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Auto Assault's Vehicular MMO Mayhem Probed 29

Thanks to Gamebunny for its interview with Ryan Seabury of Auto Assault developers NetDevil, regarding the PC MMO "set in a post-apocalyptic future" which "combines vehicular combat with role-playing elements." Seabury discusses what the E3 audience enjoyed the most about the game (apparently, "everyone loved the Biomech 'Hazard Mode' (transforming into a hulking Mech and laying waste to the immediate vicinity)"), and also deflects comparisons to EA's already defunct vehicular MMO, Motor City Online: "From what I understand, we're about as different to MCO as, say... Grand Theft Auto is to Gran Turismo. Auto Assault is by no means a simulator. Our focus is squarely on over-the-top vehicular combat and mayhem... and action-oriented play style, with character development behind the vehicles."
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Auto Assault's Vehicular MMO Mayhem Probed

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  • Sounds like (Score:2, Funny)

    by krymsin01 ( 700838 )
    Sounds like someones been watching a little too much Mad Max.
  • gimme gimme gimme.. (Score:4, Interesting)

    by gl4ss ( 559668 ) on Thursday June 10, 2004 @06:53AM (#9385633) Homepage Journal
    and let it be good.

    makes me want to dig out the interstate 76 and 82 again..

    street rod style tuning AND guns..

    motor city online kind of blowed.. it wasn't very immersive. no driving around the world flashing headlights to challange people... and I didn't particularly like the driving model either(and some of the parts were exchangeable with each other when it made nosense, some pistons & stuff).

    give me street rod mmo mixed with gta style driving around a humongous city..
  • Reminds me of Carmageddon with impressive graphics and no blood. :/

    WHERE ARE THE ZOMBIES!? We need zombies.

    - shazow
  • How long do you think it will take before NetDevil gets sued for real life violence ? One idiot that goes postal on the freeway will be found that contemplated playing this game, the media will pick it up, and bamf ! Pure insanity.

    Hell, reporters will probably be dropping this game's name into any video game discussion 10 years from now. "...including such violent video games as 'Auto Assault' or 'Doom'..."

    • I really doubt this game will spark any sort of controversy, as it's set in a post-apocolyptic future, ala Mad Max. The vehicles are more like tanks and buggies, not SUVs and sedans, plus they're mounted with weapons, so I don't think people are going to be able to think this is going to promote road rage, unless of course people have started mounting assault rifles to their cars...Grand Theft Auto did a good job at letting players simulate road rage in contemporary vehicles in a contemorary setting, and h
      • I won't argue that GTA provides a much more realistic depiction of violence. But games seem more likely to be protrayed as 'evil' when they have a multiplayer facet. Killing animated pixels on your monitor is one thing, but when those are representations of another real person... IMO, most games often touted as violent involve a multiplayer aspect. Doom, Quake, etc. And other MMOG's such as EQ seem to be getting a similar 'bad' wrap in general.

  • by edwilli ( 197728 ) on Thursday June 10, 2004 @09:16AM (#9386670) Homepage
    This looks like an online version of Car Wars []. Which was a fantastic game on paper, I hope it's done justice online.
  • by h0mer ( 181006 ) on Thursday June 10, 2004 @09:34AM (#9386936)
    I'd like to see something along the lines of a MMO Project Gotham Racing/Need For Speed: Underground. Drive around the city, race other players at stoplights and through traffic. Instead of guilds, you could have racing crews and I suspect there could be some intense rivalries.

    Midnight Club 2 online was similar to this, but I'd like a persistent world.
    • Was the subject header meant to be a deliberate reference to Rice-boys [], car owners who mod their cars to look "fast" while often crippling actual performance? "Street Ricer" seems particularly funny in the context of NFS:Underground.
  • I am surprised no one got a license from Steve Jackson. They have plenty of content from there RPG back in the day. I loved the game but found having to use all those 15-90 degree cutout tiresome. First Warhammer 40K and now this. A nerds dream come true.
    • Anyone else remember the old Autoduel game from Origin Systems? That always seemed like it would make a nice base for a multiplayer version.

      Tournaments divided into different weight/price classes, missions where you could possibly be interfered with by other players (it could even be their mission to stop you), salvage scrap from your victims for cash or parts...

      I'd prefer the older rules though, circa Car Wars Deluxe; it looks like they've dumbed it down a bit lately to keep the rules simpler and quicke
    • Wow - Car Wars without the Card Board! Autoduel was nice, but I wanted to play others without the cardboard and turn taking. But I still hope it is more turn baed then RTS.

      This could be a lot of fun. Now they need to do the same thing with Star Fleet Battles! ;-)


    • ...if you talk to any developer who has tried to work with Steve Jackson they'll all say relatively similar things:

      1) Sure, he's brilliant.
      2) He's also Crazy Paranoid.
      3) Oh, and he wants gajillions of dollars for licensing a franchise that can be cloned with little to no effort.

      I love Steve Jackson Games...Absolutely Love Them.

      But Mr. Jackson himself is a bit of an extreme eccentric and that usually doesn't lend itself well to deal making.
  • but they don't think that way. They're also the producers of little-heard-of JumpGate. That's the last of the Wing-Commander/Freespace style games still alive, and the only one that went MMORPG while not being point-and-click.

    If you care, has info and a demo download.

    *Disclosure: I am (as is likely obvious) a player of JumpGate. I am not affilliated with NetDevil in any way. I am, sadly, hoping to be responsible for the jossh server melting down moments from now.
  • [gamepimp]

    NetDevil [] is indeed the publisher of Jumpgate [], the one and only *persistent world* MMORPG... spaceflight/combat simulator.

    But I digress.

    The developers at NetDevil [] are, quite possibly, the coolest bunch of dudes that own a game company there is.

    See, in Jumpgate [], the developers from NetDevil have not only listened to their players (we have had major game changes implemented following player-initiated ideas), they CARE about their players. In this map HERE [], you can see many "sectors" na
  • Did anyone else who read that article think that: 1. This was an RPG 2. It involved Cars 3. Was an RPG about Cars? come to the conclusion that you could play a CAR in an RPG?!? Imagine being KITT or SHELBY instead of a person? Why not! It's never been done before!

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