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The Cliff Show: Epic's CliffyB Interviewed 37

Warrior-GS writes "GameSpy has a rather unorthodox video interview with Epic Games designer Cliff Bleszinski. Entitled 'The Cliff Show,' the two-part streaming video takes place entirely in a swimming pool in Cabo, Mexico, during an Atari University event. The 15-minute interview touches on Unreal Tournament 2004 briefly, but also talks about Cliffy's 'gay' dogs, a few odd web sites and the possibility of getting a syndicated gaming show."
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The Cliff Show: Epic's CliffyB Interviewed

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  • by keiferb ( 267153 ) on Sunday August 29, 2004 @08:13PM (#10105639) Homepage
    The world needs more interviews like this.

    Tomorrow on Dateline NBC, Matt Lauer interviews Dick Cheney in a vat of Jello(tm). ...or maybe...

    This week, on Meet the Press: Tim Russert and President Bush have a heart-to-heart in a kiddie pool of rice pudding.

  • by timothv ( 730957 ) on Sunday August 29, 2004 @08:14PM (#10105645)
    Part 1 [nyud.net]
    Part 2 [nyud.net]
  • UT2005 (Score:2, Interesting)

    So the real question is.. will we see a UT2005? If so, what will it be like?
    • Re:UT2005 (Score:4, Insightful)

      by Anonymous Coward on Sunday August 29, 2004 @08:50PM (#10105790)
      What you want UT to be like Madden and so we have to buy the same fucking game over and over? No thanks. As it is UT2004 is like a mod to UT2003. The whole reason UT was so great was that it was out on its own for years allowing lots of mods and a nice fanbase to build up. If UT2005 comes out and breaks compatibility once again that many less people will be upgrading after the whole UT2003 to UT2004 shuffle.
      • Re:UT2005 (Score:3, Insightful)

        As it is UT2004 is like a mod to UT2003.


        UT2004 is much more than just a mod for UT2003. It takes UT2003, expands upon it, and brings it up to what UT2003 should have been in the first place.

        Assault returning, Onslaught and it's vehicles, vehicle capture the flag, new characters, and the return of the original sniper rifle, as well as the removal of those God awful shoulder lights for teams and the return of colored armor are all things that UT2003 should have had.

        UT2004 feels more like UT t

      • "As it is UT2004 is like a mod to UT2003"

        Do you realize that UT was originally intended to be a mod of Unreal? Don't make it sound like the fact that UT2004 feels like an add-on to UT2003 is a bad thing.
    • UT's future (Score:5, Informative)

      by MachDelta ( 704883 ) on Sunday August 29, 2004 @10:36PM (#10106310)
      No one knows if we'll see a UT2005, but what HAS been announced is "UT2004: Editors Choice Edition". Its gonna be all of UT2004, plus new maps, three new vehicles, six new characters (return of the Necris and MetalGuard AFAIK), and some of the top mods in the community today (Frag Ops, Red Orchestra, and UnWheel are all i've heard of so far). Some people might consider this to be sort of like a "UT2005", though its supposed to be released sometime this fall. At any rate, the good news is all the additional Editors Choice content will be available to UT2004 owners for free. So really, this 'update' is no different from when the original Unreal Tournament was re-released as the "Game of the Year Edition" (GOTY). Same game, only patched with some new toys and a bunch of mods right in the box, for all those people who missed the boat for the original release. :)

      So will we ever see a UT2005 or UT2006? The only definitive answer is maybe. Chances are pretty good though, that if there IS an 05 or 06, they'll merely be re-releases with updated content that any existing UT2004 owner can snag for free.

      As for a UT2007 (or '08)... now THAT we might have to pay for again. But it'll be a totally new engine (yes, supposedly that swanky new Unreal Engine 3 that has everyone drooling) and game content, so its all good. But we'll just have to see what Epic cooks up for us next. All I know for sure is that, free or not, i'll be there allong with half a million others in the Unreal Legion.

      Happy Fragging everyone!
    • Re:UT2005 (Score:3, Informative)

      by KDR_11k ( 778916 )
      Well, they have registered the domain names up to unrealtournament2010.com, but that's all we know. Oh, and they said that every two years they'll have major changes, we're likely going to see Unreal Championship 2's meelee combat in UT2005.
    • Unreal 3 (Score:3, Informative)

      by Metsys ( 718186 )
      Actually, I think that if they do make a new Unreal Tournament game, it's probably going to be using the new Unreal 3 engine. And CliffyB has said in one of his video inteviews with IGN that Epic is not going to release a new UT game every year to scrape the money pot.
      • Re:Unreal 3 (Score:2, Interesting)

        Thing is, I thought the whole reasoning behind using the year in the title was so they could release yearly 'like a sport's game'?

  • an oldie, but a goodie:

    http://www.somethingawful.com/jeffk//cliifyintarvi ew/ [somethingawful.com]

  • When he was talking about that in part 2, what was the 3rd picture he mentioned. I have never heard of that one... If you can't give me a link, directions to google searching would work :p
  • by Anonymous Coward on Monday August 30, 2004 @09:07AM (#10108454)
    Hmm, spending time on a Mexican beach with all the amenities. I wonder who's picking up the tab for these "journalists?" Wonder how it'll affect Atari game ratings in the future...
  • by Anonymous Coward
    Do you want to see something really horrendeous? Then head over to Gamespy and download The Cliff Show video starring EPIC's level designer/pimp wannabe CliffyB. In their infinite wisdom the Gamespy journalists thought it might be cool to make a video where they're 'just chillin' homey' with CliffyB in a pool at some Atari press event that was held in Mexico of all places.

    Hey, G-spy (and CliffyB) here's a goddamn clue! Seeing you fucking geeks going MTV on us while you spend other people's money and
  • They didn't even finish the image list :
  • Looking for quality journalism in the gaming industry's TV media outlets is like looking for a replacement bank security guard at an Ex-Convict Social. You just aren't going to find it unless you lie to yourself about what you're looking at.

    The fact that television provides has potential to provide much higher presentation levels than print magazines or to a lesser-extent, gaming sites, lends the media in general to buddy up with the companies that produce products they cover.

The price one pays for pursuing any profession, or calling, is an intimate knowledge of its ugly side. -- James Baldwin
