Humor in Games? 345
commiesubverter writes "Slate.com has an article up about humor in games. It's a decent summary of where the gaming industry has been and is going with its humor. From the article: 'Comedy is typically marginalized into background sight gags and interstitial cut scenes. Even games that generally strive to be funny incorporate humor into window dressing: In Grand Theft Auto, you can sow mayhem while listening to a mock-NPR that's broadcasting a roundtable discussion on violence.'"
Monkey Island (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Monkey Island (Score:2)
One of my favorites is "Eric the Unready".
Re:Monkey Island (Score:5, Insightful)
P.S. For all the geeks with a Pocket PC (what self-respecting geek is without one?), there's ScummVM ( http://www.scummvm.org/downloads.php ), which I've been using for MI 1-3 and great old games like DOTT (Day of The Tentacle for the newbie geeks). I highly recommend it.
Re:Monkey Island (Score:4, Funny)
ok, I'll say it if nobody else will (Score:4, Funny)
How appropriate, you fight like a cow.
Re:Monkey Island (Score:2)
I am rubber, you are glue.
Re: (Score:3, Insightful)
Misguided article (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:Misguided article (Score:2, Insightful)
Sigh, youngsters nowadays are so deprived. You've never played "Monkey Island" I suppose?
Re:Misguided article (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Misguided article (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Misguided article (Score:5, Funny)
Here's a whole page [berkeley.edu] devoted to this... uh... art form.
Re:Misguided article (Score:3, Funny)
Is it just me, or is that image funnier when you realize the Korean reads "Harrison Ford" for the character on the left and "Vishnu" for the one getting...ummm..."handled?"
Comment removed (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Misguided article (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Misguided article (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Misguided article (Score:3, Interesting)
I'll say. You go from one boring mini-game to another mini-game and back to the first mini-game... Like playing a boring "Strip Simon Says".
Re:Misguided article (Score:3, Interesting)
"Went to her room, she begged me to stay"
"We made love, now I am gay"
Re:Misguided article (Score:2)
Re:Misguided article (Score:2)
Re:Misguided article (Score:3, Insightful)
Frankly, one could make a GTA with all cut-scenes remade as comedy, not gangsta/mob films, but they they would be so out of sync with the gameplay itself. Jokes are something you create, not something that emerges from the gamepla
Re: (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:Misguided article (Score:3, Interesting)
First, there's always going to be a market for more traditional games. They are still releasing new entries in the Myst series, a new (good) graphic adventure slips out once a year or so, etc. Hell, even side-scrolling shoot-em-ups still get made.
Secondly, comedy is possible even if a game's primary goal is not comedy. I would use GTA as an example of this. Sure, you have your main mission arcs where the more serious events happen, but in between you're listening to hillarious so
What about Worms? (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Misguided article (Score:2)
Re:Misguided article (Score:2)
Re:Misguided article (Score:3, Informative)
Keep playing, then. One of the differences between GTA: VC and GTA: SA is that the radio content is dynamic -- especially WCTR. As you progress through the game, the contents of the shows change (i.e., you hear new episodes of "He Said, She Said") and the news that gets reported changes in accordance with the missions that you've
Lucasarts Adventures (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Lucasarts Adventures (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Lucasarts Adventures (Score:3, Insightful)
There are of course some games like 'DeusEx' or 'Beyond Good&Evi
Re:Lucasarts Adventures (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Lucasarts Adventures (Score:2)
Hey, do you remember the rubber tree joke, or the scene when G.T. had to make the dogs sleep with the meat+y.petal (assuring they aren't dead just sleeping
When there's enough fun (meaning not only the jokes and humor, of course) with a game, it can be a long lasting experience, that's for sure.
Grim Fandango (Score:3, Interesting)
"Run you pigeons, it's Robert Frost!"
Games are not funny (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Games are not funny (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Games are not funny (Score:2)
Ps. Programmers like stories, too.
Re:Games are not funny (Score:4, Insightful)
One reason that those old lucasarts adventures were so "successfully funny" was IMHO that there was no dead and no death end in the game. Whatever you did/tried, you couldnt die, and so you would check out cool stuff plus didnt have to endure the same stuff again and again...
No One Lives Forever (Score:5, Informative)
Re:No One Lives Forever (Score:5, Insightful)
Agreed. (Score:2, Interesting)
Harm Guard: "Too late for that!"
Baron Dumas: Hmm...I would have to say....er....Beowulf.
Cate: Ah... I was thinkin
DOH!! I wasn't supposed to post that! (Score:2)
Remind me to sleep.
Re:Agreed. (Score:2)
Yep, had my eye on a turnip for quite some time now
A turnip?
Not just any turnip. The world's biggest turnip.
Uh-huh. So what will you do - eat it?
You don't just eat the world's biggest turnip.
What, you make a wish on it or something?!?
Agreed. Some quotes as examples... (Score:4, Informative)
Harm Guard: "Too late for that!"
Baron Dumas: Hmm...I would have to say....er....Beowulf.
Cate: Ah... I was thinking of historical rather than fictional individuals.
Baron Dumas: Beowulf is a historal character.
Cate: You mean the Beowulf who slew Grendel and is mother?
Baron Dumas: Ah, yes: thats the one.
Cate: He's a FICTIONAL character.
Baron Dumas: YES, I know that, but there was also an HISTORICAL one.
Cate: The Beowulf who fought the dragon?
Baron Dumas: Indeed.
Cate: But there AREN'T any dragons. Unless you count the dinosaurs of course, but there weren't any of those wondering around during the time that Beowulf WOULD have lived, had he been a REAL person instead of a fictional one.
Baron Dumas: Are you quite sure?
Cate: Yes.
Baron Dumas: I see...
Thanks to NOLF Girl [nolfgirl.com] for a lot of these.
Re:No One Lives Forever (Score:3, Interesting)
LucasArts' Armed & Dangerous is pretty fun slapstick as well -- from the tea-brewing robot to shark launchers and topsy-turvy bombs -- and the cutscenes are just a hoot. And to top it off, it's hit the $10 bin.
Re:No One Lives Forever (Score:2)
Humor works a lot better if you don't piss off the player first. Such a waste, too, Tron 2.0 had such great sound, music, and graphics. But they had to screw it up by giving the enemies god aim and the player no way to restore health frequently.
Re:No One Lives Forever (Score:2)
But how in the world could you think that Armed and Dangerous was difficult and frustrating? This was one of the few games that I was able to breeze through fairly easily. Only 3 or 4 areas caused me problems- and those just meant that it took me 10 tries instead of one.
I thought it was a great game, and some of the funniest stuff I've seen for a long, long time.
Re:No One Lives Forever (Score:2)
So far, load times seem to be the only motivation for upgrading my machine, as everything still runs at a playable speed, even Doom 3.
Humor in games in the past 20 years (Score:5, Interesting)
Infocom's Zork and Enchanter series had a lot of gags. Planetfall and Hitchhiker's Guide were, too.
Bard's Tale, as the aticle mentioned. But Keef the Thief and Escape from Hell were funnier. There were quite a few funny cut scenes in one of the Duke Nukem games--I remember Duke ripped off a defeated alien's head and, uh, took care of business down its throat...
I think gaming used to be geekier and have more self-depracating and sarcastic humor. Later, console systems opened gaming up to a younger and less geeky population, and games became more fast-paced and serious.
These days, it seems that Blizzard is keeping up the humor tradition more than most other publishers.
Re:Humor in games in the past 20 years (Score:4, Funny)
What about games (Score:5, Funny)
Re:What about games (Score:5, Funny)
Usually before I kill my monkey I make sure there aren't other people around. Common courtesy, you know.
But whatever works for your friends, sounds great!
Slapstick, FPS-style (Score:3, Insightful)
Sadly, I always sucked at the funniest games - even Monkey Island had me reaching for a walkthrough every ten minutes or so, because whil
Re:What about games (Score:2)
I was laughing my ass off when I saw footage of that game. You may have seen it before. It's that one where you have to roll a ball around streets and parks, etc., and have to pick up objects with it. Eventually, the ball gets big enough that you're picking up innocent old ladies and then cars, buses and buildings. By the end, there's so much crap rolling around it just looks hilarious.
Monkey Island is still good for a laugh but (Score:5, Funny)
The cutscenes are brilliant but the comedy is left out of the action with the exception of the various cockney aliens chiming in with progress reports and saying things like "Oooh my leg!".
And as for comedy being annoying upon repetition. I could play Monkey Island till Guybrush Threepwood actuall becomes a mighty pirate.
Come on people! Bob, Float, Drift? What's NOT to love about that series!?
Who wants to see Mario do slapstick over and over? (Score:5, Insightful)
Maybe the reason games are low on humour is because most jokes are only funny once or twice, whereas a game needs to be playable many, many times. If playing the game a second time is like watching reruns of Fresh Prince in Bel-Air, I'd rather not.
Of course, there is comedy that will always be funny, such as Monty Python, but who dares create a complete game hoping that all or most of the comedy will last?
The Incredible Machines and Day of the Tentacle are two of my favourite old games with lots humour. But I think the reason I still like them is because I haven't played them for a long time.
Re:Who wants to see Mario do slapstick over and ov (Score:2)
From the beginning to the end, perhaps. The article does mention between-level humour, but (if I read it correctly) asks for in-game humour. That will drive you crazy if, for example, as tepples writes, you need 29 lives to complete a level, and the same joke is repeated each time.
Player-created humour, now that's something completely different, and unavoidable. It doesn't have much to do with the game itself, I think, but the players.
I just remembered th
Games should be fun (Score:4, Insightful)
Comedy takes a certain mindset. You have to program the user with a setup, then redirect them to the punch line. That's a different plot than blowing up an alien mother ship or whatever.
Comedy is usually only funny once. By the time the designer has seen it for the six hundredth time, it's not funny to them any more. By the time the user has seen the gag a few times, they're bored with it. By contrast, I still pull out Doom 2 now and then.
Re:Games should be fun (Score:5, Insightful)
Good comedy is not funny just once. How often will you throw in a comedy into the vcr/dvd you've seen a hundred times and laugh just as hard as you did the first time? If it was well written and done write, you'll do it every time. Most games do not fall into the well written category.
Re:Games should be fun (Score:2)
Who wouldn't laugh at 'All your base are belong to us' or 'In Soviet Russia, the game laughs at you'.
Oh, I see what you mean.
Scripted comedy... no thanks (Score:5, Insightful)
Maybe I'm just twisted.
I don't think traditional comedy will work in games... you tend to get in-jokes in games, which is ok because those playing the games will usually get it. Jokes that are scripted and get forced at you again and again as you replay, whilst they may have been funny the first few times, they almost certainly aren't after a few dozen.
In my opinion, scripted humour can not replace gameplay touches that allow the player to make their own fun.
Re:Scripted comedy... no thanks (Score:2)
Who needs intentional humor (Score:5, Funny)
The President has been kidnapped by ninjas. Are you a bad enough dude to rescue the President?
Re:Who needs intentional humor (Score:5, Informative)
Zany Video Game Quotes [overclocked.org]
My favorite in game humor... Warcraft/Starcraft (Score:5, Funny)
"I'll attract the enemy with my human mating call. I'm so wasted! I'm so wasted!" -- The Dryad
Re:My favorite in game humor... Warcraft/Starcraft (Score:3, Funny)
Human Footman: "In the full version, I'm much funnier."
Orc Peon: "You go buy full version now." "You buy full version.. pleeeease???" "You buy full version or I sing. Yah yah yah yah..."
Keeping the orc from singing was reason enough to buy the full game, methinks.
Re:My favorite in game humor... Warcraft/Starcraft (Score:5, Funny)
"Once you head down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny... and you get dental." -- The Acolyte
The Dryad had some of the funniest lines, though. "I dont reveal much on the minimap. *sniff* It's all my fault."
Re:My favorite in game humor... Warcraft/Starcraft (Score:5, Funny)
"I love the dead. Frequently." -- WC3 Necromancer
Not any more (Score:5, Insightful)
I have seen some humor left but it is either background, in jokes, or specific. Case in point, alot of the quest givers in WoW have some funny stuff to say and the voice emotes are a riot but the game itself is pretty serious.
One thing that people fail to mention is the switch in humor in the games has worked. People are buying these games or subscribing to the serives in record numbers even in this declining economy. Weither or not any of us agree with humor in games in its current incarnation it moot really. Pander to the lowest common denominator and make lots of money. Sad but true.
Yegads! (Score:2)
They praise HHGTTG (text-based game), yet I know several people who found that game very, very unfun, due to the gameplay.
Its not enough to have gags if the gameplay has problems.
Just my $.02
Re:Yegads! (Score:3, Funny)
Comment removed (Score:5, Funny)
sierra (Score:5, Funny)
Re:sierra (Score:2)
Maybe not a great gameplay, but lots of dirty jokes...
Two games wirth comedy as the centerpiece (Score:2)
http://www.omnytex.com/ [omnytex.com]
http://omnytex.com/kgarcade/ [omnytex.com]
http://omnytex.com/products_invasion_info.shtml/ [omnytex.com]
They have two games for the PocketPC, Invasion: Trivia! and K&G Arcade. They both star two aliens named Krelmac and Gentoo. You could describe them as a cross between Kang/Kodos and Beavis/Butthead. The games are rather fun but most importantly are comedy-focused. Naturally as with all comedy whether you find it funny or not is subjective, but ple
Space Quest! (Score:3, Insightful)
Duke Nukem 3D (Score:5, Interesting)
One of the things I found very funny was that you could actually "use" the toilets in the game. If you walked up to one of the urinals and pressed the "use" button, Duke would do a wee wee and flush the toilet.
One day I was playing it over a direct modem connection with a friend. He shot me in the face with a rocket. I jumped up and backwards, breaking my chair in the process.
I don't have time to play games nowadays, and I don't have Windows, so my choice is severely limited anyway. Xbill is about my limit now.
Re:Duke Nukem 3D (Score:2)
Re:Duke Nukem 3D (Score:2)
Re:Duke Nukem 3D (Score:4, Informative)
Duke Nukem 3d for Linux [icculus.org]. With TCP/IP networking.
Name a time. And tell your wife that yes, you do have time.
Re:Duke Nukem 3D (Score:3, Informative)
I remember that. *grin*
Or how about the scenes in the strip joints? You could go up to the strippers and tip them, and they'd show you their boobs.
Re:Duke Nukem 3D (Score:4, Informative)
Minesweeper (Score:4, Funny)
Mario (Score:2, Troll)
Similarly, the sound the 1-wood makes when you miss the ball while swinging in Lee Trevino's Fighting Gold is extremely funny to me.
Simpsons: Hit And Run (Score:2)
Of course the Lucasarts classics are still the best, but in today's age where mass appeal is crucial, it's hard to find jokes that everyone will get, let alone find humorous.
Re:Simpsons: Hit And Run (Score:2)
And the other night in GTA:San Andreas when I was trying to escape the po-leece, and I drove off a cliff. :-)
What about Star Control 2? (Score:2)
Games included with Linux Distros (Score:2)
Unscripted is the best comedy (Score:4, Insightful)
What do you bet a producer somewhere is reading this and saying "A-ha! If unscripted comedy is funny
System Shock (Score:2, Interesting)
Sierra's Space Quest (Score:5, Insightful)
The games were also very self referential. In one game (SP3) you had to save thinly veiled versions of the two guys who wrote the game. In another (SQ4) you travelled back in forth in time within the Space Quest series jumping from the original game into a game that hasn't yet been made like Space Quest 14).
My favorite line came from a moment when you asked to "get" a ladder and the game responded. "You get the ladder and put it in your pocket... Ouch."
Ah, the memories. That's some good abandonware.
Re:Sierra's Space Quest (Score:3, Funny)
King's Quest (Score:3, Insightful)
Re: (Score:2)
Re:Monkey Island (Score:2)
Add to that most LucasArts adventures (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:This would be fun.. (Score:2, Funny)
Well at least he whom you call a "towelhead" knows where his towel is.
Re:This would be fun.. (Score:2)
Some things never change, do they?
Re:This would be fun.. (Score:4, Insightful)
That's OK. They'll come out with a special Eurepean version where you run over Jews. It'll be a big seller in France.
Go ahead. Accuse me of generalizing about whole nations based on the bigoted words of a few. I dare you.
Re:Based on bottom (the UK comedy) (Score:3, Informative)
Once again Ade Edmondson was the complete bastard as punk Vivian. The "How to be a Complete Bastard" bit came up origionaly for the Young Ones Batchelor Boys book (and later a book of its own, then the board game, then the spectrum/ C64 game)
Also like real life... (Score:2)