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PC Games (Games)

Freeloading PC Multiplayer Party Games 48

Thanks to 1UP for its 'Freeloader' article profiling little-known but free multiplayer party games for the PC. The author explains of the featured games: "All of them are quick to download, easy on the system requirements, free of charge, and support six or more players. Perfect for the next time you throw together a quick gaming session", before pointing to Little Fighter 2 ("Super-deformed kids hitting each other in the face with baseball bats"), Soldat ("about as close as you can come to a side scrolling Quake deathmatch"), and Liquid War ("Definitely the most fun you'll have playing with puddles since you were six.")
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Freeloading PC Multiplayer Party Games

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  • Liquid War (Score:5, Informative)

    by angryLNX ( 679691 ) on Thursday July 29, 2004 @11:04PM (#9840003) Homepage
    Liquid war is one of the most fun open source games I've played. I'm surprised BZFlag [] wasnt mentioned!
  • Soldat problems (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Sparr0 ( 451780 ) <> on Thursday July 29, 2004 @11:20PM (#9840099) Homepage Journal
    The biggest problem with Soldat as a party game is that it has very bad LAN support. 90% of the time at least a few players at my LAN parties cant see the server (or connect by IP) at all, and sometimes NO ONE can see it. But for playing online, it rocks.

    PS: doesnt work under wine or winex :(
    • 2d Quake Deathmatch (Score:4, Informative)

      by I(rispee_I(reme ( 310391 ) on Friday July 30, 2004 @03:38AM (#9841407) Journal
      I think Abuse fits that bill better, and it's public domain, with a Win32 port here []
      That is the full game with all media. It comes with a level editor, and only supports 4 player deathmatch. Still, one of my favorite LAN games.

      P.S. I understand the author of this port has a slashdot account. Be sure to let him know what you think.
      • by KDR_11k ( 778916 )
        Abuse is cool. It was the first game I ever played over network (even the 486s our school used could run it) and also the first game I played at 1600x1200. The latter is really fun, I forced a crappy 14" to do that, had to up the gamma so far there was no lighting anymore and the size of the sprites was reminescent of Lemmings...
  • another one? (Score:5, Interesting)

    by CompSurfer ( 759218 ) on Thursday July 29, 2004 @11:37PM (#9840229)
    how about gunbound []? haven't played it yet, a friend sent me the link not long ago. It's not OSS, but it is supposed to be free. (I think it's Spyware/Adware free, but I haven't checked yet.)
    • i played it for awhile it appears to be spyware/adware free....

      its more a massivley multiplayer game tho...
      you need to be on the net ans connect to there servers....

      It is good fun... kinda like worms or scorched earth....
    • Gunbound is great fun. Sometimes. It depends on who you play get a lot of little immature, annoying kids, for one thing, and a lot of people who make you remember why SC players all hated Koreans in general, because of a few (many?) idividuals (aside from getting their asses kicked by them!!!!!! kekekekeke!!!).

      I witnessed a wonderfully intellectual verbal skirmish between two players in one game. "Yo momma sucked my dick and it was good!" "Yeah well my momma's dead you sick fuck!" "Yeah I like i
  • Soldat (Score:4, Interesting)

    by Lisandro ( 799651 ) on Thursday July 29, 2004 @11:41PM (#9840253)
    Soldat is INSANELY fun. I've played online and on LAN on the cybercafe i work now and it's a riot. It's one of those games you pick up in minutes but becomes very hard to master. If you like 2d side scrollers and CounterStrike, you owe to yourself to give it a try. PS: I'd kill for a linux version.
  • by Captain Splendid ( 673276 ) <capsplendid&gmail,com> on Thursday July 29, 2004 @11:54PM (#9840350) Homepage Journal
    to pimp my favorite free online multiplayer game: Enemy Territory [].

    • by digitalgiblet ( 530309 ) on Friday July 30, 2004 @09:07AM (#9842705) Homepage Journal
      Captain Splendid said: "to pimp my favorite free online multiplayer game: Enemy Territory."

      I have been playing Enemy Territory (ET) consistently for a longer period than any other game I've ever played. And I've played a lot of games...

      The fact that it is free is icing on the cake. The game does a great job of balancing different roles on each team and making sure you need a good mix of those roles.

      Few games reward teamplay as much. A small team who actually comminicates and coordinates can butcher a larger team that fails to do so.

      Good example is the soldier character with the mortar weapon. The mortor deals devastating damage but is rediculously difficult to aim. HOWEVER, if the team has a field ops character using binoculars to spot the target for the soldier with the mortar, then it becomes a withering weapon. Two guys can hold a choke point very effectively. The soldier can be VERY far from the target and the field ops can be reasonably far, so stopping them can be difficult.

      However, a good covert operative can steal an enemy uniform and infiltrate the enemy and whack the soldier with the mortar (via a variety of methods including sniper rifle and knife).

      Most maps require engineer characters to build or destroy objectives in order to win. I personally favor playing the engineer since I don't have time to play enough to justify joining a clan (thereby being part of an organized team). Since I'm usually on teams that are functioning individually without coordination (I am an army of one), I like to play the character that can achieve the map objectives. That way even if my team is playing pretty much at random, there is a chance they will distract the enemy enough that I can accomplish the mission.

      The other thing I really like about ET is that the matches are usually about 20 minutes long. That means I can jump into a server, play for 20-60 minutes and have a great time without committing a huge amount of time.

      Last point (I promise) is that I love the fact that ET uses PunkBuster to limit cheating. Nothing will ever completely stop all cheating, because cheaters can be a determined bunch, but PunkBuster has kept me from seeing much cheating. 99% of the times I've heard people complain about cheating the truth has been that a noob is simply unable to believe the skill and practice shown by an experienced player. ET rewards skill and practice... Headshots from an M1 Garand HURT. They are also hard to do without a LOT of practice. Occassionally I'll turn off PunkBuster and walk on the wild and wacky side. It is fun to play on a server where some admin is jacking around with the gravity settings. Occassionally. Like cake icing: great if taken in small doses. Jumping 60 feet in the air and shooting at bouncing NAZIs is fun in small doses.

      • Hey, if you don't mind playing shrub mod (some people can be picky about this) drop on by my regular server at The clan that runs it has forums here [] if you're interested. We have a pretty good crew, although summer's been slow. Couple of caveats, though: No panzer, stopwatch and limited lives. But to me, that's the only way to play.
  • Read my sig to find a neat one.
  • Marathon (Score:2, Informative)

    by FLAGGR ( 800770 )
    What about AlephOne/M1A1?? Can't beat it's FPS'n platform'n action! /me goes back to his Marathon-athon
  • Server Setup (Score:4, Informative)

    by Llynix ( 586718 ) <{llynix} {at} {}> on Friday July 30, 2004 @12:14AM (#9840467) Homepage Journal
    I downloaded liquid war and set up a server. If any other slashdotters want to play it's at

    It should be in the menu there.

    Seems the only other server that was up was password protected. And no one was playing.

  • Missing a few games (Score:4, Informative)

    by colk99 ( 315674 ) on Friday July 30, 2004 @12:54AM (#9840719) Homepage
    Well they missed a few games out including Allegiance which is still going at []
  • Physics Based (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Joff_NZ ( 309034 ) on Friday July 30, 2004 @02:19AM (#9841115) Homepage Journal
    Bontago - very cool physics based multiplayer game.. fun to play too []
    • Re:Physics Based (Score:3, Informative)

      by Bazzargh ( 39195 )
      Be warned - Bontago will bring your system to its knees on bigger maps, more players.

      In larger games you end up with a standoff where each player is constantly disrupting the others lines of communication, and the only way to attempt a win is to build a rubble road to the flags. This means that you end up with huge numbers of objects on the map, and thats when the game falls apart. It takes so long to recalculate your area of influence, which is constantly changing, that all your drops time out and you are
      • It only lets locked blocks (i.e. those not currently handled by the physics engine) act out influence, that's why you lose all influece during an earthquake, anvil or rotor effect. With a rubble road it sometimes doesn't lock the blocks, though, which is really annoying.
      • In Bontago there's a solid fix for that particular lag problem. You can turn off the most cpu-intensive area of influence processing in the game options screen. Just uncheck "require flag connection". This makes linking back to the flag unnecessary to win, but the game still plays very much the same.
  • Split Screen (Score:4, Interesting)

    by Schlaegel ( 28073 ) on Friday July 30, 2004 @02:21AM (#9841122)
    My biggest requirement for a party game: multi-player on the same screen.

    Networked multi-player is nice when you can't be in the same place. but, if you are in the same place, then games that share the screen are more fun.

    The consoles have this right. Don't add another system and monitor, just add another joypad. This brings people together rather than separating them.
  • by fm6 ( 162816 ) on Friday July 30, 2004 @04:20AM (#9841535) Homepage Journal
    Sissyfight []. The concept is original and intriguing (as are most games from the same shop []) but the implementation is really disappointing.
  • Jump'n'Bump (Score:3, Informative)

    by BinLadenMyHero ( 688544 ) <> on Friday July 30, 2004 @06:35AM (#9842002) Journal
    Speaking of 2D deathmatch, I found Jump'n'Bump [] very fun and skillish.
    I even supports four people playing on the same computer! I tried with three. It's cute and full of gibs and blood.
    It's also on Orkut [].
  • controls (Score:3, Insightful)

    by kisrael ( 134664 ) * on Friday July 30, 2004 @08:49AM (#9842543) Homepage
    I've always loved "party games"...on PC the usual issue is the controls...

    I remember playing a port "Rampart" in college, around 1992 or player on mouse, one on keyboard, one on joystick...and the mouse player had a HUGE advantage.

    I guess now, you can just get 6 cheap USB gamepads and a few of those USB splitter ports? Is that how it usually works?
  • Runescape (Score:2, Informative)

    by webscathe ( 448715 ) *

    Not a party game, but an absolutely awesome, and free, mmorp. Runescape []. I've been addicted since I started a few months ago. If you decide to check it out, i also highly recommend RuneHQ [] as it's an incredible resource for playing the game.

  • generally [] is a free race-game that allows multiple people to play the game on the same keyboard. Great fun. And a good community creating tons of maps to race on.
  • Scorched 3D (Score:3, Informative)

    by DavidBlewett ( 714829 ) on Friday July 30, 2004 @12:29PM (#9844819)
    Come on, no one remembers the original Scorched Earth? Now there is an open source, 3d version: [].
    • Countless hours were wasted playing Scorched Earth, thanks for the link for the update! It looks a little more complicated that the old version I used to play. Who knew a weapon called "Death's Head" actually existed?!
  • Armagetron (Score:2, Informative)

    by Dekar ( 754945 )
    I'm surprised no one mentionned Armagetron [] yet. When configured correctly, it's great fast-paced multi-players light cycles action for the whole family.

    Little Fighter II and Soldat are great games too, but in our local Lan Parties, Armagetron was definitely the most succesful. We found out that Little Fighter II is best when played with less than 4 players, hopefully about the same skill level, as there is a huge learning curve. Soldat used to be more succesful in earlier versions, when it was even faster

  • oldie but goodie (Score:3, Informative)

    by WormholeFiend ( 674934 ) on Friday July 30, 2004 @01:52PM (#9845980)
    circa 1995

    I still play Subspace, which you can download among other places at

    There's still plenty of people who play in the various zones, but I'm sure the current population wouldnt mind getting a noob or two thousand.
  • Cube3d, bzflag... (Score:4, Informative)

    by CarrionBird ( 589738 ) on Friday July 30, 2004 @03:38PM (#9847191) Journal [], for a fast 3d game similar to Q3 but with a Doom-esque theme.

    Also, bzflag, is easy on the requirements and easy to play.

  • My brother has been playing little fighter for years. Usually the control scheme involves about 3 people on one keyboard.
  • Soldat! (Score:3, Informative)

    by focitrixilous P ( 690813 ) on Friday July 30, 2004 @10:03PM (#9849767) Journal
    Soldat is quite the game for when you are stuck on a low end computer. It never ran quite right on my laptop, which is another story, but even on dial up you can play a 8 player deathmatch. It works okay over the network, for me at least.
  • Doom2D: Arena

    Open source (GPL) cross-platform side-scroller multy-player only arcade made in spirit of the famous Doom2D.

    Unfortunatelly, still in early beta: []

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