Full Report On Holiday Game Crunch Released 20
Thanks to GameSpy for its article analyzing Banc Of America's in-depth report on videogame prospects for Christmas 2004. The report, previously referenced on Slashdot earlier this month, is now available for download [PDF link], and GameSpy explains the report "[isn't] trying to predict what the best games of the holiday are going to be. They're predicting what the best selling games are going to be, and which ones will meet expectations set by company leaders." The Banc analysts predict that Halo 2 "will be the second-best seller of the holiday season, just behind GTA: San Andreas", and suggest that certain titles, specifically "Bloodrayne 2, Terminator 3: The Redemption, The Red Star, 100 Bullets, Crash n' Burn, Predator: Concrete Jungle, and Shadow Hearts 2", should be moved beyond the holiday season entirely, to "avoid big-name products coming out on the same time-frame."
BOOO Product Advertisement (Score:1)
Re:BOOO Product Advertisement (Score:5, Insightful)
Seriously. First up, the article was on Gamespy, not GameSpot.
Secondly, Banc of America is an inventment advising company, not an actual Bank (though they do seem to be related to the actual Bank of America). It makes sense that _someone_ needs to investigate the trends in gaming so that the investors know when to buy or sell stock for Activision or whoever.
Re:BOOO Product Advertisement (Score:2)
Re:BOOO Product Advertisement (Score:2)
Release Dates and Indie Releases (Score:5, Interesting)
Release dates are always tricky, but I think there's a solution aside from Banc of America's proposed delay. Just as the concurrent releases (scroll down) [imdb.com] of Batman, Lethal Weapon, and Indiana Jones crushed UHF [imdb.com], high-profile games such as Doom 3 have the potential to utterly destroy the smaller competition, such as our own title [dejobaan.com], scheduled for an August release. However, here are three ways we hope to avoid being eaten:
Reliance on the Big Launch seems like a losing proposition for all but the highest-profile titles. I'm banking on the slow, steady approach, which may end up with my being able to eat for another year, or my living in a cardboard box. I'll let you know in 2005.
Inago Rage - Coming Summer 2004 [dejobaan.com]
Re:Release Dates and Indie Releases (Score:2)
Best of luck, I'll look into buying it when it comes out.
Not the first time (Score:4, Insightful)
Interestingly enough, there seem to be no RPGs among any of The Big Ones, aside from KOTOR2, and that's still a maybe for the holidays.
Singing: Give Prince of Persia a Chance..... (Score:5, Insightful)
So basically, if your game is crap don't release when everyone else does. Makes sense. These games all look horrible even from this early on.
Although what I'm much more concerned about are the Prince of Persias and Beyond Good and Evils of this Christmas, like, for example, um, Prince of Persia 2 which is set for November. You'd think that Ubisoft would've learned after last year, but once againt hey're sticking POP2 smack dab in the week before the storm. Why? It's like throwing an olympian runner into a ring with 5 500 pound men and asking him to sumo wrestle. Prince of Persia 2 will be amazing, but there's no way it can hold its own against a GTA, Halo sequel, Half Life sequel, and KOTOR sequel. There are other top tier 300 pound titles as well, like Call to Duty for consoles, or the Sims go ebonic (Urbz), or a LOTR EA game, or Need For Speed Underground sequel. You know, titles people know about.
Ubisoft, if you're reading, give POP the space it needs. Throw it out mid January when the kiddies are trading in GTA:SA and Halo 2 after playing it 14 hours a day during their break. I promise: it'll do better.
Re:Singing: Give Prince of Persia a Chance..... (Score:1)
Don't just sling insults around like that without even seeing a real demo. After playing The Red Star demo at Comic-Con, I was willing to give Acclaim another chance (yes, even after BMXXX). It's going to be a good game in the spirit of the old arcade brawlers.
Slinging Insults (Score:2)
Why not? Breeze through the latest issue of your favorite gaming magazine and there's so much gushing enthusiasm in the previews it's like reading 50 unrequitted love letter off the floor of a middle school.
What we need is a little cynicism. I'll be honest gdark, I've been watching the game industry for some time and when I think a game is crap I'm rarely surprised. And let's be honest: playing a game for 10-20 minutes in t
Can Acclaim afford to finish or delay any games? (Score:4, Interesting)
Which kind of sucks since The Red Star and 100 Bullets are pretty damn good comics. Still, I'd rather have Acclaim go under and not release bad games on licenses I like (hopefully selling the rights to a publisher that can make them into GOOD games) than have Acclaim do it's usual mediocre job.
Here's what I'll buy (Score:1)
Then I'll get BloodRayne 2, just to stare at the bondage chick and not get busted for pron...
Then I'll get Half Life 2, just to see what would happen if you used the manipulator gun on someone's crotch.
And on Christmas I'll download Real Life version ??.??.?? I'm not sure what it's like 'outside' yet but (omg) I may check! Life SEEMS good.
In other ne
The Xmas games cycle (Score:1)
These days a Xmas release of a game (especially an over 18 rated one) might actually HURT sales. I'm thinking of the players with children here who won't want to blow 30-50 notes on a game at such a crucial time of year.
The problem is this game is cycle is self-sustaining. A lot of games are so
Re:The Xmas games cycle (Score:3, Insightful)
You'll also see this in other industries as well. When do block buster movies come out? There is the summer time where they throw out popcorn flicks, and the winter ho
The christmas retail beast... (Score:4, Insightful)
While a video gaming consumer cannot be expected to drop 30-50 on every game they would want at that time of year, the consumer can be counted on to do that at least once.
You are half right though. A good game release in Feburary can exceed a good game released in December. But an excellent game will do better when released in December then it could in February. Gamers will pick up a good game any time of year. But casual gamers probably only buy once in a while, and December is one of those times.