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SNK's King Of Fighters Goes 3D, MVS Continued, Kao Megura Remembered 14

Thanks to Insert Credit for its in-depth report on SNK's forthcoming PS2 title, King Of Fighters: Maximum Impact, as "the first 3D fighter of SNK's new age" is rated from preview builds, with the author arguing "it would be considered a respectable contender against Dead or Alive 2 and Soul Calibur." Elsewhere, UK company Vektorlogic are bucking the death of the MVS arcade hardware, and are announcing multiple new MVS-compatible arcade cartridges, including an arcade version of Super Bubble Pop. Finally, and sadly, prolific Neo Geo (and other) FAQ writer Chris MacDonald, aka Kao Megura, has recently passed away, according to forum messages posted by his brother.
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SNK's King Of Fighters Goes 3D, MVS Continued, Kao Megura Remembered

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  • R I P (Score:4, Insightful)

    by roseblood ( 631824 ) on Monday May 24, 2004 @03:25AM (#9235510)
    Kao Megura, may you rest in peace.
  • by Anonymous Coward on Monday May 24, 2004 @04:11AM (#9235649)
    Many gamers have at least heard the name "Kao Megura," since Chris Macdonald had contributed so much to the FAQ-writing scene. His dedication and attention to detail were admirable, and his willingness to help others was obvious. One look at his GameFAQs contributor page (linked in the story, relinked here []) proves it. It's because of people like him that the game community, particularly the online community of gamers, is as strong as it is today. Without people like Chris, a huge part of what makes gaming fun would be lost.

    I never knew him, or had even exchanged words with him, so I won't speak to the quality of his character. I'll just say that I'd consulted his work in the past, by way of his FAQs, and was always impressed. As a simple farewell, I'd like to direct readers to read from his immensely popular Final Fantasy VII FAQ/Walkthrough, linked above. Read the revision history and mind the dates, particularly the first and the last, and you'll see why he was revered in the online FAQ community.

    RIP, Chris. My life as a gamer is better off for you and your work having been a part of it.
  • I'm not arguing that King of Fighters: Maximum Impact won't be a fun game. But, this is already getting comparisons to Dead or Alive 2 and Soul Calibur. Notice how these aren't the lastest and greatest of those series. By the looks of the screenshots, I'd have to agree. And, considering the number of KOF titles that have already been released, I don't see how they can change the gameplay mechanics too much without resorting to a complete overhaul; essentially taking away what makes a KOF game a KOF game. Th
    • I would like to see a KOF 3-D game. At worst case, Maximum Impact will be bad or forgettable. This would go a long way in convincing SNK that 3-D is not for them. At best case, Maximum impact will be a fun game that could lead to some better 3-D games from SNK.

      If SNK doesn't overhaul the KOF control system, I will be a little disappointed. Taking a 2-D game and shoehorning it into a 3-D environment is what I didn't like about SF EX or EX2. There will be something lost in a 3-D sequel to a 2-D game. I
      • I have to agree with this and add that even if this game is very popular and inspires more KoF or other SNK games move to 3D, I seriously doubt that it will signal the end of the 2D KoF games. If anything the success of this game (assuming that it is a success) would probably make the 2D versions of the game even more popular as players that didn't know it was still going would be likely to get into the 3D version and then want to check out all the other KoF games they have been missing out on.
    • There are already over a dozen KOF games released over multiple platforms. The hardcore fans of the series long ago decided which were great, good, bad, and vomit-inducing. Trying to argue that it's not worth releasing a potentially sub-par offering in a series filled with sub-par offerings is really kind of stupid.

      The comment about it destroying the series' KOF:MI draws its characters from is a decent one, but there hasn't been a new Fatal Fury, Ikari Warriors, or Art of Fighting game in years. You can't
  • Finally, and sadly, prolific Neo Geo (and other) FAQ writer Chris MacDonald, aka Kao Megura, has recently passed away, according to forum messages posted by his brother.

    This is truely a shame. I did communicate with Chris via e-mail a few years back about a FAQ I was writing and if I could "borrow" one of his layouts. He came across as a genuinly nice guy, and not stuck up at all which was refreshing.

    Gamepro and other gaming magazines should print a tribute to him for all of his stuff they stole a
  • Guilty Gear as the only 2d fighter series thats going to be around. UNless they make Samurai Showdown 6 2d.

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