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2004 Video Game Walk of Fame Inductees 34

The Metreon's Walk of Game, discussed previously, has chosen the first inductees. From the article: "Lifetime Achievement category - Shigeru Miyamoto, Nolan Bushnell. Favorite Game/Character - Halo, Link, Mario, Sonic The Hedgehog" Congratulations to every man and hedgehog who won the honor.
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2004 Video Game Walk of Fame Inductees

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  • by fireduck ( 197000 ) on Wednesday November 24, 2004 @01:42PM (#10911035)
    i've never understood these "hall of fame" type things and why a game that's just a few years old, like Halo, makes the list over something like Pac-Man, or if we're sticking to the revolutionary FPS category, Half-Life or Goldeneye (and even those are arguable, but at least have been around long enough to be more than a popularity contest).

    It's like MTV's video awards. If anyone serious were judging these categories, best video would go to a band like Tool, who makes these amazing pieces of work. Instead we get a popularity contest and best video really goes to most overproduced pop drivel song with dancing on the screen.
    • We're dealing with an industry that's only 20 to 30 years old, depending on how you look at things. It's not like the Oscars, or the Tonys with a media that has been around for forever and a day. Of course the new and hot items are going to get top billing, top voting.
    • by samsmithnz ( 702471 ) on Wednesday November 24, 2004 @02:24PM (#10911410) Homepage
      I agree, they should vote for games that are at least 10 years old and have stood up to the test of time...
    • Agreed. If any FPS deserves to be up there it's Doom. There are at least a couple of dozen or so games that would have been better. Not because I think Halo is a terrible game, but Halo has yet to stand up to the test of time. My vote is for Tetris or Pac-Man.
      • I agree that Halo should not be up there, but remember the FPS that PCGamer called the Doom Killer: Parallax Software and InterPlay's Descent. Now THAT game deserves a spot on this hall of fame. It may not have been quite as popular as Doom, or Quake, but it was much more developed. It's still the only first person shooter to allow for maneuvering in six degrees of freedom, each degree completely independent from the others. Even today, Descent is one of the most complete first person shooters. I agree tha
    • by LWATCDR ( 28044 ) on Wednesday November 24, 2004 @02:36PM (#10911540) Homepage Journal
      I have to admit that not including Pac-Man, Space Invaders, Battlezone, Frogger, Spacewars, Adventure, Planetfall, Kingsquest, Zork and a few hundred other games seems to be very odd. Halo but not Doom or Quake?
      BTW comparing a hall of fame to the video music awards is just wrong. The VMA are supposed to be a snap shot in time of what is popular at the moment. Hall of Fame is different. These are people or things that have stood the test of time. Mario was the one that I thought fit that category and maybe Link.
      • BTW comparing a hall of fame to the video music awards is just wrong.

        I agree. However, I was comparing them in the sense that Halo's inclusion was more due to its current popularity, rather than it being something that fits the category (standing the test of time), in much the same way that most popular award shows give awards based on popularity.

        As for the actual list of potential inductees, it can be found here []. The other 2 FPSs on the list were Doom and Half-life. Popularity-wise, sure Halo deserves
    • Tool / APC actually hires good directors. I know Maynard used David Fincher for APC's first single. Also I believe 'Sober' was directed by Svankmajer, or a very good copy-cat (those two brothers that did Institut Benjamenta?). I would check, but I'm lazy.
  • I'm Sorry, But.... (Score:4, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday November 24, 2004 @02:26PM (#10911432)
    Halo should not be on this list. Before you flame me or accuse me of trolling, I want to say that I really like Halo and Halo 2.

    I just think that any franchise or character that only spans 2 games should not be eligible for a spot in any kind of hall of fame. It's like putting someone in a sports hall of fame who's only played for 2 seasons.

    To summarize: Mario - yes. Sonic - yes. Halo - not yet.
    • While I agree that Halo should not have been in the hall of fame, I don't agree with your reasoning. A great game can be great and influential, no matter how many games have appeared in the series (or lackthereof). An athlete can be inducted into the hall of fame playing one season, so long as what he did was extremely great. It is just more likely to put him in the hall of fame after seeing time go by and realizing what he did truly was extraordinary.
      • In response to my own post, ask just about any fan of Kid Icarus if they think it deserves to be in a hall of fame of some sort. I can almost guarantee the answer to be 'yes', even though there was only ever one Kid Icarus.
    • Eh, just count Marathon as being the precusor to Halo, which they clearly are, and Halo becomes 5 games, which should be enough.
  • If you're going to put a FPS in there it MUST be Doom. There is no question about it.
    • Why Doom? WHy is that the one game people remember? If I'm not mistaken, Castle Wolfenstein was released prior to Doom (please, correct me if I'm wrong). Maybe it's just me, but I would vote for CW way ahead of Doom. Also, Halo definitely does not deserve to be in the same category as Mario or Sonic. And where's Tetris?
      • Dynamic lights, non-block walls, different heights... and let's not forget the best characters, staring in any FPS since: the Shotgun and the RPG.
    • Heh. Try Marathon. Same time frame, superior experience.
  • Halo was a character?

    I remember he appeared in a game called "Master Chief".
    Wiki de Ciencia Ficcion y Fantasia []
  • "Lifetime Achievement category - Shigeru Miyamoto, Nolan Bushnell. Favorite Game/Character - Halo, Link, Mario, Sonic The Hedgehog"

    One of these things just doesn't belong...

  • "the top two Lifetime Achievers and top four Games/Characters."

    That's why it's listed as Halo and not Master Chief.

    And for those that think it doesn't deserve to be in a Hall of Fame...

    It singlehandedly MADE the xbox a viable platform and has been one of the most successful games of all time. It's also been out for over 4 years. And lastly, it's sequel did $100 million on day one. I'd say that's worthy of Hall of Fame recognition.

    I'm not a huge Halo fan because I can't stand console controllers for F
    • It singlehandedly MADE the xbox a viable platform and has been one of the most successful games of all time

      No it's not. In fact, it's not even close. With the amount of XBox's sold it's not even possible for Halo to sell 1/2 of what the Sims or Myst did. The most popular Playstation and PS2 games dwarf the sales of Halo.

      In the past 20 years over 160 million Mario games have been sold. At the top of the list, more than 40 million copies of Super Mario Brothers were sold on the NES and 20.6 million copi

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