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Doom - The Board Game Announced 75

Thanks to Gaming Report for its coverage of Fantasy Flight Games' announcement of Doom: The Board Game at the GAMA Trade Show. According to the info sheet reprinted in the story: "Doom: The Board Game will include scores of sculpted plastic miniatures, specialized oversized dice, board piece for players to make their own custom maps, and enough weapons to drive back the legions of Hell." Fantasy Flight are also responsible for the previously discussed Warcraft board game, and this new Doom board game, which "incorporates graphics and themes from the upcoming Doom 3", is apparently "scheduled for an October release and is to retail for $39.95." GamingReport also has a number of other stories on new products being launched at GAMA.
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Doom - The Board Game Announced

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  • WOW (Score:3, Funny)

    by Anonymous Coward on Thursday March 18, 2004 @11:14AM (#8599352)
    Come on, I want my Mario Board Game Already!

    You encounter a strange mushroom, do you:

    1. eat it

    2. throw it

    3. jump on it

    Oh, no a Goomba appears from the dark! Do you:

    1. eat it

    2. throw it

    3. kump on it
    • Re:WOW (Score:3, Funny)

      by trompete ( 651953 )
      I actually have the Mario Bros board game someplace at home. It was so bad that I didn't even like it when I was 6 years old. You couldn't even sell that thing at a garage sale. Maybe I'll just keep it until 2030 when some crazy fuck on EBay will buy it for $200 as a "classic".
  • by Singletoned ( 619322 ) <> on Thursday March 18, 2004 @11:18AM (#8599386) Homepage
    I'd have thought that the people who like Doom, like it because it was, once upon a time, quite an exciting FPS. It's not as if it has a rich universe with plenty of backstory to make use of.
    • by RealityMogul ( 663835 ) on Thursday March 18, 2004 @11:22AM (#8599435)
      What does a storyline have to do with a board game? The rags to riches "storyline" of Monopoly didn't really make the game the hit that it is/was.
      • It might be a good game, but in that case it would be a good game whether it were Doom or SuperKillKill...

        I'm saying there doesn't appear to be any point in making a Doom game. Why not create something new?
    • by crackshoe ( 751995 ) on Thursday March 18, 2004 @11:58AM (#8599910)
      It had enough 'backstory' (i lied, it didn't) to make up at least 2 novels. really -- i have em.

      too lazy for html linkage il/-/0671 52562X/qid=1079629050/sr=1-7/ref=sr_1_7/104-677186 2-0979112?v=glance&s=books
    • Here's how it works (Score:5, Interesting)

      by NickFusion ( 456530 ) on Thursday March 18, 2004 @12:04PM (#8599989) Homepage
      Doom is a well established brand.

      What can one do with a well established brand? Use it to sell new products by expanding the product line.

      How does it usually go down?

      1) The Quick Buck. Slap the brand name on any old piece of dreck, and shove it out the door. Short term profit, but long term damage to the brand.

      2) The Smart Move. Create a new and interesting product that shares enough of the characteristics of the original product to legitimately claim the relationship, and leverage the power of the brand name to build a market for the new and interesting product. Short term profit, long term profit, and a boost to the brand image.

      Yeah, you get a lot of #1. But #2 is a much better strategy.
      • For instance Nintendo bought Doki Doki Panic years ago and rebranded it as Super Mario Brothers 2.

        That's a pretty good example of #2.
        • Actually, it's a blatant example of #1. They took an unheard-of (in th US anyway) brand, replaced it with a world-famous brand, and whored it out to the masses. The same goes for most of the non-platformer Mario games - Dr. Mario was just rebranding a Tetris variant with the Mario name, for example. Mario Golf, maybe Super Smash Brothers, and the Mario RPG games would fall into #2, though.
    • by Sloppy ( 14984 ) * on Thursday March 18, 2004 @01:24PM (#8601123) Homepage Journal
      I'd have thought that the people who like Doom, like it because it was, once upon a time, quite an exciting FPS.
      Well of course "Exciting FPS" is part of it, but there's more. Doom had a cool "feel". If you take the exact same game mechanics and change all the graphics and setting, the game would be less interesting.

      What's the magic feel of Doom? Fireball-throwing imps in computer rooms, that's what! Creeping through the dark nervously holding a shotgun while hearing the growl of demons all around you. Doom's imagery was exquisite.

  • WTF? (Score:4, Insightful)

    by bsharitt ( 580506 ) * <{bridget} {at} {}> on Thursday March 18, 2004 @11:19AM (#8599400) Journal
    I can understand RPG or even strategy games being made into board games, but and fast paced shooter? I think they'll end up with a completely unrelated game with Doom images.
    • I think you've just about summed it up :)

      This kind of "huh?" type game conversion is not new: pinball machines anyone? The pinball formula seemed to be to take any old pinball machine and affix pictures from the subject film/game etc. I mean come on - "Lord Of the Rings: the pinball machine" ?!?

      I'm sure Doom the board game is Ludo or something with backgrounds from "The Shores of Hell"

    • Have you ever played Zombies!!! []?

      That pretty much is a tabletop FPS. Fast turns, simple rules and hordes of flesh-eaters out for your brains. Its not exactly a hugely tactical game, but neither are most FPS games.
  • by Rallion ( 711805 ) on Thursday March 18, 2004 @11:22AM (#8599426) Journal
    Roll the damn dice already! Stop slowing down the fast-paced FPS action!

    Just seems like a stupid idea. No fun in it. Why not Doom 3 or play the original?
  • Frag (Score:4, Informative)

    by Anonymous Coward on Thursday March 18, 2004 @11:24AM (#8599449)
    Who needs this? We have Frag []. :-)
  • If you like the idea of this try Frag. []

    Though sadly looks out of print...

    • Frag was slanted more towards simulation the death match aspect, this seems to be slanted more towards the single player if it includes "scores" of miniature, Frag was fun but could get old quickly, I'm wondering what kind of replay value this will have.
    • by thebosz ( 748870 ) <> on Thursday March 18, 2004 @12:00PM (#8599944) Homepage Journal
      FRAG was a great game! With a couple of friends (4 was pretty good, but it had rules for up to 12 at once) it was awesome. I feel it perfectly distilled the feeling of a deathmatch down to board game form.

      The turns went fast and so the action never slowed down. The best part was rolling the dice. It used D6's and you rolled the number equal to the damage on the weapon you were using. The person who you were shooting rolled the amount equal to his/her armor. Divide the armor into the damage and that's how many hitpoints the guy just lost.

      Nothing's better than having the nuke (12D6) with the quad-damage (x4) for a total of 48 dice worth of damage! The guy didn't even bother to roll for defense.

      There are a lot of variations that include height, terrain and other stuff like that. If you see this game at your store, pick it up, along with the two expansions. It's definitely worth it!

      • If you see this game at your store, pick it up, along with the two expansions.

        In addition to the two expansions, there's Frag PvP, an expansion based on the comic, and Frag Deadlands, a stand-alone game that can be combined with the original.

        The homepage at [], and has the rules in PDF form, and some fan-created variants.
        • Have you tried those two? I've never heard too much about Deadlands, so it didn't look to exciting to me. What about PvP Frag? Does it add anything good?

          I only said the two expansions because Pvp and Deadlands weren't expansions so much as supplements.

          For anyone interested, there are a couple of people [] selling [] Frag [] on [] eBay []. (In fact, ones going for $30+! Wow! Maybe I should sell mine. ;) )

  • BFG (Score:4, Insightful)

    by trompete ( 651953 ) on Thursday March 18, 2004 @11:26AM (#8599481) Homepage Journal
    You pull out your BFG and instantly vaporize everybody else on the board. Game over.
    • Hmmm... according to the rules, using the BFG involves flipping the board over, sending the pieces flying and then running home crying to mommy.
  • by truffle ( 37924 ) on Thursday March 18, 2004 @11:29AM (#8599524) Homepage
    Sounds a lot like Space Hulk [], one of the many enjoyable miniature games from Games Workshop.

    I wonder if they'll have a CTF mode? :)
  • The Doom Comic (Score:5, Informative)

    by fredrikj ( 629833 ) on Thursday March 18, 2004 @11:38AM (#8599643) Homepage
    This better not be anything like the Doom comic [] in quality.
  • by Tofino ( 628530 ) on Thursday March 18, 2004 @11:59AM (#8599920)
    Kill hellish creatures with guns and chainsaws? It's already been done [] in a great board game ("Zombies!!!"). This Doom board game is just going to try to ride the Doom name to a 30% premium over what it's likely worth. Fantasy Flight is really disappointing in the last while.

    The full list of new games is quite interesting. Twilight Creations is coming out with "All Wound Up", a board game featuring WIND UP TOYS. A new edition of Kobolds Ate My Baby! The fun never stops!

  • i own the warcraft board game, its actually pretty good, so i might try this one out at my local game shop.
  • As the rumors of a Doom movie?
  • by GeorgeH ( 5469 ) on Thursday March 18, 2004 @12:15PM (#8600160) Homepage Journal
    This seems about as smart an idea as Monopoly: The First Person Shooter.
    • This seems about as smart an idea as Monopoly: The First Person Shooter.

      Sshh! Don't give the Electronic Arts lead designer lurkers any ideas!
    • This seems about as smart an idea as Monopoly: The First Person Shooter.

      I think I might play that one. "Some damnable New Jersey residents' association is trying to block you from building a hotel in their neighborhood. They're like terrorists! Grab your M16 and get busy!"

      Seriously, it just underscores the fact that games in different media should be different. The irony is that if Doom: the Board Game comes out and doesn't play much like a(n) FPS, everybody here is going to rag on it for that.

    • Hah! Let's see, I own three munitions dumps, so that's...$200! Pay up!

      *** Community Chest ****

      Your hotels have just been the victims of a drive-by shooting. Pay $400 to dispose of the bodies hygenically.

      Needless to say, I'd be the battleship. That boot's had it coming for a long time.
  • Cool (Score:2, Funny)

    by sharkey ( 16670 )
    I can't wait until they make a PC version of this. I already have Star Wars Chess and Star Wars Monopoly for my PC, and now I'm looking forward to Star Wars Doom!
  • by Anonymous Coward
    I bet that by dice they mean coin, and it has either "run" or "shoot."
  • You knew someone would post one.

    If it ain't broke" []
  • I can imagine the plastic figure with the BFG.

    Move 4 spaces to forward.

    Move 3 spaces to forward.

    Move 4 spaces and fire BFG.

    Rip board to pieces. You win.
  • Hey (Score:1, Funny)

    by Q-Mont ( 761460 )
    I hear that they are taking pre-orders for Duke Nukem Forever- the board game.
  • Who gives a damn about a stupid board game, there is only one board game that matters, and it will always be chess. When are we going to see the actual game...WITH the NIN soundtrack!?!?!?
  • I hear they've just completed the DNF board game too. It's an empty box.
  • doom the computer game was fun.

    doom the board game would suck, mainly because you wont be seeing all the demon's guts fly out as you shoot them.....and you're not sitting in front of a monitor.

    PC/Console games being converted to board and vice versa almost never work out well. anyone remember the AD&D games for the NES?
    • umm... but I think alot of people would argue that many of the D&D games on the PC were quite good.

      I am thinking Neverwinter Nights, Bladgur's Gate, Pool of Radiance(the 1st one).

      And the DragonLance series.

      I'm sure there are others I am missing.
      • hmm ive never played any of those. to be honest, i havent done much PC gaming at all.

        but you must admit that the NES ones sucked.

        and also that doom the board game will suck the hunkey chunkey wangy tangy moose cock.

        ive heard many good things about Neverwinter Nights, but i was not aware that it is a D&D game.....
      • oh yes and the Dragon Lance books were quite good, quite good indeed.
  • by Rysc ( 136391 ) <> on Thursday March 18, 2004 @10:11PM (#8606232) Homepage Journal
    I'd seriously like to see a Doom movie. It would feature:

    * No girl, no romance
    * lots of guns, lots of gore
    * only one human alive after the first 10 minutes

    The plot would be Doomish: Silent-type hero, in high-tech/secret/hidden facility (scientific? military? Maybe some of both!) when Something Goes Horribly Wrong. Men become zombies, forces of hell are unleashed. WHATEVER. Insert B-plot device here! Hero grabs some guns and ammo (and you KNOW they're just lying around... it's that sort of facility). He then proceeds to try and get out, mostly by shooting everything that moves. There would be lots of sweating, lots of dark rooms and flickery lights. There would also be no small amount of freaky monsters/mutations/etc.

    I can picture the setting, the direction... all of it. The only part I can't decide on is the plot, but that would not need to be much more than the actual Doom plot.

    With all of the games that are becoming films these days, it might even get backing. if it were taken seriously and done as a straight action flick, it might even be good.
    • What do you mean can't figure out the plot??? You just wrote it in the previous paragraph.
      • I know the general outline, but specifics are harder. /Who/ is the hero? /Why/ does what goes wrong go wrong? /Where/ is this facility and what are they doing? /What/ kind of monsters are there? /How/ is it that only Our Hero survives whatever got the rest of the people?

        I don't imagine these things matter much to the concept, but it's essential that one makes up something good and believable, otehrwise the movie is just crap.
  • Doom Novels by Dafydd ab Hugh 52562X/qid=1079678758/sr=1-7/ref=sr_1_7/103-152740 5-4734269?v=glance&s=books
  • Looking at the info page, it sounds to me like an old game called Hero Quest (Milton Bradley made it, Hasbro bought MB, game is out of print, hard to find an offical link). Hero Quest had a series of dungeon rooms that players wandered through collecting weapons/treasure and killing monsters. I can see the DOOM game being similar, except without any kind of game master.

Seen on a button at an SF Convention: Veteran of the Bermuda Triangle Expeditionary Force. 1990-1951.
