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Unreal Tournament 2004 Goes Gold 480

psyco484 writes "Unreal Tournament 2004 has gone gold, the game will be in stores on March 15th. After an impressive demo, I'm certainly looking forward to this one." There are several improvements over UT2003, but my favorite is the ability to carry dual assault rifles.
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Unreal Tournament 2004 Goes Gold

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  • Vehicles (Score:5, Interesting)

    by wed128 ( 722152 ) on Thursday March 04, 2004 @08:26PM (#8471126)
    The vehicles in the Onslaught mode have to be the coolest addition ever!!!
    • Re:Vehicles (Score:5, Interesting)

      by GrodinTierce ( 571882 ) on Thursday March 04, 2004 @08:40PM (#8471257) Journal
      I quite agree. While UT2004 certainly isn't the first FPS with vehicles, nor does it have the huge collection of some games (e.g. BF1942 and/or DesertCombat), its vehicles [] are well-designed, well-balanced, and so much fun, it's kind of ridiculous.
      • Re:Vehicles (Score:5, Funny)

        by nukem1999 ( 142700 ) on Thursday March 04, 2004 @08:47PM (#8471318)
        And most other games' vehicles don't have horns that play La Cucaracha(Manta) and Dixie(Scorpion) :)
        • Re:Vehicles (Score:3, Informative)

          by Snaller ( 147050 )
          But some of the cars in DesertCombat play Iraqi folk music!
        • FYI (Score:5, Funny)

          by MachDelta ( 704883 ) on Friday March 05, 2004 @12:35AM (#8472764)
          Just FYI, the Raptor vehicle (no relation to the UT2004 Raptor) in Unreal 2: XMP plays Dixie too if you get airborn with the boosters (and hit the horn). :)
          I loved watching that thing come flying over a hilltop with fire streaming out the vents playing that cute little tune. It was hillarious, right up until the point that it smacked into you, chewwed you up in the grinders, and spit your gibs out the same vents.
      • Re:Vehicles (Score:5, Interesting)

        by hype7 ( 239530 ) <u3295110@anu.e[ ]au ['du.' in gap]> on Thursday March 04, 2004 @08:53PM (#8471363) Journal
        and what's more, Mac and Linux versions are following right behind.

        The way all games should be developed. Kudos to Epic/Atari.

        -- james
        • Re:Vehicles (Score:5, Interesting)

          by Anonymous Coward on Thursday March 04, 2004 @09:00PM (#8471398)
          The beauty of the unreal engine is all 3 are developed in tangent because UT uses OGL in Linux and OGL.

          Yes I know the pros of using DX as the windows based render (there are hooks in it to take advantage of DX9...but the game doesn't show it now) but with opengl having shader support, I think they should return to OGL.

          Just one mans uninformed, uneducated opinion.
        • Re:Vehicles (Score:5, Interesting)

          by YOU LIKEWISE FAIL IT ( 651184 ) on Thursday March 04, 2004 @09:50PM (#8471690) Homepage Journal

          What is cooler still is that this philosophy goes all the way up the corporate tree. A while ago I wrote a letter to their support department asking about Mac ports, and I didn't get a friendly, personal letter confirming the Mac and Linux ports from some guy in the trenches, I got one from Mark Rein, Epics V.P.

          A company whose big-wigs take the time to answer mail, and who understand the importance of supporting minor platforms is definitely a company I enjoy giving my money too.

          • Re:Vehicles (Score:3, Insightful)

            by Graff ( 532189 )

            A while ago I wrote a letter to their support department asking about Mac ports, and I didn't get a friendly, personal letter confirming the Mac and Linux ports from some guy in the trenches, I got one from Mark Rein, Epics V.P.

            A company whose big-wigs take the time to answer mail, and who understand the importance of supporting minor platforms is definitely a company I enjoy giving my money too.

            Yep, my cash is going right to Unreal Tournament 2004 when it comes out and I'm doing the same to World of Wa

    • Re:Vehicles (Score:5, Funny)

      by pcx ( 72024 ) on Thursday March 04, 2004 @08:59PM (#8471388)
      Vehicles in UT2004 = hopping shotgun into a jeep driven by an insane pre-teen with no-motor control who makes a strategic decision to drive halfway across the map to an unlinked power node (the kind you can't attack) and makes the tactical calculation that if you smash the tank head on the jeep will be the winner.

      What's amazing is that onslaugh is fun despite this :)
    • Re:Vehicles (Score:5, Insightful)

      by lewp ( 95638 ) on Thursday March 04, 2004 @09:33PM (#8471596) Journal
      Indeed. I have always been an Unreal hater, but I haven't touched CS since the UT2K4 demo came out. The sole reason for that is because of Onslaught. CTF and DM were done to death a long time ago.

      Assault would probably be cool too, but I don't like the gimmick map they included with the demo.

      Mantas rule.
    • Re:Vehicles (Score:5, Informative)

      by zerocool^ ( 112121 ) on Thursday March 04, 2004 @09:36PM (#8471618) Homepage Journal
      I totally agree; however, I do have a bone to pick with Onslaught, or mabey it's just the Torlan map.

      Once you're losing, and you're down to your base and only one or two power nodes, it's damn near impossible to fight your way back. The vehicles are simply too powerful, and your base doesn't spawn the two most useful vehicles (the scorpion and the tank). And the ability to spawn at any power node you have captured means that even after you kill everyone rushing your base, they're right back there (they don't have to run across the playing field).

      Needs tweaking, but inspite of the downfalls, I've been playing the crap out of it.

      • Re:Vehicles (Score:3, Insightful)

        by Sparr0 ( 451780 )
        This is the reason for the custom node link setup. Servers can link the nodes together however they want, the default setup is just a suggestion. Filter your server list for names containing "Custom" or "Customlinks" or "Custom Links" for a world of new fun. I find it much more fun when the bases link to the goliath nodes (the 'enemy' goliath node), then from there to other nodes. This ensures both teams have their tank almost to the end. Or when both bases are linked to TWO nodes, making it so much ea
    • Re:Vehicles (Score:3, Interesting)

      by biglig2 ( 89374 )
      Yes, there's the truck with a big gun in back with a different name to the truck with a big gun in back in Halo, the floaty thing that leaves trails with a different name to the floaty thing that leaves trails in Halo, the tank with a different name to the tank in Halo, and of course the zippy hovercraft you run people over in with a different name to the zippy hovercraft you run people over in in Halo.

      Mind you, the dune buggy with a flickknife on the door is new.

      (BTW I do like the Onslaught Demo myself a
  • assault rifles (Score:4, Insightful)

    by xenocytekron ( 586678 ) on Thursday March 04, 2004 @08:28PM (#8471135) Homepage
    Is it even possible to carry two assault rifles simultaneously in real life? sounds a bit heavy...
    • by Ozone Depletion ( 738650 ) on Thursday March 04, 2004 @08:29PM (#8471149) Journal
      *looks at da govinator*
    • Re:assault rifles (Score:5, Insightful)

      by savagedome ( 742194 ) on Thursday March 04, 2004 @08:30PM (#8471156)
      Is it even possible to carry two assault rifles simultaneously in real life?

      Not the article but not even the Title now? I would have to say RFTT dude. Its Unreal Tournament ;)
      • Re:assault rifles (Score:5, Insightful)

        by NanoGator ( 522640 ) on Thursday March 04, 2004 @09:01PM (#8471400) Homepage Journal
        "Not the article but not even the Title now? I would have to say RFTT dude. Its Unreal Tournament ;)"

        Uh.. pardon my naievness, but wasn't the reason it was originally called Unreal was that they excelled graphically in both hardware and software mode? I remember being quite surprised when I first got it. Even without a 3D card, they did some neat stuff that just wasn't being done at the time. It did look 'unreal'. I don't think the original reference was to the practicality of the game. Since this is a continuance of the franchise, I can imagine it's still meant in the same spirit.

        But who knows, maybe I'm wrong. There's a couple of sides to this issue. On one hand, it has to be semi-grounded in reality. For example, it would be odd if you ran off a cliff, but didn't fall until you looked down in Yosemite Sam fashion. At the same time, though, how much fun would the game be if it was too realistic? I'd have a heart attack if I tried to run a short distance, heh.

        There is a fine line there one must walk when designing a game like that. Afterall, if real life was so exciting, where would the game market be?
    • by frankthechicken ( 607647 ) on Thursday March 04, 2004 @08:31PM (#8471170) Journal
      Is it even possible to carry two assault rifles simultaneously in real life?

      It certainly is possible, much like the British SAS' much vaunted ability to fire a rocket at the ground, propelling themselves behind enemy lines.

      In fact only the other day, I was walking around town, felt a bit short of cash, and decided to headbut a wall, and bounce a top several passerbys, earned a small fortune that day.
      • by rholliday ( 754515 ) on Thursday March 04, 2004 @08:41PM (#8471266) Homepage Journal
        Man, I can't tell you how many times those floating stars have kept me from getting a ticket. So handy to just dive in an alley and make the police forget about you ...
    • Re:assault rifles (Score:3, Insightful)

      by Tim C ( 15259 )
      No, you probably can't - and you certainly wouldn't be able to do that and carry half a dozen or more other weapons strapped to yourself, *and* run the entire length of the map at full speed, jump, or leap into the driving seat of a vehicle...

      It's a *game*. It's meant to be fun, not ultra-realistic :-)
  • by fidget42 ( 538823 ) on Thursday March 04, 2004 @08:29PM (#8471148)
    But I had a problem when I tried playing it at a resolution other than 1280x1024. I couldn't read some of the text (especially when trying to join an internet game). Another problem that UT2k3 had was the size of the maps. Even with a broadband connection, transferring a 10 MB map takes a looooooong time.
    • by justMichael ( 606509 ) on Thursday March 04, 2004 @08:34PM (#8471203) Homepage
      Unless they changed the server behavior they throttle map downloads.

      Most places are urged to provide the maps on a standard web server.

      Of course I haven't managed a UT2kx server so what do I know.
      • by Sycraft-fu ( 314770 ) on Friday March 05, 2004 @05:08AM (#8473622)
        The Unreal Engine, be it orignal, UT2003, modified, whatever, was made to host maps on a speperate server. The UT server itself will send maps and other files, if it must, but at the same max rate as whatever the max client data rate is. This is done so the server doesn't screw people playing because someone is downloading.

        What you are supposed to do is setup a web server that holds all the maps, textures, sounds and such that you need. You then set a redirector in the UT config to the web server. When a client needs a file, they get sent there, which then proceeds to send at the maximum rate possible as ber HTTP.

        An additonal advantage is that the HTTP redirect supports compression. You can zip up the files (50% size on average) with the UCC program. They then download compressed and decompress on the client side, saving bandwidth and time.

        So if you run a UT server, of any version, host the maps on a web server and setup a redirect. It can be on the same physical hardware if you like, or a completely different host, whatever works. However don't have the UT server itself serve up the data, it isn't efficient.
    • Could be that you set your direct36 settings to max preformance, or set your textures too low, happened on me mates box, try nudging up the texture quality a bit and compensate with lower values on other settings, that should help some. Good luck!
    • by pslam ( 97660 ) on Thursday March 04, 2004 @08:39PM (#8471244) Homepage Journal
      But I had a problem when I tried playing it at a resolution other than 1280x1024. I couldn't read some of the text (especially when trying to join an internet game).

      I had this problem but discovered it was because the display settings for my Ti4200 were at "performance" rather than "quality" (right click desktop, settings, advanced, directX, blah, blah). It's probably because fonts are treated just like textures and are reduced in resolution along with everything else. It seems to me there's no difference in speed between performance and quality settings, so it's no loss - and it looks way better anyway.

      Hope that helps... it certainly had me puzzled for a while. I think they need to at least add this to the FAQ.

  • Going Gold (Score:2, Insightful)

    by Wexton ( 748563 )
    sweet now it is gold, i wonder how long it will take for a full copy to be leaked, i give it 2 days.
    • Re:Going Gold (Score:5, Insightful)

      by NanoGator ( 522640 ) on Thursday March 04, 2004 @09:06PM (#8471434) Homepage Journal
      "sweet now it is gold, i wonder how long it will take for a full copy to be leaked, i give it 2 days."

      Can't say that matters a whole lot to me. I tried to download GTA3 after I scratched the disc, ended up getting different games that were just renamed to GTA3. Fortunately for me, I found a used copy for reasonably cheap.

      Frankly, I don't see what all the anti-piracy hype is about. If it's easier to just run down the street and buy the game than to wait all day to download and cross your fingers that it's a.) legit b.) works, then I don't see why the "you-cannot-backup-your-game" measures are all that necessary.

      • Re:Going Gold (Score:3, Insightful)

        by Zakabog ( 603757 )
        I tried to download GTA3 after I scratched the disc, ended up getting different games that were just renamed to GTA3. Fortunately for me, I found a used copy for reasonably cheap.

        So you just bought a game twice because you scratched a disk? I bought GTA 3 because I liked the game, I never bought a GTA game before that (downloaded them all, weren't worth the price, GTA 3 was deffinitely worth it) and I wanted to support rockstar since they made such an amazing game. BUT if I scratched the game, I wouldn
  • I can't wait now for Red Orchestra 2.0 using UT2004. Hopefully this will generate more intrest in this awesome mod.

    But when I play it now, there's usually only one server with people playing on it. It's ashame because this is such a great game that tries to be more realistic. Like no floaty crosshairs, get shot with a bullet and you die...not 50 bullets while you jump around like a chicken.

    It still needs work, but the guys making it are listening to the people playing it. And with ut2004 and all kinds of tanks sitting around, can't wait to see what they do with the new engine.
    • by kryptkpr ( 180196 ) on Thursday March 04, 2004 @08:45PM (#8471300) Homepage
      The reason is simple: Some people (like me) don't want realism.

      The game is called UNREAL Tournament for a reason, and I'm glad the people who made it made it the way they did... I get enough realism at school, working my ass off in hopes of a future.. don't need any more realism then that thankyouverymuch.

      I love the floaty crosshairs, impossible weapons, guided redeemer missles, and getting-pumped-full-of-led-and-not-caring-cuz-you- got-200-health-and-100-armor-in-an-800-health-tank ! It's a totally different world, and that's what makes the game so enjoyable.
      • Bingo! Stuff like ChaosUT [] and Unreal4Ever [] are the reasons I *love* the UT franchise. The crazier the weapons the better. My absolute favorites are the proxy mines that talk smack to you while they hunt you down & the Quantum Singularity Generator (i.e. the Black Hole Gun).

      • by Cecil ( 37810 ) on Thursday March 04, 2004 @09:56PM (#8471723) Homepage
        Chalk me up under the "hate videogame real-life-ism" tally.

        That comes with a major caveat though: I think strongly that games have to at least be realistic within their own universe. It's one thing for the heavily armed and armored, trained for fighting, shieldpack-wearing ogres in Unreal Tournament to be able to take a chaingun barrage in the chest. It's what the game is all about.

        It is not, on the other hand, acceptable for a bored civilian in Deus Ex 2 to be able to withstand a point-blank pistol blast to the head without even getting angry at me. Nowhere in the game's story did it suggest that humans had evolved metal skulls, or that the anti-gun lobby had gotten all firearms replaced with bb-guns.
  • Mac (Score:5, Interesting)

    by LittleLebowskiUrbanA ( 619114 ) on Thursday March 04, 2004 @08:32PM (#8471179) Homepage Journal
    With a demo already out, it looks like MacSoft will have this out for OS X almost at the same time as the PC version. Sweet.
  • by green pizza ( 159161 ) on Thursday March 04, 2004 @08:32PM (#8471185) Homepage
    I've been playing the UT2K4 demo on both Windows and Mac (yay PowerBook) and the community chatter is right -- disabling audio results in framerates jumping anywhere from 50% - 200% faster. I hope it's a bug and not just the base requirement for UT2K4 audio!
  • Which versions? (Score:3, Interesting)

    by Saven Marek ( 739395 ) on Thursday March 04, 2004 @08:33PM (#8471190)
    This miht be a silly question, but is this a usual case of Windows version only without specifically mentioning it is?

    Or are the Mac and Linux versions also gold? The article didn't specifically mention, but when that happens I usually suspect it referring to window's only

    OSX desktops, hints and gaming []
  • by ItMustBeEsoteric ( 732632 ) <ryangilbert@ g m a i l . c om> on Thursday March 04, 2004 @08:33PM (#8471192)
    I must admit, while I love the various flavors of UT, I dislike the naming convention. The same problem sports games have: once a year, they will seem out of date. They're basically making themselves stay on a once a year schedule: let's be real, how many gaming companies can do that (HL2, Doom 3...deadlines go to hell). And, unless there's actual changes, I would rather not buy a new version every year just to keep up with the online play (though I know you can always play the old versions). That said, I want this game. The vehicles are great, as is the gameplay and graphics in the demo.
    • They're basically making themselves stay on a once a year schedule Just like Microsoft! First there was Windows 95, then Windows 96, Windows 97, Windows 98, Windows 99, Windows 2000, Windows 2001, Windows 2002, Windows 2003... they haven't released Windows 2004 yet, and Windows 2003 seems SO dated!

      I think we'll all forgive them if they skip a year or two.
  • Including Linux? (Score:5, Interesting)

    by JustinXB ( 756624 ) on Thursday March 04, 2004 @08:35PM (#8471217)
    Will this be including the Linux version of the game, like 2003 did? Maybe they'll be nice to us this time and put a notice on the box stating Linux version included.
    • Re:Including Linux? (Score:5, Informative)

      by vogel ( 196253 ) on Thursday March 04, 2004 @08:57PM (#8471383) Homepage
      There is a penguin on the box this time around and a Linux32/64 bit installer on the CD/DVD. It's actually quite prominent as it's one of three files in the root directory - autorun.inf, setup.exe and :)

      Big thanks to Ryan (, he "loves" it when I post this link ;)) for making it happen in time for inclusion on the retail CD/DVD!

      -- Daniel, Epic Games Inc.
  • by Andrew Price ( 757340 ) on Thursday March 04, 2004 @08:41PM (#8471269) Homepage
    I absolutely loved Unreal and UT. UT2k3, Unreal 2 and UT2k4 were horrible for me. Nice graphics, utterly stupid gamplay. If you liked 2003, this game may appeal, otherwise a waste of d/l time. Call of Duty and ET are waay better, actually requiring some brain. Just my 2c
  • by Fiz Ocelot ( 642698 ) <baelzharon@ g m a> on Thursday March 04, 2004 @08:41PM (#8471273)
    I got the collector's edition for 40 bucks, comes on DVD with a nice logitech headset and bonus dvd. It also has some kind of emblem that adds either 50HP to your car or 2ghz to your pc (whichever you apply it to)
    • It also has some kind of emblem that adds either 50HP to your car or 2ghz to your pc (whichever you apply it to)
      Cool! The extra 50 hit points will keep my car safe from clowns driving rocket-launcher-equipped ice cream trucks. (I live in L.A.)
  • by dmouritsendk ( 321667 ) on Thursday March 04, 2004 @08:42PM (#8471279)
    ..should rush out and buy this game and then send a mail to one of these people [], letting them know that the fact that the game ran on Linux was one of the factors that made you deside to buy the game.

    Bacially, thank them for their support of your favorite platform. And let them know you are always looking for quality game titles running linux to buy.

    That won't hurt the chances of future ATARI distributed games being ported to Linux.
  • voice recognition (Score:4, Interesting)

    by berkut1337 ( 628381 ) on Thursday March 04, 2004 @08:59PM (#8471389)
    Voice recognition is the besst feauture for me, I'm surprized it's not being mentioned more. All that you have to do is download MS speech SDK, train it and then the fun begins:

    ALPHA GET OUT! the bot will exit the vehicle, or
    EVERYONE DANCE!, lol 1. php

  • by msimm ( 580077 ) on Thursday March 04, 2004 @09:01PM (#8471402) Homepage
    The dual weapons (pistols? assault rifles?) were there but it was so much more dark. It was an extreme sport setting with somewhat realistic human (future) characters. I really miss that.
    • The biggest things I missed from the original were a real sniper rifle and Assault mode, both of which are back in 2k4 :D
      Although they kept the "lightning gun" sniper rifle clone in the game for some maps. I guess to keep down on the campers in certain areas. It can be hard to see snipers in the foliage in certain areas (I know first hand, even with the lightning trail giving away your position, someone has to be looking to see it :D)

      All in all, must of my gripes about 2k3 (which I didn't buy) are gone now
  • by MigrantHail ( 643728 ) on Thursday March 04, 2004 @09:02PM (#8471408)
    Enjoy such new features as onslaught, assault...and good old backstabbing.
  • by MMaestro ( 585010 ) on Thursday March 04, 2004 @09:06PM (#8471432)
    The 7 CD version or the special edition 2 DVD pack?
  • Great Game (Score:5, Interesting)

    by (eternal_software) ( 233207 ) on Thursday March 04, 2004 @09:21PM (#8471529)
    This is an excellent game. I was never a big fan of FPS but the "onslaught" mode in UT2004 has me hooked. Excellent mix of combat and strategy, the controls feel right, and the vehicles are really fun.

    I still haven't played the standard "deathmatch" and "capture the flag" modes (and I am not really in a hurry to try them).

    There is much more to be had here then in previous Unreal titles.
  • Mouse-gesture aim (Score:5, Interesting)

    by eddy ( 18759 ) on Thursday March 04, 2004 @09:24PM (#8471546) Homepage Journal

    [...] but my favorite is the ability to carry dual assault rifles.

    I'm guessing this is like in every other game, you still aim them together?

    I was thinking that it would be interesting to experiment with individual aim for dual-weapons. You could have 'hold RMB and move mouse to aim second gun' (would subsume looking around) and 'hold RMB and press LMB' to fire.

    But it guess it would be odd to controll one weapon as "an arm" and the other like usual (that is "where you look you fire"), so then you'd have to do the same but in reverse for the "left" gun, which I'm sure few gamers would like. Maybe for an option...

    Just a thought.

  • Comment removed (Score:5, Insightful)

    by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Thursday March 04, 2004 @09:26PM (#8471554)
    Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • "play through the game once and forget" games hardly get any replay value

      The ultimate in replay value would be the game that you completely forget after playing, except for how great it was to play, so you play it again and forget and then back to step one again...

      For true replayability though, since the player probably won't forget, is to give the game a great deal of depth- so much that after beating the game the player is able to go back and play in a totally different style, explore more remote areas
  • by death00 ( 551487 ) on Thursday March 04, 2004 @09:50PM (#8471694)
    "...the biggest thing to ever hit multiplayer gaming...the granddaddy of all multiplayer competition...most exciting multiplayer title ever to grace the PC." Somehow I doubt these spurious claims. I remember playing Quake III Arena and the original UT (in fact I still enjoy playing both), and those were the biggest things ever to hit multiplayer gaming. The adrenaline rush from playing at breakneck speeds against human opponents was fantastic! Initially, I had to decide which one would get my $50, and went with UT because of the different gameplay modes. I was highly disappointed with UT2003, especially since the assault mode was dropped. I'm glad to see UT2004 has assault mode back in, but I'm still looking forward to Doom III and Half-Life 2 far more than this release. Carmack: Where's my Doom III? It's been nearly a year since I asked that last!
  • by v1 ( 525388 ) on Thursday March 04, 2004 @10:00PM (#8471762) Homepage Journal
    I've seen a few posters comment about rendering speed increasing if sound is disabled, but that's not really an option for a serious player... if you can't hear where the shooting is coming from (or hear the footsteps of the person tailgaiting you) you're not gonna last very long. So turning off the sound isn't a serious option.

    Also, just in general I'd say the frame rates on the mac are a lot slower than on the PC. Are they even bothering to use hardware accelleration? It feels like I'm back playing the original Unreal Tournament on my Wallstreet with its sucky graphics speed, and yet this is a fairly new tibook. My fps drops to around 4 or so during heavy action.
    • by green pizza ( 159161 ) on Thursday March 04, 2004 @10:45PM (#8472110) Homepage
      I've seen a few posters comment about rendering speed increasing if sound is disabled, but that's not really an option for a serious player

      I totally agree... and hope that it's more of a threading bug than anything else!

      Also, just in general I'd say the frame rates on the mac are a lot slower than on the PC. Are they even bothering to use hardware accelleration?

      Both the Mac and Linux versions run slower than the Windows version... mostly because the game's 3D engine was written for MS Direct3D... the Mac and Linux versions have been hacked to use OpenGL.

      That said, you're going to need a modern Mac (or Linux PC) to run this game... newer than what would be required to play on a Windows PC. The game runs more than fast enough on my 15" Aluminum PowerBook G4 (1.25 GHz G4, Radeon 9600 Mobility). Performance dops a bit when I run higher than 1024x768, though... it may be a fillrate issue with the GPU as this game makes heavy use of multipass rendering. Hopefully the new Radeon 9700 Mobility will fix that! The same game on a similar iMac 17" (1.25 GHz G4, GeForce FX 5200) runs quite a bit slower dispite similar system architecture. My guess is that the FX 5200 can't pump the pixels as fast as the Radeon 9600. Disabiling audio speeds up both machines, so there might be room for improvement.

      I had an opportunity to play the demo on both a monster pc gamer rig and on a dual processor G5 at a local mom-and-pop computer store. The PC, with a Radeon 9800, showed about 3x the FPS frame rate as the Mac (dual 1.8 GHz G5, Radeon 9600) but game play felt about the same on both machines. Though the numbers are smaller on the Mac, the game didn't feel any "choppier" than the PC.
  • by Awptimus Prime ( 695459 ) on Thursday March 04, 2004 @10:03PM (#8471803)
    The only two games that get much coverage on /. seem to be Quake, Doom3, and Unreal(x).

    Meanwhile, BF1942 and others get little coverage -- even though other titles were the ones to pioneer 64 player servers and larger maps.

    The only thing I can figure is the old school FPS game with a gun that fires the EXACT same while running at a scale speed of 38mph, jumping, etc.

    I remember posting the same question about Counter-Strike getting no /. press when it had like 20x the number of online players than Q3 had, at the time, and getting modded as a troll.

    Personally, being a seasoned player of FPS titles since Wolf3D, I prefer games that have some level of chance when it comes to firing a perfect shot. Getting 18 consecutive headshots in MP with a sniper rifle is just lame after a while.

    I also play paintball a lot, which is fairly inconsistent when it comes to accuracy. I've also got a couple of scoped rifles I enjoy doing some target practice with sometimes. Even with the bipod extended and laying prone, I can't hit consistently within a foot at 100 yards. Mind you, I have some eyesight problems.

    This just makes the running and shooting perfectly thing in Unreal and Q3 just too cartoony for it to be fun.
  • by 88NoSoup4U88 ( 721233 ) on Thursday March 04, 2004 @10:53PM (#8472178)
    If some opponent is on the redeemer spawn spot, and you have control of a flying vehicle (not sure on the name)
    Spidermine it first, then lightly scrape over the floor while flying past the high-redeemer spot : The spider mines will jump off, and target any enemy on top of it :
    Great fun :)
  • original UT (Score:3, Interesting)

    by luckyguesser ( 699385 ) on Thursday March 04, 2004 @11:18PM (#8472327)
    ...but my favorite is the ability to carry dual assault rifles.

    That's one good reason why I like the original UT better than either 2k3 or 2k4. Others include the ability to boost the game speed up to... something like 200%, and older but much much less graphic-intensive graphics engine. My computer will theoretically run 2k3 and 4 just fine, but I still like the original's gameplay much better.
  • Runs on TNT2 (Score:3, Informative)

    by G3ckoG33k ( 647276 ) on Friday March 05, 2004 @05:06AM (#8473615)
    Yes it does!

    PIII-700 with a TNT2 M64


    I may have 15-20 fps but runs with a fair amount of visual goodies anyhow!

    Amazing, considering the age of the card.

"I have just one word for you, my boy...plastics." - from "The Graduate"
