yeah, people complained about the amount of undead in Thief: TDP; then when Thief 2 came out, people complained about the amount of robots. I think this is mostly because of the natural inclination of people to complain about something.

        Anyway, my favorite levels are Bonehoard and Return to the Cathedral, so you can see I don't mind the undead all that much.
    • by kfg ( 145172 ) on Sunday February 29, 2004 @08:55PM (#8425836)
      . . . being able to throw your eye around corners is a bit ... odd.

      Painful too. Not to mention how hard it was to find the damned thing afterward, seeing as how I had to keep my head cocked a bit to one side while looking for it.

      I can't imagine how the Graiae sisters managed.

    • by nomadic ( 141991 ) <nomadicworld@gma ... inus threevowels> on Sunday February 29, 2004 @09:16PM (#8425905) Homepage
      I loved Thief 2, creepy as HELL. I think the combination worked. But I still have nightmares of those little running golden automatons...and the ghosts in the library. Sweet screaming monkey that was scary.
      • The sacriest stuff was the ghosts in basements of the chathedral. Thief 2 rocked. The probelm with thief 1 was that they weren't sure a sneaker would work so they tried to make it a hybrid sneaker/fps. After theif's sucess, theif 2 was made as a total sneaker. And come on who can't loevt hose damn robots constantly repeating 'the words of karris, the words of karris" and "blessed are the welded."

        It also should be noted that their was some minor social commentary in theif 2 were thief 1 was just a game. S
    • both games started well - i loved the creeping around mansions and castles etc - thief 2 moreso than 1 personally. However, thief 1 got into twisted caves and other wierdness i can't really remember, and thief 2 became full of rubbishy robots (i truly hated the last level - never bothered finishing it at all) the best parts were set in the city - proper "thieving" i hope they stick to this side.
    • by clontzman ( 325677 ) on Sunday February 29, 2004 @09:35PM (#8425978) Homepage
      Warren Spector said in an IGN video interview there would be no steam-powered robots. He said it wiht a tone of voice that suggested that he realized it was a bad idea in retrospect.
    • by osu-neko ( 2604 ) on Sunday February 29, 2004 @09:46PM (#8426023)
      Eh? Thief 1 and 2 were set in the same world, with people running around in chainmail and using swords, while steam powered machines and electric lights buzzed away. Granted, the Mechanists in Thief 2 brought the industrial parts of the game setting more to the forefront, but the series was always fantasy "steam-punk". Thief 3 will have the same setting as well, but with Karras and the Mechanists out of the way, there will be no steam-powered robots, so it will be a bit more like Thief 1 in that respect. As for throwing your eye around corners, I hope you'll still be able to do that. I mean, Garrett went through a lot in Theif 1 to get that artificial eye, it'd be a shame if he couldn't still get some benefit out of it...
    • I'm hoping Thief 3 will be more like Thief 1 than Thief 2. Thief 2's medieval-magical-industrial-robotic setting didn't really work

      I disagree. I think it totally worked. Like the Haunts in Thief 1, the Mech Guards were the creatures to be feared. Hearing one nearby made your hair stand on end and knowing that facing one head-on was suicide and getting away from one when it spotted you was near impossible. Although I still think the Haunts were much more dangerous.

      The industrial-era atmosphere gave th
  • by irokitt ( 663593 ) <archimandrites-iaur@NosPaM.yahoo.com> on Sunday February 29, 2004 @08:41PM (#8425751)
    Deus Ex: Invisible War. What other proof do you need that they have experience at thievery...
  • by NeuroKoan ( 12458 ) on Sunday February 29, 2004 @08:41PM (#8425754) Homepage Journal
    When FPS games first came out, I wasn't nearly as stoked as my friends. Sure, I found playing Doom mildly entertaining, but it never gripped me as much as RPG/Adventure games.

    Thief changed all of that. I bought the original Thief and instantly fell in love; it brought an entirely new dimension to a genre I felt was rather repetitive and boring. It also opened me up to trying other FPS games that I probably wouldn't have tried without my positive experience with Thief.

    I probably haven't bought a computer game in 2 or 3 years (except for Deus Ex: Invisible War), but you can bet I'll be first in line when Thief 3 comes out.
    • by Corporal Dan ( 103359 ) on Sunday February 29, 2004 @09:29PM (#8425957)
      If you like the Thief series, you will enjoy Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell. It has the same blend of suspense/action.
      • Ah, but does it have that same Medieval/Fantasy/Steam-punk feel?

        Thief never really struck me as an "action" game. Suspense, yes, and careful observation and planning (one of the few games were I'd find a dark corner to just sit and watch people come and go for a few minutes to learn their patterns). Any "action" that actually occured was usually fairly quickly followed by death and a reload from the last save, as Garrett was *not* a fighter...

      • It is also an action/stealth game, but it is very, very linear and the variety between levels is mostly graphical.

        I for one liked Thief because I had multiple options to solve most puzzles and the maps were pretty open ended. I never felt I was 'solving' any problem, just finding the only solution the game designers had left for me.

        If you liked the freedom Thief gave you on most missions, Splinter Cell is probably not for you.

  • Bah (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Anonymous Coward on Sunday February 29, 2004 @08:42PM (#8425756)
    This spring Thief 3 (Thief: Deadly Shadows) is being released by the same guys who recently gave us Deus Ex: Invisible War.

    That's not a good thing, seeing how botched Deus Ex: Invisible War was (especially compared to the original). Hopefully Harvey Smith has nothing to do with Thief 3.
    • Re:Bah (Score:3, Insightful)

      by Spad ( 470073 )
      I wouldn't count on it, the Deus EX: IW config files are full of Thief 3 references.

      I smell another xbox port.
  • by t0ny ( 590331 ) on Sunday February 29, 2004 @08:43PM (#8425764)
    Let the whining about Invisible War commence!
  • How sad... (Score:3, Funny)

    by egg troll ( 515396 ) on Sunday February 29, 2004 @08:45PM (#8425777) Homepage Journal
    Now that they've put all that work into their content, it gets Slashdotted. Oh the irony....
  • by Anonymous Coward on Sunday February 29, 2004 @08:46PM (#8425780)
    This gives me hope for Doom 3... Duke Nuke 'em Forever...

    and maybe, just maybe... AmigaOS 4!
  • by peterprior ( 319967 ) on Sunday February 29, 2004 @08:46PM (#8425782)
    ..thief 3 website goes down..

    Go slashdot..
  • by Antarius ( 542615 ) on Sunday February 29, 2004 @08:47PM (#8425795)
    There is hope for Duke Nukem Forever?
  • by dzym ( 544085 ) on Sunday February 29, 2004 @08:48PM (#8425799) Homepage Journal
    This spring Thief 3 (Thief: Deadly Shadows) is being released by the same guys who recently gave us Deus Ex: Invisible War.
    So you're saying I should give this one the miss then?
  • Slashdotting (Score:5, Interesting)

    by dolo666 ( 195584 ) * on Sunday February 29, 2004 @08:49PM (#8425801) Journal
    Every new games website should have a bloody good slashdotting! Thief has always warmed my heart, and I'm glad to hear that we're getting another one. Sadly, I'm unable to use their site because of the flash requirement. I long since disabled Flash due to the misuse of it via adverts. You'd think that webbies would learn that you need to provide non-flash content by now!

    Anyway to summarize: Thief 3 Good : Thief 3 Website -- can't say, don't know.
  • by Anonymous Coward on Sunday February 29, 2004 @08:49PM (#8425804)
    I sure hope they are better at game design than at web design. Kids today just want some information about their future games in an efficient manner, they don't care if the webpage has pretty graphics. Why I'm sure if the games plot and features are as empty as the game is pretty, all of todays teenagers will switch over to playing Nethack and Go. I mean come on we're talking about the generation that put MTV out of business here. Oh... Wait...
  • Some info.. (Score:5, Interesting)

    by rffmna ( 734875 ) on Sunday February 29, 2004 @08:50PM (#8425814) Homepage
    the site is hosted over at Times Warner. The network pipes CANT be overloaded, but the server can be overloaded..but not likely.
    whois says it was created Thu, Mar 23, 2000, so they had been planning for 4 years, at least.
    • Re:Some info.. (Score:5, Informative)

      by osu-neko ( 2604 ) on Sunday February 29, 2004 @10:17PM (#8426155)
      whois says it was created Thu, Mar 23, 2000, so they had been planning for 4 years, at least.

      Well, the game was planned for a long, long time. The Thief series was supposed to be a trilogy from the very beginning. We've tangled with the forces of Chaos (the Pagans), and with the forces of Order (the Hammerites/Mechanists), now we're gonna mess with the forces of Balance (the Keepers)...

  • by Psychotext ( 262644 ) on Sunday February 29, 2004 @08:53PM (#8425826)
    If Ion have got any sense whatsoever they will not draw attention to the fact that the developers of Thief 3 have anything to do with the developers that made DX:IW. Most of us that were fans of the original Thief games are praying that Warren stayed the hell away from the Thief team and let them get on with it. That, or we're going to end up with unified arrows. Grrr.

    Still, the screenshots look great and I'm really hoping that they pull this one out of the bag.
  • too dark (Score:5, Funny)

    by ogewo ( 652234 ) on Sunday February 29, 2004 @08:55PM (#8425837)
    all those screenshots seem to take place at night, in a shadow, with sunglasses on. dark games hurt my eyes.
  • I first played Thief 2 after Hitman 2 and wasn't at all impressed. The graphics and feel reminded me of old Quake-era games, and the AI seemed horrible (enemies repeatedly going 'what's that!?' but just standing there outside the doorway). Admittedly I didn't play for long - was I too quick to judge?
    • Put bluntly Yes you were to quick to judge.
      The best part of the game is that it can be so different to regular FPS. How many FPS give you the option of not killing anyone? And I mean not being able to kill anyone. Combined with a great story which you would have missed with only a bit of game play.
  • System shock (Score:2, Insightful)

    by Digicaf ( 48857 )
    I suppose this would be as good a time as any to start begging for another system shock sequel.
  • by FortKnox ( 169099 ) on Sunday February 29, 2004 @09:17PM (#8425908) Homepage Journal
    Next game.... SYSTEM SHOCK 3?!?!?!?

    Here's hoping its that and not Diakatana2 ;-)
  • by rei_slashdot ( 558039 ) on Sunday February 29, 2004 @09:26PM (#8425947)
    www.thief3.org has some thoughts on the matter!
  • But will it work? (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Mr. Flibble ( 12943 ) on Sunday February 29, 2004 @09:27PM (#8425949) Homepage
    As other posters have mentioned, there were a number of people who were disgruntled with Deus Ex 2. Due to the following reasons:

    1) Bad Framerate
    2) Oversimplified controls (depth of wepons etc missing)
    3) Bad AI
    4) Simplified story

    Now, I have not played Deus Ex 2 because of the above reasons, however, I have played every other game that Warren Spector was involved in with the exception of Terra Nova. In fact, of my top ten favorite games of all time, only one (Half Life) did not involve Warren Spector in one way or another. (Although, IMO, it was influenced by his work on other things...)

    Thief 1 was revolutionary - it was the first sneaker ever. Out of it sprung things like Splinter Cell, which has been very popular.

    However, I am very concerned that with the push that Spector currently has towards console games that Thief 3 will be runied by this direction.

    As you can see here (not slashdotted like the real site) Thief 3 already has a third person mode, like Splinter Cell.

    It will probably be sucessful on consoles, and probably be considered (ironically) a knock off of Splinter Cell.

    But, will it please the hard core fans? I don't know about that. If they can keep one thing, I as a hard core fan will be pleased:

    A really good story, like the first two.

    I will buy it, I have to. I have to finish the trilogy and find out what happens to Garrett. I just hope I am not dissapointed on the journey.

    Those of you who have played the first two will know what I mean.
    • by blincoln ( 592401 ) on Sunday February 29, 2004 @10:11PM (#8426132) Homepage Journal
      Now, I have not played Deus Ex 2 because of the above reasons, however, I have played every other game that Warren Spector was involved in with the exception of Terra Nova.

      If you are that big of a Spector fan, I'm a little disappointed that you wouldn't at least rent DX:IW to see if you liked it.

      People have said bad things about pretty much every game I've ever enjoyed. It seems to me that my opinion on the matter of whether or not I should have bought it is more important than theirs.
    • You admit you haven't played the game based on a bullet-point list of reasons. How do you know those reasons are true?

      I loved Deus Ex enough to buy it a couple of times (PC and PS2 versions). I played through it several times. Even though I'd heard it was bad, I went and got the Deus Ex OXM demo disc and played it.

      You know what? It's still Deus Ex. Yea, there are a few tweaks I don't agree with (the item management is simplified a lot, there is no positional damage to speak of, and the AI is a bit si
      • You admit you haven't played the game based on a bullet-point list of reasons. How do you know those reasons are true?

        Perhaps he played the demo. It was sure enough to convince me not to spend money on this thing, and I loved the original Deus Ex.
      • People can whine about PC version all they want, but if they really want to play some Deus Ex, they should sit down and play it on the Xbox.

        A first person shooter? On a console? Do you have any idea how painful that is? Some games work better on consols with controlers - fighting games for example - but it should be a capitol offense to release a first person shooter on any system that doens't come with a keyboard and mouse.
  • by jaylen ( 59655 ) on Sunday February 29, 2004 @09:30PM (#8425961)
    This, to me is the game anticipation of the year, years in fact.

    Fellow Slashdotters, if ye have not ever played a Sneak 'em Up game before, any Thief game is the one to buy.

    The best part of Thief is the difference in the game to a shoot 'em up - in Thief, the character Garret is actually a weak character, he gets killed very easily.

    This means that instead of the normal emotions that a shoot 'em up game gives, Thief gives all those emotions plus two extra, suspence and fear.

    Yeah, fear. There was one time playing Thief 2 when I sneaked Garret around a corner just to come face to face with a Hammer Haunt. My brain went into shock, and my reflex action was to jump away.

    The net result was me lying flat on my ass about 6 feet away from the keyboard, tangled around my PC chair :)

    Not a game to play after a phat joint, I can tell ya.
    • Re:Ah, Thief :) (Score:2, Interesting)

      by TitusC3v5 ( 608284 )
      The best part of Thief is the difference in the game to a shoot 'em up - in Thief, the character Garret is actually a weak character, he gets killed very easily.

      According to Warren Spector(on the TTLG site), in Thief 3, having a confrontation with a guard is going to mean death far less often than the other two. Garrett has apparently picked up some fighting moves, though he is still no powerhouse.
  • eeeehhhh (Score:5, Insightful)

    by dandelion_wine ( 625330 ) on Sunday February 29, 2004 @09:37PM (#8425986) Journal
    You had me till you said "same guys who recently gave us Deus Ex: Invisible War". Deus Ex (and could people please stop pronouncing it like "deuce"? It's Latin, people. DAY-us) is one of a number of games that have suffered a less-stylish sequel, IMHO. (To Be Continued. I hear that Nihilistic isn't doing the new Vamp Masq, and that the new company is making it more like a first-person shooter. Great. We need more of those.)

    What is the deal when sequel-makers get their hands on loads of cash and graphics capabilities, as a result of the popularity of the original, only to fuck the original squarely up the ass? I haven't picked up Max Payne 2, yet, and I sincerely hope this is not the case. Sure, DE2 looks... well, even to say "better" is to suggest that cartoonish bright colours and soft lines automtically mean better. The original DE looked grainy and that seemed appropros. Also, as a side note, the protag and his brother both looked and sounded like Stephen Baldwin, and that was a friggin cool edge. This new guy I want to smack.

    Game makers pay attention: voice acting is important! Hell, even if Soul 2: Mythblighter wasn't a 10 out of 10, game-wise (though I'd rate it middling-high), the voice acting had me riveted. The diary entries with the first encounter with the undead, etc. were superb. Contrast with, say, Warcraft 3, esp Frozen Throne. Ok, that's a game that has me wanting to skip the crap and get to the game, but this just exacerbates that reaction. Whiny female non-acting "Our kingdom is in danger!" Whatever. End result: lowered respect for the game, generally. /rant
    • Re:eeeehhhh (Score:3, Informative)

      I haven't picked up Max Payne 2, yet, and I sincerely hope this is not the case.

      It's exactly the same as the first one, which is either good or bad depending on what you're expecting. There's some witty dialog, but a lot of it sounds forced, and some of the funniest parts (like the TV episodes) are just run into the ground in the second. It looks exactly the same, and they even reused a couple of the worlds, so that's pretty weak. I won't give away the ending, but ugh. It's a definite renter.
    • Re:eeeehhhh (Score:3, Interesting)

      by mbourgon ( 186257 )
      Troika is doing the new Vampire game, which could be good or bad. Troika did (some of) Fallout and (all of) Arcanum, but also did Temple of Elemental Evil, candidate for the Released-Too-Early Award, 2003. I think they'll have a compelling story. I hope it'll be a good game. Because I know nothing about The Masquerade (except: for: the: White Wolf: colons:) other than that it's Troika making it, and with the Valve Source(d) engine.
  • Well ... (Score:3, Insightful)

    by z0ink ( 572154 ) on Sunday February 29, 2004 @09:58PM (#8426063)
    If they do to theif what they did to deus ex I will be royally pissed. Deus Ex was my all time favorite shooter. The game introduced a very intuitive micro management system to the FPS genre and became one of the first and best FPS/RPG's of all time. Deus Ex 2 was a real dissapointment. Many of the problems were due to the dual xbox/pc development (many of the defaults for the game were optimised for console play, etc ..), but the game didn't live upto the original. Keep an eye out on where they go with this, thief fans.
  • I was a huge fan of the original Deux Ex, so I was looking forward to Invisible Wars. As far as I could tell Inivisible Wars was panned in reviews.

    Given the reviews I've read for Invisible Wars (and please someone correct me if this is in fact a good follow-up to Deux Ex - I just don't buy that many games, and won't pay good money if for inferior product) what gives anyone hope that Thief 3 will be any good?

  • by Anonymous Coward on Sunday February 29, 2004 @10:17PM (#8426154)
    Thief I and II were probably the best FPS games ever made. They were the anti-Quake: replacing twitchy running, spinning and machine gun fire with slow careful movements, hiding in shadows and methodically placed single shots.

    From what I can see, the developers of Thief III have gone and made this great FPS into a 'Thief-flavored' Tomb Raider TPS. The game is 3rd person and playable on a console controller.

    For the record: No console controller is even close to as precise as a mouse. And Thief is *all* about precision. Console controllers are clumsy and better suited to action games.

    If I was going to play a console based TPS not only would I rather look at Lara's behind running around, but I'd also put my chips on StarCraft Ghost.
    • From what I can see, the developers of Thief III have gone and made this great FPS into a 'Thief-flavored' Tomb Raider TPS. The game is 3rd person and playable on a console controller.

      The game is only third person if you want it to be (unlikely for old Thief fans), and I'm quite sure the PC version will be playable with a mouse...

      As for "Tomb Raider", Thief 1 has a few Tomb Raideresqe levels, and a few monster hunts as well. It's like the game couldn't decide if it wanted to be Thief, Tomb Raider, or Q

  • ... Looking Glass Studio's were the folks who gave life to Thief, as well as the equally amazing System Shock series. I can't help but wonder what this game will be like without the ingenious developers who brought the FPS genre to new heights?
  • hmm (Score:2, Funny)

    by UU7 ( 103653 )
    In the words of Ion Storm head Warren Spector, "you can't make games for MIT grads".

    Wonderful :/
  • Does anyone know... (Score:3, Interesting)

    by cOdEgUru ( 181536 ) on Monday March 01, 2004 @12:21AM (#8426626) Homepage Journal
    anything about the engine used? Did they write it from scratch? The visuals look good, but not that great.

    I say, give us something that captures the ambience of Doom III, with the gore and screams toned down.
  • Objectives (Score:5, Funny)

    by bgeer ( 543504 ) on Monday March 01, 2004 @12:33AM (#8426753)
    [ ] Ion Storm is writing Thief III. To ensure that it doesn't suck, sneak into their offices and knock out John Romero. [Normal]

    [ ] The CEO of Ion Storm is known to keep a bag of jewels in his office. While you're there, steal them [Expert]

    [ ] The beta of Thief III is on the Ion Storm file server. Put an eDonkey client on their firewall and p1mp that bad boy out. [Hard]

    [ ] Remember, you're a thief, not a murderer: don't kill anyone. If you bought Daikatana, you can whack Romero with your blackjack though. [Expert]

  • by Atilla ( 64444 ) on Monday March 01, 2004 @01:26AM (#8427039) Homepage
    I really hope that this sequel doesn't go the way of Deus Ex 2 - that game was a waste of 50 bucks :( .. The quality of the game kind of sucked comparing to the first one. The graphics were choppy and unattractive (on a mid-range GeForce, P4 2.4 Ghz), character faces looked poorly bitmapped, gameplay was underdeveloped, and the "new" interface left something better to be desired. The patch fixed some interface issues, but it seemed like it was oriented towards console gaming, not PC's (where this game should belong!). honestly, I didn't even finish the game, and if I could get my money back, I certainly would. Comparing to the first Deus Ex, it has been a disappointment.

    Thief 2 is an awesome game. I really hope that this sequel will be that and then some. The screenshots look nice, but I'd like to see some hi-res screenshots from the PC.

Let's organize this thing and take all the fun out of it.
