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Graphics Programming Software Entertainment Games IT Technology Re-Launched, With Forums 9

Shay writes "With the recent release of Blender v2.33, including the return of the game engine, we have brought back online to help users in creating games with Blender. The site is back with a new CMS, a new layout, and new features. Of those features the most important is the forums. With the introduction of the forums here at we hope to give users a place to post and answer questions about free modeling, animation, game making software, Blender!"
This discussion has been archived. No new comments can be posted. Re-Launched, With Forums

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  • Blender (Score:4, Informative)

    by Anonymous Coward on Sunday May 02, 2004 @11:11PM (#9037939)
    While Blender is one of the better free 3D toolkits, it does have a difficult learning curve. However, if this relauch can build up a decent tutorial base, Blender might become an exciting option.
  • Good. (Score:5, Informative)

    by op51n ( 544058 ) on Monday May 03, 2004 @07:14AM (#9039081)
    I'm glad to see the return of GameBlender.
    I was very much a part of the community for a year or two, and was really sad when I popped back into it to discover the VC's had let them down. And then very glad to see Ton doing everything he could to get it all back on track!

    From the time I spent being involved with it, and running for a brief while, I got to see that GameBlender is actually a very promising little program. Yes, the 'learning curve' (ick) is very steep, but once people start to get through it they start to produce some really nice stuff.
    I was working on a project in it for a while, which never got off the ground enough due to my cravings of scale, but it was remarkably intuitive to work with, despite the amount of options and possibilities that have to be accomodated in the UI. I am going to have to check the new version out (last time I did was to use the OSX version on the only laptop I had available to me while travelling), and see if or how much it has changed.
    Anyway I hurt to much from actually going out to say much of interest, but hey to any of you who I remember from the good old days!

Life is difficult because it is non-linear.
