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Quake First Person Shooters (Games) Entertainment Games

First Doom3 Tourney @ QuakeCon 228

Rogerpq3 writes "The battleground is set - it's confirmed that the 9th annual QuakeCon 2004 video game festival and tournament at the Gaylord Texan Resort & Convention Center in Grapevine, Texas on August 12-15 will host the first DOOM 3 deathmatch championship ever. Be there to game, hang out with 5,000 of your closest friends, and compete for $150,000 in cash and prizes in the NVIDIA QuakeCon 2004 Championship Tournaments. Online registration for QuakeCon 2004 has begun at www.quakecon.org, and the event is free to all attendees."
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First Doom3 Tourney @ QuakeCon

Comments Filter:
  • by Tomahawk ( 1343 ) * on Tuesday July 06, 2004 @11:05AM (#9622387) Homepage
    If I were there, I just know I'd be the really embarrassed guy who gets knocked out first...

    • I would be the guy who gets in the game says "cool" and the screen flashes white as someone with the BFG blasts me to hell and back. "First Kill - .8 seconds"
    • I wouldn't feel too bad man. I've been playing FPSs for more than six years and I'm really awesome at Quake 3. But I know when I go this year... someone is going to make me feel like a n00b and it's really going to hurt my pride. It's happened before and it'll happen again. The best thing is just to try. I know that might sound kind of stupid, because you've heard it from everyone all of your life, but trust me -- it actually works.

      I just hope they have some high security punk buster going though, becaus
  • by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Tuesday July 06, 2004 @11:06AM (#9622393)
    Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • If...... (Score:2, Funny)

    by theJerk242 ( 778433 )
    Be there to game, hang out with 5,000 of your closest friends, and compete for $150,000 in cash and prizes in the NVIDIA QuakeCon 2004 Championship Tournaments.

    Provided you have a computer that can Doom 3.

  • as the Duke Nukem Forever Tourney? I've already registered! I've got my tickets!

    Life can be so unfair sometimes.

  • Gaylord owns (Score:5, Informative)

    by zpapasmurf ( 761470 ) on Tuesday July 06, 2004 @11:10AM (#9622445)
    You obviously have never been to a Gaylord hotel if you insist on making fun of the name. Their hotels are some of the largest and niceset on the planet. www.gaylordhotels.com
  • by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday July 06, 2004 @11:11AM (#9622458)
    ...than the Duke Nukem: Foreverathon being held August 32nd in Nigeria.
  • by koi88 ( 640490 ) on Tuesday July 06, 2004 @11:14AM (#9622504)
    How to choose and make nobody angry...?
  • Nvidia, ATI (Score:4, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday July 06, 2004 @11:14AM (#9622508)
    What!? Arey they promoting Doom3 multiplayer capabilities? Wasn't Doom3 supposed to be a single-player focused game?
  • 4 player deathmatch (Score:3, Informative)

    by t0qer ( 230538 ) on Tuesday July 06, 2004 @11:15AM (#9622525) Homepage Journal
    The original doom was a 4 player deathmatch. Maybe they just wanted to keep it true to the original DM playstyle.
  • by nulltransfer ( 725809 ) on Tuesday July 06, 2004 @11:17AM (#9622542)
    hang out with 5,000 of your closest friends

    You mean that I'm the only one here that lives in their parents' basement and is allergic to socializing??

    I've been lied to for years!

    • by Roofus ( 15591 ) on Tuesday July 06, 2004 @11:37AM (#9622749) Homepage
      You mean that I'm the only one here that lives in their parents' basement and is allergic to socializing??

      What they really meant was "Bring 5000 of your favorite Slashdot IDs"

      When you get the invite, just remember to add your buddy #15591!
    • by Stevyn ( 691306 ) on Tuesday July 06, 2004 @12:07PM (#9623095)
      I wouldn't say allergic, I come out of the house all the time. Alright, so it does coincide when gentoo is compiling and I'm out of caffine and natalie portman is in a movie playing that I can't download, but I do get out of the house!
    • you're socializing... probably with most of the people who will show up

      what does irony taste like?

      and now for a little OT question, why can't these tournaments be run remotely so those of us without time or money to travel there can play, how about home vs away (lan/public) matches? i know that people don't trust anyone in the day of OGC but still there needs to be a middle ground

  • by teamhasnoi ( 554944 ) <teamhasnoi@@@yahoo...com> on Tuesday July 06, 2004 @11:23AM (#9622603) Journal
    large tanks of liquid Nitrogen, or will I have to bring mine from home?

    My Cray is a thirsty beast.

  • by JohnFromCanada ( 789692 ) on Tuesday July 06, 2004 @11:28AM (#9622648)
    If you win the competition and the $150,000.00 you could then buy a computer for yourself that will be able to run Doom 3, and you would still have just enough money left over to order yourself the game.
  • Hah! (Score:5, Informative)

    by Obiwan Kenobi ( 32807 ) <evan@@@misterorange...com> on Tuesday July 06, 2004 @11:32AM (#9622701) Homepage
    Online registration for QuakeCon 2004 has begun at www.quakecon.org, and the event is free to all attendees.

    No, no. Online registration began back on April 14th, 2004. It was full in about a day.

    However, there is a waiting list. When you get there there will be two huge lines snaking around the walls. The smaller line is for those who've pre-registered, while the other snakes around entire second floor of the place, each player hoping for a spot in the grand ballroom.

    For those who haven't registered and wish to attend, be sure to get there EARLY. And I mean 5AM or earlier if you wish to get in.

    Good thing I got registered 30 minutes after it began...
    • About 1600 on list (Score:3, Informative)

      by charnov ( 183495 )
      looks like there is about 1600 people on the waiting list.
    • Re:Hah! (Score:3, Informative)

      by tbradshaw ( 569563 )

      We have never turned away anyone from the BYOC at any QuakeCon.

      Travis "Ash" Bradshaw
      Director of Staffing
      QuakeCon 2004

    • I think you're mixing up the BYOC LAN Party aspect of Quake and the rest of it. True, there's a limited number of BYOC spots and it's possible to never get in, but anyone can come to the rest of the convention - all you have to do is register.
  • oh yay (Score:3, Interesting)

    by Marsala ( 4168 ) on Tuesday July 06, 2004 @11:46AM (#9622833) Homepage

    Let's hold a huge convention featuring cash prize tournaments based on a piece of software that is testing new video card technology, has taken years to design and build, is probably going to be so massive that we'll need to ship it on DVDs, and won't even have been on the shelves for two weeks.

    And just to make sure all of our eggs in one basket, let's drop support for any of the team-based competition games set in WWII even if they do seem to be kind of popular right now.


    Hats off to iD's Doom3 QA team... ya'll must really have your stuff together to make them feel comfortable enough to do something like this.


    • iD Software doesn't follow - it leads. For proof of this statement, consult this handy list:

      first popular 3d-ish fps shooter: Wolfenstein
      first popular shareware fps: Doom
      first fully 3d popular game: Quake
      first programmer to fund a rocket launch: John Carmack.
    • Let's hold a huge convention featuring cash prize tournaments based on a piece of software that is testing new video card technology, has taken years to design and build, is probably going to be so massive that we'll need to ship it on DVDs, and won't even have been on the shelves for two weeks. So..? I know gamers that beat games like doom3 in 2 days. (48 hours straight) 2 weeks of online training should be more than enough for these guys. And just to make sure all of our eggs in one basket, let's drop
    • And just to make sure all of our eggs in one basket, let's drop support for any of the team-based competition games set in WWII even if they do seem to be kind of popular right now.

      Umm this is "QuakeCon" the BYOC section can have any game the tournaments generally only have select ID games, last year they did include RTCW, but this year its just Quake3 and Doom3. Thats their call really, you arn't paying to go. And honestly I really would think it would be selling out to invclude some popular WWII game for
      • The multiplayer component (or at least the maps) were made by Splashdamage, the same developers as the free RTCW game, Enemy Territory.

        So it isn't totally 'id only' games they will be playing ; Hell, the multiplayer bliss that ET delivered, will be overshadowed by this MP experience ; Im betting my socks ;)

  • egad- can you imagine how that hotel is going to smell? and has Mountain Dew been piped in or are they using communal vats? carl
  • would make a nice down payment on nvidia's new sli video setup
  • NVIDIA Corporation, the worldwide leader in graphics processing, is putting up a combined purse of $150,000 in cash and prizes for the three QuakeCon tournaments.

    This is going to be a great way for NVidia to show off their latest video card playing Doom3. But what would be better is if they have some footage of Doom3 being played on a Linux machine with an NVidia card.

    (I recall Doom3 is going to be released natively for Linux, although without official support?)

    Maybe it would help push ATI to develop b

  • Man, this is just like the movie the wizard. Remember? Fred Savage's autistic younger brother was like the first person ever to play Super Mario Bros. 3? And he had to play it to win the competition. Nice.

    What a great marketing ploy, I couldn't wait to get that game after that uh, cool, movie.

    I'm shameless, I know. I'll even admit that I had a crush on that girl at the time. Which isn't as creepy as it sounds, I was like 13 or so.

  • Damn. Looks like they got rid of the RTCW tournament they've held the past two years. That was my favorite spectator event at QuakeCon. Looks like they're thin on sponsors this year. Nvidia is the only one I saw listed in addition to iD, of course. Hopefully, Nvidia will still come through with the free beer at the Mister Sinus Theater screening party like they did last year. That ruled.
  • What type of security do you think they will have here? I am sure they do not want this leaked, but with 5000 people to watch over, someone getting a copy seems possiable... How hard would it be to do one of the following,

    Steal a hard disk with quake 3 installed (one of the player pc's)

    Find a install cd someplace (breaking into rooms, garbage)

    hooking up a usb/firewire device to the system and copy it over.

    copy from pc to internet.

    I would enjoy being there just to test to see how well they would be h
    • What type of security do you think they will have here? I am sure they do not want this leaked Er... Doom 3, will already be in stores by then, (august 3rd is the release date) otherwise this competition wouldnt be possible.

Your code should be more efficient!
