Women in Gaming White Papers 84
Many thanks to GameJournalism.com for the heads up on two white papers put out last month by the Women in Gaming Special Interest Group. The two papers (both excellent reads) are Chicks with Joysticks: An exploration of women in Gaming, and Why are there so few Women in Games? In a related topic, TerraNova has a piece on the Women 's Game Conference and MMOGs.
Re:Sex ratio? (Score:5, Informative)
for the US [cia.gov]
Canada [cia.gov]
France [cia.gov]
Japan(though there the ratio roughly stays the same [cia.gov]
For all of these countries, you see that there are a lot more males under 15 than females, but from 15-65 the numbers tend to even out(in the US there are more females than males in this group) But for contrast look at:
China [cia.gov] and
India [cia.gov]
where because of gender selective abortions, there are significantly less females than males in the age 15-65 group. Actually, that is becoming a major concern in those places, as you can imagine what problems a group of males who really need sex can cause.....
Re:Sex ratio? (Score:3, Funny)
more duplicate posts and bad moderating on slashdot?
Re:Sex ratio? (Score:2)
In all seriousness, it'll cause a considerable drop in population growth, because there will be an imbalance of wombs available to bear the generation after this. And less population is what China and India really need now.
Re:Sex ratio? (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Sex ratio? (Score:2)
Gay orgies?
Sounds Pr0nish... (Score:2, Funny)
Re:Sounds Pr0nish... (Score:2)
Ob Vonnegut quotation (Score:3, Funny)
Shoryukens and wedding bells (Score:3, Funny)
In related news, my 12-year-old offer to marry
the first woman to regularly defeat me at
StreetFighter regardless of age, race, or looks,
goes entirely unanswered.
I think I was born 5 years or so too late;
I've seen a few teenage girls who contend
in Soul Calibur...
I gotta move to California where they have more asians...
Re:Shoryukens and wedding bells (Score:1)
Re:Shoryukens and wedding bells (apology) (Score:3, Interesting)
Let me apologize to any woman reading for all
the comments in this thread that indicate women
gamers are unwelcome if less than attractive.
the sexes need be sexual. We need you as gamers
if only to dilute this kind of idiocy among us.
Re:Shoryukens and wedding bells (apology) (Score:2, Funny)
you hit the nail on the head. i am.
and you're the resentful fugly goth
(you're no beefcake, this is slashdot)
who gets neither sexual NOR social attention.
nice to meet you.
Re:Shoryukens and wedding bells (apology) (Score:1)
>And who cares if you're goth? So you wear tight
>black clothes and that matters how in this >discussion?
looks like -I- hit the nail on the head too,
anonymous coward ^_^;;;;
Re:Shoryukens and wedding bells (apology) (Score:2)
Re:Shoryukens and wedding bells (Score:2)
StreetFighter regardless of age, race, or looks,
goes entirely unanswered.
I think I was born 5 years or so too late;"
Well, considering that you didn't put a "II" after "Street Fighter," I think 5 years is a little optimistic...
Re:Shoryukens and wedding bells (Score:1)
I didn't put a "I" either.
any version'll do.
offer's still open ladies. ^_-
Re:Shoryukens and wedding bells (Score:4, Interesting)
I can't speak for StreetFighter, but I know a girl in Lake Oswego that could probably hand you your ass in a few rounds of Counter Strike. Some guys at the UofO and I used to run a popular CS server (before I stopped playing most video games) and this girl named 'Val' was always on. She was probably around 18 at the time and she learned quickly. Oh, I actually knew another girl too on the same server from the same area, now that I think about it. She was pretty good, too.
Other than those two, the only females I've known who did much gaming played things like Sims, EverQuest and Ultima Online. There's clearly a distinction between the interests of both sexes, for the most part. Generally, it seems that females tend to avoid hard-core puzzle, strategy and action games. Even in MMORPGs, the 'action' and the 'fighting' tends to be a secondary or tertiary requisit for them. That's a broad description based on the women I've been around and people I've talked to, but it probably isn't too far off the mark, in general.
I'm ashamed to admit it, but I played The Sims Online for about a week. It wasn't for me. Boring and pointless. I gave it a chance, but it fell short (just like a lot of more male-oriented games did, like Anarchy Online, Shadowbane, ATITD, Rubies of Eventide...) The one thing that did stand out about The Sims Online, however, was the social interaction among players. Especially females. Within a few minutes of entering the game, I was invited to join a group of women who showed me the ropes, helped me out, gave me tips and eventually invited me to join their "house" (or whatever you call it in the game). The game play was painfully dull to me, but the community was unique. In most games, you won't see that kind of treatment. With most MMORPGs or FPS games, you join a server, create a character, figure out what the hell you are doing and start hacking stuff to bits all the while dodging the offcolor racist, homophobic and sexist remarks of pre-pubescent boys.
I wouldn't try to read some social theory or explanation into why there aren't many female gamers and why they're attracted to certain areas. Men and women are very different creatures and some things come more natural and are more appealing to one sex over the other (with interesting exceptions). The important thing is to welcome those people who do cross the boundaries and find enjoyment in it.
What bothers me more is the reaction of males any time someone with a female voice is playing (using the mic) or even just a female name logs into a server. You have three typical responses, such as those below:
The person who doubts that it's a female and makes a point of doubting it.
The person who goes out of their way to be a jerk to the female just to be a jerk.
The person who can't stop talking about the girl and sucks up to her and flirts with her and can't shut up about how hot he thinks it is that a person with breasts is playing his favorite game.
It would be nice if a female could join a server and we could all continue to play as normal without regressing into a pack of slobbering penises.
I also have a sister who has always played videogames. Not addictively like myself, my brother or any other male I know, but quite a bit nevertheless. She doesn't play online games, but has played almost everythign else on PS2/X-Box that she's come across. The frustrating thing is that it comes so natural to her. She's almost 20 now and as long as I can remember, she could walk into a room while my younger brother and I are playing and pick up a controller... and breeze right through things that we'd spent hours trying to beat. We'd take days or weeks to beat a game and she could do it in a couple sittings. ARGH! She's a bit of a tom-boy, but not much. She's just very *very* adept at the videogame thing, I guess.
Re:Shoryukens and wedding bells (Score:2)
I would, and it's a simple one. Women who are about 21 and over now (maybe 25) have always attached a social stigma to those that play with video games/use computers. They lived in a time where there wasn't a computer/video game console in almost every home, and a computer on every workdesk in addition to the internet everywhere. The geek stigma to games and com
Women gamers (Score:3, Informative)
Is it just me? (Score:2)
Re:Is it just me? (Score:3, Interesting)
Resident Evil uses female characters to emphasize how weak you are, to highten the fright. Imagine our protagonist from Metal Gear in this zombie game. All of a sudden it goes from sc
Re:Is it just me? (Score:2)
I think it depends a lot on how you view women. If you tend to view women as weak, the game game is scary because you see your character as weak. If, on the other hand, you see women as strong and equally
Re:Is it just me? (Score:2)
There are a lot more- don't just assume that all FPSs have male characters exclusively. Because that would be wrong.
Next Muthafuckers gonna get my metal.
Re:Is it just me? (Score:2)
The point I was trying to make though (as one of the other people who responded to my post pointed out) is that putting females in a game that will appear to a primarily male audence doesn't really solve any problems, and in a a few of the cases that I've seen, the women are often very exag
Existence of female chars does not disprove bias (Score:2)
Re:Is it just me? (Score:1)
Re:Is it just me? (Score:1)
Notice that the female character is more powerful (bigger inventory) and luckier (fewer random disasters block her path), meaning she's EASIER to play... which is a sexist way of saying that boys are tougher than girls.
This was prevalent in Japanese games... I remember seeing a lot of cartridges for the original Nintendo where you choose "Otoko/Onna" (male/female) at startup, even though it didn't have alternate player graphics for the
Why fewer women gamers? (Score:4, Interesting)
Maybe we're kind of different.
Re:Why fewer women gamers? (Score:1)
If I had mod points (damn, used them yesterday) you would be modded insightful. It's too bad so many people are blinded by their political correctness to see the truth.
Re:Why fewer women gamers? (Score:2)
Re:Why fewer women gamers? (Score:2)
Yesterday I was "teaching" Discrete Mathematics and one of the students in that class has an older brother who also took the class with me a few years ago. She's doing much better in the class than he did. She mentioned in passing that her brother was better at math than she was, because you know, he's a guy. This is so far from the truth that I had to wonder where she could have gotten the idea. Maybe girls get these ideas from someplace. I admit that schools have something to do with it too.
Re:Why fewer women gamers? (Score:2)
For sheer ability, it's mainly the guys who win out. For preparedness and dedication, it's the women by a long shot -- and that makes quite a difference. They seem to have better memories as well, though they are more lecture learners than book learners. Still, it's the guys who seem to be better at thinking on their feet and actually applying what they know in new situations.
For all that, I t
Great articles! (Score:5, Interesting)
I'm very happy that the place I work seems to have no problems hiring female programmers... but I'm still one of two female programmers on my approx 20 person team. Because there aren't that many women out there, because so many women were discouraged from technical fields for so long.
I have felt the atmosphere that discourages women frequently in gamer circles, when I'm around gamers I don't know - guys who tend to be crude, rude, and are there just to hack n'slash. My gaming circle is playing a campaign that features a lot more political intrigue, as well as has major male and female npcs who are more than window dressing. My group is nearly half and half on gender. It's wonderful.
Anyway, the more we make the reasons known, the less we'll have people claiming it's all just "well, women don't want to do that" or "men and women are wired differently, that's all".
Re:Great articles! (Score:1)
(mods, this guy is a troll)
That vague social trend of female dependency
is not mutually exclusive to an unwelcome techie
Now that you've vented, reread this
woman's intelligent post with an open mind.
The comments on this article only serve
to back-up her points.
Re:Great articles! (Score:1)
wrong, i didn't say i disagreed with it.
i said it's not relevant--it doesn't apply,
and implied that it's inflamatory, and that
you're bringing your own hatred to a subject
that doesn't need it.
Re:Great articles! (Score:1)
I find your comments about women "bumbl[ing] through life searching for a hard working educated man to take care of them" highly amusing. I'm a successful programmer with a BS in computer science from one of the top three private undergrad tech colleges and currently I'm putting my husband, who got laid off, through getting his MBA because he got tired of tech stuff. Wow, I have to ditch him so I
One quick nitpick about the first article... (Score:3, Insightful)
Wasn't the first lead lady in a video game Ms. Pacman? [klov.com] in 1981?
Re:One quick nitpick about the first article... (Score:3, Insightful)
Why are there fewer women? (Score:3, Insightful)
Maybe this kind of thing wouldn't bother you, but it's the kind of thing you hear complaints about from women in the geek scene. If you care to listen.
Re:Why are there fewer women? (Score:1)
I believe the word for this is "tact." It's a good thing when it comes to interacting with others.
I didn't say anything about women being better human beings. But it's much better to be offensive in private with your friends than in public situations.
Re:Why are there fewer women? (Score:1)
"Acute sensitivity to what is proper and appropriate in dealing with others, including the ability to speak or act without offending."
Re:Why are there fewer women? (Score:1)
It's really no worse than belonging to a minority part of any group, in my experience - especially with a group as historically homgenous as gaming. It's always tough to break new ground into such territory. With that said, I do think the sexism and machoism in gaming is sad and embarassing, but the only way of changing that is to keep diversifying gaming society until your minority of choice is seen as normal.
I don't know if the recently famous female Swedish CS team [cnn.com] do us all a disservice by being geeky
Women are more social I would think... (Score:2, Interesting)
I'll use my sister as an example, it takes her *foreve
Re:Women are more social I would think... (Score:2)
The papers pick up on how women are more drawn to games requiring more social aspects, eg. MMOGs or The Sims, or pick-up-and-play games like Bejewelled that don't require investing hours and hours of your time.
The second paper refers to the IGDA Quality of Life white paper, which addresses the subject of excessive working hours, which has historically plagued the industry. This is an important point. These long hours do nothing for your social life, so
Female Gamers Do Get Attention (Score:5, Insightful)
It takes a certain type of girl to deal with the type of stuff that she handles all the time. She cannot get onto IRC without some male gamer wanting to bother her. I'm sure there are other gamers that I have played with regularly that are female, but choose not to say it. Mainly to avoid all the harrassement from the other online gamers. My point is, not only are girls different, but they have to be ready to put up with a community that is mostly made up of horny male teenagers.
Re:Female Gamers Do Get Attention (Score:2, Insightful)
I don't agree with "girls are different". Males aren't all about violence and sex, and girls aren't all about pink, fluffly emotional stuff. These differences are partly forced on us by society at large, but also a gaming industry that is only beginning to realize that the differences, to the extent that there really are any, are much more subtle than that. From what I've seen, not even the old truth that males are into goal-oriented gaming and females are into social gaming are more than tendencies.
BTW, a
Re:Zonk!! Please Read!! (Score:2)
Over in Korea (Score:2, Informative)
Good, good Starcraft players.
Re:Over in Korea (Score:1)
I've never been there, but newspapers tell me that when couples go to the PC bangs in the evening, the boys will play SC/CS/MMO, and the girls will sit nearby and just IM.
Re:Over in Korea (Score:1)
Can we say HOT CS CHIX0rz OMG L@@K (Score:1)
Chat transcript (Score:1)
BigGunz: omg ur the gamer gilr lol
Vildkatten:yes. do u want a rematch?
BigGunz: lol ur hot lol do u wnat ot cyber lol
*** Vildkatten has left the game