PS2 Action Replay Adds MP3, DivX, Genesis Emulation 41
Thanks to 1UP for its article discussing the forthcoming, impressively feature-rich Action Replay Max for PlayStation 2. This Sony-unapproved third-party USB drive/CD combo includes the ability to "burn a CD of MP3 music, DivX video, or Genesis/Mega Drive ROMs [on your PC], which will then play back on an Action Replay-equipped PS2", and, similar to previous versions, "...will circumvent the PS2's DVD region lockout, and also stream MP3 music or DivX video from a PC connected to the PS2 by way of its Network Adaptor." In addition, the device can "download new cheat codes through a broadband Internet connection, or accept new codes loaded on a CD-R or Datel's own USB flash drive", and finally, Datel "has also added its PS2 online chat and instant messaging client to the Action Replay package."
I've always wondered... (Score:1)
Re:I've always wondered... (Score:3, Informative)
On the other hand, I'd bet that the PS2 Linux kit didn't hurt either.
Back in the NES days, a couple of companies got the pertinent info for programing/hacking the NES by going to the patent office.
Very interesting story about it in the book "Game Over."
What I'd like to see is a PS2 add on the supports my USB Iomega Zip drive...
That'd be cool.
Re:I've always wondered... (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:I've always wondered... (Score:4, Informative)
Re:I've always wondered... (Score:1)
Re:I've always wondered... (Score:1)
Any idea if it fixes the HDD problem? (Score:5, Interesting)
Legitimate games take 20 seconds. The AR MAX takes 120. Take out the drive, and the AR MAX takes around 20 again.
But if you ask Datel about this, they say "oh no, there's no problem, it works fine, you're obviously imagining things."
I wonder if this update does anything for that. Lord knows you can't conveniently remove the HDD every time you don't want to use it, and a 2 minute boot is obscene, especially since the codes are kinda still crashy. Bleah. Hopefully there's an update program.
Re: (Score:1)
Slashdot might like to know... (Score:3, Interesting)
The Sega Genesis emulator built into this new version of Action Replay is based on the source code for Generator, a Sega Genesis Emulator that was released under the GPL.
Go ahead, look at the website for the new Action Replay, and look at what comes in the box, I'll wait... Didn't find any thing about source code or the GPL? Me neither.
Re:Slashdot might like to know... (Score:1, Interesting)
Re:Slashdot might like to know... (Score:2)
Codecs? (Score:2)
Re:Codecs? (Score:1)
Re:Codecs? (Score:1)
Great (Score:1)
Seriously though, this sounds like an amazing device. Mod me laterally.
Re:But the real question is... (Score:3, Informative)
Roll Your Own? (Score:2)
Only drawback being not as many file-formats supported as the Datel offiering, and unless you have a modded PS2 (I dont) then you cant read CD-R's. Network play of films is quite good but some of the higher resolution ones can make the PS2 struggle a bit. I'd suspect that playing movies from a CD, and having an actual cartridge developed to do this s
Lawsuit Waiting to Happen (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Lawsuit Waiting to Happen (Score:2)
And since the user, and not Datel, must supply the ROMs, I think they'll be fine. They've probably got more to worry about with that whole Divx thing you mentioned.
Re:Where are these features you speak of? (Score:1)
Datel warning... (Score:2, Interesting)
I went a few months using their required software to copy games from my card to their 16MB card and had no problems. Then I made a mistake, instead of using the software's "copy" function, I used the "move" function to transfer multiple saves instead. Well, "move" actually worked - it moved the saves I selected to their card. But it also completely corrupted the card I was moving
Re:Datel warning... (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Datel warning... (Score:1)
Re:Datel warning... (Score:2, Informative)
Re:Datel warning... (Score:1)
Game Shark Media Player (Score:2)
XBOX... (Score:1)
A couple of points... (Score:3, Informative)
Aside from a few early versions that didn't circulate far, every Gameshark and Action Replay up to the V2 is capable of booting backups and imports, through use of a slide card or similar device. This involves swapping the AR with a CD-R without the PS2 knowing it. Newer versions of the Action Replay will auto-eject, making the swap impossible.
It was also at this time that the Gameshark stopped being a re-badged Action Replay, and became a re-badged Xploder, a very different cheat device from Blaze. It's clearly obvious that they aren't as advances as Datel - all of their discs are created by cutting part of another legitimate PS2 disc and gluing it to another part containing their code. I've seen Datel's DVD Region X used, and more recently Crazy Taxi. These do not boot backups, although its parent company, "Success", make a Swap Magic boot disc that does - its pretty damn spiffy, too.
My suspisions are that this product is taking advantage of the homebrew software PGen, a Genesis emulator, and the PS2Reality Player, which plays DivX, MP3 and the like.
Both of these can take advantage of a new disc format recently discovered, known as UMCDR. It manages to trick the PS2 into allowing you to insert a CD-R without use of a swap trick, and access its contents in any program that been specifically programmed to accept them. Developemtn was ceased a few days after tools and information were released, after the author found out that people were attempting to use it for warez. It didn't work, whatever they were doing, but he stopped work on it nonetheless. The warez guys, on the other hand, still continue to try and exploit it for backup booting.
What fuels my suspisions is that the author of the UMCDR format stated that a version of PGen (the Genesis emulator) with UMCDR support has been created and should appear on the PGen's website soon. It's been over a month with no mention of it. Not a newspost or anything. The version of PS2Reality Player with support, though, has been released.
The only bugger about it is that it creates a disc with one audio and one data track, leaving you around 670MB on an 80 minute CD-R for DivX movies, which is 30MB shy of the usual filesizes. Thankfully the PS2 is fully compatible with up to 100-minute CD-Rs. It's just a question of whether this software is.
The only thing that you currently cannot do without some form of boot disc or modchip is launch homebrew code on the PS2. It's all very well being able to insert CD-Rs of DivXs and Genesis ROMs, but you need to have the software to do something with it. About the closest thing is the PS2 Independance Exploit, which allows booting of PS2 programs from the memory card via insertion of a pre-determined PSone game, but that requires a great deal of work to get the code onto the disc - an exploit installed CD and a friend with a modded PS2 is about the only way to go.