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Nintendo iQue Gets International Release, Linux Depot On Mars? 27

Thanks to Lik-Sang for its update on the status of Nintendo's iQue 'TV game', the Nintendo 64-based controller previously featured on Slashdot Games. The update notes Nintendo have "...confirmed their plans of an international release of the iQue Player... [and now] seem to have announced a release in other... countries of Asia and South America." It also references a forum post in which a user reports "the iQue Depot [which delivers N64 games to the iQue's flash memory] is powered by Linux and connected with some kind of network through wireless." He also notes some 'interesting' tech support beliefs: "The iQue Depot has got a camera built in to the top of the screen... I cannot see why... The girls at [Chinese department store] Jusco told me that this camera is the antenna, and it is connected to Mars (I am not kidding) and the reason why the iQue Depot does not flash my card is that the signal to the Mars is now not good because of bad weather condition."
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Nintendo iQue Gets International Release, Linux Depot On Mars?

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  • Amazing (Score:4, Interesting)

    by drinkypoo ( 153816 ) <> on Saturday May 15, 2004 @01:51PM (#9162149) Homepage Journal
    I actually got rid of my N64 because I never played the damn thing any more (since buying a gamecube which came with the N64 Zeldas.) Now I'm actually thinking about buying one of these things and enough stuff to hook up four controllers - but only if they come out with Super Smash Bros. (I can't really picture them not doing so.)
  • by real_smiff ( 611054 ) on Saturday May 15, 2004 @02:09PM (#9162257)
    hmm, i'm looking at that pic [] on LikSang of the iQue mulitplayer adapter, which costs 70 USD, and wondering how is that better than an N64? Why not just put the console in that box and plug it into the TV - it looks like the multiplayer adapter does plug into the TV (rather than controller->TV) anyway! You can get N64 game carts for very little on eBay now. Apart from the "gee-wiz" factor and nice design what other reasons are there to spend so much (relatively) for this kit? I mean if you live in a country with the N64 available (and now officially "dead", although i remain a fan & user), which most of us do? (although eBay gets about everywhere, even poor countries, doesn't it).

    Also note that the z-trigger isn't on the back of this and it's probably heavier to hold.. all stuff that interests me anyway :)

    Despite all this negativity i applaud Nintendo for re-inventing their old hardware in smaller, neater designs... now can we just have a built in screen and call it a proper portable N64 please :) (j/k, the future is the GBA 2, or whatever they call it, with low power processor).

    • It strikes me that they could actually be planning to make a portable N64 based on the iQue technology. Think about it; 200MHz MIPS cores are pretty amazingly low power these days, as are video-resolution LCDs. Battery technology continues to improve, meaning the cost continues to drop. The only question is, can they come up with a low power, single chip 4MB RDRAM? If not they will have to do substantial redesign, which diminishes the value of reusing the platform.

      I guess the other question would be do th

      • Incidentally, does anyone know if the Dreamcast platform is still licensable from Sega? And if anyone is using it for anything?

        Sammy's 'new' arcade platform, the Atomiswave, is actually just stock Dreamcast hardware with a new case and some attachments (including a cartidge reader for the games). Though fairly low power, I personally think it is still a little too powerful for a portable version just yet.
  • Jusco (Score:3, Informative)

    by TheLink ( 130905 ) on Saturday May 15, 2004 @02:13PM (#9162280) Journal
    I believe Jusco is a Japanese company.
  • Looks like another thing I can buy and stick on my shelf to keep my Barcode Battler company.
  • That Mars bit. (Score:3, Interesting)

    by torpor ( 458 ) <ibisum&gmail,com> on Saturday May 15, 2004 @03:04PM (#9162503) Homepage Journal
    Could actually just be standard Japanese "shop-girl" marketing 'schtick'.

    Japanese shop-girls are often given weird lines and marketing gimmicks for their application in 'ditziness' factor.

    Calculated, fashionable, weirdness...
    • Re:That Mars bit. (Score:2, Insightful)

      by Anonymous Coward
      Yeah? How many Japanese shop-girls are there in China?

      Prior to the announced release of the iQue in South America and other thrid-world regions, China was the iQue's only native market. You'd know this if you'd RTFA, or had ever even heard of this product before.

      And if I anyone say "same thing" about the way Japanese and Chinese people act....heads will splode.
      • Yeah? How many Japanese shop-girls are there in China?

        okay, have it your way. Chinese shop-girl, then.

        Same thing, different tectonic plate.

        And yeah, before you say 'duh', in my experience, Chinese shop-girls can be just as ditzy as the Akihabra kind ...
  • by yanos ( 633109 )
    here []

    Now, whats the deal with the antenna to mars?
    • If the mars rover starts platform jumping, it will all become clear.

      alternatively; NASA could lose contact with the rover, and when the next probe passes over they get a nice high-resolution digital photograph of a bunch of rocks stacked up into a Nintendo logo. Bonus points if they find a source of water, tap it, and build a statue of Mario peeing on Sonic.

  • Perfect Dark (Score:3, Interesting)

    by 77Punker ( 673758 ) <[ude.tniophgih] [ta] [40rcneps]> on Saturday May 15, 2004 @05:57PM (#9163275)
    What Nintendo needs to make are shovelware games for the Gamecube or an enhanced N64 at a cheap price so that game like Perfect Dark can be played at a decent framerate.
  • by Luigi30 ( 656867 ) on Saturday May 15, 2004 @08:49PM (#9164166)
    In Communist China, iQue watches you?
  • by wolssiloa ( 721045 ) on Sunday May 16, 2004 @01:32AM (#9165212)
    are we being outsourced to Mars now? damn Martians...

The first sign of maturity is the discovery that the volume knob also turns to the left.
