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Amiga 500 Emulation Arrives on Dreamcast 29

wraggster writes "Building on his previous work, Chui has taken another step for the Dreamcast community by releasing the first Amiga 500 emulator for the Dreamcast."
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Amiga 500 Emulation Arrives on Dreamcast

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  • by Ford Prefect ( 8777 ) on Wednesday September 22, 2004 @12:16PM (#10320108) Homepage
    Mmm... Dead systems...

    Why not emulate another dead system [] on the emulated Amiga? ;-)

    • Why not emulate another dead system on the emulated Amiga?

      Good idea, now if someone will just write a Dreamcast emulator for Amiga, I can use my dreamcast to play ... dreamcast games!
      /me puts pinky to corner of mouth like Dr Evil
    • Hate to tell you this but there are 5 out there already:

      DreamSpec by BigBoy
      ZXishSpectrum by Ishmair
      Spectrum128K by Reaper
      DC Speccyal K by _Tyrell_
      fbzxDC by Ian Michael
  • I just dusted off my Dreamcast yesterday... I find it amazing what can be done on such simple hardware. I mean, only 200 MHz, 16 megs, no hard drive. When programming and designing systems, simple is often the key to stability.

    just a diversion :S
  • But, after having begain using Windows then .NET was released I came to the simple conclusion that WinUAE [] is so much better than plain UAE it's almost funny.
    Naturally, this is intended for games and not serious work, but anyway; I recomend anyone that runs Windows to try WinUAE and AmigaOS with last release of Directory Opus, wow, what a desktop!

    For a while I ran more AmigaOS than BSD(or the Windows system used to run WinUAE), which is strange since I've been a BSD-only user since '94.
    AmigaOS with Director
    • I don't know if you know this or not, but you can still get a Directory Opus environment. I use it on a daily basis on my XP laptop.

      The original developers make Directory Opus for Windows.

      There's a project that has forked the DO4 code and maintains the AmigaOS port.

      The people who maintain the Amiga port have compiled a list of commercial and F/OS clones/ports.
  • How many /.ers out there have eagerly installed software out of nostalgia, only to be a little dissappointed: "I forgot how much this sucked!" I get a bigger kick out of resurrecting old hardware, but maybe that's just me.
  • There was one awesome game I was totally addicted to on Amiga. You drove a hot rod car around a track elevated in the air with jumps and bot cars.

    The physics were scary good (for the time).

    Anybody remember this game?
    • Stunt Car Racer.

      • I wonder if the guy who wrote this is related to the Driv3r developers. I sense similar levels of passion when it comes to physics.

        Very nice game!
    • Ah. That would be Stunt Car Racer []?
      -- Former Amigoid
    • yep.. stunt car racer... used to play with my brother.. we would wear a bmx helmet, and if you grinded down the edge of the track your head would be voilently shaken by the other person, and if you fell off we hit each other round the head with a cricket bat.
      haha.. oh to be kids again..
    • Ah, Stunt Car Racer. It even holds up to this day - it was an amazing game :).

      Geoff Crammond (creator of the original) announced last year he was working on Stunt Car Racer Pro together with developer Lost Toys. Haven't heard any info about it since, but I hope it comes to pass. It would be awesome to get an update to this game.

  • I'm still hoping someone will port uae to the palm. I see no reason why my clie, with a 200+ Mhz CPU and color display, can't emulate an Amiga, especialy considering that palms had 68k CPU's (coldfire) and I assume now have emulation for 68k already.
    • A 200mhz palm emulating an amiga? Funniest. Post. Evar. In order to emulate all the funky custom chips in an amiga properly, you're looking at a helluva lot more than 200mhz. UAE needs about 800mhz to do it properly, and it's been in development for about 8 years.
      • 800mhz? You dont need that much to emulate an A500. I ran winuae just fine on a 360Mhz celeron way back when (shortly before overclocking it to 550mhz :).

        The dreamcast has a 200Mhz cpu. Granted I'm sure it's better at 200Mhz than the arm/xscale at 200mhz. But it's close. UAE started back when PC's were 100Mhz, so it's just about the right time to get it going on PDA's...
  • If you are into Amiga music, you should check out UADE []!! It supports more than 150 exotic formats, and is Open Source =)
  • Wow! (Score:3, Insightful)

    by base3 ( 539820 ) on Wednesday September 22, 2004 @01:32PM (#10321056)
    One dead platform emulates another. IIRC, the Dreamcast also runs BSD. A regular festival of electronic rigor mortis.
  • Now it's emulating an Amiga, and it still can't emulate a SNES at full speed.

    Before anyone chime in again with why, yep, it's because of all the special hardware. Also, the Atari ST and Amiga emulators don't have sound, while SNES emulation on a DC with sound is at pretty good speed, so it's not quite the same thing after all.
  • Nice! (Score:3, Funny)

    by standsolid ( 619377 ) <kenny&standsolid,com> on Wednesday September 22, 2004 @02:30PM (#10321794) Homepage
    I think we are all breathing a sigh of relief. Finally we have the Amiga 500 on the dreamcast. I was getting worried for a minute there.
  • The dreamcast is incredible. Yep, dead, but fun as hell.

    Recently I downloaded that Amiga music player mentioned earlier and listened to all my favorite music again (Shadow of the Beast 2, Obliterator, and the other Psygnosis games). If this emulator had sound, I would definatly use it. Some, most, of that music still sounds better than modern games do.

    • me too

      I've never heard a recent pc say 'Accolade Presents...' like the Amiga 500 did in Test Drive (the first one)

      I sold it to buy a Commodore PC-1 x86 4.77Mhz with a monochrome display card... man was I dissapointed back then.
  • Now I have a reason to buy a Dreamcast!
  • Because people emulated Amigas on Playstation 2 Linux kits 2 years ago using UAE.

They laughed at Einstein. They laughed at the Wright Brothers. But they also laughed at Bozo the Clown. -- Carl Sagan
