Ultima Online Heads for 7th Birthday With Anniversary Edition 26
Thanks to Yahoo for reprinting an EA press release noting a special 7th Anniversary Edition of Ultima Online has been announced, featuring the game plus the "five [previously released] expansion packs... one of seven rare and powerful anniversary [in-game] gifts... and a collector's edition of the Ultima Online Fan Guide", as well as a "full version of the classic Ultima IX: Ascension." The official UO site has a picture of the box, and over at UO Stratics, they have clarification from UO's lead programmer, part of the California-transplanted Ultima Online team, that "the primary motivation to release the Anniversary Edition is to get UO back on store shelves until the [late 2004-due] expansion is complete. At the same time we were looking for ways to give players some value [also including 'an extra character slot'] that would complement the package."
Ultima IX: Ascension (Score:5, Interesting)
I never bought that game when it came out, despite being an Ultima fan. But about a year ago I got my hands on a copy and gave it a whirl (figuring PCs today had to be powerful enough to play it).
What an amazing game. It wasn't nearly the game it should have been to end a series, but if you figure all the crap that the development team(s) went through to get that game into the shape is was at release, hats off to them.
It is by far the most lush, detailed and beautiful world in 3D that had ever been made at the time, and in many, many ways even still today. I was floored at their landscape design, fitting everything into such a small area of land and making it feel like a continent packed with detail down the centimeter. No polygon in that game world was unused, it was amazing.
The gameplay was good, the story was good, and when you play such an old game so later on, your expectations are naturally much lower, and I found myself absolutely loving this game from start to finish. The only thing I really didn't care for was the really bizarre cultural twist they put on the various towns in Britannia (Scara Brae is egyptian? What?!), but other than that it was much good fun.
Re:Ultima IX: Ascension (Score:5, Funny)
I felt that way about Disneyworld, except that the broad tawny expanse of the Pluto guy-in-a-suit's back just cried out to have some sort of "Lion King 1 1/2" adbill plastered on it. There's still a few unused polygons there.
Re:Ultima IX: Ascension (Score:3, Informative)
7th anniversary? (Score:3, Interesting)
In all seriousness, UO was a great game that improved in some areas and worsened in others. I think releasing an edition with every expansion is a smart move to entice even more people to try out the game (or come back to it).
I feel like we are lonnnng overdue for a sequal to UO
Re:7th anniversary? (Score:2, Informative)
Re:7th anniversary? (Score:1)
For anyone that tried to play. (Score:3, Interesting)
Because no one in their fricking mind bought it the first time around.
Yes, I bought it. I was out of my mind, I admit it. I thought Ultima 8 was ok too. In my defense though, it was also the only game I've ever returned since I started playing computer games.
Even RG has admitted as much it being a less than stellar moment in the series. This is what happens when you get bought out by a publicly traded company.
Re:For anyone that tried to play. (Score:3, Funny)
Rob (I'd have to play through the previous ten games first, though. I'm pretty obsessive about playing through most games in order.)
Re:For anyone that tried to play. (Score:2, Interesting)
Personally, I'm thrilled - I'm a game collector and want to have every Ultima here, and I only have U1-8, UUW1 and SE here.
Of course, I'm pretty much aware that Ultima IX is garbage compared to just about any part of the series. Yet, when browsing the 500+ nitpicks about the game [members.aon.at], I suddenly had felt the need to get the game and see how bad things were in Britannia. The site probably had completely the opposite effect to me than what was intended =)
I'm only hoping for a complete remake of the series, po
Re:For anyone that tried to play. (Score:2)
'Course, I haven't played it yet, I'm only through Ultima 1 to 6. Folks might have guessed that from my sig.
I wonder how many long term players. (Score:5, Interesting)
So far, after playing about two dozen MMORPGs, including A Tale In The Desert, Anarchy Online, Rubies of Eventide, Shadowbane, The Sims Online (ick), Neocron, City of Heroes, Planetside and Dark Ages of Camelot - none have held my interest for more than a month and very few have held my interest for more than one or two weeks.
Re:I wonder how many long term players. (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:I wonder how many long term players. (Score:5, Interesting)
If UO is moving in a different direction now than it was on release, it's because of other forces.
Re:I wonder how many long term players. (Score:1)
Re:I wonder how many long term players. (Score:2, Interesting)
Classic? (Score:2)
Sorry, but Ultima VI (I think - it's the one that included "THOU HAST LOST AN EIGHTH!") was the last Ultima sequel that can be considered "classic". Ultima VII and VIII were so buggy as to be unplayable - by the time Ultima IX came out, the series had already been more or less ruined beyond repair.
I still miss the pre-Brittania time-travel and spaceships of Ultima II.
Re:Classic? (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Classic? Ultima VII is... (Score:3, Interesting)
Richard Garriott's masterwork, easily. I still give it a whirl every now and again, 10 plus years on. [sourceforge.net] And I still find new and interesting content, conversations and books.
Give me an RPG at least one tenth as ambitious and one eighth as interesting as Ultima VII and I'd be happy.
Re:Classic? (Score:1)
U9 isn't "classic", correct =)
The one with the "thou hast lost an eighth" was U4. Not played much U5 or U6, don't know if they're there.
Personally, I don't like U4 that much, but it's clearly one of the best in the series. It suffers from same problems as the NES-era RPGs, namely, you can't cram that Epic Stuff into such small space. Dialogues are rather... brief. I can only hope the U4 remakes some day flesh out complete (un U7 sense) dialogues for every NPC.
As they say in nitpicking [members.aon.at], bugs don't coun
bringing back oldtimers? (Score:2)
this kinda makes me want to pick up this anniversary edition and play again, especially since i've completely given up on SWG now as much as it pains me to say that.
i wonder if they intended something like this by including all the expansions and whatnot. anyone else thinkin of doing the same?
Re:bringing back oldtimers? (Score:1)
Re:bringing back oldtimers? (Score:1)
When I got tired of EQ (I really hated the way the game was stacked so heavily against solo play), I took a while off from MMOGs, but eventually went back to UO, rebuilt a couple of good characters, bough