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Americas Army Releases Special Forces 2.1 Update 62

Phil John writes "As announced on the America's Army site, version 2.1 of America's Army: Special Forces is now available for free download, either as a full install or an update from 2.0.0a. There's a BitTorrent version of the update patch and a full standalone Windows version available from 3D Gamers to ease the load on the download mirrors. New goodies available: 2 new maps, brand new physics engine, new weapons and even an armoured vehicle with 50mm gun turret. Go forth, download and continue fighting the 'global war on terrorism'."
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Americas Army Releases Special Forces 2.1 Update

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  • a word of caution (Score:5, Informative)

    by fireduck ( 197000 ) on Wednesday June 02, 2004 @02:09PM (#9317813)
    installing 2.1 over your previous 2.0.0a resets all your settings--including graphics, audio, and most importantly binds. so back up your binds if you've got anything of note to save.

    unfortunately i updated at midnight last night and haven't had time to try it out, other than discovering that everything had been reset...
  • At least there will be a couple days where we can play with little or no people with crappy pings.
  • I have played this game for nearly 2 years, and it's getting even better. I find it to be the most realistic games out there. You can check out my clan's website at []. Try this game out and see how you like it
  • by br0ck ( 237309 ) on Wednesday June 02, 2004 @02:31PM (#9318050)
    The post says

    even an armoured vehicle with 50mm gun turret

    which leaves out an important point mentioned in the article

    New Stryker Armored Vehicle:
    This version of America's Army introduces the Army's new Interim Armored Vehicle, a.k.a. the Stryker. The Stryker vehicle is currently implemented as a stationary vehicle with a fully functioning .50 cal turret usable by the player.

    • The Stryker vehicle is currently implemented as a stationary vehicle with a fully functioning .50 cal turret usable by the player.

      Currently huh? Does this mean we should expect future versions (maybe 3.0) to allow players to drive vehicles? Maybe helicopters as well (though thats a stretch.)

      • why a stretch... the Battlefield franchise does this pretty well, IMO.
        • why a stretch... the Battlefield franchise does this pretty well, IMO.

          Yes, but BattleField (1942 or Vietnam) is in a completely different position on the realism spectrum from Americas Army.

          In AA, when you get killed, you're dead until the match is finished. BF allows a team of 15 to respawn 100s of times total.

          That difference relaxes the negative effect different gamestyles have on each other, making them more compatible. Respawning makes it easier to fit activities on different scales into the same
        • AA is supposed to be a realistic portrayal of US Army infantry. Infantry do not hop in and out of vehicles (not as the driver, anyway). If you're a truck driver or helo pilot, you drive/pilot a vehicle; if you're infantry, you don't.

          This is the main reason I don't like BF games. I heard about the game and thought it would be cool, but when I realized that you can just jump on a ship and start driving it around, then jump off and into a jeep, and drive around like an idiot, I deleted the demo immediately
    • Wonder if they'll move to an Onslaught-type map that ut2k4 uses. The vehicle movement ain't simulation level of complexity, but it sure is fun.

      The gov't should get an RS6000 running the Unreal Engine with an "army" of clients connected playing on a huge map from GIS info. Maybe of Mogadishu or Falujah...
  • I was pissed when my setting were overwritten. Also frame rates dropped slighty with this new patch.
  • Nerds (the future) should be reading this EULA. This is by far the biggest game production to be freely copyable. This is a beer, not speech "free", so it's not all the way there. But information, for once, is truly FREE. Yes, we're mostly libertarian, but even if government is behind it the liberation of information is a great thing. In the future, information will be free!
  • like Tillman?

    (Who I totally admire by the way, it is people like him who make American formidiable, not the Bomb)

  • A Mac version would be cool, anyone know if there are any plans?
    • by Anonymous Coward
      A Mac is not only planned, but it was released with the Windows and Linux versions!

      Grab your copy at!
    • by Anonymous Coward
      Umm... There has *always* been a Mac version.

      Look before you ask next time.
  • About The Game (Score:3, Informative)

    by EngineeringMarvel ( 783720 ) on Wednesday June 02, 2004 @09:46PM (#9321945)
    I have played Americas Army since the first public release came out over a year ago. This has to be one of the most unique games in existence. Its realism is unparallel to any other game. Each patch that the Army has produced for this game has made the game better and more enjoyable to play. If you have not tried out this game, you really should. I warn you though that it does require some patience and the game has a learning curve (learning the maps is extremly important and takes some time). There is also an honor system in place which rewards the veteran players. The more you play, the more likely you are to select your weapon of choice. This helps with reducing TKing and just overall gameplay. Now stop reading this and go download the game if your bored of the same old FPS. Americas Army is defitnely a nice change.
  • Get the full Linux from a torrent here []

Them as has, gets.
