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Music Media Entertainment Games

EA, Sega Line Up Bands For New Football Videogames 27

Thanks to The Hollywood Reporter for its article discussing the ever-larger sphere of music licensing for videogames. The in-depth licensing efforts for both Sega's ESPN NFL 2K5 and Sega's Madden NFL 2005 is discussed, and EA's Steve Schnur "says that he and his team of two listen to 4,000-plus songs before deciding, for example, the 21 that will be included in "Madden NFL 2005," which. features such artists as Hoobastank, Green Day, Alter Bridge, the Hives, and New Found Glory." Analyst Edward Williams adds: "When the technology allows it, gamers will be able to play, say, a Madden game and, when they hear a song they like, they'll be able to press a button, download that song, and their account will be charged. That is almost exactly what the game publishers want to get into, but they won't comment on it now, I'm sure, because it really depends on Microsoft, Nintendo, and Sony and what their next-generation console hardware will allow."
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EA, Sega Line Up Bands For New Football Videogames

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  • When the technology allows it, gamers will be able to play, say, a Madden game and, when they hear a song they like, they'll be able to press a button, download that song, and their account will be charged.

    Or they could, of course, take advantage of the technology they have now in the Xbox and let gamers listen to any sort of music they enjoy.

    BTW, something on /. is seriously screwing with Firefox.
    • "Or they could, of course, take advantage of the technology they have now in the Xbox and let gamers listen to any sort of music they enjoy."

      Why 'Or' instead of 'And'?
    • Re:Or... (Score:1, Offtopic)

      (on the Firefox note) :

      I use 0.9.2 and I have no problems (besides the strange 503 error most of last night).

  • by hal2814 ( 725639 ) on Tuesday July 20, 2004 @08:53AM (#9747541)
    I've enjoyed some songs in video games before (especially Test Drive 6 and Jet Moto) but I've never had the notion to buy a game because of the music on it. I'm always suspicious that things like this happen because something is wrong with the game. It's kind of like how the crappy cereal always has the good prizes or that Three Stooges beer must suck or else they wouldn't bother paying to put them on the label (and it does indeed suck). Of course, if they don't make a big deal out of signing all of these acts for their game, then I won't be nearly as skeptical.

    At any rate, EA and Sega had better watch out because I'll burn down the offices of the one that sells a game with that "Are you ready for some footbaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal" song in it. That's the single biggest reason I stopped watching Monday Night Football. (The others being the vastly increasing number of commercials making the game somewhat unwatchable and the interviews that overlap with actual plays on the field. Some people mention Dennis Miller as the downfall of MNF, but it was already a dead horse by the time he got there.)
    • I can think of 2 titles that I've bought just for the music: PS2's Amplitude and Tetrisphere for the N64. I sorta fell in love with Amplitude's gameplay also. I have all the Wipeout soundtracks, but I've never played the games.
    • Nah MNF is back with John Madden. He is not as good as he once was but I'll take Madden ramblings over Dennis Miller's obscure reference jokes any day. Al Michaels is once of the best sports announcers of all time. Last year on MNF they actually had relevant match-ups. The produces got smart and decided not to bet on a few teams doing well and got a wide variety of games. (Still won't see Arizona or Cincinnati :-) )
      • I'm not a big fan of Madden, especially without Pat Summerall. Their big formula was for Summerall to say something stupid and Madden to correct him and sound smart in the process. Now that it's Madden and Michaels, the opposite is happening more often than not.

        The only thing that really bothered me with Miller was that he would butt into conversation to put a joke in. You can joke around in the booth all you want, but if somebody is actually talking about the game why don't you let them finish that fir
  • by JavaLord ( 680960 ) on Tuesday July 20, 2004 @10:48AM (#9748958) Journal
    the 21 that will be included in "Madden NFL 2005," which. features such artists as Hoobastank, Green Day, Alter Bridge, the Hives, and New Found Glory.

    I like Greenday, and plenty of other bands that were included in Madden 2K4, but I don't want to hear them in my football game. All I really want is the theme music that the networks play, so the game feels more like a 'real' game. I don't need to hear DMX, Bon Jovi, Green day, lil' kim, or yanni in my Football simulator. I'd like to see them use these resources to enhance the distinctions between the teams and improve the commentary.

    Analyst Edward Williams adds: "When the technology allows it, gamers will be able to play, say, a Madden game and, when they hear a song they like, they'll be able to press a button, download that song, and their account will be charged

    I don't need Madden to turn into some half assed version of I tunes, thanks but no thanks EA.
    • Exactly...what the heck do I need to be hearing stuff that's on the airwaves in my video game? (BTW, you KNOW you wanna hear Yanni in your video games. Right now you're thinking of how to create a USB device to Yanni-fy any game on the market.)

      You'd think they'd focus on something a little more important, like, making sure the eyes of the 3D player models are tracking something that important to the moment, instead of taunting and posing after a sack...while staring off to the side like they took a coupl
      • BTW, you KNOW you wanna hear Yanni in your video games. Right now you're thinking of how to create a USB device to Yanni-fy any game on the market.

        You're damn right. I'm thinking Optimystique would be a great soundtrack to a RPG. "Magus" would be a GREAT end-boss theme.

        Where are my USB interface specs...

        /Yanni fan :)
  • I don't buy (or download) much music these days, and I don't pay much attention to new bands, but for only a little more than the (outrageous) price of a CD i can buy an EA sports game for my PS2. With the last one I bought, I got about 20 songs from artists I hadn't really listened to before. Some of them I didn't like, others I thought were alright.

    EA wins 'cause I bought their game, I win 'cause I get a pretty good game with some ok music, the artists win 'cause they reached a potential consumer they
  • EA's Steve Schnur "says that he and his team of two listen to 4,000-plus songs before deciding, for example, the 21 that will be included in "Madden NFL 2005," which. features such artists as Hoobastank, Green Day, Alter Bridge, the Hives, and New Found Glory."

    Mm-hmm. Sure.

    One thing the video game publishers are not benefiting from is an additional revenue stream; they are not being paid for the exposure they give the artists. Said an EA spokesperson, "We want to compensate the artists for their intelle

"Buy land. They've stopped making it." -- Mark Twain
