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Real Time Strategy (Games) Entertainment Games

Biography of Will Wright - Sims Creator 20

bmsleight writes "The Guardian has a brief biography of Sims creator Will Wright. Ready for the release of Sims 2 on the 17th September."
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Biography of Will Wright - Sims Creator

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  • Lost Days (Score:4, Funny)

    by DreadPiratePizz ( 803402 ) on Sunday September 05, 2004 @03:36PM (#10164119)
    The Sims 2, released on 17 September...
    It's sept 17th already? Damn man, I guess playing the Sims really did consume days of my life.
  • I wonder... (Score:5, Funny)

    by keiferb ( 267153 ) on Sunday September 05, 2004 @03:41PM (#10164145) Homepage
    The Sims is obviously a work of a demented genious. I wonder how many times this guy went swimming as a kid, only to discover that, when he tried to get out, someone had built a brick wall around the pool...
    • If he doesn't hurry up and finish sim Mars, I'm going to pool the ladders out of the pool, also.
      Or just release what you DID finish, for sims sake.
  • by contagious_d ( 807463 ) on Sunday September 05, 2004 @04:58PM (#10164535) Journal
    Ok, sorry if this is just nitpicking, but some of the article struck me as... well... strange.
    "strike a chord with women, gay men and others with little time for dungeons or dragons" (followed shortly by) millions around the world are bristling with excitement at the prospect of... Sims 2"
    also, this caught my eye:
    "The Sims is a real-time strategy game"
    and this:
    he does have a hinterland, devoted to 'reading, skiing, scheming' - that just sounds funny.
    Well, I know I speak for all of us when I say that my hinterland is scheming and bristling at the prospect of this new RTS.
  • for gay men? (Score:5, Insightful)

    by real_smiff ( 611054 ) on Sunday September 05, 2004 @06:32PM (#10164958)
    "The Sims, the most popular personal computer game ever ... is one of the few titles ... to strike a chord with ... gay men"

    haha, i did not know gay men needed special computer games. someone prove this journalist a generalising t00l* and tell me their gay friends are playing Doom3 like everyone else?
    *is that in the leet dictionary, i don't know sorry.

    • by Goosey ( 654680 ) on Sunday September 05, 2004 @11:30PM (#10166266) Homepage
      I can confirm that gay men enjoy playing other games as well. After all I always see people on CounterStrike calling each other 'Faggots' and 'Totally Gay'. Infact I see that so much that I would go to estimate about 90% of CounterStrike players must have a homosexual sexual preference.
    • Re:for gay men? (Score:4, Informative)

      by RQuinn ( 521500 ) on Monday September 06, 2004 @02:02AM (#10166908)
      I've got to say that as a gay male my sexuality has never been a factor in what games I play. And frankly why are homosexuals even a demographic when talking about games? I don't buy different books than straight men, I don't buy different music than straight men, and I don't buy different games than straight men. Really, the only industry that I approach differently because I'm gay is the porn industry.

      Bah. Stereotypes!

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