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Movies Media Entertainment Games

Uwe Boll Talks Bloodrayne, Alone In The Dark Movies 22

Thanks to Insomniac Mania for its brief question and answer session with German movie director Uwe Boll, the previously discussed director of the House Of The Dead and Alone In The Dark game-based movies, and producer of a host of other videogame movies. He discusses the soon-filming Bloodrayne movie ("August 16th... shooting starts in Transylvania"), his unique method of picking stars for the movie ("Cast comes up soon. We always [wait] till the last weeks to get actors cheaper"), and apparent confirmation of a videogame sequel to Alone In The Dark, possibly themed around the upcoming movie: ("Atari is producing Alone [In The Dark] 5 right now.") There's an earlier in-depth interview with Boll on the same site.
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Uwe Boll Talks Bloodrayne, Alone In The Dark Movies

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  • by Anonymous Coward
    ...from the people that keep making films out of video games and fail to make anything decent every single time!!!
  • by Anonymous Coward
    Oh gee... I bet that's going to be a high-class production. The game wasn't actually that bad... I actually preferred it to Devil May Cry 2, but who the hell decided to make a movie out of it?

    It's no wonder that video-game movies have such a bad reputation. All the titles picked for adaptation are the ones least suitable for it. Mario Brothers, Street Fighter 2, Tomb Raider... hardly games known for their drama. When they actually decided on a license adaptation that really did have a chance of success, na
    • Wasn't Bloodrayne the game about a Nazi-hunting vampire woman? I see "blockbuster" written all over this one...
    • > Mario Brothers, Street Fighter 2, Tomb
      > Raider... hardly games known for their drama.

      It is true that the "Street Fighter" movie was a train wreck. What a surprise: directed and written by Steven E. de Souza - same writer of "Judge Dredd", "Beverly Hills Cop 3", and -gasp- "HUDSON HAWK"!

      But I suggest you to check "Street Fighter II - The Animated Movie", or the series on which it was based, "Street Fighter II - Victory". See, the problem was not really the source material, it was a clueless writer
  • by Quarters ( 18322 ) on Tuesday July 20, 2004 @08:17AM (#9747758)
    Crap in, crap out.
  • What a list... (Score:4, Insightful)

    by hoferbr ( 707935 ) on Tuesday July 20, 2004 @08:53AM (#9748176)
    from the interview:
    What is Far Cry going to be about? And when is that film going to be made?
    Uwe - Next year. We are using 80% of the game story.

    80% of the story? How can he be so exact? Why not 81.99%?

    According to the interview, he also has the rights to Fear Factor, Dungeon Siege and his "friend" has the rights to Soul Calibur. And he also has interest in Hitman, Silent Hill and The Suferring. What is wrong with the publishers? They are selling these rights to a man not capable of delivering a good [rottentomatoes.com] movie.

    What about Star Craft, Red Alert , Max Payne or Monkey Island for example? Uwe - Starcraft is very good, but is a big shot!. Red Alert...no, Max Payne is great! but I prefer Hitman!...Monkey Island...no.
    At least three saved franchises: Starcraft, Red Alert and Max Payne.
  • by hambonewilkins ( 739531 ) on Tuesday July 20, 2004 @09:02AM (#9748324)
    Does Uwe Boll know that gamers hate him? He must. I'm guessing that when he was younger he got his ass handed to him in Pong. Since then he's had it in for gamers. His only means of payback is buying the rights to the games and then crapping on them on the big screen.

    The man couldn't direct himself out of a soggy cardboard box.

  • What a terrible interview. Not only could he not answer each question with more than a handful of words, but he was not interested at all.

    I agree though, who is letting this guy direct again?
  • A Bloodrayne movie!

    I could tell the game would suck just from the title, which should probably win some sort of award for cliched, stupid usage of the letter "Y". When I read the premise the suck-o-meter shot upwards.

    Now there's a movie based on that suckiness. And it's by the infamous director of The House of the Dead.

    Never before has there been a movie so CERTAIN of being awful. It's of ludicrous certainty. A movie engineered solely to sell gold-plated jewelry and advertised through the medium of i
    • I could tell the game would suck just from the title, which should probably win some sort of award for cliched, stupid usage of the letter "Y". When I read the premise the suck-o-meter shot upwards.

      Have you tried the revolutionary method of playing it? It's not that bad.

    • Have you played it? It's not a bad game. It may be cliched, but it's very technically competent and visually stylish, which is getting rarer these days. Sure, it's no Ico, but what is?
      • Sure, it's no Ico, but what is?

        Um.... do you really want me to answer that? I'll write the answer backwards for the benefit of those who don't want to be spoiled: ocI!

        Who knows, maybe it is good, despite the premise. I'll give it a shot and see when I get the chance (which will probably be some time from now, but we'll see). I'll be happy to eat a heaping portion of crow if I am mistaken.
    • Considering it was a game revolving around a vampire - you would expect it to hit high levels on the "suck-o-meter".

      Seriously - it was a fun little mindless action game with well done boobie physics (why don't more games have boobie physics anyway?).
      • Considering it was a game revolving around a vampire - you would expect it to hit high levels on the "suck-o-meter".

        A female vampire in World War II draining the enemy dry for the Allied cause... with a stupid name. It takes a really good game to overcome that handicap. It's possible, but I hope you'll forgive me if I'm not jumping at the prospect.

        Seriously - it was a fun little mindless action game with well done boobie physics (why don't more games have boobie physics anyway?).

        Ah, now this is NOT
        • Played BloodRayne and both Serious Sams all the way through. BloodRayne was way less repetitive and had better graphics (and I'm not counting the boobies). Sure it was dumb, I can't say it was dumber than Serious Sam. It had some great seriously over the top blood action sequences which reminded me of Kill Bill.
          All though my current favorite, I spend less than $20 on it stupid action game was Armed and Dangerous.

"It's what you learn after you know it all that counts." -- John Wooden
