Smaller Playstation 2 Theorized 102
Tim Grube writes "According to Gaming Horizon and several other industry insiders,
Sony will be
celebrating their fourth-year anniversary of the Playstation 2 on October 26th
by releasing a smaller, more compact version of the game system with the new
name PStwo.
Some analysts believe the PStwo will retail at $149.99, the
current price of the Playstation 2."
Of Course (Score:3, Insightful)
Does this mean the PS1 will finally disappear from our shelves?
Re:Of Course (Score:4, Informative)
WOW 4 years already! (Score:1)
It only kinda worked for the PSone... (Score:1)
Re:It only kinda worked for the PSone... (Score:3, Informative)
Also, I'm sure a lot of people bought PSones as replacements for PSXs that died. We did - my kids inherited my 1998-vintage PSX when I got my PS2, but a year or so later they killed it by leaving it on overnight...
- Wondering what an import PSP will cost...
Forget that... (Score:1)
Re:Forget that... (Score:5, Interesting)
Instant access to the entire GC library coupled with a fairly low price ($200?) would make it the obvious choice.
That said, I'm still getting a DS over the PSP. However, the more I think about it, with Nintendos lackluster console sales and their continued dominance in the handheld arena, it might be smart to let MS and Sony duke it out with the PS3 and XBox2, while releasing a P(ocket)GC rather than a GC2.
Re:Forget that... (Score:5, Interesting)
Instant access to the entire GC library coupled with a fairly low price ($200?) would make it the obvious choice.
Most Sony consoles, or at least the two that have existed so far, begin their life cycles as serious loss leaders. Sony loses tons of money for the first two years, at which point their slow refinements to the manufacturing process finally begin to draw a small profit. By the system's fifth year or so, they're actually out of the hole and profiting from the hardware itself.
Nintendo, on the other hand, based on what little they've told us in the past, likes to make at least some money on their consoles, and they're probably making a small profit on every GameCube they sell right now. If they were to make it a handheld competitor to the PSP, they'd have to start losing money on it and bet that they can make it up in software sales. The problem with that is that even though they could conceivably make up the difference in software sales, they're a much smaller company than Sony or Microsoft. If they produced a loss-leading console or handheld and Sony happened to royally kick the crap out of it, the one-two punch would probably knock Nintendo right out of the hardware business.
Re:Forget that... (Score:2)
Re:Forget that... (Score:1, Interesting)
I don't think you know what you are talking about. When Sony announced the price of the first Playstation, Sega accused them of dumping. Sony was never taken to court over this. That's where this whole idea got started.
Prove to me that Sony has sold all their consoles at a loss.
I guarantee you cannot cite adequate evidence to support this. You don't know what you're talking about and you're just repeating the same old crap that gets posted in the games s
Re:Forget that... (Score:4, Informative)
I guarantee you cannot cite adequate evidence to support this. You don't know what you're talking about and you're just repeating the same old crap that gets posted in the games section all the time. Not all consoles are sold at a loss - get over it.
Most of the reliable sources (newspapers, magazines) don't have the stories available for the PlayStation and PS2 in easily-searchable sources like Google news, but a quick search turned up two interesting bits about their current plans:
As per 1Up's article [findarticles.com], Sony plans to sell the PSP at a loss. And if you Ctrl+F for the word "loss" in ZDNet's PSX story [zdnet.com], it will not only tell you that the PSX was planned to sell at a loss, but that it is generally an industry standard, much like the razorblade entry.
makers typically sell hardware at a loss and make their profits from royalties on game software sales. That model gets shaky, however, when you start cramming nongame functions into the same box, Cole said.
"They've been able to get the price way down on game systems, because they can make it up on software," Cole said. "With these kinds of hybrid devices, you're selling to people who aren't necessarily going to buy a lot of games. But you can't necessarily expect to charge a premium over the existing products it's intended to replace."
The only thing I can't really prove is that Nintendo actually sells theirs at a profit. That's mostly from print sources like EGM's Quartermann column.
Re:Forget that... (Score:2)
The biggest problem with this would be trying to fit all the buttons from a GameCube controller on a handheld.
Re:Forget that... (Score:2)
It's kind of hard to explain what I am visualizing, but the analog sticks could be replaced by a curved disc that moves in the same manner a the original does, but without protruding almost at all. The face buttons are easy, they're just buttons.
The shoulder buttons would again be pretty easy, just make the analog motion of the L and R move into the handheld, so
Re:Forget that... (Score:1)
Re:Forget that... (Score:4, Interesting)
You could probably hack something together with existing parts, but you'd spend alot more than $200 to build it. (The screen on those XBox controllers sucks by the way). Search on google for the guy who made a PSOne portable unit and see how much he spent to do that.
On another note, a Nintendo made GC portable would be a huge hit for obvious reasons (great graphics, huge preexisting game library, etc), but if they made it also compatible with mini cd-r/w's (maybe not dvd-r/w's, for sake of copy protection/piracy concerns) so you could use it for an mp3 player and possibly other media playback, it would be a pretty slick system.
Re:Forget that... (Score:1)
1. Leave the control scheme un-changed, and use a smaller-sized LCD on top, or
2. Completely hack apart the controls, and arange them on opposite sides of a larger LCD (a la PSP)
In option 1, we'd be resrticted to a 2.5" - 3" LCD, whereas option 2 would allow a gorgeous 3.5"-5" LCD. The challenge lies in the obvious: It'd be kind of hard to chainsaw the controller into two halves, and expect it to work, and, whereas the first configuration would really only require s
So what features is it going to lose? (Score:4, Interesting)
Any bets on what we're going to lose this time?
Re:So what features is it going to lose? (Score:1)
Re:So what features is it going to lose? (Score:2)
Pretty unlikely since all of the PS2 games are on DVDs
Re:So what features is it going to lose? (Score:2)
Though they'll probably feel compelled to do some physical DRMming, such as locking down the peripheral drive so that it can't be used again until the game is unloaded from the unit it was loaded and hardware which self
Re:So what features is it going to lose? (Score:1)
My guess is that they will take out the bay for the hard drive, integrate the network adapter, and make the whole thing top loading.
Re:So what features is it going to lose? (Score:2)
Integrating the network adaptor would be smart since, well, it would be easy and cheap.
Re:So what features is it going to lose? (Score:2, Insightful)
Re: (Score:2)
Re:So what features is it going to lose? (Score:5, Interesting)
Any bets on what we're going to lose this time?
Well, we may not necessarily lose anything. The PS2's business is starting to depend on the presence of a modem in the machine, so there's a good chance that Sony could release the PSTwo at the same price as the PS2, but with a modem built-in. If a NIC costs less than $10 at your local Best Buy, CompUSA, or Mom & Pop Computer Shop, just imagine how little it must cost Sony.
And besides, there's not a whole lot to lose in the PS2. The hard drive slot is mandatory for certain games, so they can't lose that. The modem slot is also mandatory for some, so they can't lose that. Removing the USB port would stab Logitech, Mad Catz, Namco, Sega, and a whole lot of other peripheral manufacturers in the back. The only thing it might lose is the DVD player, because the unit can be produced cheaper without the DVD licensing cost.
Re:So what features is it going to lose? (Score:2)
DVD play? (Score:4, Interesting)
I'm also curious what Sony will do about the names if they ever decide to revamp the PSX or PS2 a second time. PSOne-2 and PSTwo-2? They could just leave the names alone i guess, but they only seem willing to reuse names on entirely different products.
Re:DVD play? (Score:1)
Super PStwo Turbo
Re:DVD play? (Score:1)
Segas hardware developers had to go somewhere, no?
Re: (Score:2)
Re:DVD play? (Score:1)
Will it actually WORK? (Score:4, Interesting)
There are still a lot of PS2 games that I have missed out on though, being a huge RPG fan, and Star Ocean has had me considering trying a 4th PS2. I haven't though because other people I know have not had any better luck with their PS2s, and I don't want to get burned again. If these things are going to be redesigned and manufactured differently, then I might consider getting one.
BTW - anyone know what the backwards compatibility features of the PS3 are supposed to be? If it'll play PS1 and PS2 games then I might just wait to get a PS3, but if it'll only play PS2 games then I'll shell out for a PS2 so I can play my PS1 games on it, since I have a huge collection of great PS1 games, and ePSX on Linux might as well be an XBox emulator, it has microsoft-esque stability
Ummm.... (Score:5, Informative)
You do know that if you call up Sony and say anything about a "disk read error" that they will have you ship them your PS2 and send you back one with a new DVD-ROM and/or a new mobo with all the latest firmware updates and DVD player software right?
Re:Ummm.... (Score:2)
I've had my PS2 since they were first released, and living under a rock, I never knew about the proliferation fo problems till I started experiencing them about 6 months ago. Now the thing will not play PS1 games at all, (makes a wierd grinding noise at spinup) and is just now starting to give me DVD read errors. I guess I got "lucky" and got a unit that outlasted expectations. I assumed that since I was out of warantee I was SOL.
Re:Ummm.... (Score:2)
Re:Ummm.... (Score:2)
I can attest that they do, indeed. I had it done earlier this year. I think it has something to do with a Class-action suit over bum drive mechanisms or something.
Re:Ummm.... (Score:2)
Does Sony do that if your PS2 is out of warranty? My was having that problem. The main reason that I didn't just exchange was lack of receipt. I hate those little pieces of paper that vanish when I need them. I originally got my PS2 for PS1 & DVD combo use
Re: (Score:2)
Re:Ummm.... (Score:2)
Re:Details on Free 'Disc Read Error' Repair (Score:2)
Re:Will it actually WORK? (Score:2, Flamebait)
People like you has made Microsoft the monster it is today. It was not Bill Gates, nor Ballmer, nor some bad decision at IBM. Just uneducated customers.
Re:Vocab nazi (Score:1)
Re:Will it actually WORK? (Score:2)
Abnormal experiences (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Abnormal experiences (Score:3, Interesting)
That said the CD/DVD drives in the PS1s and PS2s do seem to be their Achilles heal. I saw an article the other day saying most PS1/PS2 drives last about 7-8 years before they fail, yet 20+ year old Nintendo cartridge
Re:Abnormal experiences (Score:2)
(Or more likely you have a newer PS2. The same is true for my friends who haven't lost a PS2
Re:Will it actually WORK? (Score:2)
I'm used my ps2 for FOUR years, banged it up, taveled to Japan and back with it and it's never had a hiccup
Re:Will it actually WORK? (Score:1)
Well, if you're looking for your RPG fix on the Gamecube, I would suggest you check out Tales of Symphonia [namco.com]. I recently rented it from GameFly, and I've been hooked since. I'm about 16 hours into it, and apparently haven't scratched the surface.
I'm not a big fan of Cel-shading, but ToS has probably the best usage of the technique that I have ever seen. At my first glance at screenshots in magazines, I thought it was s
Storyline.. (Score:1)
Re:Will it actually WORK? (Score:1)
Price (Score:1)
And I'm cheap :p
Celebrating? (Score:4, Insightful)
OT, but does anyone know a general rule to solve the equation n^n = x? For example, if n^n = 3125, how would you solve for n? (in this case, n=5)
Re:OT (Score:1)
The fifth root of 3125, for instance, is five. =)
Re:Celebrating? (Score:2, Informative)
ln(x) = n * ln(n)
and fiddle with n until it's close enough, though.
ot: solve n^n=x for n (Score:1)
do this for as long as you want to (as much accuracy as you need, keeping in mind it gets 10 times slower for each decim
Re:ot: solve n^n=x for n (Score:3, Interesting)
iterative form
--> n(n+1) = ln(x) / ln(n)
then put a first guess in (say, 7) and keep iterating until the answer converges. Takes 25 iterations in this case to five dp.
Re:ot: solve n^n=x for n (Score:1)
Jeez, you guys always do things the hard way.
Re:ot: solve n^n=x for n (Score:2)
Unless you're confused over his reversed notation (using n as the unknown, x as the known) and mean solving analytically? He's trying to get n=f(x):
take nth root:
then where? I'll admit I'm an engineer, not a mathmatician, so my analytical solution skills are very rusty.
Re:ot: solve n^n=x for n (Score:2)
Re:Waiting for PSthree (Score:1)
GTA San Andreas (Score:2, Interesting)
It's a question of When, not If (Score:3, Interesting)
But I don't think PStwo will be replaced this year however, as these little consoles are usually nearer to the launch of a next generation console, I think next Christmas will be when the console turns up.
[1] The Mega Drive 2 / Genesis 2 is an interesting one really, seeing as it came relatively early in the consoles life.
Re:It's a question of When, not If (Score:2)
Re:It's a question of When, not If (Score:2)
MOD CHIP? (Score:1)
Re:MOD CHIP? (Score:3, Insightful)
Another clue! (Score:4, Interesting)
Sony has more or less recently stopped sending retailers Playstation 2 systems. This has been going on for at least two months and word is, we're not going to be getting any more in the next month, either. So of course you have to wonder, if they do intend on releasing this PStwo, what would be the point of supplying the market with more older models? Exactly!
Can't wait to see what this thing looks like (and if it has a broadband adapter built it...and where the HDD will go and if it actually plays media!)
Re:Another clue! (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:Another clue! (Score:1)
But as far as getting more, it doesn't look like that's happening for awhile.
Linux Kit (Score:3, Interesting)
And for 150$ it wouldn't even be expensive. I just hope it will be less noisy than the original PS2...
xboxone (Score:4, Funny)
Comment removed (Score:3, Funny)
Crystal Ball (Score:2)
Looks like my crystal ball may be working pretty good with respect to the PSTwo [slashdot.org]!
If it does come to pass, perhaps this re-released PS2 will offer some design/esthetic insights into the upcoming PS3. Will it be all curvy and meant to stand out from the rest of your entertainment components or will it be made to be right at home with them. These could be clues about how Sony feels about convergence after the relatively unsuccessful PSX in Japan.
Re:PStwo copyrighted? (Score:2)
Re:PStwo copyrighted? (Score:2)
Second of all, if it was a protected term, it would be a trademark, which would show up in the USPTO database if it has been registered. If a trademark hasn't been registered, and not revealed to the public, then it isn't protected yet.
Fascinating... (Score:4, Interesting)
*AHEM* Microsoft, the only reason I haven't bought your system is because it's massive. Cumbersomely large. I don't have a lot of room to spare for these things, and I live in a fairly rural area with comfortable living space. Imagine what it must be like for people who live in an overcrowded society where the average apartment size may be smaller than your kitchen, and space is at a premium.
Good thing you're not trying to capture any portion of that market.
Oct 26th? (Score:1)
Re:PStwo pre-christmas (Score:3, Informative)
Re:PStwo pre-christmas (Score:2, Troll)
Have you looked at the list of the most popular Xbox Live games? (Rather than taking an informal poll of what you and your friends are playing...which if you are sane, is Burnout 3)
Here are the top 25 games on Xbox live. [xbox.com]
Of the 25 games, 7 1/2 are FPS's. Including the #1 game now (Rainbow Six 3: Black Arrow) and the game that has been #1 since last December- until Black Arrow took over (Rainbow Six 3).
The FPSs on the list are:
Re:PStwo pre-christmas (Score:2, Insightful)
Fair point about the popularity of X-Box Live games. I think the point that it isn't just for fpses still stands, though.
I've nothing against a game where you go around shooting everything in sight. Some of my favorite games are games where you go around shooting everything on sight. Thing is, though, I like a bit of variety. Shooting identical monsters, with
Re:PStwo pre-christmas (Score:1)
And SSX3, Resident Evil:Outbreak, Amplitude, Siphon Filter:Omega Strain, THPS3/4/Underground, NFS:Undergound There is a wide variety of online games for PS2 (I think the actual count is close to 40 or 50, many of which I haven't heard of, though). Just because you dont play that type of game
Re:PStwo pre-christmas (Score:2)
But then we just couldnt put it down. The biggest feature of it is co-op in my opinion. Not many games take the time to do a really fun co op mode, which makes playing the game twice as fun as by yourself.
Really I think the reoccuring fun factor for me has been grenades and vehicles. Watching bodies fly through the air and massive grenade chain reaction explosions never c
Re:PStwo pre-christmas (Score:2)
Re:PStwo pre-christmas (Score:2)
However, Halo didn't give me the happy feeling tribes did.
Tribes was like Halo, counterstrike and quake 3 all rolled into one happy hippie joint, and taken in blowbacks from lots of sexy ladies.
ok, erm, well... it was fun.