Key Publishers Scaling Back GameCube Titles, Zelda Sequel Hints 97
Thanks to Gamesindustry.biz for its article discussing the list of specific games and publishers going without GameCube support, mentioning: "Joining the swelling ranks of publishers without any Cube titles in their portfolios (which already includes the likes of Acclaim and Eidos) is Lucasarts, which currently has no titles for the platform on its internal schedules." It goes on to note: "While support from Japanese publishers remains strong... Western third-party support for the Cube is facing a serious decline this year." Elsewhere, 1UP reports that a Game Developer's Conference lecture by Nintendo's Eiji Aonuma had oblique news on a GameCube Zelda sequel, since he "showed in his presentation a slide reading 'Wind Waker 2: 2XXX,' so we can expect to play the game within the next 996 years." Aonuma also "strongly hinted at the prospect of a new Legend of Zelda or Zelda-related game for the DS."
Re:Yawn (Score:2)
Games don't sell nearly as well if they aren't established franchises.
It doesn't mean Nintendo isn't innovating tho - look at Majora's Mask. It used the same engine as Ocarina of Time, but the game had an entirely different feel to it than Ocarina. The time limit greatly changed how the game played.
The premise behind Mario Sunshine was "Platform jumping in 3D is very frustrating - how can we solve that?" That's where the water pack came from
Re:Yawn (Score:3, Insightful)
It's ridiculous to declare that the new Zelda game won't be innovative based only on the title.
It's been said before (Score:4, Insightful)
Relevent Penny Arcade Comic [penny-arcade.com]
People always talk about how Playstation and XBox have more games than the GCN. They sure do, but have you seen those games? They are all the random, crappy, hollywood licensed, violence without gameplay, total crap games. On the GameCube you have to compete with Nintendo to sell software and so very few developers can hold a candle.
When a Nintendo game comes out for the GCN it sells zillions. When other games come out for the cube the players compare them to the Nintendo games they have and say "screw that! it isn't worth my money or time." So what you get on the cube is quality before quantity. If you stop making games for the cube your only two possible reasonings can be these
1) You're stupid
2) You can't compete with Nintendo in quality.
3rd parties can succeed on the cube *cough*soul calibur 2*cough*. Cube owners are just too smart to buy stupid generic movie based game number 3.
Re:It's been said before (Score:1, Insightful)
I loved Dark Alliance on Gamecube, but the sequel and the other couple games that use its engine only came out on Xbox and PS2. I bought a PS2 because of this, and wouldn't have otherwise. My Cube, otoh hasn't been touched since Double Dash!!.
If Nintendo's in-house developed games weren't exclusive to the Cube there would b
Re:It's been said before (Score:2, Troll)
So let me get this straight, smart people don't buy stupid generic movie based games apparently... smart people buy rehashes of popular 80s titles? It's all the same to me.
I am in awe of the moderation of this post...
"soul calibur 2" succeeded right? Now was that because the other two versions were of lesser quality or because it had link in it? yes, cube owners are just too smart to fall for those simple advertis
Re:It's been said before (Score:1)
Re:It's been said before (Score:2)
Perhaps this is because when you already have the greatest fighting game of all time (Smash Bros.; although the original soul calibur on dreamcast was pretty incredible (I haven't played the second one much)), having tons of other fighting games available would be redundant and unnecessary.
Re:It's been said before (Score:2)
I bought a Virtual Boy because it was cheap (in this case, Target was liquidating inventory.)
That said, Mario Tennis is quite fun.
Re:It's been said before (Score:1, Troll)
But damn sure they'll buy stupid generic Mario based game number 10...and 11...and 12...
When Nintendo makes a game for the Gamecube, of course it sells zillions. A lot of Gamecube owners are true fanboys. And that is the problem for the 3rd party publishers. Maybe when they get older they will find out that just because Mario/Wario/Princess Toadstool are in a game, doesn't mean that it is fun.
If BMX-XXX could somehow be re-named "Kirby's
Re:It's been said before (Score:2)
Quite honestly, I'm at a loss to name a recent Mario game that wasn't fun. People don't just jump at Nintendo franchises like puppets on a string, they continue to jump because the games have earned their respect.
Re:It's been said before (Score:2)
Pardon me, but which Mario has been generic, exactly?
Super Mario Bros.: no questions asked here, I assume.
SMB2: An entirely different game remade from Doki Doki Panic.
SMB3: Far more polished than any NES game I've played, and introduced what a lot of people mistake for "classic" mario gameplay, such as chain jumping off of enemies (which you couldn't do in SMB1).
SMW: Alright, so the gameplay here was rather close
Re:It's been said before (Score:2)
Mario Golf
Mario Golf 64
Mario Party
Mario Party 2
Mario Party 3
Mario Party 4
Mario Party 5
Super Mario Kart
Mario Kart 64
Mario Kart Double Dash
(Diddy Kong Racing could be thrown in here too)
A lot of their other games fall into the same trap- just re-making the same game for each generation of console.
I'm not going to say that it is junk. I owned the first 3 Nintendo consoles and I played the crap out of them (okay..not so much the 64, it was the beginning of the end for me
Re:It's been said before (Score:1)
The "Mario Kart" are all pretty similar too, but a lot of developers churn out an update of an old game for a new systems - in fact, most do (Capcom [Resident Evil & Street Fighter], Eidos [Tomb Raider], Sega [Sonic], Sony [Gran Turismo], Namco [Tekken], Naughty Dog [Crash Bandicoot], Ubisoft [Rayman] - the list (which is
Re:It's been said before (Score:3, Interesting)
Yes, all of them are mindless, gory, and violent. Just like all of Nintendo's games are kiddie-oriented crap, right?
In terms of
Re:It's been said before (Score:3, Interesting)
One of the reasons evelopers are cutting back on GC releases because of people like me. I don't own a Gamecube but I own 2 PS2s (one with a Linux kit in it, the other with FFXI)
Late last year I got a flyer from Nintendo in the mail for Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles. (Square must have given them my street addy) FFCC seems just like the sort of game I like, a fun little Diablo/Gauntlet Legends style game. However, the connnectivity features are a turn off. I don't own a GBA and
Re:It's been said before (Score:1)
Re:It's been said before (Score:3, Insightful)
I'm 27, and I'd rather have people in the room playing games with me than seek opponents amongst the truant 13-year-olds who know every secret and strategy that clog the online gaming world today.
Online play is seriously overrated. You can say it's because I hate getting beat by those little brats, and you'd be right -- but it's really because I'd rather have actual fun. And that's why I'm a Cube owner with a stack of GBAs.
Re:It's been said before (Score:2)
And for the GBA connectivity? I kept my Gamecube because I was looking forward to FF:CC. As soon as they confirmed it required GBA s
Re:It's been said before (Score:2)
It makes you wonder if they *really* think all games on other platforms are so terrible, or if they're just modding because of Slashthink.
If ANY post in this thread was flamebait, it was the great-great-grandparent. This entire thread is
Re:It's been said before (Score:2)
Seriously, who, reading this, things, "oh, this is a troll commend and can't possibly be an opinion from one of the readers."
Man, come on Moderators. The only comment there that's even *slightly* trollish is the one about Nintendo being the Disney of the video games industry, and that's not a trollish enough comment to offset the other valid points.
Except You're wrong (Score:2)
Windwaker is not evidence of whoring out characters straight to video, nor is it a waste of money. WW (for me) took about 40 hours to finish. Roughly $1.10 per hour.
Mario Kart, WW, and Mario, are not cheap re-treads. They offer significantly different dynamics from their previous versions. Kart on the GC introduces all kinds of handling characteristics to the carts, expands the characters, each character has weight
Re:Except You're wrong (Score:2)
You're right. Wind Waker isn't a cheap re-tread. Double Dash is a legitimate sequel, as is SSBM. But how about the 80-some million Pokemon games? Luigi's Mansion? The entire Mario franchise?
Admittedly, the GCN's lineup is more respectable than Nintendo's shameless whoring on the GBA, but it's still pretty bad.
It's no contest; EA and Sega are by far the biggest whores in the industry, but Nintendo's not that far beh
Re:It's been said before (Score:1)
I think last year the top two software publishers were EA and Nintendo.
Re:It's been said before (Score:1)
Re:It's been said before (Score:2)
Re:It's been said before (Score:3, Insightful)
I can't speak for the Playstation or Playstation 2, as I don't own them, but I do own an XBox and I can safely say that your comment is way out in left field.
Does XBox have c
Re:It's been said before (Score:1)
The Cube has the lowest noise to signal ratio in terms of games of any console out there. You might not like it's good games, but they're for the most part of very high quality(Nintendo is notorious for not allowing much "crap" onto their systems). Couple things
Re:It's been said before (Score:2)
Re:It's been said before (Score:1)
"They are all the random, crappy, hollywood licensed, violence without gameplay, total crap games"
-Ninja Gaiden
-Splinter Cell
-Knights of the Old Republic
-Fable ??
-Chronicles of Riddick ??
-Metal Gear
-Jade Empire ??
-Crimson Skies
-Mech Assault
-Gran Turismo
-GTA 3
The list goes on and on. None of those titles are
Re:It's been said before (Score:2)
For god's sake mods please mod parent down! That has to be the most biased comment Ive ever read on slashdot!
And FYI the gamecube has ETM, T3 and The Hulk which fit the "generic movie to game" bill perfectly.
If you actually do the numbers all consoles have basically the
Within 996 Years? (Score:1, Funny)
More like within 6... (Score:3, Interesting)
Nintendo hard to work with? (Score:4, Interesting)
Or does Nintendo hold some kind of draconian hold over development houses that want to make gamecube games? Restrictive licenses, exorbitant fees, overly complicated SDK's, etc. There are many ways Nintendo could be making it difficult, but you wonder for what purpose?
Re:Nintendo hard to work with? (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Nintendo hard to work with? (Score:2)
Re:Nintendo hard to work with? (Score:2)
2. Don't tell me to back up my facts if you don't do the same.
Re:Nintendo hard to work with? (Score:1)
I don't think he will because I don't think he can.
Re:Nintendo hard to work with? (Score:5, Interesting)
Nintendo saved my resume!
Re:Nintendo hard to work with? (Score:1, Funny)
As a fomer Ea guy Nintendo is a bitch to work with (Score:2)
For example, Both Sony and Microsoft treat EA very well in regard to quality assurance re
Big deal. (Score:5, Insightful)
2007 I remember hearing recently (Score:2)
Frankly, I can't say I'm interested in any of the new systems myself; I'd much rather just have all three companies stick with their current system (well...okay fine the PS2 could use an upgrade still having poor load times and missing a few rendering features). Really; what are they going to do, render the arm-hair better? I don't look that closely in the heat of the action.
nintendo = gameboy (Score:1)
Lucasarts?! Oh NO! (Score:5, Insightful)
You mean I cant play crappy, repetative, inane, consumerist based Starwars games with poor writing on the gamecube?!
Oh well, I still dont own a gamecube yet. Gotta get one and play through metroid.
I already posted my thoughts on lucasarts [slashdot.org].
Re:Lucasarts?! Oh NO! (Score:2, Insightful)
Of course you can! Try this one. [gameinformer.com]
Well maybe this is what happens when... (Score:2)
Re:I can feel the tide coming (Score:3, Interesting)
Now this has been in more doubt lately when they reported a loss for the quarter before the price cut, but overall Nintendo has managed to make a profit out of all their operations.
Sega, on the other hand was losing money for years leading up to the Dreamcast's demise. The problem wasn't just the Dreamcast, the problem was Sega. They had lost a lot on previous consoles as well.
If Nintendo can continue to
Re:I can feel the tide coming (Score:2)
Best way to put it: the Dreamcast didn't kill itself, it was a victim of its predecessors. I don't think any system they could have designed could have possibly saved them.
Remember the Saturn? Me neither. I don't think I actually ever saw one.
But I think most developers will see the next Nintendo as a freas
Re:I can feel the tide coming (Score:2)
As you mentioned, the major thing that killed the Dreamcast was the reactions to the older SEGA hardware. Dreamcast had a lot going for it though; great hardware, an impressive launch backed by support of many companies. Launch sales were exceptional. Cue Sony hype machine. Playstation 2 would be "15 times more powerfu
Re:I can feel the tide coming (Score:2)
Well, the main problem was that Sega's first party games just weren't selling worth a damn, and they were releasing game upon game upon game. The only third party developers the Dreamcast had of any note in the US were Capcom (who was the main third party), SNK (which released a lot of their Neo-Geo fighting
Re:I can feel the tide coming (Score:2)
No, I never said anything of the sort. I said that they apparently have only a single development studio that can produce games with mass appeal in the US, without hanging on for dear life to Sonic and company. I personally like most of the games Sega makes, but that has nothing to do with them obviously hitting the skids as far as generally making money is concerned. They can't survive on just me.
Also, to anyone who says F-Zero GX is hard.
Re:I can feel the tide coming (Score:2)
Re:I can feel the tide coming (Score:1)
Besides, its not like Xbox or PS2 are coming out of left field with new killer games. The lineups are still cluttered with remakes (Ninja Gaiden, Resident Evil, Final Fantasy, Splinter Cell, etc.) Nintendo's third party titles, while smaller than the other two companies, is formidable.
swelling ranks? (Score:1, Interesting)
This is the biggest load of FUD I have ever seen. How can the list of publishers with no title for a specific system possibly grow with respect to publishers that have been around for ages? That's like saying "55-year old Area Man recently joined the ranks of people that have never eaten fruit in their entire lives."
The only way for the list of non-GC publishers to grow, is if new publishers come out with n
Re:swelling ranks? (Score:1)
Apparently "portfolio" means "future plans".
bah humbug.
Re:swelling ranks? (Score:3, Funny)
It's not such a zero sum game anymore (Score:4, Insightful)
I don't think the GC was originally meant to be a secondary system, but it is cheap enough that it works well as one. And as a second system, the titles that matter are the unique ones. And Nintendo has a lot of great titles that are unique to the platform.
As an aside, some people say that they are not innovative since the same characters are used, but I don't see why they care. Even if Super Monkey Ball 2 still has a monkey in a ball, it is still a blast to play, and the same with Mario Cart, Super Smash Brothers, and other titles. The game play is fun, and for a game that is the important part.
Re:It's not such a zero sum game anymore (Score:3, Insightful)
Some people really seem to think that it's a bad idea to take a risk on innovation (even though they don't mean innovation, just new trademarks) when you can just improve on something everybody already loves. Doing the tried-and-true thing is generally better business, and generally produces better product.
Of course, the characters in the games are largely meaningless, except for their contribution to the at
Re:It's not such a zero sum game anymore (Score:1)
Misinterpretation (Score:5, Funny)
I don't think "2XXX" is referring to a generic release date, but is actually part of the title. I think it means that there's going to be adult content in the game, like Zelda and Link porn. The '2' just means that it's going to be twice as hardcore as the nudity in "BMX XXX".
Re:Misinterpretation (Score:1)
They're developing for the nextgen system (Score:3, Interesting)
I hope I'm right
Acclaim *does* make games for the GameCube (Score:3, Informative)
No, it does not include Acclaim. It was reported that they were dropping support for the GameCube, but the *same day* they clarified that this was wrong, they were merely no longer going to release every game on every platform. A check of their website shows upcoming GameCube games, including one that's not coming out for the PS2.
Quite Interesting (Score:1)
Personally, I really like the system. Serious Sam: The Next Encounter will be released for it soon and I will be all over that!
Umm... (Score:1)
And, Lucasarts? Bah, screw them, they cancelled Sam and Max. They could release the best game ever produced and I still wouldn't buy it at this point.
Article is bullshit. (Score:5, Interesting)
LucasArts have not dropped the GC, this is pure speculation.
Neither have Ubisoft.
EA are only going to release one football game on the GC this year (FIFA 2005) instead of two. Holy shit, man the lifeboats.
GI.biz and Eurogamer are already well known as sites with a vendetta against the Gamecube.
Pointless article... (Score:4, Informative)
Umm, so? The 'Cube isn't selling terribly in Europe, which is a large part of the non-Madden-type football-game-buying market. I can hardly say I blame them.
Lucasarts has no games scheduled for this year? Well, it's fairly well known that Factor 5 is working on a Pilot Wings sequel for the next Nintendo system, so in that sense they've dropped support for the 'Cube
Codemasters isn't releasing any 'Cube games? You mean they made it out of the '80s alive? Why should I care again?
After those few factoids, the author of the article apparently had to flesh it out with the usual "so and so has also dropped support, as has such and such," but then they don't even get those facts straight. Acclaim is still working on Gamecube titles
Pointless article, author didn't even do rudimentary fact-checking
Re:Pointless article... (Score:1)
Nah, you misunderstand - football to Europeans means soccer to Americans. We call your football "American Football". I think there should be a debate over which football is the real football! Go!