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Unofficial Chrono Trigger Resurrection Impresses 62

Trinn writes "Planet GameCube has recently reported on a completely unofficial remake of the highly popular Square Enix RPG Chrono Trigger by an independent team, Resurrection Games [their official site is down, here's a mirror of some of the screenshots]. It certainly looks sharp so far. They're even redoing the audio. Their plans are to finish up by Christmas, at which time the PC version will be released for free to the public - 'console versions of the Chrono Trigger Resurrection demo will only be available to official developers with access to GameCube or Xbox development kits.'." Interestingly, this amateur project was formerly in development for the Nintendo 64, all the way back in 2000.
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Unofficial Chrono Trigger Resurrection Impresses

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  • YES (Score:3, Funny)

    by n1ywb ( 555767 ) on Monday May 10, 2004 @08:06PM (#9112689) Homepage Journal
    I'm creaming my pants as I type this!
    • Re:YES (Score:4, Funny)

      by NanoGator ( 522640 ) on Monday May 10, 2004 @08:18PM (#9112763) Homepage Journal
      "I'm creaming my pants as I type this! "

      Oh man, walking into this thread was like walking into a movie theater.
      • If not, im sticking this into the "wish i could but wont" pocket
        • I know this is a pretty late reply, so you might not see it, but oh well. It mirrored my own question from a couple weeks back, so I thought I should chime in. There was a brief comment on their message board recently where someone chimed in that he was going to do an opengl driver for a linux release. Not sure how official that makes it though. Personally I just find it weird that they constantly refer to windows as "pc". I expect that from gaming magazines, but I'd think anyone who does any real cross-pla
    • Re:YES (Score:5, Funny)

      by {8_8} ( 31689 ) on Monday May 10, 2004 @08:41PM (#9112909) Journal
      You wear clothes at the computer?
    • HOLY FUCKING SHIT! When I clicked on the link, I expected it to be some kind of nicely done 2-D remake of the game -- with edited scenes and such... but when I saw that first screenshot of Chrono, I too wanted to cream myself. Christ, what have these kids done? Someone's going to be making a lot of money if the royalities don't get them first...
      • Exactly what I was thinking, damn that is impressive. I just beat the game for the zillionth time a few days ago (rom) and so the images were fresh in my mind... again impressive!
      • SHIT YES (Score:3, Interesting)

        by Trejkaz ( 615352 )
        Yeah, I'm hoping that Nintendo sit up and notice, and that instead of suing them, they employ the guys to clean it up for a real release.
        • And I'm pretty sure they will. After all, if you remember back awhile ago when idSoftware created Dangerous Dave in Copyright Infringement. Nintendo did nothing but praise them for their efforts at making the PC a great platform for gaming.
  • only 10 scenes (Score:1, Interesting)

    by Anonymous Coward
    according to the site, this isnt the entire game redone, just their 10 most favorite "scenes" programmed in wonderful graphics and audio glory
  • Music (Score:2, Interesting)

    by Reorax ( 629666 )
    Luis Martins and David Ying's graphical prowess are accompanied by a fully rearranged soundtrack! Be sure to check out the Chrono Trigger Resurrection media page for a sampling of Mathew Valente's fantastic musicianship.

    The sample site is down, but all I have to say is that the new music better be really damn good if they're replacing Mitsuda.

    • Re:Music (Score:2, Interesting)

      The music was one of the great attractions for me. I'm not much of an RPG player (AKA I've completed maybe 4 at the most), but the music really drew me into the game. I don't even know where to start with my favorite tracks... there's so many of them! Then there were the wonderful SNES graphics. I look at them today, and I'm still amazed by their punch.
      • You should play Xenogears, then. Same composer for the music, but much better storyline.
        • $line = "You should play Xenogears, then. Same composer for the music, but much better storyline";
          $line =~ s/convoluted/better/;
        • Yes... because... waiting... for... text... to... scroll... by... slowly... isnt... at... all... annoying...

          Not to mention that they didnt even FINISH the game. That 2nd disk was so annoying.

          Not even worth it, if you ask me.
        • Mitsuda is one of the best composers ever to grace the game music scene. Chrono Trigger did have a spectacular original soundtrack, but Mitsuda is probably more well known for some of his other works.

          Perhaps his best known composition would have to be Chrono Cross. Who can forget Scars of Time (Time's Scar). That song really brought me to listen to more of Mitsuda's work.

          As mentioned by another user, Xenogears was also a magnificiant game and had excellent music. The music from Xenogears was epic to s
    • by XellDx ( 737289 )
      Isn't replacing Mitsuda and the orignal score kind of like replacing the Mona Lisa with a polaroid? I mean, damn.
    • Re:Music (Score:3, Insightful)

      by tuxedobob ( 582913 ) *
      Rearranging, not replacing.
  • Yet there have been dozens of DBZ game attempts, and none of them have come close to this. This truly looks like how an anime style game should look like. No more simply cell shading or having 2D pictures that always face the camera, those shots of chrono's head look better then a pair of implants fresh from Pamela Anderson's last cosmetic maitnence appointment
    • Have you looked at the third screenshot?

      I'm sorry, but the size of Crono's eyes leads me to believe that he's constipated (or something along those lines)...
      Then again... that could be some new feature in the game.

    • by Soul-Burn666 ( 574119 ) on Monday May 10, 2004 @08:53PM (#9112986) Journal
      Interesting you mention DBZ... The character designer for Chrono Trigger is none other than DBZ's Akira Toriyama.
    • Sorry, I should of been more clear. I meant a better animation of an ANIME character in a VIDEOGAME. Not saying that DBZ animations suck. But that These guys can do a 3d videogame model of chrono better then any DB game can do a 3D version of a 2D DB character from the cartoon.
    • There have been 3 games in the "chrono" series. The second game was a little-known text based game known as "Radical Dreamers". It was only accessible through the SNES Satellaview system released in Japan.

      link []
    • by Ayaress ( 662020 ) on Monday May 10, 2004 @11:41PM (#9114006) Journal
      Radical Dreamers was the second game, Chrono Chross was the third. It was on the Satellaview (sp?), which was a SNES/SFC accessory released in Japan where you could download games. Didn't have much for it. Had a remake of the original Legend of Zelda, and some pretty low-key games.

      Radical Dreamers was more interactive fiction than game, but it was definitely part of the Chrono series. It had Serge, Kid, and Lynx from Chrono Chross and Magus from Chrono Trigger.

      While on this topic, there's also another Chrono Trigger remake in progress by the same group that translated Radical Dreamers ( No news on that remake except that it has a SourceForge page up and not much else. The page for it on Demiforce's website has been broken since he moved the page. It was intended to be an exact remake, though, and not a fancy looking remake like this one.
  • by radimvice ( 762083 ) on Monday May 10, 2004 @09:15PM (#9113151) Homepage
    I saw this site earlier today before the /. article was posted (and the site went down), and I have one thing to say: 3d artwork and music does not a playable game make. Might make for an interesting fan demo (especially to appease the masses of Squaresoft fans out there who cream their pants over this kind of stuff), but don't ever expect this to turn into a game worth glancing at. If the people involved had any clue as to what they're doing, they would build the game around emulating the game mechanics first, and layering a framework for building new custom content on top instead of the other way around, much along the lines of what the Zelda Classic project accomplished. But then again, the fact that they've been working on this same idea for four years and have nothing to show for it except for some pretty looking 3d screenshots pretty much speaks for itself.
    • But CT never really had much in the way of game mechanics over previous RPGs. There were some tweaks and perks to the combat from Square's usual fare, but the essence of the game is entirely based upon the story.

      It's not surprising, then, that a project seeking to recreate it would put such an emphasis on looks and polish. How else to better retell the story?
  • On the site they list:

    • - 10 scenes
    • - 3 Boss Battles
    • - Locations such as: End of Time, Crono's House, Guardia Forest, Zenan Bridge, etc.
    • - Rearranged music
    I hope the lavos battle is in there, and maybe the T-rex too. But also, will this just be kind of a "tour" or will you have your own character with skills and equipment too?
  • Please no! (Score:2, Interesting)

    by Tom7 ( 102298 )

    This game was lovely in two dimensions. I'm all for upgrading the graphics and engine for modern hardware, but why make it 3D??

  • Capturing the charm (Score:3, Interesting)

    by MMaestro ( 585010 ) on Monday May 10, 2004 @11:16PM (#9113900)
    I say, good for them! Keep up the good work. But ask much as I say that, I can't accept it as anything more than a 'fan adaptation.'

    As good as the graphics as, as accurately copied the text will probably be (four words : Chrno does not talk.), and as much as I will end up playing it (its free), the game won't be able to satisfy fans of the original game. Why? We all know pretty much whats gonna be in it. Theres no Akira Toriyama (the original character designer) working on it. And theres that lack of 2D in there to make us wonder 'what does Chrno really look like? Is Lucca cute behind those glasses? Doesn't Ayla get cold when you're in the Dark Ages?' (For those who don't remember, in the Dark Ages the world was covered in snow except for the *spoiler* which gets destroyed.)

    • Theres no Akira Toriyama (the original character designer) working on it.

      It might be my utter distaste for anything semi-related to DBZ, but there are many reasons I can think of that made me enjoy Chrono Trigger (fun battle system, no random battles, enjoyable characters/story, overall good gfx for its time) but character designs ain't one of 'em.

      Hell, if anything, it was more of a detraction for me to look at Chrno and think "it's Goku with red hair" or the fact that both Meryl (Lunch) and Lucca (Bulma

  • Ocarina of Time: 2d (Score:2, Interesting)

    by Anonymous Coward
    instead of 2d->3d, this is 3d->2d, but I think they have a more realistic chance of getting something playable...
    • by Anonymous Coward
      Hey, interestingly enough, I'm trying to get a bunch of my Ocarina of Time midi remakes featured in OoT2D, as well. I've got some pretty good responses from them. If you want to check some out, check it out here:

      Anyway, I'm taking tons of steps to make sure Chrono Trigger: Resurrection stays true to the original music's musical styles and such. Think of it like Radical Dreamers' music being remade in Chrono Cross. Same sort of deal.

      Mathew Valente [TSSF]
      -The Chr
  • by Otik2 ( 317009 )
    Wow, this should be amazing. Chrono Trigger is one of my favorite games of all times. The story is the best part, and that will be the same for this version, but it will still be wonderful to see it with beautiful new graphics. I can't wait until it comes out....
  • This is great and all, but what about the actual play mechanics? I'll be convinced this will be grand once I get to see a video of the game engine in action.

    What happens during battles? How is the character animation? We have some pretty screenshots, but let's see this thing in action! :)
  • That's too bad about the developers recreating only ten favorite scenes. The existing screenshots are fantastic, and I for one would pay full price for a recreation of CT3D. It's one of the best RPGs out there, along with Xenogears.

    "Stand tall and shake the heavens!" --Xenogears

Surprise due today. Also the rent.
